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单词 In the same way
1 Make the drink with boiling water in the same way as tea.
2 School meals need to be marketed to children in the same way as other food.
3 We like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain material.
4 People don't look after other people's property in the same way as they look after their own.
5 The drugs didn't seem to affect Anna in the same way .
6 The museum was strange in the same way.
7 Nor do they all function in the same way.
8 It should be treated in the same way as pinch pleat tape.
9 They are bought through a stockbroker in the same way as ordinary investment trust shares.
10 You must exercise your mind each day in the same way that you do your body.
11 I crept up to my first victim in the same way as I imagine a lion cub stalks it first wildebeest - clumsily.
12 Adverbs Adverbs describe verbs in the same way that adjectives describe nouns.
13 Similar but slightly larger amounts are allocated in the same way for secondary pupils.
14 It is contagious in the same way that sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis and gonorrhea, are contagious.
15 Perhaps I am being prejudged in the same way, if my name is even mentioned outside.
16 The bottom strand is numbered in the same way from the 5' end, but with primes on the numbers.
17 In the same way that matter is constituted of fundamental particles, antiparticles are the building blocks of antimatter.
18 In the same way, the West continues to make large sums of money from Third World debt.
19 All birds of this species are programmed to build their nests in the same way.
20 All three children have equality in our family — they are all treated in the same way.
21 There is no reason why a gifted aircraft designer should also be a capable pilot. In the same way, a brilliant pilot can be a menace behind the wheel of a car.
22 When do the children finish school? When you are talking about a particular building, the is used:I'll meet you outside the school. Prison, jail, court,[] and church work in the same way:Her husband spent three years in prison.
23 The ritual of the party conference is acted out in the same way every year.
24 Now Will maintains his positive attitude by continuing to behave in the same way. 5.
25 Similarly, insects and land snail shells are identified, sorted and quantified in the same way as animal and plant remains.
26 The tide of love, as these romantic girls put it, never came full again in the same way.
27 The plump girl, who had been so full of life, was killed in the same way as the earlier victims.
28 Neither does varying the task necessarily affect the group success rate in the same way that it affects individual performance.
29 He remembers his lonely school days, in assured manner that his son will not grow up in the same way.
30 Press seam allowance to the wrong side on the lining and notch out in the same way.
31 This may indicate that the brooches were consistently worn in a particular position, but not in the same way.
32 Until recently, such wavelengths have been ignored because neutral hydrogen absorbs it in the same way fog absorbs visible light.
33 Other heroic figures which figure in the monthly ritual dances are equipped in the same way.
34 Print the following vertical four-part sections in the same way.
35 We start to lose control of our minds in the same way that muscular tension is often out of our control.
36 American students of Spanish often persist in pronouncing words such as "presidente" in the same way as similar English words.
37 With every actor reasoning in the same way, however, no narrowly rational person will participate.
38 Strong tea can be used in the same way for a lovely brown colour.
39 He became less abrasive, more polite, as he fine-tuned himself in the same way he fine-tuned the company.
40 The aromatic waters can be used in the same way as commercial products - splashed on after a bath or shower.
41 The Grand Theogonist is dealt two spells at the start of the game in the same way as a level 2 wizard.
42 In the same way it is possible to recruit staff to work any combination of shifts during the daytime.
43 In the same way, the size of the PacTel vote provides an incentive for the company to resolve this issue.
44 Then calculate the distance walked in the same way as above.
45 In the same way, timekeeping is cultural in its origins, a concatenation of accidental events.
46 Have her seal a straw in another bag in the same way you did the first one.
47 It may be possible to analyse the plans of the other ancient Cretan temples in the same way.
48 Once some one has used a particular credit type, they are very likely to buy other things in the same way.
49 Environmental intangibles have been built into the cost-benefit analysis in the same way as they are for road schemes.
50 Perhaps random spot checks could be carried out in the same way as breathalyser tests.
51 You are simply not supposed to clap, in the same way as you are not meant to throw toilet rolls.
52 Maynard Smith tried pitting different genetic strategies against each other in the same way that economists do with different economic strategies.
53 Disability works against people with impairments in the same way as sexism works against women.
54 A videodisc player can be connected up to a monitor or television set in the same way as a videocassette player.
55 Were earnings to be treated in the same way as savings and gratuities?
56 We have presented our data in the same way as MacKenzie and Jefferies from Oxford.
57 This must be calculated just like special damage and must be verified by exhibits in the same way.
58 The new £75,[http:///in the same way.html]000 final salary limit applies to AVCs in the same way as to other earnings.
59 Probably the notorious case of some rail coaches being moved by road came about in the same way.
60 Made me indignant in the same way virtuoso bureaucratic behavior still provokes me.
61 The flutes and piccolo act in the same way at still higher altitudes.
62 Good management accounts separate the well-organised from the rest but are not vital in the same way.
63 Take your pulse in the same way that you calculated your resting pulse rate earlier.
64 Then, looking down, brush lower lashes in the same way.
65 Reality is at his disposal in the same way that ordinary language and the current literary conventions and devices are.
66 In effect the allied general becomes a subordinate character in the same way as other heroes.
67 Each group and subgroup consisted ot 10 rats. Bacterial overgrowth rats were prepared in the same way as described previously.
68 Starving people have frequently refused to eat food that is foreign to them, and horses will behave in the same way.
69 In the same way, if, we can write and develop the down-problem, declaring the node on the up-branch inactive.
70 All wild creatures behave in the same way when presented with a cache of food and plenty of competition for it.
71 The condition looks very similar to the sufficient condition advanced in chapter 3 and may be proved in the same way.
72 Graduated pension is increased annually in the same way as the basic pension.
73 Whales, forests, and aquifers have been treated in the same way.
74 It is also helpful to know that he or she was by no means alone and that many others suffered in the same way.
75 A software crash generally happens when you try to do something in the same way - i.e. the crash is repeatable.
76 The ocean currents flow around these in the same way that winds blow around high and low centres of atmospheric pressure.
77 In the same way as we talk about the composite commodity of sport, we can also refer to the composite price.
78 Some business decisions can be carried out in the same way.
79 Plant in the same way as for trees and shrubs, mulching the prepared ground with black plastic or strips of old carpet.
80 Emma wondered if he thought of her in the same way that she thought of him.
81 Attach webbing tape to the top edge of tails on the lining side, in the same way as for the swag.
82 If they had been in their subordinates' shoes, they would have behaved in the same way.
82 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
83 As an entity, the United States behaved in the same way.
84 In the same way, the earmarks of igneous rocks are their mineralogy, textures, and structures.
85 In the same way, nerve cells in the spinal cord show activity whenever a particular movement is made by the arm.
86 In the same way we are all under the same delusions in one form or another.
87 In the same way, external stimuli become incorporated into dreams in order to reduce their arousing effect.
88 Do we exclude them in the same way as tax collectors etc.
89 International differences in the cost of capital are determined in the same way, generally through the mechanism of currency risk.
90 Its affinity for the opiate receptor means, however, that it could be addictive in the same way as morphine.
91 He carried a colour photograph of his mill in the same way that others carry their wives and children.
92 Accordingly, we would construe the guarantee and debenture in the same way that we have construed the mortgage deeds.
93 The obverse of money market advances is money market deposits, and these work in the same way.
94 Thus under certain conditions we can expect A* to behave in the same way as breadth-first search.
95 In the same way, any dog who will not accept dominance in his new pack is not an asset to anyone.
96 It is kept up to date in the same way as the full system and is held by many libraries and other advice agencies.
97 Neither athletics nor soccer prospered from black participation in the same way as boxing, but there were exceptions.
98 In the same way, when running for a shot, try to keep your centre of gravity under control.
99 Only one output is shown; the other nine outputs are connected in the same way.
100 We will also insure you in the same way following an accident involving any trailer while attached to your motor cycle.
101 The diminutive but pleasant cliffs at nearby Brassington and Harborough were formed in the same way.
102 Alternatively, some bicycles have an odometer on them which you could use in the same way.
103 It is now clear that not all strong promoters are optimized in the same way.
104 This increases the money supply in the same way as does a balance of payments surplus.
105 The next question is - do all these adverbial expressions function in the same way?
106 Sometimes, register inconsistency produces unintended pastiche and humour, in the same way that direct imitation of published styles can.
107 Other products are treated in the same way, building up a graph of the aggregate sales of existing products.
108 He imagined her delicate fingers squeezing and crushing at him in the same way.
109 It reflects off the cookie sheet in the same way light is reflected by a mirror.
110 Every mental phenomenon includes something as object within itself, although they do not all do so in the same way.
111 In the same way it can reassure a timid lover, or comfort a woman weak from childbirth.
112 The learner is enabled to edit and modify text in the same way, say, as an adult journalist would.
113 They can be used to mask more controversial issues in the same way as usage of the labels purpose or reasonableness.
114 Brains may carry out tasks in the same way even if the tissues involved are not strictly homologous.
115 It is connected in the same way that cast iron guttering is repaired - i.e. with mastic and a new gutter bolt.
116 The interesting fact to note is that dinosaurs soon benefited from bipedality in the same way humans later did - better vision.
117 These were sealed in the same way as the rooflights, with air / vapour barrier material and plenty of butyl tape.
118 Also, enforcement is carried out in the same way by the weights and measures authorities, sections 27-33.
119 Buyers would become members in the same way, and with similar rights.
120 Another bird that dies in the same way may be so small and well camouflaged that no one notices it.
121 His father had suffered the humiliation because of Mills' treachery and so the traitor should suffer in the same way.
122 You can delete and insert spaces created by pressing the spacebar in the same way that you delete and insert other characters.
123 In the same way, we can not hear very low tones.
124 You may not choose to react to situations which damage your self-esteem in the same way as Jane.
125 We can imagine that, if we believed what the Calvinists believed, we would have behaved in the same way.
126 Works of authority can be rewritten or subjected to different interpretations in the same way as can other texts.
127 Such a confession of faith requires no external verification in the same way as statements of fact.
128 And in the same way my brother could not live his life completely and openly there.
129 Apply grasscloth in the same way as paper-back hessian, smoothing the material in place with soft roller.
130 Bacterial overgrowth rats were prepared in the same way as described previously.
131 Homologous parts tend to vary in the same way, and homologous parts tend to cohere.
132 Lining Cut the lining as for the outer fabric and join the widths together in the same way.
133 In the same way , we can design apochromatic photograph objective by different glasses.
134 Upload your MP 3 file in the same way as above.
135 In the same way, he adds, "most burglars victimize places that are very close to where they live, or where they work, or where they hang out.
136 The art language identification is a sign of a successful artist. In the same way, the use of specific language of painting is the basic principle to evaluate a great painter.
137 A computationally intensive number crunching workload will not use the Java heap in the same way as a highly transactional customer-facing interface.
138 The brain works like an electrical circuit, sending impulses along nerve fibres in the same way that current is sent through wires.
139 In the same way, the induced current that generates guidance force should possibly flow restrainedly in strong B_z region.
140 Ethnic statistics and affirmative action are banned, because France is attempting to be a color-blind nation that treats all French in the same way.
141 In the same way that butter is refined from milk, the Vajra Words are the most important essence of the Buddha's sutric and tantric teachings in the form of pith instruction.
142 Gardens on the steep hillsides fenced in the same way.
143 The results indicate that water proof particleboard can be used as concrete moldboard instead of wood concrete moldboard in the same way,[] and recycled more than 9 times.
144 In the same way, we agreed that the Islamic Republic of Iran must provide assurances to the international community that its nuclear program is peaceful and transparent.
145 The researchers suggest that savant skills may be limited to a small percentage of the normal population in the same way that they are limited to a small percentage of the disabled population.
146 Sheet - fed and positioned in the same way with printing machine.
147 In the same way, vegetable oil can be used for cooking instead of animal oil.
148 Many powders on Earth can behave in the same way. Try walking in spilt talcum powder.
149 After he had died, they tortured and maltreated the fourth brother in the same way.
150 In the same way, there were at Rome Carthaginian prisoners who refused to salute Flaminius, and who had a little of Hannibal's spirit.
151 The rise and sets of cresent and gibbous phase can be estimated in the same way.
152 We should combat such devices in the same way as we combat chronic diseases like bilharzia , tuberculosis, etcetera.
153 So a new science is needed in the same way that we new quantum physics.
154 In the same way it is possible to copolymerize three or more monomers together.
155 The robot's wings not only beat up and down, but also twist at specific angles along the wingspan in the same way that a real bird does.
156 Energy, at any rate kinetic energy, resists motion in the same way as ponderable masses.
156 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
157 Obviously we have to keep going in the same way at home, but if we want to have hopes of finishing fourth, we have to improve away.
158 In the same way, we can design the apochromatic photograph objective by different glasses.
159 All institutions appear in the same way, as given, unalterable and self - evident.
160 The voltage signal is processed and transmitted to the control equipment in the same way as in the case of the ionisation smoke monitor.
161 In the same way, business integration of modern times has benefited from standards that enable heterogeneous computer systems to interoperate efficiently.
162 An absolutely new Chameleon truck was designed just in the same way.
163 In the same way, readers put up with unintelligibility , obsessiveness, painful truths, lies, bad grammar—if, in compensation, the writers allows them to savor rare emotions and dangerous sensations.
164 In the same way, the different period of prolificacy development also calls for suitable land system.
165 In the same way, it is not allowed to change the means of implementation (manual, mechanised or automated).
166 In the same way our vineyards have fought the invasion of phylloxera for over a century.
167 Other emendation records , e . g . addition , deletion and correction, are shown in the same way.
168 In the same way , the tsetse fly transmits the, tiny organism that causes african sleeping sickness.
169 Work items tagged with a work stream identifier are resolved using the work stream ID in the same way as a named policy set.
170 Residents of Soweto, or other urban areas in South Africa, are likely to grumble about foreigners in the same way as in rich countries.




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