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单词 Disorganisation
1. In some cases, the level of apparent disorganisation has become almost laughable.
2. It became a major confrontation because of disorganisation and lack of coherence within the protest itself.
3. Despite the striking lobular disorganisation and prominent hepatocellular changes, there was only mild inflammation.
4. Let's hope, then, that the disorganisation and the toothlessness really were just a one-off.
5. You can be busy all day but not have achieved anything - and that's simply disorganisation .
6. is to think that autism is a form of disorganisation.
6. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
7. Keep up to date records. This can save a mountain of time. No searching or worrying or losing clients through disorganisation.
8. For instance a cluttered environment gives the impression of chaos, disorganisation and sloppiness .
9. Yet many people still believe untidy desks belong to slobs, whose disorganisation will make them unsatisfactory as colleagues and employees.
10. Unless the Pakistani government can solve its cycle of debt and disorganisation, ordinary Pakistanis will continue to vent their fury.
11. Realise you need to be systematic to make it work or you just escalate your disorganisation.
12. Is your office in a state of constant chaos and disorganisation?




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