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单词 Bends
1. The stream bends to the west.
2. The road bends here then straightens out.
3. Some of the hairpin bends had Ruth clinging to her seat.
4. Watch out for sharp bends and adjust your speed accordingly.
5. The road straightens after a series of bends.
6. The roads twist round hairpin bends.
7. The road bends to the right.
8. He always bends towards his wife's taste.
8. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. He takes bends much too fast.
10. She always bends towards her husband's taste.
11. This is a bow that bends easily.
12. The river deposits rich soil at its bends.
13. The road bends sharply to the left.
14. Glass bends light of different colours by different amounts.
15. Slow down on the tight bends.
16. The mountain road bends treacherously.
17. The road bends sharply.
18. We started the session with a few knee bends to warm up.
19. Before it reaches the church, the road bends to the left.
20. The road bends to the left after the first set of traffic lights.
21. The path soon bends to the right then straightens out.
22. The road bends to the right after a few yards.
23. The metal bar bends in the middle.
24. Now there are only seconds between the sharp bends.
25. She bends forward from the waist.
26. I never rode around bends or up steep hills.
27. Start with a few knee bends.
28. Couldn't you place the bends on mundane stretches of the road and leave the spectacular views cleared for observation and enjoyment?
29. He bends down and reaches into an icebox below the counter.
30. These tubes should be of adequate bore, without sharp bends, and as short as practicable.
1. The stream bends to the west.
2. The road bends here then straightens out.
3. Some of the hairpin bends had Ruth clinging to her seat.
4. Watch out for sharp bends and adjust your speed accordingly.
31. While Eddie is dribbling up the court, Red bends to tie a shoelace.
32. This rod is supple in the tip, but becomes powerful as it bends towards the butt.
33. First impressions were favourable, as we rounded the last of a succession of hairpin bends.
34. Then he glides across to the other side of the room and bends down.
35. Red bends her knees and pushes off, pretending to take a shot.
36. The rear leg bends at the knee, supporting all the body weight.
37. This requires careful measurement and joining to keep the two elbow bends aligned - assemble them dry and mark with a pencil.
38. This required 18 traverses, short stretches of road linked by sharp bends,[] with beyond it a ravine.
39. The plane flew low, following the bends of the river.
40. Without mountain ranges, steep cliffs or rough and bumpy cross-country routes, there are seldom natural features such as corkscrew bends.
41. As a passionate Vijay bends over to kiss his bride, she pulls away in disgust.
42. It should be noted that hairpin bends are often necessary geographical features in high and exciting terrain.
43. He says approaching bends he's worried because he has flashbacks of some one losing control and crashing into him.
44. If it happens too quickly, the gas forms bubbles in the blood that can block small arteries and cause the bends.
45. The connection between dehydration and the bends is now quite clear.
46. He bends down, picks up a small rock and throws it at the Hotelito.
47. Surely they can't begrudge us for being a tad sharper round the bends?
48. Then he did exercises he had learned in the Armystraddle jumps, deep knee bends, sit-ups and push-up.
49. Runcorn opened on June 1 and has been terrific with small fish all along and bream at Astmoor and S Bends.
50. She bends over and kisses him gently there, her tongue gliding softly along.
51. The road, curving round the sides of the hills, indulged in dizzying bends and steep gradients.
52. After Primo bends down and scratches her head, she walks over to the mailman and sniffs his foot.
53. The bends in the road came at the last moment.
54. Then the older one bends over the younger and kisses him on the lips, hastily and shyly.
55. He knows how to corner without disaster and is quite a rally driver on the sharp bends.
56. Let's start with the one just posed: Why are all the best views on the worst bends?
57. Road bends right then left, then passes small pine wood.
58. Nearly every government contractor befriends and hires Pentagon employees and bends the rules wherever possible.
59. The present thick Ethernet cabling outside the main building has too many tight-radius bends, which cause packet collision errors.
60. But horned dinosaurs had more bends in each joint, and were more rhino-like.
61. He kept to the inside of the bends where the current was fastest and more powerful than the onshore wind.
62. A combination of blind bends, and high speed frustrations has created a string of accident black spots.
63. No one tackles its succession of hairpin bends unless they have to: it is a particularly dangerous stretch of road.
64. I looked out of the window and saw we were negotiating one of the sharp bends not far from the Villa des Lilas.
65. Instead of merely reacting to differences in the road surface, as a conventional suspension system does, it anticipates bumps and bends.
66. Beyond the farm, track dips down to gate and bends left.
67. Some of the hairpin bends had Ruth clinging to her seat and holding her breath.
68. There are terrifying hairpin bends, sharp dips and sudden ascents.
68. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
69. At the top of the hill, the path bends sharply left and enters a small woodland.
70. Miss Regina starts to answer, shakes her head defiantly, then bends her head to study her rings.
71. Instead, stiff legged, he merely bends at the waist like a man twice his 37 years.
72. The more open back bends have limited use, but this could be improved.
73. The ability to collapse their lung air-sacs with increasing depth is probably the dolphin's major protection against the bends.
74. In the combats on either side of her the outer figure falls back and another bends swiftly forward to support him.
75. A diver is reputedly more susceptible to the bends the colder the water is.
76. Climbing the steep mountain roads round hairpin bends was quite dramatic and more than once I had glimpses of distant eagles.
77. It goes straight for a few yards and then bends round the corner into blackness.
78. As an added precaution against the bends, some whales have very large windpipes.
79. The road bends right then left, before passing a petrol station.
80. Then they took the last of the bends and approached the magnificent view of St Michael's Mount.
81. A bimetallic strip bends when heated.
82. There are eighteen hairpin bends on the way up.
83. He bends a wire into a loop.
84. As I slowly uncurl my fingers, he bends to look at the pea-size moth paralyzed with fear in the center of my hand.
85. With the other hand he gently takes one moth-like antennae of his direhorse, and bends it down toward him.
86. Inthe first millennium BC, the kingdom of Kush flourished around the twogreat bends of the river Nile between Abu Simbel and Khartoum, in whatis now Sudan.
87. When a girl bends over, it tends to show out from under her jeans or hipsters .
88. Stolon An initially erect branch that, due to its great length, eventually bends over toward the ground.
89. I openmy eyes and he bends down and kisses the little cigarette burn scar, and in thedim night light I touch his face.
90. Aare bends to the east, is sprinkled with boats carrying potatoes and sugar beets.
91. No methods are available for the accurate prediction of the effect of bends and fittings.
92. Thin, light soft bouncy sole bends very easily, because this takes a route, will freely easily.
93. If your sacroiliac is already out, then twists and forward bends can be especially problematic.
94. The stylet 210 is structured such that its distal end bends actively according to the operation of the tension-conferring device 220.
95. The gooseneck goes only a short distance into the cylinder and then bends to the cylinder side opposite the valve outlet.
96. Fully welded tubular steel frame with mirror finish, Full round bends. 2, heavy reinforce saddle leather.
97. It acts as a cushion when the leg bends and provides stability to the joint. Left untreated, labrum tears can lead to arthritis.
98. He goes over to the mousehole, bends down,[http:///bends.html] and erases it.
99. The knee brace harvests energy generated when someone bends their knee to take a step.
100. Did Einstein prove that the reason light bends when it passes the earth is a warp in the space-time continuum?
101. Inspired moment bends over to pile up a word on clavier, inspiration disappears, take the world with respect to one rat, in " demon animal world " Li Ao swims, seek material and inspiration.
102. Lowland trees may lean to this side and that, though it is but a meadow breeze that bends them, or a bank of cowslips from which their trunks lean aslope.
103. This time also allows you to feel the effects of the back bends more clearly and absorb the after-taste of these postures.
104. However, many pipe bends are still made in this fashion.
105. The abundant harvest rice always bends its waist toward the earth, only the superficial barnyard grass look at the sky arrogantly.
106. The leg height of the anastomotic nail can form normally and the rear pin leg bends at the bend portio after forming, improving the rate of standard forming.
107. One kind of thermostat is a strip of metal while bends when it gets hot.
108. Double - dog ratchet prevents shoe spring - back during bends; allows fast release after bending.
109. Abduces and bends elbow and makes the forearm to supination position for hanging skin traction.
110. He drove his expensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends.
111. The Sartorius, crossing the thigh, also bends and turns the hip, pulling it away from the center line.
112. Immortal Tantalus, having committed unspeakable crimes and having stolen food from the gods, sits in a pool of crystal clear water that recedes from him each time bends to drink.
113. According to the law of conservation of momentum, the cell must lose an equal but opposite amount, so its membrane bends towards the light source.
114. A stone sits unmovable , a satellite bends with gravity, history moves beyond the past, a great person walks humbly.
115. This paper describes the development of high - pressure steel butt welding bends with straight ends.
116. Look how the lilac bends under the assault, how the day lilies are flattened, how the hillside steps are a new-made waterfall!
117. The form of the osteotome is characterized in two bends around 90 degrees in reverse directions.
118. By contrast, the cormorant ascends almost vertically, levelling off only occasionally, which may equalise pressure and help birds avoid the bends.
119. Look how the lilac bends under the assault, how the day lilies are flattened, how the hillside steps are new-made waterfall!
120. Southwest direction along the waterhole to like the big dipper, streams, like snakes crawling like that bends, or hidden or now, see everything clearly.
121. Everyone knows a big outfit like Golden State Power bends the truth now and then.
122. I have found that the best poses for sacroiliac pain are twists and asymmetrical forward bends, both of which help to diminish the torque through the joint.
123. Lowland trees may lean to this side and that, though it is but a meadow breeze that bends them or a bank of cowlips from which their trunks lean aslope.
124. You wanna wait'til he bends over and make a fart sound?
125. According to Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, matter bends the fabric of space and time.
126. An investigation has been made of the, movement in curvature radius of laminated bends by means of a radio-frequency heating process.
127. The Biceps muscle of the thigh Bends the leg; the quadriceps straightens it.
128. Mimosa pudica is an ideal model for studying cell response to force because it sensitively closes its leaflets and bends its petioles when subjected to the action of force.
129. Bends one's head look that holloware soup[/bends.html], A pot of common soup.
130. This accounts for its low melting and boiling points and its low solubility in aqueous media, and hence its application in mitigating the bends as a diluent for oxygen in deep-water diving.
131. There are eighteen hairpin bends on the way up Mogan Mountain.
132. Advantages:The PSL is very flexible, passes bends and ensures water quality and pipe strength.
133. A ray of light usually travels in a straight line; but sometimes it bends.
134. The teacher bends a piece of iron into a horseshoe.
135. Over time, if the penis bends too much a certain way during sex, small tears in the tissue can form scars, and the accumulated scar tissue gives the penis an abnormally curved shape.
136. If the penis bends but the tunica albuginea doesn't tear, could this lead to injury as well?
137. In the battle of Mission City, Jazz attacks Devastator and bends his gun barrel while he's in tank mode.
138. Stumbled, whole person bends over fell, do not know to you can be hurt reach splanchnic?
139. The angle that results when a light ray bends as it passes from one medium to another.
140. As she bends, she look as if she's going to break, like a naiad after the school of Bernini.
141. DL/T 515 bends for power station, SY 5257 wrought steel bends, and according to the customers'standards or technical requirements.
142. The flexibility is all in the wing and it bends without twisting.
143. The beam bends to a circular profile of radius R.
144. Apple sells a $39 case that bends to angle the device in a more convenient typing position (and allows for hands-free video watching).
145. Because this paragraph of time passes a few hours of insolation, vimineous softness bends easily.
146. In the youth long other bends down in this clamors silent, has shed palely lively .
147. As I slowly uncurl my fingers, he bends to look at the butterfly in my hand.
148. The road is a succession of hairpin bends, hills, and blind corners.
149. Nonpredictable - The complexity of a swarm system bends it in unforeseeable ways.
150. High ductility and excellent bendability to form bends, loops and complicated configurations without fracture.
151. Distorted bends lead to a much larger channel sinuosity and smaller gradient, and thus flow velocity declines and water level becomes higher at equal water discharge.
152. Straighten your second paperclip, put a few bends at the wire's end, and—with no pressure on your wrench—shove it to the back of the lock.
153. The housing bends and kinks as it enters the barrel adjuster.
154. Abdominal strengtheners such as navasana and ardha navasana are good preparations for forward bends because they teach you to drawn in and fold at the front of the hip-joint.
155. Although the Southern Heavenly Gate was closer now, bends in the track hid it from sight.




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