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单词 Scattered
1. There were several brightly coloured rugs scattered around.
2. The police scattered the disorderly crowd.
3. The crowd scattered in fright.
4. The birds scattered at the sound of the gun.
5. Love,(/scattered.html)then heard anyhow Valentine scattered forget it.
6. Toys and books were scattered about/around the room.
7. He picked up the scattered toys.
8. Her ashes were scattered at sea.
9. They scattered his ashes at sea.
10. Broken glass lay scattered over the floor.
11. The protesters scattered at the sound of gunshots.
12. Large vases of flowers were liberally scattered about the room.
13. Wreckage from the plane was scattered over a wide area.
14. Those who used to say never separated, have scattered in the horizon.
15. When the police arrived, the crowd scattered in all directions.
16. She tore the rose apart and scattered the petals over the grave.
17. The plane, which was full of fuel, scattered flaming fragments over a large area.
18. The crowd scattered gradually.
19. His land is split up into several widely scattered plots.
20. The ground was scattered with decaying leaves.
21. The road serves the scattered habitations along the coast.
22. Her family are scattered around the world.
23. The man whipped the dogs in when they scattered.
24. I scattered grass seed all over the lawn.
25. The soldiers came in and scattered the crowd.
26. The scattered fights were sparring.
27. A few red roses were scattered on the tomb.
28. Broken glass lay scattered on the carpet.
29. The books were scattered pell-mell over the floor.
30. Knowledge, in truth, is the great sun in the firmament. Life and power are scattered with all its beams.
1. There were several brightly coloured rugs scattered around.
2. The police scattered the disorderly crowd.
3. The crowd scattered in fright.
4. The birds scattered at the sound of the gun.
5. Toys and books were scattered about/around the room.
6. He picked up the scattered toys.
7. Her ashes were scattered at sea.
8. They scattered his ashes at sea.
9. Broken glass lay scattered over the floor.
10. The protesters scattered at the sound of gunshots.
11. Large vases of flowers were liberally scattered about the room.
12. Wreckage from the plane was scattered over a wide area.
13. When the police arrived, the crowd scattered in all directions.
14. She tore the rose apart and scattered the petals over the grave.
15. The plane, which was full of fuel, scattered flaming fragments over a large area.
16. The crowd scattered gradually.
17. His land is split up into several widely scattered plots.
18. A few red roses were scattered on the tomb.
19. The police arrived. Thereupon the mob scattered.
20. The thundershower had temporarily scattered the swimmers.
21. The clothes were scattered round the room any old how.
22. How can we unify such scattered islands into a nation?
23. Gathering up his scattered papers, he pushed them into his case.
31. At the first gunshot, the crowd scattered.
32. The sky was scattered with stars.
33. His numerous progeny are scattered all over the country.
34. The police arrived. Thereupon the mob scattered.
35. Scattered groans and whoops broke out in the crowd.
36. Books were scattered about the room.
37. Papers were scattered here and there on the floor.
38. The thundershower had temporarily scattered the swimmers.
39. The gunshot scattered the birds.
40. She gathered up her scattered belongings and left.
41. Every surface is scattered with photographs.
42. The leader rallied his scattered men.
43. Files were scattered higgledy-piggledy about the office.
44. He lay asleep with his clothes scattered about.
45. The flowers fell and scattered on the ground.
46. Who's scattered my papers all over the floor?
47. There will be some scattered showers in the afternoon.
48. A few scattered lights shone on the horizon.
49. My family is scattered all over the world.
50. The police scattered the crowd.
51. His ashes were scattered at sea.
52. The wind soon scattered the clouds.
53. Her family is scattered across the country.
54. I scattered the whole lawn with grass seed.
55. The Jewish nation is scattered around the world.
56. Cushions were scattered about on the chairs.
57. His ashes were scattered on his beloved farm.
58. Tragically, the graves were plundered and the grave-goods scattered.
59. The whole area was scattered with debris.
60. She wanted her ashes to be scattered at sea.
61. There are factories scattered throughout the borough.
62. The books were scattered round the room any old how.
63. The soldiers scattered, under the impression that it was an enemy attack.
64. Between 100 and 150 travellers' vehicles were scattered around the county, with the largest gathering centred on Ampfield.
65. The farmer scattered the corn in the yard for the hens.
65. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
66. After the crash, debris from the plane was scattered over a large area.
67. We came home to find our belongings scattered about the room.
68. We scattered plates of food around the room before the party.
69. Wreckage of the aircraft was scattered over a wide area.
70. The clothes were scattered round the room any old how.
71. Debris from the aircraft was scattered over a large area.
72. The wreckage of the car was scattered over the roadside.
73. How can we unify such scattered islands into a nation?
74. Copies of the local daily had been scattered on a table.
75. She gathered up the newspapers that were scattered around the floor.
76. It was the finest collection of paintings in Denmark, but during the last war it was broken up and scattered to the four winds.
77. When I go, I'd like to have my ashes scattered at sea.
78. Wreckage from the plane was scattered over a large area.
79. In accordance with his wishes, his ashes were scattered at sea.
80. Scattered showers during the afternoon will die out by late evening.
81. The explosion scattered a flock of birds roosting in the trees.
82. The fridge door was open and food was scattered across the floor.
83. The white church peeps out genially from behind the huts scattered on the river bank.
84. The wreckage of the plane was scattered across the scorched earth.
85. There'll be bright or sunny spells and scattered showers this afternoon.
86. The cavalry scattered them and chased them off the field.
87. Gathering up his scattered papers, he pushed them into his case.
88. Even when the crowd had scattered, the police didn't let up.
89. Mines have been scattered in rice paddies and jungles, maiming and killing civilians.
90. Pieces of roofing were scattered in trees like ornaments.
91. Plates and barbells lie scattered in lazy profusion.
92. The wolframite is scattered extremely thinly throughout the granite.
93. Hens pecked at the corn scattered on the ground.
94. Their droppings lay about like scattered handfuls of raisins.
95. Glittering nuggets loose on the ground scattered everywhere.
96. McCrea wanted his ashes scattered at sea.
97. The old bricks were still scattered over the foreshore.
98. There would be an open season on scattered singletons.
99. Often churches are isolated(/scattered.html), serving widely scattered farmsteads.
100. Plastic toys were scattered over the carpet.
101. The non-Communist forces, in contrast, are scattered.
102. He passed scattered jawbones, pale twists of wood.
103. Since materials are classified and grouped first by language, all literary forms such as poetry are scattered according to language. 4.
104. Grasses gradually increase and after 10 years the appearance is mainly one of grassland with scattered clumps of tall herbs.
105. The doors opened up to a mess of more wrapped, framed works scattered everywhere.
106. Bottles of mineral water are scattered throughout the courtroom, and interpreters provide almost simultaneous translations.
107. But splashes of red are starting to show here and there on a few scattered red maple trees.
108. Several hundred acres of rustling, wind-blown grass swept over our feet and under scattered oak trees.
109. Half a million fossil bones of reptiles and birds have been found in the lava tubes scattered across the landscape.
110. This was odd as it indicated that the winter flock had already scattered as separate pairs at this very early date.
111. Scattered farmhouses, sentry telephone poles, and budding green fields flanked them on each side.
112. Across the river and through the streets of Cliffe men fought in close combat before the royalists scattered.
113. The garage dominates the facade, although recent exceptions to this rule have emerged in scattered developments.
114. Under these conditions, the scattered flux is minimal along the crystallographic axes.
115. The fractional-order beams result from interference between scattered waves involving an adatom at least once.
116. Looking around, his glance fell on the twigs scattered on the ground where Cassowary had thrown them.
117. Coal carried by the freight train was scattered about in heaps.
118. The barn was as high and big as a huge hall, an earthen floor strewn with finely scattered straw.
119. He glanced briefly about him before continuing along the scattered fringe of trees that girdled it.
120. He would run around like a broken top with his jaws open, all the kids screaming as they scattered.
121. The medicine wheel is on private land, and a trail used by ranch vehicles has scattered those rocks.
122. Scattered in pursuit, they provided perfect weak points for our counterattack.
123. Chunks of blue-green stuff flaked off and scattered over the floor.
124. A pile of boxes lay scattered like a demolished chimney.
125. Faint scattered sunlight does reach the surface, as on a very cloudy day on Earth.
126. She found him sitting up in bed, a score of his medical texts and notes scattered across the heavy coverlet.
127. If the flounder still exists it will be king. - foreign words and phrases scattered here and there!
128. Acorn-grinding mortars can be found in granite boulders scattered throughout the camp.
129. In addition, different elements can be distinguished because the scattered energies are determined by the masses of the target atoms.
130. A snippet of tape showing scattered flames in the dark ran over and over.
131. There were only a few other cars in the lay-by at Walbury Hill and their occupants had scattered far and wide.
132. Higher-order scattered waves can be obtained in a similar form.
133. The remains of duns, brochs, stone circles, burial chambers and standing stones lie scattered throughout the island.
134. To transform the spuds, scientists chopped potato leaves into small pieces and scattered them across a laboratory culture dish.
135. Valleys in the Yorkshire Dales are scattered with dozens of these field barns, virtually all disused.
136. There were very large predators, too, swimming beneath the scattered dandruff of flotsam.
137. The first lightning glimmered. Among the trees were boulders heaped together, piled and scattered.
138. They can have from a handful of copies to several hundred,[] often scattered on many different chromosomes.
139. What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure, but scattered along the life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable. Joseph Addison 
140. Max leaned forward and gathered up a handful of loose earth and scattered it on the coffin.
141. We scattered over the yard like so many giant, brightly colored chickens.
142. A tribe of stray cats scattered as I turned into the yard where Ellen's apartment lay.
143. The body is a light brown with light red flecks scattered on the body and fins.
144. The carpet is pale green and scattered with Oriental rugs.
145. Similar disasters are scattered piecemeal all over Britain, on bomb sites and over the slums they were built to clear.
146. Protestantism was alone in facing the settlers difficult human situation when they were so quickly scattered over such an expanse of land.
147. Scattered through the policy review are proposals to: Drastically alter the status and organisation of the Department of Trade and Industry.
148. There is another diffusely broadcasting group of neurons scattered along the centerline near the surface of the brain stem.
149. All manner of foodstuffs lay scattered on the kitchen table.
150. Echoes of political controversy are scattered over the literary productivity of the age.
151. Little tin shacks and round huts are scattered across the hills between the banana trees.
152. It resembles a hollow ring of land surrounded by scattered archipelagos.
153. Memory has gone virtual, scattered throughout the global fishnet of electronic and human communication.
154. The room had black leather armchairs and couches scattered on a wall-to-wall pink carpet.
155. Not far from her, on the stone sill, perched a redbreast, picking up the crumbs she had scattered.
155. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
156. Scattered through its numerous volumes are priceless gems of poetry, epigram, and story-telling.
157. Small children scrambled for the scattered coins before they washed down the drains.
158. Here we were in a restaurant where books on croquet lay scattered around the place.
159. A scattered, one-day walkout in 1994 cost the company $ 50 million.
160. On the other hand, its members were scattered all over the United Kingdom, which made a northern town central.
161. Only between twenty and thirty guests were left and they were scattered about the gardens like so much confetti.
162. Some dry leaves or grass scattered at the base of the pit will provide the ferret with some comfort.
163. Sometimes they were in heaps because they had huddled together, and some were scattered all along.
164. His ashes were scattered on the course and his bonds given to the Club.
165. The army supervised the elections of 1867 and 1868 and was called in from time to time thereafter to settle scattered disputes.
166. It had been shattered along with the glass tank, the debris of which lay scattered on the carpet.
167. Four others were scattered motionless on the green turf some thirty yards away.
168. Only small, scattered and relatively harmless fires were still alight when the local fire brigade arrived.
169. Sagging plank bookshelves covered most of the walls, with papers and magazines scattered over all the flat surfaces.
170. Caroline took the chance to draw some calming deep breaths, get her scattered emotions under control.
171. It is a rich dairy-farming district of lush pastures and scattered woodland.
172. A sound wave has a much greater chance of being scattered and absorbed by such dense vegetation.
173. A motley collection of tawdry items was scattered over an area at least four feet square.
174. A bread-line reduced to scattered limbs and pools of blood.
175. Although parts were scattered over the surrounding fields, the main body of the plane had landed in one piece.
176. Scores more were seriously injured as the blast scattered human remains across stalls in one of Bosnia's worst atrocities.
177. Strange-colored tailings ponds and old, rusted equipment are scattered around.
178. Any overnight mist or fog will clear quickly to leave most of the country with sunny intervals and scattered showers.
179. His knapsack and sketch pad and sleeping bag lay on the floor, candy wrappers scattered around them.
180. The patrol drove in a widely scattered formation in case Stukas arrived from the north.
181. When scumbling on a canvas the surface is lightly agitated, so that the light which falls upon it is scattered.
182. Knowing that it would call up the fighter bombers, the convoy scattered into whatever cover could be found.
183. The little mountains of earth scattered around didn't lighten the atmosphere, either.
184. There are ropes, buckets and other building materials scattered about the floor of the Wheel Room.
185. Wherever it went it dislodged the tiny blue butterflies in clouds, and scattered the glossy scarlet of the ladybirds.
185. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
186. The scattered fragments of crockery and the aroma of the wasted nectar marked the melancholy wreck of our Christmas cheer.
187. One had toppled over, and eight oranges had rolled and scattered about the small compartment.
188. With its leader dead, the army scattered in disorder and the way to the sea lay open to the heroes.
189. But each one had actually hit one of the few rocks scattered around.
190. I scattered pennies and rode on like a young lord through Aldgate and into London.
191. It is the absurdly pompous Pons who ostensibly pieces together the scattered evidence of Urim's past.
192. There were old record covers scattered all over the floor.
193. There are stretches of land scattered throughout the United States that have become so desolate they are the stuff of legends.
194. Pre-1575 Byrd is unevenly represented on record, and to experience its various facets you will have to assemble many scattered performances.
195. Each household was given a number of strips scattered between the desirable and less desirable fields.
196. The first relates to the capacity of the teacher training colleges adequately to supervise their scattered students.
197. Some open clusters are relatively condensed; others are much more scattered.
198. Scattered around him were complete skeletons reminding him of when his country was able to produce crops and feed animals.
199. Burning lumps of phosphorus jelly were scattered amongst the containers, forming a foreground that was blinding.
200. The beagles reluctantly broke up into knots and scattered across the field.
201. The Human Body dropped from his hands, snapped open, and the innards scattered all over the dirt floor.
202. It is difficult to maintain control where a scattered enforcement staff possess high discretion.
203. Over eighty-five percent of these are scattered throughout the country in small villages and hamlets.
204. The nuclear arsenal of the former Soviet Union was scattered among four new countries with few safeguards.
205. Scattered around were many houses made entirely of china and painted in the brightest colours.
206. Here are scattered numerous slate boulders which have been carried by glacier action and dumped on a limestone shelf.
207. Broken glass lay scattered over the cement floor, along with pieces of brick, broken flowerpots, dead leaves.
208. The novel gathers the pace of a thriller as the resourceful Birdie becomes a runaway searching for her scattered family.
209. It was a coup for the youngest daughter to have gathered the scattered family in the Midwest for a weekend.
210. The weather had turned a chill grey, and a brisk wind scattered the ashes of half-a-hundred fires.
211. Waves up to 30 feet tore away the beachfront of the Huatulco Sheraton and other bays, leaving tree limbs scattered everywhere.
212. There were plenty of books and magazines scattered around, but none seemed to relate to any academic studies she could identify.
213. Dark on the snow, beneath the windows, were items of furniture and crumpled photograph frames and scattered wisps of paper.
214. Ariel brought on the storm and scattered the shipwrecked survivors all over the island.
215. Hundreds of thousands of people living in refugee camps and towns near the fighting were scattered and set adrift.
215. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
216. Three cavalry companies gave pursuit, but were scattered when the warriors turned to defend a lava escarpment.
217. Of the nine H pylori negative uraemic patients, two had oesophagitis and one had scattered petechiae in stomach and duodenum.
218. The basins are scattered over 20,000 square miles and fed by underground rivers which extend through Nevada, Utah and California.
219. A few scattered lights burned on the ridge of low hills as he arrived in the cove, long after nightfall.
220. The few scattered disturbances during the summer and autumn in behalf of the ex-dictator proved ineffectual.
221. There are also some decorative arts scattered around the museum, and one wishes there were more.
222. Scattered among the various art works in McMullen's office are his numerous ribbons and trophies.
223. In the outbuildings scattered in the farmstead, workers store supplies, build the products and pack them for shipping.
224. Old bicycles and a long-disused pram are scattered across the muddy front yard.
225. She tried to regroup her scattered brain tissue, pulling back pieces of her mind before they were lost for ever.
226. But what he had taken at first for raindrops on the wagon floor were actually pennies, halfpennies and farthings scattered everywhere.
227. Second-hand machinery was scattered around the yard with new parts and modifications arriving daily.
228. And there may be a few scattered works where applause would just feel wrong.
229. It will have to serve more people scattered over a larger area.
230. And that means fiddly switches scattered haphazardly across the dash and centre console like bits of shot fired from a blunderbuss.
231. The worn, faded furniture, the dingy wallpaper, the papers scattered around, the smell of alcohol.
232. In the remaining 10 control patients, there were occasional positive cells scattered throughout the lamina propria.
233. Yet apart from a few scattered Tory voices, there is no public debate.
234. Scattered across feminist iconography, it makes points about women's issues which are usually clear and concise.
235. Remove the coriander stalks and serve hot, warm or cool, scattered with chopped herbs.
236. The most obvious features are the tall watchtowers scattered across the Silk Road to provide advance warning of Xiongnu attack.
237. Scattered among them were the camp followers: women and young boys driving loaded mules and donkeys.
238. As a result, the inert and living organisms were disassembled and scattered into the ether.
239. A nearby tray was furnished with a mug and a large plate scattered with the crumbs of a large slice of cake.
240. Both the Harvard and Caltech groups took their maps on the lecture circuit, giving talks at scattered conferences and universities.
241. There was blood all over the floor and rings scattered around.
242. After dinner, everyone scattered.
243. There is no conclusive evidence on this point, but scattered returns are suggestive.
244. Vern made for a bench in a concrete space with trees and shrubs scattered around in pots, and sat down.
245. The island has 24 roomy bungalows scattered about the beachfront,(http:///scattered.html) each with a wide verandah and excellent facilities.
246. Despite some scattered labor shortages, however, the taut job market has yet to spark significant inflation pressures.
247. The groups obediently broke up as the women scattered to find empty chairs.
248. Broadcasting was on short wave only and at such low power that the reception area was limited, scattered and unpredictable.
249. A scattered heap of books and manuscripts lay on the floor.
250. As such trees were inevitably scattered, it required a very wide territory, but its wilderness was slowly cut away.
251. There are simple spinelets scattered over the dorsal surface of the disk although they are often rubbed off in preserved specimens.
252. Wayland is typical of the way Britain's natural heritage is scattered throughout a working agricultural environment.
253. Walking alongside a wheat field, admiring the vibrancy of poppies scattered in sparse splashes of scarlet, I spot something remarkable.
254. Scattered in various nooks, bits and pieces of abalone shells, clearly worked by human hands, wait to be found.
255. Small cafes and restaurants ring the quayside; grocery and hardware shops are scattered around.
256. Stella and he had found them stuffed into old cigar boxes and plastic shopping bags scattered in different places around the house.
257. Rubble and bloodstained corpses were scattered across the dockside, and acrid smoke from burning oil filled the air.
258. Six days to circulate a petition around the scattered islands.
259. He wiped the scattered crumbs on his tray to a neat heap and then pinched them between his fingers and gobbled them.
260. At least 19 other blacks died in scattered incidents across the country on Sunday and yesterday.
261. Some peanuts, judiciously scattered, may persuade them to linger for a while more.
262. Scattered granules are often present on the jaw plates and on parts of the adoral shields.
263. All that remains now of the sixteen dwellings Seller burned are a few tumbled stones, scattered over the green hillside.
264. Relevant statutory provisions may be grouped together or scattered through the judgment.
265. He shed tears the way a flower sheds petals, they fell to the ground, lay scattered round his feet.
266. Now, place the record above each cereal scattered on the table.
267. Villages scattered around the district will be gradually merged and towns centralized.
268. Islands are scattered all along China's coastline like stars in the sky.
269. The small, sharp, triangular beech - nuts lay scattered thickly on the ground.
270. Inside all was disorder: drawers fallen out, shoes and boots scattered.
271. She took a hasty cup of coffee and tried to organize her scattered thoughts.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:38:03