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单词 Welsh
(1) He had been the golden boy of Welsh rugby.
(2) She asked a question about Welsh history.
(3) He amazed us by his knowledge of Welsh history.
(4) England have beaten the Welsh three times in succession with an aggregate score of 83-12.
(5) She asked about Welsh history.
(6) Welsh was considered a marginal language.
(7) Stephen ventured a few more sentences in halting Welsh.
(8) Some of the singers wore the Welsh national costume.
(9) Welsh health authorities face a £13m deficit this year.
(10) Her voice had a soft Welsh lilt to it.
(11) The report was commissioned by the Welsh Office.
(12) In modern Welsh, "glas" means "blue".
(13) Mountains dominate the Welsh landscape.
(14) Jones proved an inspirational figure in Welsh rugby.
(15) They're all Welsh settlers in France.
(16) Since the Sixties, afforestation has changed the Welsh countryside.
(17) ...and it's a scrummage just inside the Welsh half.
(18) The Welsh name translates as 'Land's End'.
(19) She asked me about Welsh history.
(20) Can you do a Welsh accent?
(21) They instilled in their children a respect for Welsh tradition and culture.
(22) The running of Welsh rugby was left in chaos yesterday after a vote of no confidence in the game's overlords.
(23) In both Welsh and Irish the word for "moon" is of feminine gender.
(24) In Celtic languages such as Welsh, there is a process of mutation affecting the beginning sound of a word, according to the word which comes before it.
(25) The Welsh National Opera has mustered its forces to mount its second production of Tristan in only 14 years.
(26) I should think the Welsh are the only people in the world whose only national festival is devoted to music and poetry.
(27) Welsh international Matthew Postle was third fastest at the halfway point.
(28) They have both been recalled to the Welsh squad .
(29) Her novels are an odd synthesis of English reserve and Welsh emotionalism.
(30) She has been tipped as a future member of the Welsh Assembly.
(1) He had been the golden boy of Welsh rugby.
(2) She asked a question about Welsh history.
(3) He amazed us by his knowledge of Welsh history.
(4) England have beaten the Welsh three times in succession with an aggregate score of 83-12.
(5) She has been tipped as a future member of the Welsh Assembly.
(6) They're all Welsh settlers in France.
(31) His first passenger was a doctor who flew from Birmingham to a lonely village in the Welsh mountains.
(32) The choir sang sweetly, and none more so than the Welsh boy.
(33) The Welsh team was surprisingly knocked out in the semi finals.
(34) The Welsh selectors have named the team for next week's international.
(34) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(35) Irvine Welsh first captured the headlines with his novel 'Trainspotting'.
(36) He went to the beautiful old Welsh dresser that graced this homely room.
(37) At the start of the last over, bowled by Chris Lewis, the Welsh county were favourites.
(38) He's a member of a Welsh Male Voice Choir.
(39) His first language is Welsh.
(40) Environmentalists are concerned about possible damage to some of the most beautiful stretches of Welsh coastline.
(41) The Whitebred/Welsh Black cross is known as the Blue Albion and from time to time it has been classified as a separate breed.
(42) The place has a long Welsh name that I can't pronounce.
(43) Many of the pupils are bilingual in Welsh and English.
(44) Do you speak Welsh?
(45) One of flatmate is a welsh girl called Anna.
(46) Even Anthony Hopkins is Welsh.
(47) The Welsh are no slouches at cooking.
(48) The Welsh eat more potatoes than anyone else.
(49) Welsh breed of dual-purpose cattle.
(50) The ruling body of English and Welsh barrister.
(51) A mismark is a very serious color fault in the Pembroke Welsh Corgi for the show ring.
(52) The Welsh Springer Spaniel gives the impression of length due to obliquely angled forequarters and well developed hindquarters.
(53) The Welsh Terrier is a game dog-alert, aware, spirited-but at the same time, is friendly and shows self control.
(54) He wants actors who can speak Welsh. Obviously I've had it.
(55) The new welsh onion cultivar, Fucong No. 1 is developed by crossing Donglingbai (female parent) and Sanyeqi (male parent) through the modified method of mixing selection.
(56) He was a lovely, balanced dog with the essential breed characteristics that make up a Pembroke Welsh Corgi.
(57) Prince William also took part in some blind archery, under the instruction of former Welsh Guardsman, Clive Jones.
(58) Although there is one of the outcome of the Welsh elections and its implications for the Labour party and Plaid Cymru: hard to believe there were many readers for that in Washington.
(59) The library has a locally sourced Welsh Heartwood reception desk.
(60) The reason we think of a prince as being the son of a king or queen is that in the late 1200s King Edward I invaded Wales and the Welsh king was killed.
(61) Britain's best-known secessionist is a bookseller named Richard Booth, who in 1977 declared himself king—and his horse prime minister—of the Welsh village of Hay-on-Wye.
(62) The Pembroke Welsh Corgi hails from Pembrokeshire, Wales, where, according to legend, it served as a steed for fairies (hence the saddle-like pattern on its coat).
(63) The Calvinistic Methodist or Presbyterian Church of Wales is the only Church of purely Welsh origin, drawing its members from large section of the Welsh-speaking population.
(64) This depicts a Pembroke Welsh Corgi with heavy but acceptable white markings.
(65) To get his wish, Cattanach crossed a boxer with a tailless Welsh corgi, then took the tailless offspring that looked most like a boxer and mated it to other boxers .
(66) Trestle tables, welsh cupboards, canopy beds, and antique sideboards are all used in county homes. Look for used, utilitarian, painted furniture in antique malls and flea markets.
(67) Coal - mining became a key industry for the Welsh, employing tens of thousands at its height.
(68) So far, I've found Irish and Scottish Gaelic , Welsh, French, Dutch, German, Polish, Spanish, Hebrew, Italian, and English.
(69) I was out in the garden in my London house, making a little film for Mary Hopkin [the Welsh folk singer whom McCartney had signed up after Twiggy saw her on Opportunity Knocks, and recommended her].
(70) The Welsh are famous for their love of singing and choirs are among the most popular participants at the International Music Eisteddfod .
(71) The newfound hilt may have been left behind because it was unwanted, or it may have been inaccessible, according to Moore's colleague Wendy Welsh, a conservator on the project.
(72) Johnson: Small languages like Welsh and Letzeburgesh survive and even thrive in rich places like Europe. Other languages like Manx and Romansh are dead or threatened.
(73) Deep fry garlic, welsh onion and ginger or stir fry until aromatic.
(74) For the lawful birthday semblance, Charles wore the affair uniform of the Brittanic Guards, minus the headdress. He has been Colonel of the Welsh Guards since 1975.
(75) Dylan Thomas ( 27 October 1914 ? 9 November 1953 ) was a Welsh poet.
(76) In the late thirteenth century, Edward I took over the government of Gwynedd, one of the strongest Welsh principalities in Wales.
(77) Fierce Welsh mercenaries, who fight unarmoured, equipped a spear and capable ofa defensive ring of spears.
(78) The judge dismiss from the ring any Pembroke Welsh Corgi that is excessively shy.
(79) Welsh independent retailer Get Connected will open its 50th store in Worcester on Saturday (February 28).
(80) Edward II to the Welsh people as Prince of Wales, a title held by the heir to the throne ever since.
(81) This beautiful head study of a champion Pembroke Welsh Corgi male shows a red dog with a cream mask.
(82) Terry A . Welsh , A Technique for High - Performance Data Compression , IEEE Computer, June 1984.
(83) Welsh Conservative MEP Kay Swinburne praised efforts to promote use of the Welsh language.
(84) The judge shall dismiss from the ring any Pembroke Welsh Corgi that is excessively shy.
(85) This photo depicts a champion Pembroke Welsh Corgi male which clearly depicts the sable and white color.
(86) Matt Murphy, ornithologist for the Countryside Council for Wales said climate change was affecting the breeding patterns of pied flycatchers living in Welsh oak woodlands.
(87) The seed vigor of welsh onion seeds decreases with the extending of storage time.
(88) The Royal National Eisteddfod is a celebration of Welsh culture, and in particular of the Welsh language.
(89) Folklore states that it is the ghost of Welsh folk hero, Owen Glendower.
(90) The Celts spoke languages that survive today as Welsh, Caelic and Breton.
(91) It was the same in Irish and Welsh folklore, and what are presu-mably shamanistic cave paintings of animals are Europe's oldest surviving artistic representations.
(92) The Welsh Terrier is a sturdy, compact, rugged dog of medium size with a coarse wire-textured coat.
(93) On October 17, 1826, Carlyle married his secretary Jane Welsh.
(94) The Welsh princes had always enjoyed a somewhat ambivalent relationship with their technical Norman overlords.http://
(95) Slow-Roasted Shoulder of Welsh Lamb, very-first-of-the-season Jersey Royals (potatoes), first-of-the-season Asparagus and Wild St. George Mushrooms. Mint Sauce and Gravy.
(96) Slow-Roasted Shoulder of Welsh Lamb, very first of the season Jersey Royals, first of the season Asparagus and Wild St George Mushrooms. Mint Sauce and Gravy.
(97) Ingredients :350g Boneless chicken thigh, 2 Negi(Welsh onion), optional Nanami Togarashi(Assorted chili pepper), some Bamboo skewers .
(98) Workers coming home from factories made "high tea" their early supper, eating toad-in-the-hole(sausages cooked in a pancake-like batter), or Welsh rarebit(a melted cheese mixture served on toast).
(99) This word is descended from Gaulish, a Celtic language that is related to Welsh and Irish .
(100) In Wales in the same era[], boys were caned for speaking Welsh in the playground.
(101) However, most experts agree that the story was popularised by the 12th Century History of the Kings of Britain, written by the Oxford-based Welsh scholar Geoffrey of Monmouth.
(102) The Welsh Springer Spaniel head is unique and should in no way approximate that of other spaniel breeds.
(103) The storage longevity of ultra-dried welsh onion seeds was improved remarkably.
(104) Politics is more fragmentary , too, thanks to Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish devolution.
(105) In these models one language always died out and showed an ominous fit with historical data on the way English has crushed Scottish Gaelic and Welsh, and how Spanish dominates Quechua.
(106) There have been calls for the WRU to give the Welsh regions more funding to help retain Wales internationals.
(107) Some Welsh activists have started blacking out English language road signs.
(108) The present research established a easy and accurate method for interspecific hybrids identification between onion and Welsh onion.
(109) The Pacific (Crassostrea gigas) and New Zealand flat (Tiostrea lutaria) oysters, introduced here during the last century, are both now thriving along sections of the English, Irish and Welsh coasts.
(110) It was comic that a scrubby little Welsh member should look at me like that.
(111) Investigated insecticides on Welsh onion, results indated: 8 item 13 section 22 species pest injuring Welsh onion.
(112) Chocolate-covered caramel topped with Welsh smoked se salt. Roasted red pepper with goat cheese Kettle chips.
(113) Still others, such as the collie and the Welsh corgi, can herd farm or range animals.
(114) An annual eisteddfod or Welsh music festival still attracts Welsh singers and musicians from all around the world and one teashop is called Ti Gwyn.
(115) Griffith, a Welsh mining speculator, bought what was left of the rancho a century later.
(116) The Welsh Terrier is a sturdy, compact, rugged dog of medium size with a coarse coat.
(117) The Welsh Terrier is friendly, outgoing to people and other dogs, showing spirit and courage.
(118) The size, shape, color and position of the eyes give the steady, confident but alert expression that is typical of the Welsh Terrier.
(119) English is the official language, Welsh, Gaelic, and Irish are the indigenous languages.
(120) The lipid peroxidation induced by free radicals is the essential reason for welsh onion seeds aging.
(121) The "Welsh Terrier expression" comes from the set, color, and position of the eyes combined with the use of the ears.
(122) Tottenham have completed the signing of Southampton's teenager Welsh international defender Gareth Bale.
(123) Welsh, Scottish Gaelic, Scots and Irish (among others) were all prohibited in education at one time or another, which possibly contributed the most to the plummeting usage of the languages.
(124) When to study and research the dissolved protein in Calli, we found Hyg have an influence on growth and differentiation of Welsh Onion tissues, like effectiveness of some plant hormone.
(125) The Italian club are seeking a right fullback, but, if they would sign the young Welsh, they could move left wingback Luca Antonini to the right.
(126) Not even the heaviest hangover will wipe Welsh memories of this red-shirted romp.
(127) Welsh, Scots Gaelic and Irish had inferior status to English, whereas Scots wasn't even recognized as a separate language, and all suffered as a result.
(128) Fierce Welsh mercenaries, who fight unarmoured, equipped with a spear and capable of forming a defensive ring of spears.
(129) The coffee shop hosts a delight of home cooked cakes and Welsh specialities including Abbey Mill's famous 'Mill Wheel' teacake .
(130) You don't have to tell Welsh about the attractions of rugby football - you' re preaching to the converted!
(131) Welsh Rarebit aka cheese on toast is a truly, truly delicious breakfast.
(132) Maybe it was an unconscious memory of that first pony farm visit that made me take keen notice of the little Welsh pony now sticking to my side.
(133) AE : Gotcha. How does a Welsh actor wind up on an American television show?
(134) Every year they have a festival of Welsh music and poetry called an " Eisteddfod ".
(135) Her novel is an odd synthesis of english reserve and welsh emotionalism.
(136) A potyvirus was found to be causing rugose and yellow stripe symptoms in welsh onion in Zhangqiu county, Shandong province, China.
(137) A couple of weeks after my husband and I got home, still thinking of Owens and his charming ponies, I went online and found it was the centennial show of the Welsh Pony and Cob Societyof America.
(138) The game, which saw McMahon take charge of the team for the first time since replacing Gary Ablett, was played as part the Welsh club's 125th Anniversary season.
(139) In order to know nutrients metabolism of welsh onion during growth and development, the content of soluble sugar, soluble protein and free amino acid of 15 different varieties were analysed.
(140) Henry Tudor was born in an ancient family of Welsh and his mother was a descendant of the Lancaster family.
(141) Ostensibly a biopic of Welsh poet Dylan Thomas, it eschews the traditional biography formula to emerge as an artsy meditation on love, friendship and jealousy.




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