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单词 Heuristic
(1) The positive heuristic is comprised of rough guidelines indicating how the research programme might be developed.
(2) A prime example occurs during search with heuristic rules, in the choice of a rule from a conflict set.
(3) The heuristic nature of this argument is explicitly recognized, but its dynamical consequences are of interest.
(4) We stress that the list serves a heuristic purpose: it enables us to collect data on a fairly systematic basis.
(5) A good heuristic function is a function f on states which tends to be large on nodes on paths to goals.
(6) The figure is a heuristic device to illustrate this trade - off in stark terms.
(7) It belongs to heuristic optimization methods.
(8) This paper studies the weighting techniques in heuristic search.
(9) ACS; TSP; feedback factor; heuristic crossover operator; pheromone.
(10) Heuristic rule; Genetic algorithm; reactive power optimization.
(11) A heuristic algorithm for rapid formation of the explosion fragments is proposed.
(12) In reasoning mechanism, two kinds of strategy: heuristic forward and backward reasoning method are adopted, and blackboard structure which is a common dynamic data area being applied.
(13) Heuristic scheduling algorithm is a simple multi - task scheduling algorithm with good performance distributed system.
(14) We propose a stochastic heuristic search algorithm that can suppress the noise, thus linking edge points effectively to form a continuous edge.
(15) The simulation results show that the new heuristic algorithm brings about better resource utilization and more balanced resource capacity assignment than the previous ones.
(16) Up to now, some heuristic algorithms have been proposed for learning from examples based on extension matrix theory.
(17) A heuristic method combined genetic algorithm and parameter linear programming is proposed to the FCLSP. A simulation example shows that the method is effective.
(18) A new heuristic circuit partitioning approach based on F-M algorithm is presented in this paper.
(19) Such pithy pronouncements on what a discipline is about can be only of heuristic guidance.
(20) The degree of such autonomy is neatly captured by Bourdieu via the economic heuristic.
(21) Newton himself, faced with a definite programme, that is, guided by a positive heuristic, made considerable progress.
(22) Order is maintained by the inviolability of the hard core of a programme and by the positive heuristic that accompanies it.
(23) The Situationists' strategy consisted of an exploratory utopianism - a kind of heuristic projection of a future society.
(24) Searching the text-searchable parts you are interested in does not require an heuristic approach.
(25) To throw the disassembly off, the garbage data may be crafted so that it matches a valid instruction, thus beating a heuristic that validates the instruction after the jump instruction.
(26) The feasibility and advantage of using artificial intelligence AND/OR tree heuristic search were pointed out.
(27) This paper presents a method for converting vector words into matrix words by using edge chain codes as heuristic knowledge to fill the words, thus makes the vec...
(28) The contour recognition and extraction could be realized based on image pre-processing technique and heuristic search algorithm.
(29) In order to deal with the complexity of mixed load problem, a similarity coefficient definition of different specification of steel slab is given, and a heuristic approach is addressed.
(30) Aige Long College is committed to the concept of guidance and heuristic education, young people bring out their potential.
(31) The two minimum cover problem are NP-HARD all. So we can calculate the near-optimum solution with heuristic algorithm.
(32) A fuzzy presentation in a recognition process and heuristic search algorithm based on membership grade are proposed in this paper.
(33) Finally, a heuristic algorithm is proposed to move the wires out of the obstacles.
(34) Results:The effect of using of heuristic Education in medical clinical education is better than using traditional method from internship self-assessment and evaluation of teachers.
(35) It absorbs the strong points of the heuristic method and dynamic programming method in solving such problems, and overcomes the tediousness of the above methods.
(36) To the change of the flow due to failure, it presents a heuristic algorithm to make local improvement for network.
(37) Ant colony algorithm is a new heuristic optimization method and it has many merits.
(38) This paper proposes combining a heuristic random searching strategy with a local optimization algorithm(), and names it Mixed Global Optimization Algorithm (MGOA) to overcome the difficulties.
(39) Also, fault collapsing and heuristic information used in testing process are analysed.
(40) In order to search for the optimizing solutions of tool switching problem effectively, a beam search based heuristic algorithm is put forward for formulating heuristic solution space of the problem.
(41) An efficient heuristic search algorithm is proposed to obtain discriminative high-order features.
(42) To reduce the resource competition among workflow instances, three method are given: heuristic rule based method, locking strategy and ant-generation blend algorithm based method.
(43) Two heuristic strategies for solving satisfiability ( SAT ) problem were presented.
(44) The heuristic function consists of condition possibility of fault and search cost.
(45) Human parameters and heuristic rule-base for identification are designed and constructed such that postures such as stand, sit, squat, kneel, and lie can be identified.
(46) As a heuristic search algorithm, genetic algorithm has strong global search ability,[] and is highly robust and very suitable for application to the routing problem.
(47) In view of the complex Container Loading Problem (CLP), the optimal loading plan with heuristic information and the ant colony algorithm was proposed.
(48) The genetic algorithm, the parameter linear programming method and a heuristic method were used in the developed method.
(49) But the RWA in mesh networks is a NP-hard problem which can not be solved optimally with exhaustive search in the endurable time. Hence, we designed a heuristic algorithm to solve it.
(50) A heuristic method at functional unit allocation is also presented to improve the clique partition algorithm.
(51) This dissertation defines the heuristic information in ACO properly and designs the corresponding ACO's state transition rule and pheromone updating rule.
(52) A heuristic algorithm based on conditional information entropy for knowledge reduction is proposed, and the complexity of this algorithm is analyzed.
(53) Besides, some heuristic knowledge should be developed to guide the dynamic hierarchical distribution of the control.
(54) Otherwise the slices are ordered by lexicographic ordering of their identifiers (which is a heuristic, but definite, ordering).
(55) Lagrangian relaxation heuristic algorithm is designed to solve the model by equivalent transformation.
(56) The simulation result shows that DBTP can both achieve the admission rate of members highly under whether static or dynamic node model through choosing a proper value of the heuristic parameter.
(57) The heuristic searching algorithm maximizes the fitness of the additional constraint set, thereby reaches the final result that can satisfy the user's expectation.
(58) To fix this, we need a more complex filtering heuristic.
(59) As a sort of educational thoughts and practice, the thoughts of heuristic education have a long history in China.
(60) Resource search is a popular application area of P2P networks and the ant colony algorithm (ACA) is a heuristic approach inspired by the foraging behavior of real ants.
(61) Uncertain face detection is solved by heuristic algorithm, which is invulnerable to gesture, expression and accessories.
(62) The second-phase heuristic based on best-first search method and min-heap property is developed to improve the initial solution.
(63) Researchers in decision-making and reasoning have recently proposed that there are two distinct cognitive systems: heuristic system and controlled analytic system.
(64) A heuristic algorithm is developed for model solution and an numerical example to test the results.
(65) Finally a numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the heuristic algorithm and model.
(66) Heuristic knowledge reduction approach based on discernibility matrix and strong compressible set is proposed.
(67) Fuzzy systems are good at expressing human heuristic knowledge and processing fuzzy information.
(68) This paper proposes a new rough set-based heuristic function called weighted average support heuristic.
(69) A search engine of document information is improved and a heuristic search strategy with multithreading and distributing is implemented. It introduces fuzzy retrieval model on the object documents.
(70) Based on conditional information quantity, a heuristic algorithm for assignment reduction is presented, and the complexity of this algorithm is analyzed.
(71) The dissertation presents a heuristic algorithm of modified Minimum Spanning Tree(MST) for solving the mathematical model of the refuse collection problem.
(72) His thoughts of Meta-cognition, fused into cognitive activity of mathematics, serves as a basic requirement of heuristic approach as well as a treasure house of meta-cognition.
(73) Additionally, using the heuristic information, this paper proposes a solving data noise problem method.
(74) Based on reality, this article use simulated annealing approach to resolve the packing problem, which is given the initial layout by the heuristic approach.
(75) This paper gives a heuristic algorithm DLPT for bin packing problem by using LPT algorithm of scheduling theory and binary search method.
(76) A heuristic algorithm for mapping problem of the network emulation testbed was presented.
(77) With its heuristic power of control[/heuristic.html], nanotechnology is considered as a potential field of ethical inquiry.
(78) Objective: Application of heuristic teaching idea is studied in genetics teaching.
(79) Based on this index structure, a set of heuristic pruning rules is used, which greatly reduces the times of domination test.
(80) While coalescing via boundary tags and best-fit via binning represent the main ideas of the algorithm, further considerations lead to a number of heuristic improvements.
(81) BP algorithm improvements There are two main ways of using a heuristic approach to learning Another is the use of a more effective method of optimization.
(82) Using pheromone and heuristic function, an ant moving direction can be determined during global searching.
(83) The probability model has some heuristic function and help significance for the research, analysis, design and application of MAM.
(84) The study used the protocol analysis showed that the framework is a kind of knowledge structure and an effective heuristic strategy of problem solving.
(85) Combining a heuristic random searching strategy with local optimal algorithms is effective solution for complex optimization problem.
(86) We design a heuristic rule for retailers to decide whether to transfer their stock or not, and provide an approximate technique to evaluate the transfer policy in this system.
(87) When the number of devices in a layout is more than 15, this problem will turn to a NP complete problem, only by a heuristic algorithm can an approximate optimum solution be found.
(88) We used the generated data for testing our heuristic approach discussed in the previous section.
(89) In the literature of negotiation strategy, there are three main research methods, known as game theory, heuristic approach and argumentation based negotiation.
(90) A new combinatorial dispatching rule, RAN ( FCFS, ODD ), and a heuristic method are designed.
(91) Finally, a heuristic algorithm for knowledge reduction is designed and an efficient algorithm for computing conditional information entropy is proposed.
(92) The paper offer a new heuristic attribute reduction algorithm based on conditional granularity entropy , thou.
(93) With this heuristic, predicates are applied as soon as possible (as close to table access as possible) in the query.
(94) This paper presented a new heuristic algorithm for the 3 - dimension pallet loading problem with non - identical items.
(95) The EBLLD algorithm uses the local multicast mechanism, orders and sorts the outgoing link with the heuristic function and entropy metric to reduce the message overhead.
(96) Analyzed is up-down algorithm, a heuristic processor allocation algorithm, and improvement of this algorithm is proposed, It shortens mean time to respond.
(97) The proposed algorithm incorporates the thoughts of heuristic algorithm, randomized algorithm and local optimization.
(98) This paper presents a learning problem from positive examples based on multiple valued minimization paradigm. A new heuristic algorithm for the problem is given.
(99) Blink testing represents an oracle heuristic I find quite helpful, quite often.
(100) A heuristic approach to container loading of rectangular objects by using ternary tree structure to represent the packing space is proposed.
(101) Then the linguistic heuristic rule is integrated to identify the border of collections, by part-of-speech filter and sliding window. Finally, an approach of collocation extraction is formulated.
(102) For motion correspondence problem of highly similar multi-objects, the paper proposes a novel heuristic criterion with a relaxation algorithm to obtain its optimal solution.
(103) By using a subset of all the text-searchable parts, you can obtain the desired result from search and present to the user the expected result, without needing to take an heuristic approach.
(104) This article reviews applications of heuristic didactics to pharmacology teaching.
(105) A heuristic strategy is presented to solve the point location in flat surface close curve.
(106) To complete the autofocus course soon,[http:///heuristic.html] a set of heuristic search method was applied.
(107) The heuristic rule is to reduce the range of feasible solution and distributed genetic algorithm is to solve the optimization.
(108) Finally, we applied heuristic search method to link video object contour's edge points, sequentially extracted video object.
(109) Conclusion:To use the heuristic Education models in medical clinical education, the students intern a stronger motivation to learn, make more effective.
(110) We are present a heuristic algorithm of logic synthesis fitted to large number of input variable.
(111) Finally, a heuristic search for the optimality would be performed under the constraints.
(112) A hybrid method is used to solve the model, which combines a heuristic unit commitment method with an extended feasible direction method for dynamic economic dispatch with piecewise cost functions.
(113) The Theory transcends and brings heuristic education to a great height of development.
(114) We probe teaching in interest and heuristic method in probability statistics course, and culture students' ability in every aspect. As application, we obtain the good effect.
(115) A heuristic strategy is presented to solve the point location problem in spherical triangulation mesh.
(116) Then, a heuristic breadth-first search is applied for path planning to find an optimal path from an original position to an aim, directing virtual human walkthrough in environments.
(117) The ventilation index system is deduced by using heuristic algorithm on basis of rough set theory.
(118) Three important criteria are proposed and used to generate a good initial solution in the first-phase heuristic.
(119) Following theoretical analysis, an efficent heuristic algorithm combined with the branch-and-bound algorithm was developed.
(120) The results of the experiment indicate that: 1 To teach Grade-Four students of primary schools a certain heuristic rule of paragraphing in a period of time can be successful.
(121) Here, we present a comprehensive R-package for the analysis of biological networks including an exact and a heuristic approach to identify functional modules.
(122) The method gives out the presentation be constrained to objects into pipeline by using collision matrix, and findsout scheduling model with goal-oriented optimization by heuristic search.
(123) Thus, this paper proposes a heuristic Immune Algorithm (IA) based on two-dimensional chromosome encoding to overcome the combination explosion in view of more network nodes.
(124) In the next article, we'll examine the algorithmic approach, in which third parties use structural and heuristic techniques to derive machine-readable semantics from HTML Web pages targeted at people.
(125) The heuristic implicit enumeration presented in this thesis can effectively solve this kind of problems. It is different from other algorithms, such as simplex, cutting plane method, etc.
(126) Secondly, for the purpose of speeding up the process and ensuring the randomicity and universality, heuristic knowledge is added to endpoint initializing in the construction of original population.
(127) A decomposition heuristic algorithm was developed to solve the single machine total tardiness problem.
(128) A heuristic method combined genetic algorithm and parameter linear programming is proposed to the FCLSP.
(129) Moreover, a heuristic is proposed to simplify the computation of variable discount factor when the process disturbance follows MA(1).
(130) A mobile agent-based heuristic depth-first coloration spanning tree algorithm is proposed. The algorithm is exploited to divide a gigantic network into several small-scale sub-networks.
(131) Firstly, subgoal choosing is optimized by using heuristic function according to the window's information, it is local environment's information, which is obtained by camera.
(132) Gibbs sampling is essentially a heuristic method, and it is easy to trap into a non-optimal "local maximum".
(133) There are many usability evaluation methods of which Heuristic evaluation and usability testing are two commonly used methods.
(134) A sequential optimization heuristic algorithm (SOH) is also presented to resolve practical scale ST TFMP2 models in a limited time.
(135) In this paper, a local-optimization method oriented to frequently occurring faults is presented. A heuristic fault diagnosis algorithm with fewer probing operations is also discussed.
(136) In the conveyer system of AS/RS, the solution of the route dispatching for the flexible and intelligent conveyer equipment -Automated Guided Vehicle(AGV) is provided using the heuristic algorithm.
(136) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(137) A bilevel programming model and heuristic solution algorithm is proposed to model the continuous equilibrium network design problem with elastic demand.
(138) Heuristic function of ecological metaphors is revealed through the detailed analysis of ecological metaphors of water in the Chinese context.
(139) Search strategy has largely blind search and heuristic search two categories.
(140) A new mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model for the single hoist cyclic scheduling is developed, and based on this MILP model, a heuristic method together with linear programming is proposed.
(141) This paper adopts an heuristic search technique to improve the algorithms on their speed.
(142) A bilevel programming model and heuristic solution algorithm based on sensitivity analysis is proposed to model the continuous equilibrium network design with elastic demand.
(143) Then taken the ECT solution as feasible initial solution, the final solution was improved by using a heuristic algorithm.
(144) Constrained two-dimensional stock cutting algorithm based on heuristic regulation is given in this paper.
(145) This article reviews the applications of heuristic didactics to pharmacology teaching.
(146) Terminology's heuristic function can be further divided into systematizing function, modeling function and prognostic function.
(147) In addition, it uses the heuristic mutation to optimize tours, generate disarrangement effect and avoid precocity .
(148) We propose a novel heuristic approximation algorithm and our algorithm is constant approximation algorithm.
(149) With the advantage of parallel calculation, heuristic algorithm has been used in the research.
(150) A heuristic tool group algorithm based on experiences and knowledge judgments is presented.
(151) This is a simple idea but surprisingly rare in today's computer field, where heuristic (meaning "educated guess") approaches seem to be favored.
(152) The reasonable remained time is found by heuristic mechanism. Function block task and communication task are scheduled together based on the remained time.
(153) In this paper we present a text location algorithm based on heuristic knowledge and machinery learning.
(154) This paper carefully analyzes various usability testing methods and establishes Information Architecture Evaluation Methodology which is made up of heuristic evaluation and user testing.
(155) It has been proved the computation of minimal reduction and full reduction both is NP-hard problem, in artificial intelligence the common way is to employ heuristic knowledge to reduce.
(156) A new heuristic function to build decision trees based on variable precision rough set is proposed.
(157) According to quantitative parameters mapping relation, heuristic knowledge acquisition strategy based on qualitative reasoning and data mining is proposed.
(158) And we choose a heuristic algorithm to ensure the effectiveness and speed of the reduction.
(159) Essentially genetic algorithm is a kind of robust heuristic random searching algorithm used to deal with the complicated problems.
(160) Second, combining with the result of first step, it carries out branch exchange by using heuristic rule to reduce the defect due to using a method independently and improve the optimization effect.
(161) Its implications for instruction are shaping good knowledge structure, providing do-nothing education and heuristic education.
(162) New heuristic algorithm for one dimensional logical gate placement is presented in this paper .
(163) On the basis of obstruction information on a routing plane, this router has a high efficiency in time and and space by using the heuristic technique in artificial intelligence.
(164) The expert knowledge library for Daya Bay and Qinshan phase II NPP has been established based on expert knowledge, and the reload core loading pattern heuristic search is performed with this library.
(165) The fold distance of the heuristic function was used instead of its direct distance.
(166) Develops cutting plane methods, integral basis methods, enumerative and heuristic methods and approximation algorithms.
(166) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(167) The main usability evaluation methods include heuristic evaluation, usability testing, cognitive walk-through and action analysis.
(168) In this paper, three heuristic rules were brought forward for obtaining a centroid vector corresponding to a root set.
(169) Finding an optimal scheduling for such an environment is a NP-hard problem, and so heuristic approaches must be used in general to get an optimal approximation solution.
(170) Based on set partition, heuristic greedy arithmetic and edge exchange algorithm, this paper presents a feasible optimizational algorithm for the logistics distribution.
(171) To reduce the total number of reshuffles for retrieving the containers, a hybrid algorithm, which combines heuristic rule and distributed genetic algorithm, is employed to solve the model.
(172) Fault detection is performed through the knowledge based system, where fault detection heuristic rules have been generated from deep and shaoolw knowledge of the process.
(173) First form feature model of automobile panel is established. Then a new heuristic rule-based feature recognition algorithm is present ad to recognize hole features and flange features.
(174) A heuristic procedure is also proposed, which applies the LPT rule as its starting solution, together with a neighbourhood search based on pairwise interchanges.
(175) This algorithm employs probes to search feasible paths in parallel, and uses heuristic functions to randomly select a suitable next node.
(176) The heuristic algorithm for at tribute reduction is unified for consistent and inconsistent decision tables and an efficient algorithm for computing conditional information quantity is designed.
(177) Many application dilemmas, such as uneven space division, an excessive number of heuristic parameters, poor adaption to dense track scenes, can be avoided by the new algorithm.
(178) Connect6 game system is divided into 4 parts: UI, data structure, search engine and evaluation function, and then the heuristic search is applied to optimize the searching engine.
(179) And the article also discusses some heuristic function of the textual interaction theory in teaching of reading comprehension.
(180) This article analyzes this heuristic method with the aid of the example the validity.
(181) Specific heuristic teaching techniques contain questioning , rhetorical question, inquiring , contrasting, discussing and debating techniques.
(182) A heuristic programming method is presented based on the characteristics of concurrent activities in the product development process.
(183) In inference procedure, the authors use methods of confidence factor, heuristic, planning and constraint.
(184) By combining heuristic rule and case, we put forward a collision solution support technique by integrating case-based and rule-based reasoning.
(185) The heuristic teaching also needs to have the development along with the time request.
(186) After describing real application, it presents the best location query, the priority of target object, the heuristic rule to delete data objects, and analyzes the time complexity of the algorithm.
(187) Beam search is a heuristic search algorithm that is an optimization of best-first search that reduces its memory requirement.
(188) The heuristic approach was used to solve the optimization model to determine the optimal allocation and size of distributed generation.
(189) Based on the whole network topology information obtained by the K-hops clustering location management scheme, it adopts a heuristic search algorithm to realize optimal geo-routing.
(190) A heuristic Channel Separation based Channel Assignment(CSCA) algorithm is proposed to combat the mesh wireless interference.
(191) Under certain hypothesis a heuristic search can be considered as a random sampling process. Thus, it is possible to transfer the statistical inference method to the heuristic search.
(192) Ant colony algorithm is a kind of swarm intelligence heuristic approach that inspired from ants finding foods.
(193) In order to build up the calculating formula of the lateral stiffness for the bell shape rubber spring, a group of heuristic functions are assumed with regard to its deformed feature.
(194) Based on set partition, heuristic greedy arithmetic and edge exchange algorithm, this paper presents a feasible optimizational algorithm for the logistics distributio.
(195) Combining with the heuristic knowledge, an integer coding based hybrid genetic algorithm for the mission assigning problem is proposed.
(196) A heuristic approach was then proposed by modifying the algorithm of 1.Sentence dictionary
(197) The use of genetic algorithm (GA) as heuristic search method to solve the single machine scheduling problems with fuzzy parameters based on possibility theory is considered.
(198) After a discussion on the basic operations of neighborhood heuristic algorithm, a simple heuristic greedy method is presented in this paper, in which only distances between all the cities are used.
(199) Taking into account many restrict condition, found the math model of planning, design of the heuristic optimize method which was based on the minimal tree.
(200) Because optional location model is NP problem, use heuristic algorithm to undertake begging solving.
(201) It's NP hard to schedule re-entrant lines for its complexity. Genetic algorithm and heuristic scheduling rules are integrated to schedule re-entrant lines.
(202) On the basis of analyzing the batch production, a dynamic batch splitting and amalgamating algorithm is proposed. Also, a heuristic algorithm based on genetic evolution is used to solve the problem.
(203) To shorten the time for solving the model and avoid the illegal chromosome, a hybrid genetic algorithm that combines genetic algorithm with a heuristic rule was designed.
(204) Knowledge-based optimization method focuses on the directed heuristic search (DHS).
(205) Genetic algorithms are good candidates for attacking the challenge since GAs are very useful for extracting patterns in high-dimensionality problems where heuristic knowledge is sparse or incomplete.
(206) For solving the problem, a heuristic scheduling algorithm named double complex priority algorithm (DCPA) was presented and validated by an example lastly.
(207) Moreover, the analysis has indicated that the asymptotic heuristic branching factor is same as the brute-force branching factor.
(208) In the paper, we label optimal policy and heuristic rule to many previous SP researches by the differences of study method and theory foundation.
(209) The allocating heuristic algorithm ensures the maximum satisfaction of the clients, and the saving algorithm ensures the overall optimization.
(210) An ant - colony heuristic algorithm was proposed for the No - Wait Flow Shop problem ( NWFS ) with makespan criterion.
(211) A multi-objective model is constructed on considering both the maximum of the service efficiency and the equity of the benefit. A heuristic algori...
(212) The system combined the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm and the dispatching priority heuristic algorithm to solve the scheduling problems existing in mold parts with work piece restrictions.
(213) This type of analysis uses a heuristic process to identify suspected data structures that have a container object with a large number of children objects.
(214) Based on these concepts, we propose a heuristic search method to solve the problem.
(215) This paper discusses how to use the heuristic method of teaching in real variable function.
(216) A new dynamic heuristic binary decision diagram ( BDD ) minimization algorithm is proposed.
(217) Aiming at the loop-breaking problem,(http:///heuristic.html) a loop-breaking method based on a heuristic function is put forward.
(218) The model considers the impact of the perishability as part of the overall distribution costs and a heuristic approach, based on the tabu search is used to solve the problem.
(219) The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the process of the activation of the prototypal matters and the heuristic information embodied in prototypal matters is automatic or controllable.
(220) Detailed analysis shows that, if some heuristic pruning algorithm is used to avoid the incensement of the probability of OOV, literal translation corpus will exert more contribution on the SMT model.
(221) The " midwifery " of Socrates occupies an important status in human history of education. It is regarded as the source of heuristic education.




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