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单词 European union
(1) The European Union has proposed new regulations to control the hours worked by its employees.
(2) The European Union should remain flexible enough to assimilate more countries quickly.
(3) The European Union was formerly called the European Community.
(4) France is a founder member of the European Union.
(5) The European Union is a powerful trading/trade bloc.
(6) Portugal already belongs to the European Union.
(7) The country has withdrawn from the European Union.
(8) European union is an ideal that has been nurtured since the post-war years.
(9) The European Union is still feeling its way towards common policies.
(10) I'm very keen that the European Union should be as open as possible to trade from Russia.
(11) The European Union was formerly known as the European Economic Community.
(12) European union is seen as a threat to the sovereignty of the nation state.
(13) The European Union is considering whether to provide financial support for the expedition.
(14) His single-minded pursuit of European union helped chase Mrs Thatcher from power.
(15) The country applied for full membership of the European Union.
(16) The European Union can act as a sheet anchor for emerging democracies.
(17) bilateral relations between the European Union and the U.S.
(18) Is Switzerland a member of the European Union?
(19) The European Union is made up of 15 nations with distinct cultural, linguistic and economic roots.
(20) Mitterand drew France closer to the European union and to Germany, its former foe.
(21) Britain's relationship with other members of the European Union presents Blair with problems, just as it did for the Tories.
(22) European Union is not a coessential economic space.
(23) Britain appears unlikely to break ranks with other members of the European Union.
(24) He has now raised the thorny issue of taxation within the European Union.
(25) Britain is one of the member states of the European Union.
(26) In today's lecture the focus will be on tax structures within the European Union.
(27) You will find attached hereto the text of the Treaty on European Union.
(28) The signing of the treaty marked a major milestone on the road to European union.
(29) What are the benefits for Britain of belonging to the European Union?
(30) Several Eastern European countries hope to soon gain entry to the European Union.
(1) The European Union has proposed new regulations to control the hours worked by its employees.
(2) The European Union should remain flexible enough to assimilate more countries quickly.
(31) Research at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain Sustained Observatory site was supported by the European Union and the Natural Environment Research Council of the United Kingdom.
(32) Walsh said the European Union should use its emissions trading scheme as a fore-runner for a global programme but not attempt to drag in non-EU airlines lest they take legal action.
(33) More than nine decades after the war, Germany - now a leading European Union state and the largest economy in Europe - has long cast off its post-WWI image of a defeated, beleaguered Weimar Republic.
(34) At the heart of Europe, with all neighbors being member states of the European Union (E.U.), Germany is in a favorable position, geographically and politically.
(35) Mr. Sarkozy also defended his decision to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games as French president and as the rotating head of the European Union.
(36) However, it failed to reunify the island before May 2004— when Cyprus joined the European Union.
(37) Everhart Nangoma, one of the case study researchers at the European Union offices in Blantyre, says farmers in Malawi now spend more on expensive, fast-growing varieties.
(38) The European Union established a set of supra - national education policy system of constructing European integration.
(39) To Asian country, the development course of the European Union is one side mirror.
(40) As it happens, the duty was too small to have the desired effect, with the consequence that China and the European Union recently agreed to temporarily re-introduce such quotas.
(41) WITH Turkey vaunting itself as a model for the Arab world, the tendency is to see its 50-year-old goal of joining the European Union as dead.
(42) To a degree, Latvia's overheated economy was a product of its accession to the European Union.
(43) Both, like Peters's chicken-mealworm meatballs, await approval for sale across the European Union.
(44) At 60, he will be Belgium's first French-speaking prime minister in 30 years, a rare centre-left voice in a European Union that has veered right, and one of few proudly gay world leaders.
(45) Mr Niang told state broadcaster RTS that Senegal would hold talks with the UN and European Union to try to solve the situation.
(46) "Whenever I am in a national parliament, " he observes , "I have the impression they are rather demoralised, because powers are transferring to the European Union level.
(47) Nevertheless, as is required by the Treaty on European Union and its subsidiarity principle, EU is not entitled to design the overall system, its competence confined to coordination only.
(48) It has 182 Member States and one Member Organization, the European Union.
(49) Cyprus joined the European Union in 2004, but has been divided since 1974 when Turkish troops invaded in response to a coup in Nicosia backed by the Greek military government then in power in Athens.
(50) Studio Granada's Hof House has been nominated for and awarded myriad prizes for its design, including the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture: the Mies van der Rohe Award for 2009.
(51) Already, they say, China has used a skillful policy of well-judged loans and investments to win several national governments within the European Union over to its side.
(52) More than 100 countries have enacted competition laws modeled on the Sherman Anti-Trust Act – from the European Union and its member states to Japan and Zambia.
(53) He urged the European Union to send a fact-finding mission to investigate.
(54) Officials also point to nearly 10,[]000 soldiers under the European Union flag who are on operations from Kosovo to Congo.
(55) Germany had to ask, humiliatingly, for lenient implementation of the Stability Pact it had insisted upon, and the European Union agreed.
(56) China requires that incinerators discharge no more than one nanogram of dioxin per cubic metre. The European Union sets a standard that is one-tenth of that amount.
(57) Through more than 40 years, ASEAN becomes the second most successful regional cooperative association following European Union.
(58) The balkanization of Sudan is what is really at stake. For years the leaders and officials of South Sudan have been supported by America and the European Union.
(59) There is so much hysteria in the hard money camp on Greece and the European Union that one had better start looking at the facts otherwise it could cost you a lot of money.
(60) The study on the award of contract in EU's government procurement, it will play an important role in the study of our country on the European Union law.
(61) He is also a hard-line opponent of Turkey's bid to join the European Union because, he has warned, it is an Islamic country and would dilute Europe's Christian heritage.
(62) The European Union, the United States and much of the rich world will ostracise him.
(63) Current and evolving regulations may lead to a positive list and fewer allowed raw materials for hair coloring products in the European Union.
(64) The Organization of American States, the United States and the European Union all condemned the coup and called for Mr Zelaya's reinstatement.
(65) The European Union has passed legislation to implement Basel 2 next year.
(66) Miscanthus for Renewable Energy Generation: European Union Experience and Projections for Illinois.
(67) America's public call for Turkish entry into the European Union may backfire.
(68) The European Union ( EU ) is the world's largest trading unit known as a customs union.
(69) The European Union has a special trade and aid agreement with 79 poor nations.
(70) The European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award 2009, funded through the EU Culture Programme, is awarded biennially to works completed within the previous two years.
(71) For example, six United Nations entities have recently partnered with the European Union to help countries use natural resource management for peacebuilding and conflict prevention.
(72) Britain has promised one hundred fifteen million dollars in aid, with the European Union offering another three hundred million dollars.
(73) Italian seismologist Dario Tedesco has spent the last 15 years studying Nyiragongo, with funding from the European Union.
(74) The proposal is to form an economic bloc, like the European Union.
(75) The European Union Tuesday tightened against Zimbabwe president, Robert Mugabe.
(76) The other legislation is represented by anti-trust law of European Union and preclusion of behavior illegality is used for standard.
(77) Thus was born the six - country European common market, which has now become the 25 - country European Union.
(78) Instead Germany is pushing for broader anti-crisis measures to be agreed at a summit of European Union leaders in March.
(79) On January 1, 1999, The European Union will start to use European Monetary Union ( Ecu ).
(80) But its existence stands in the way of Turkey's desire to accede to European Union membership.
(81) The European Union is calling for immediate resumption of all gas deliveries.
(82) FAO member states (plus one member organization,[http://] the European Union).
(83) The abidance that the road network that develop stimulated freightage of European Union highway grows.
(84) Europeans voted in the last day of European Union parliamentary elections Sunday, with conservative and far-right parties expected to score over the left.
(85) European Union finance ministers are expected to talk about Greece when they meet in the Belgian capital next week.
(86) After Cold War, a new international environment is coming into being, and European Union tries to be an independent member in this polycentric world.
(87) The significance of subsidiarity consists in providing a procedural guarantee for the correct choice of who will be the best to exercise the power among European Union, member states and other bodies.
(88) This paper first introduces general theories of economic integration and optimal currency area and reviews the history of European Union and European Economic and Monetary Union.
(89) Meanwhile it also accords with European union to electric electron manufacture in limit be venomous harmful substance use injunction 's request.
(90) The windfall tax will apply to all banks and building societies, including groups that operate in the UK under a European Union branch system.
(91) Last week, the UBS economist Jonathan Anderson released a report after crunching import data from the US and European Union for the first half of 2011.
(92) Denmark, the current president of the European Union, voiced its support of Spain yesterday, demanding that morocco withdraw its troops from Perejil.
(93) Officials in Dublin are holding talks with European Union and International Monetary Fund representatives to reach a course of action to solve the current debt crisis.
(94) International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) join the United States and Asian airline, urge an European Union to will be not European Union airline to eliminate to be besides this system together.
(95) As an important branch of direct taxation law, individual income tax laws of European Union Member States have not been positively harmonized yet.
(96) Mont Blanc or Monte Bianco is the highest mountain in the Alps, Western Europe and the European Union.
(97) Some politicians, especially in Britain, grumbled that the Irish move may be contrary to European Union competition law.
(98) In the European Union ( EU ) , swheres 81 % of the land is farmed, there is.
(99) The president heading to a U.S. - European Union summit in Slovenia.
(100) The rise of trade such as the European Union and the NAFTA signatories.
(101) If the European Union has contributed anything to the world during the past half-century it has been an understanding that states can pursue their national through their shared interests.
(102) The European Union (EU) is the world%26rsquo; s largest trading unit known as a customs union .
(103) British Major Fraud Inspectorate spokesman said Mubarak is being launched in the UK asset tracking, once in Egypt, the United Nations or the European Union ordered, it will freeze them.
(104) Ukraine's relations with the West, they insisted, would suffer and a trade and association agreement with the European Union under negotiation for four years would be junked.
(105) Moderator Wu Chih - chung : The European Union established a representative office in Taiwan in 2003.
(106) In recent months, Somalia's neighbor, Kenya, has signed memorandums of understanding with the United States, Britain, and the European Union to accept suspected pirates and to prosecute them in Kenya.
(107) Based on above report result, the European Union aspect decided that further takes the defensive measure.
(108) European Union lighter turned over dumping case to nolle prosequi, this is a nearly ideal outcome.
(109) The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation countries, the European Union, and the UN Economic and Social Council all recently held special sessions on avian flu and human pandemic influenza.
(110) According to theJune 2009 Pew Charitable Trusts report "The Clean Energy Economy,"the United States, Brazil, the European Union, India, China, and Japan are allpursuing clean-tech job creation.
(111) Finally, the European Union this week unveiled powers an all - out ban on short selling stocks.
(112) A stabilisation agreement with the European Union has just come into force.
(113) Thirdly, it offers solutions as to how to execute China's regionalist strategies based on the case studies on the regionalist development of the East Asia and European Union.
(114) This paper discusses the exclusive treaty-making power of the European Union through positive study and case study.
(115) The Tamil Tigers, blamed in more than 200 suicide attacks since 1983, are listed as a terror group by the U.S. and the European Union.
(116) The European Union has announced a 'new multi-dimensional university ranking system with global outreach' to be piloted in 2010.
(117) Pension account for an average 21% of government spending across the European Union.
(118) The knowledge returning back is deficient in , European Union economy and international trade law need a law to study further especially.
(119) Fatah says Fayyad is an excellent nominee because he is a moderate who is acceptable to the United States, European Union and Israel, which consider Hamas a terrorist organization.
(120) Whether the new emendatory draft of SCM Agreement, or the exploring for reforms of the rules on environmental subsidies of European Union and United States fully reflect this.
(121) China and the European Union (EU) have launched the second phase of a joint project on carbon capture and storage (CCS) in China, confirming their desire to continue the collaboration.
(122) So far the European Union has been loth to give the go - ahead.
(123) The Slovak Republic became an independent republic on January 1,1993; also joined the European Union (EU) as one of the 25 Member States on May 1, 2004.
(124) More broadly, the war marked a successful reassertion of a Russian "zone of influence" – setting back the prospects of Nato or European Union membership for Georgia and Ukraine.
(125) However, a proposal submitted by the European Union to extend the same level of protection to the porbeagle shark, critically endangered in the northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean, was shot down.
(126) Though the identified rules of China are based on the rules of European Union and IFOAM, these standards are so low and imperfect that they are approved by mutual acceptance of the imported countries.
(127) On 1st July, 1998 Austria will take over the chairmanship of the European Union for the first time. In Honour of this occasion, the Republic of Austria has issued this coin.
(128) That said , Mr Clegg's enthusiasm for the European Union apply an important brake on Tory hostility.
(129) Somali pirates hijacked the St Vincent and Grenadines-flagged sugar cargo vessel and its crew of 24 Thursday in the Gulf of Aden, the European Union naval force said.
(130) The European Union has cut off aid payments to the Hamas-led Palestinian government because of the Islamic group's refusal to renounce violence and recognize Israel.
(131) The fruit of four years of research by 10 different partners, including the German Fraunhofer Institute, the Hydra project is financially supported by the European Union.
(132) An international civilian representative (ICR) would be appointed by the European Union with authority over the implementation of the Kosovo settlement.
(133) Syria's participation at upcoming Mid-East Peace conference is viewed by European Union as crucial.
(134) Our country should adopt the European Union legislation pattern to stipulate the key point of the regulation in the anti-monopoly law, and the suitable exception condition.
(135) At present, Russia's GDP per capita measured in purchasing power parities, that is, standard of living, is a respectable one-third of that of the European Union.
(136) European Union flags stand alongside Georgian ones in the marbled hallways.
(137) In a dramatic political U-turn,[] Ireland has voted decisively in favour of the Lisbon treaty just 16 months after it first rejected the European Union reform plan.
(138) German officials will go to the European Union headquarters next week, the Belgian capital Brussels, the European Union report on food safety officials in charge of pollution.
(139) According to the report, in the European Union in 15 countries, the 6 countries such as England, Spain cast ay to the proposal, the 6 countries such as France, Austria cast blackball.
(140) The European Union has also moved far beyond the economic sphere.
(141) According to the plan, this Europe Naval force is composed of an aircraft carrier combat team, is hanging the European Union flag.
(142) In addition, a new ward dedicated to the care of patients with Lassa fever is under construction in Sierra Leone,[] sponsored by the European Union.
(143) Now, the colorful, multi-ethnic hub is jostling for a new title as the showcase for a new partnership agreement between the European Union, North African and Middle Eastern countries.
(144) But considering the size of the yield gap between China and the European Union or the United States, I don't think China should count on help arriving very quickly.
(145) The European Union has played an increasingly important roll in international affairs.
(146) The European Union is Ankara to push through political and economic reforms.
(147) It also entitles them to duty - free access to the European Union.
(148) In conformity to public interests is one of essential factor to take anti-dumping measures in European Union Anti-dumping law. These rules contribute to prevent the abuse of anti-dumping.
(149) Italy was a charter member of NATO and the European Union, and hence joined the growing political and economic unification of Western Europe, including the introduction of the Euro in 1999.
(150) The European Union may have little appetite for expansion just now, but it has been negotiating a free-trade and association agreement with Ukraine that would be a big step towards integration.
(151) The World Bank, European Union and Japanese Government-supported Second Sustainable Livelihoods Project (SLP) provides further assistance to herders and their families.
(152) The incident led to an investigation by European Union prosecutors, who uncovered an international organ-stealing and smuggling ring of alarming scope.
(153) European Union and the Organization of American States to send election observers to Nicaragua every day to polling centers, supervision over the whole presidential election process.
(154) HAD Ireland's government expected to be rewarded by investors after caving in to pressure to seek salvation from the European Union and the IMF, it was soon disabused.
(155) As talks in Cairo continued, the European Union called for the quick formation of a unity government, and the reopening of passages into Gaza, in order to begin rebuilding the war-torn territory.
(156) The European Union pushed forward with a controversial plan to rejig bankers' bonuses that would reduce the amount payable in cash and increase the element of shares in bonus schemes.
(157) The main human rights thoughts of European Union is the American-European Orientable Doctrine.
(158) 1995 - The Kingdom of Sweden and the republics of Austria and Finland are admitted into the European Union.
(159) All its products are in compliance with the European Union EN 71 toy safety test.
(160) However, a more "normal balance" for the European Union hinges on economic growth, and the latest figures out of Europe aren't too encouraging.
(161) The European Union is also set to impose sanctions against Tehran.
(162) An intergovernmental organization, FAO has 191 member nations, one associate member and one member organization, the European Union.
(163) The shore side electronic power supply system recommended by European Union was presented and an economic analysis on cost and profit for related options was carried out in this paper.
(164) Observers from the European Union, the Commonwealth and the West African Economic Community, ECOWAS, echoed this assessment.
(165) The former Soviet republic of Latvia is celebrating the vote to join the European Union.
(166) Italy has the history of making prosciutto for more than 2,000 years, and the prosciutto of Parma is among the world's top-quality products and protected by European Union Law.
(167) Microsoft has been rebuffed a second time in its attempts to subpoena competitors in order to fight its antitrust case with the European Union.
(168) The gap between the best and poorest childcare provision in the European Union has widened.
(169) The Carpathians are shared by these seven Central and Eastern European Countries, four of which are members of the European Union.
(170) Surprisingly, the European Union has yet to plumb the depths of this issue, as have most member states.
(171) At present the European Union already became China the 3rd large trade is companionate.
(172) Want to become a resident of the European Union? Just buy property in this Baltic State.
(173) Guiana is part of the territory of France,[http://] it is also part of the European Union.
(174) THE European Union will be heeded by Russia only when It'speaks with one voice.
(175) Following the example of the United States, Canada and Australia, the European Union is expected to introduce a new standard for self-extinguishing cigarettes in the fourth quarter of 2011.
(176) Promoting the process of European economic and political integration composes the central value aims of European Union education policy.
(177) The type certificate approves operations of the Phenom 100 (EMB-500) not just in the European Union, but also in Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.
(178) Carbon permits now trade at $ 21 a tonne in the European Union.
(179) D. N. N. Microsoft has been rebuffed a second time in its attempts to subpoena competitors in order to fight its antitrust case with the European Union.
(180) Forget the boasts of European Union officialdom and all the Eurospeak of directives and regulations.




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