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单词 Computerized
1. We're trying to create our own computerized database.
2. Computerized data bases are proliferating fast.
3. The National Cancer Institute now has a computerized system that can quickly provide information.
4. Computerized reservation systems help airline profits in several ways.
5. The firm has computerized its records.
6. They went over to a computerized records system.
7. The factory has been fully computerized.
8. They've just computerized the whole system.
9. The accounts section has been completely computerized.
10. The commercial world is now being increasingly computerized.
11. Detectives issued computerized E-fit pictures of two men they want to question.
12. The whole shooting match is being computerized, which should significantly reduce delays.
13. The public registry in Panama City keeps computerized records of all companies.
14. Computerized telephone sales calls are really annoying.
15. Scientists can now create computerized models of the cosmos.
16. About 3000 stocks were traded during two computerized auctions.
17. They've computerized all the church records.
18. The Ottawa-based maker of computerized communications equipment cashed in on optimistic prospects for the Internet, the global computer network.http://
19. Or in a room with computerized controls set to launch rockets.
20. By building a computerized society, the United States has left itself wide open to electronic attack.
21. However, by 1979 the computerized course support was staggering under the load.
22. Data are captured partly through the computerized payroll system, and partly by terminal input at regional banks.
23. One advantage of computerized typesetting was the speed with which it could be learned.
24. Computerized detector modules translate those light shifts into stress units, providing advance notice of failure.
25. Our Astern also contains the newest computerized scanning device that determines exactly where and when the intrusion occurred.
26. Just think how many manhours we could save if we computerized the system.
27. Researchers compared those estimates with the actual waiting times taken from a computerized database.
28. A science-fiction thriller about a planet that is mired in civil war and whose computerized defense system runs amok, threatening everyone.
29. Instruction is concerned with enabling the user to learn in detail how to carry out computerized information retrieval.
30. An estimated 1, 000 to 2, 000 households were alerted by a computerized telephone message.
1. We're trying to create our own computerized database.
2. Computerized data bases are proliferating fast.
3. Just think how many manhours we could save if we computerized the system.
4. The National Cancer Institute now has a computerized system that can quickly provide information.
31. The computerized equipment seemed to click, hum, and whir: efficiency augmented by an army of experts.
32. Why do experts estimate 90 million adults in our computerized age have trouble reading and writing?
33. Instead, political interest groups reach out directly, using computerized mailing lists and modems in addition to the old-fashioned campaign techniques.
34. The computerized tomography scanners started the revolution in the early I97Os.
35. They were computerized, all young enough to be looking for promotion and supposedly as mean as hell.
36. Information came in almost any form, from computerized files to pictures stored in shoe boxes.
37. For example, if airlines share a computerized reservation system this makes it easy to monitor and collude on prices.
38. The clearing system, being nationwide and increasingly computerized, makes for a very efficient system of transmitting payments.
39. A computerized system is essential for accurate monitoring and follow-up.
40. Those responsible for contributory benefits are concerned with the paying out of amounts determined by a largely computerized central system.
41. She was praising its computerized system for gears as we went back out on I-29.
42. A simple computerized library book checkout system has catapulted the number of checked-out books each day to 600.
43. Computerized free language indexing is, for all practical purposes, the same as natural language indexing.
44. By the time he had finished all the computerized records had been erased and a new record created.
45. He studied the dirigibles through a pair of those really amazing computerized binoculars that you see in movies.
46. They have developed a computerized system that will greatly assist all library users.
47. At the same time, routine legal tasks have become increasingly computerized, allowing companies to substitute paralegals for actual lawyers.
48. He casually allowed his jacket to fall open revealing the bleeper and the computerized personal memo on his belt.
49. Computerized systems have reduced the amount of skill required by many engineers and their performance is closely regulated.
50. Other pieces were slid under a computerized drilling rig,[] to have boltholes drilled according to the shop drawing.
51. She knew more than either Defries or Daak about sliding rogue instructions into computerized systems.
52. Heat-sensitive photographs taken from satellites, every kind of radar, computerized projections made from the slightest evidence.
53. Yep, that Soviet nerve gas, all hooked up to a computerized bomb.
54. Indexes to families, genera and species - some are now computerized.
55. Instances of religious content were entered into a computerized database and categorized.
56. These titles are usually formed by a computerized device called a character generator.
57. I would like to learn more about the whole new world of computerized art, not only for music but for graphics.
58. Cable shopping channels have installed high-speed, large-capacity computerized systems to process millions of viewers' telephone credit card orders.
59. Updated computerized versions make it possible to simulate more closely the work of a sketch artist.
60. Computerized Hollywood is giving the world new ways to dream, or perchance to live through waking nightmares.
61. Casual users of the library may not realize that they now need a computerized ticket.
62. This growth would have been strangled by the paperwork involved if new computerized systems had not been introduced and continuously developed.
63. There are, in fact, two tasks in hand: using the computerized system and the information-seeking task itself.
64. The movie uses the gamut of traditional and computerized special effects.
65. Already, we have technology that can take text and translate it into a computerized speaking voice.
66. The notation is basically numerical and non-expressive, the latter aspect being felt to limit the scheme's usefulness in computerized databases.
67. The company realized they could actually save money if we changed to a modern computerized system.
68. That's why these computerized route-finders are going up the spout and taking the Glories towards Monument Hill.
69. To strengthen the computerized construction of inspection and quarantine.
70. Cargo handling will be computerized in Shanghai.
71. Our computerized stock control system is now operative.
72. the changeover from a manual to a computerized system.
73. The ratio of bone area to total tissue area (BA/TTA) in each microscopic field was determined by computerized image processing.
74. Solutions to problems in descriptive geometry such as finding the relative positions between straight lines between a straight line and a plane, and between planes are found by computerized graphics.
75. There are many methods for the determination of solid reation kinetics. Among them, dynamic determination of kinetic parameters by computerized DSC is a time and labour saving and convenient method.
76. Manages and administers the computerized information system including mid - range computers, NT servers and email servers.
77. At the same time , a computerized noise measurement system is introduced.
78. At last, the limitation of the ultrasonic - CT ( Computerized Tomography ) and its development direction are discussed.
79. Based on computerized tomography two - phase ray tracing technique, quality of concrete member has been tested.
80. A computerized control and measurement system regulates the operation of the electrolyser and fuel cell.
81. For the last two decades, the computerized adaptive testing (CAT), based on the Item Response Theory (IRT), is rapidly developed and applied in examination field.
82. The results from all four experiments suggest that people expect computerized information to be continuously available, and actually remember less when they know they'll have access to it later.
83. In order to effectively the audit computerization of accounting computerized accounting system, in the design and development, we must pay special attention to the new audit requirements, audit clues.
84. Daily, computerized schedule of tubing stock organized by outer diameter size, to be run on the screw machines per customer requirements.
85. Computerized cashier network is availaBle here at this Bazaar. Credit cards welcomed.
86. An effective scheme for organizing CNC (Computerized Numerical Control) equipment network using serial device server is introduced.
87. Computerized tomography showed inferior rectus muscle enlargement in the right eye and inferior rectus, medial rectus, and superior oblique muscle enlargement in the left eye.
88. SICAM SBM 440 Computerized Wheel Balancer is well designed, easy to operate and powerful.
89. With the rapid expansion of biological knowledge and research, sophisticated computerized information-retrieval systems are necessary to speed up access to biological information.
90. Computerized tomography ( CT ) was conducted for 32 cases and 25 positive results were found.
91. Objective Based on a computerized color object segmentation technology, a novel ultrasonogram color flow pels quantitative analysis method is proposed.
92. The basic theories of Computerized education have developed from the behaviorism, cognitionism to the present constructionism.
93. Objective To study a new computerized automatic method for endocardial boundary tracking in sequential echocardiographic images.
94. This paper has pointed out some resolutions to it based on analysis of network-based computerized accounting system in terms of its features and internal controlling.
95. The all computerized data network system demonstrates the advanced technology and perfect function.
96. The RS232 interface allows easy adapting of the unit to computerized data acquisition in laboratory studies and semi-automatic production test systems.
97. Due to the decreasing cost of computer hardware and the increasing capacity of computer software, most critical networks are being progressively computerized .
98. This paper presents the basic theory and design thought of computerized adaptive testing system based on the item response theory and the realization in English test.
99. Thus, many construction projects have a planned project programme which has been developed using computerized critical path analysis (CPA) software.
100. The rat brains of the group measured volume were dyed with TTC and measured the area by computerized pathological image analyzer.
101. Computerized tomography demon - strated hemorrhage in 58 ( 69.9 % ) cases.
102. A computerized remote centralized monitoring system for underground ventilation of multistage fan stations is presented.
103. This paper, beginning from the development of computerization, deals in some detail with the formation, memory, protective principle, and application of computerized accounting files.
104. In most computerized systems, there are only two states: nonexistence or full - compliance.
105. This article high-lights how computerized system analysis is made and its utilization in administrative operation for the perfection of the decision management information system.
106. It is investigated the influence of base Stocks and additives on lubricity, washability and reserved time of film, the semi-synthetic knitting oil for computerized flat machine is developed.
107. The composing and controling principles of microcontroller control system of computerized subjective refractometer are introduced.
108. Objective To evaluate the accuracy of computerized automatic recognition system of cephalometry.
108. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
109. In this study, loader cab was taken as a special and complex man-machine. By the aid of the theory of man-machine engineering and computerized simulation, the CAD method of loader cab was realized.
110. Recent Ms. instruments with automated sampling and computerized data analysis have added to the attractiveness of the technique for first time users.
111. I have used the MYOB computerized accounting system for a book selling business, even though I have to put in all the data.
112. Computerized Wheel Balancer is well designed, easy to operate and powerful.
113. Inventory control system that involves the use of machine-readable codes on packages and products for easy identification and computerized record keeping.
114. An anonymous computerized market will even make possible abhorrent markets for assassinations and extortion.
115. Then how to use a computerized chemical equilibrium model to estimate and predict buffer capacity and susceptibility to acid precipitation of water systems are discussed .
116. Chapter III focuses on the company's accounting, accounting positions and set up computerized accounting application.
117. Computerized audit routines and crosschecks with state tax records " flag'suspicious returns for further analysis.
118. A computerized single pulse gnlvanestutic polarization apparatus with software system is developed.
119. A method for pseudo-3D simulative display of computerized embroidery design is intro- duced.
120. Because of the specificity of computerized accounting system, the establishment of a full set of the internal control suitable for computerized accounting system is particularly important.
121. In Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT), tests are automatically tailored to the proficiency level of the individual examinees, and the testing result is independent of examination items.
122. With the widespread application of computerized accounting system, new problems and tasks on institution of internal accounting control will continually arise.
123. They have computerized systems to ensure delivery of the right pizza to the right place.
124. Applicable industries: advertisement, arts and crafts, shoes, toys, garments, model , building upholster, computerized embroidery and clipping, packaging and paper industry.
125. Computerized accounting and E-business data are widely used by many companies. Audit sampling of financial and business data is the basis of daily audit for audited units.
126. Abdominal adenopathy is usually rated by computerized abdominal tomography, gallium scanning, ultrasonography, or lymphangiography.
127. A computerized overall forging system's model including hammerer, air hammer and forging part was developed.
128. Now they are making money on that generation's fears, and it is not just computerized flash card makers with the money-making ideas. Doctors and geneticists have also tapped into the market.
129. To solve those problems listed above, it's usually necessary to design and apply the Item Response Theory based Computerized Adaptive Testing based on the actual testing project itself.
130. A computerized random-number generator was used to draw up an allocation schedule.
131. Banking has become increasingly impersonal due to the introduction of computerized systems.
132. Practical system includes three modules: basic skills, manual operation and computerized operation.
133. A database is a computerized filing system, the electronic equivalent of a card index or filing cabinet.
134. Computerized accounting is the information system that the accounting data is analyzed by computer.
135. Colonel Hardy would like to see every tank with a computerized aid.
136. Correlation cluster analysis was computerized of 24 quantitative characters ofslash pine.
137. With our Computerized Steaming & Stewing Mug, you can disinfect milk bottle & tableware cook.
138. Conclusion Most of the cephalometrical landmarks can be identified successfully, which lays a foundation for the establishment of computerized automatic analysis system of cephalometry.
138. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
139. SILVER 442 Computerized Wheel Balancer is well designed, easy to operate and powerful.
140. Based on the item response theory, computerized adaptive testing (CAT) is the product of the needs of the times.
141. A computerized model has been developed which allows the calculation of the absorbed energy profile in materials exposed to particulate radiation.
142. The technical progress in computerized data acquisition and storage results in the growth of vast databases. It has become an imminent bottleneck that data are excessive while knowledge is scarce.
143. Conclusions The computerized 3D reconstruction of the human temporomandibular joint played an important role in studying the locomotory anatomy of the human.
144. The background, concept and feature of opening network computerized numerical control(CNC) system are introduced.
145. With KeyColor C's user-friendly, computerized control of fountain ink keys, press operators are able to rapidly adjust ink key settings from a central desk to speed makeready and reduce waste.
146. Pianodisc is a computerized system that can be added to virtually any piano and convert it into a high-tech player piano.
147. Document preparation is one piece of the most frequent and heaviest work in the daily accounting and bookkeeping after being computerized.
148. Objective To discuss MSCT ( multi - slice computerized tomography ) technique and manifestation of blunt renal injury.
149. NACTS is a computerized aircraft, threat and target tracking system that is the "great-grandson" of the Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation system, or ACMI.
150. The principle and method of computerized tomography ( CT ) for composite materials were described.
151. This paper is engaged in multi level analysis about the reliability in many aspects for the development of the multi-user computerized circulation system of the library.
152. Indiana resident Jim Grimes, who has led a fight in his state against the Hoosier Lottery's computerized drawings, is taking the issue to the national stage.
153. Bases on advantages of the old mechanical lock, and the new type cipher lock with Computerized Control System is designed.
154. We would like to make a brief review of the principle of computerized axial tomography.
155. They include bar - coding, computerized information management technology, EDI , materials requirements planning ( MRP ) , etc.
156. This paper analyses the features of the computerized accounting archives and the necessity to implement the management of computerized accounting archives.
157. International Data Base (IDB) — A computerized data bank of statistical tables and demographic information for 228 countries and areas.
158. Computerized Tomographic scan demonstrated an enlarged spleen with multiple well- marginated low-attenuation masses that were not enhanced after administration of contrast medium.
159. The - line device for monitoring voltage quality is a computerized digital recorder voltage transducer of distribution system.
160. Computerized Accounting is a computer - based contemporary electronic information processing technologies in the short form of accounting.
161. Objective To explore the value of intravenous pyelogram (IVP), type-B ultrasonic and computerized tomography (CT) in diagnosing ureterocele.
162. The retrofit strategy of replacing the conventional display instruments with the computerized data acquisition system for vertical furnace monitoring system in iron works is introduced.
163. The changes of memory ability, long term potentiation(LTP) in the hippocampus CA1 zone were administered by computerized shuttle training case(), extracorporeal hippocampal slices method.
164. The device is easy to operate, and may be applied for predetermined time periods without feedback control, using a timing circuit or computerized control system.
165. With computerized accounting system there exist risks of various types: physical, human, and network.
166. It has a satellite communications and transmission network, and has introduced 10 computerized information processing systems.
167. This paper analyzes some problems of computerized accounting system caused by implementation of new accounting standard and the solutions.
168. The assessment of the computerized data shows that the result of landfalling information computerization is satisfactory.
169. The CT - short for computerized tomography scan -- can detect injuries and tumors.
170. To achieve the original data of high quality is very important in the computerized accounting system.
171. Computerized visual - field examination plays important roles in diagnosis of glaucoma , fundus oculi disease[sentence dictionary], and so on.
172. Association of Securities Dealers Automatic Quotation system. It is the largest computerized stock exchange in the.
173. This paper presents a new method of computerized distance protection.
174. A fast backprojection algorithm for Computerized Tomography ( CT ) fan - beam reconstruction is proposed.
175. A . First, notice that the controls on the dashboard are all computerized.
176. Before surgical intervention, the differential diagnosis was found with difficulty by imaging studies, such as ultrasonography, computerized axial tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.
177. A three-axis computerized numerical control (CNC) machine tool to process the prosthetics socket mold was designed based on the unique shape of the socket.
178. This course introduces the basic concept and approaches for system analysis. Besides, the methods and procedures for developing a computerized information system is also discussed.
179. Industrial Computerized Tomography ( ICT ) is a kind of imaging technology integrating computer technology with radiology.
180. With the popularity of computerized accounting, computerized accounting system of internal controls highlighted the great significance.
181. Fuily computerized contact - mode control board , big screen Chinese language display computer, easy to operate.
182. A trans - century's pursuit -- the 21 st century computerized office network has Been developed successfully.
183. With the development and popularization of computer, computerized accounting become a trend.
184. Transillumination has been improved in its usefulness in the diagnosis of breast diseases by the addition of computerized infrared light scanning techniques.
185. The major findings of this study are summarized as follows: The rate of saving items by the computerized adaptive diagnostic system is 39.22% and prediction accuracy is 93.22%.
186. This paper also designs the computerized critical path algorithm and the network graph drawing algorithm based on the graph theory and project management technique.
187. The plot of such integration is introduced with the examples of modern computerized spandex warper and combined multi -bar jacquard warp knitting machines.




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