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单词 Tended to
1. His blood pressure tended to stabilize.
2. She tended to monopolize the conversation.
3. They worked hard, but tended to stay aloof from the local inhabitants.
4. In the mass production era multinational firms tended to centralize their operations.
5. Women tended to be relegated to typing and filing jobs.
6. The President tended to regard the Church as an anachronism.
7. The views of the left wing have tended to predominate within the party.
8. However, traders tended to discount the rumor.
9. I tended to stick to tried and tested techniques.
10. She tended to sleep lightly nowadays .
11. She stayed at home and tended to her mother.
12. Hospitals have tended to overlook this need.
13. History has tended to devalue the contributions of women.
14. Nurses tended to the injured.
15. They tended to have a much more up-front attitude.
16. He tended to her every need.
17. I tended to mistrust my emotions and intellectualize everything.
18. Scientists have tended to ignore these creatures.
19. He tended to stutter,(http://) which tried her patience.
20. He tended to stick to the relative safety of San Francisco's gay ghetto.
21. Scientists have tended to skate over the difficulties of explaining dreams.
22. Jay had always tended to keep his girlfriends at a distance.
23. Penny tended to work through her lunch hour in an effort to keep up with her work.
24. The press have tended to understate the extent of the problem.
25. The traditional approach has tended to regard unemployment and inflation as being inversely related.
26. In the past they've tended to turn a deaf ear to such requests.
27. Americans were always welcome because they tended to tip heavily.
28. Daytime television tended to remind her too forcefully of her own situation.
29. The survey revealed that top earners in the country tended to be men.
30. We were the only British people in the town so we tended to stick together.
1. His blood pressure tended to stabilize.
2. They worked hard, but tended to stay aloof from the local inhabitants.
3. In the mass production era multinational firms tended to centralize their operations.
4. Women tended to be relegated to typing and filing jobs.
5. The President tended to regard the Church as an anachronism.
6. The views of the left wing have tended to predominate within the party.
7. The survey revealed that top earners in the country tended to be men.
31. British society tended to ossify and close ranks as the 1930s drew to their close.
32. Recent evidence has tended to contradict established theories on this subject.
33. Recent laws have tended to restrict the freedom of the press.
34. Colonial officials tended to see Indian society as an undifferentiated whole.
35. Editorial comment in "The Guardian" tended to support the government in this matter.
36. Doctors tended to dole them out liberally.
37. The traditional monument has tended to confound gender politics.
38. Quarrelsomeness tended to decrease as children got older.
39. Generally speaking, however,(http://) different intervals of time tended to be thought of as separate discrete units.
40. The internal organization of state policy-making has tended to reflect the lines of cleavage within dominant economic groups of civil society.
41. Since the 1970s, the world had been dominated by two problems which, ironically, tended to cancel each other out.
42. However, the cancers associated with strictures in our series tended to be more advanced than those that did not cause strictures.
43. Presented with a diagram of the alimentary canal, he tended to marvel at its artistry rather than study its efficiency.
44. Most black dance students of the time tended to be steered by well-meaning teachers into the more welcoming field of modern dance.
45. The company tended to capitalise all costs and revenues associated with opening new homes until they reached projected break-even occupancy levels.
46. Such initiatives tended to be overcome in time by inertia and indifference.
47. Historians have tended to overlook the possibilities of more rapid transit where the cargo concerned was profitable enough to merit it.
48. Demographic distortions created by migration have tended to confirm this image.
49. The papal reform tended to drive a wedge between the educated, celibate higher clergy, and the rank and file.
50. These tended to portray him as being concerned with little more than his own power.
51. Reactions to change have tended to involve attempts to encompass new approaches within existing frameworks of practice and thinking.
52. Accounting was a horse of a different color, although the Bureau tended to use the words "planning" and "accounting" to mean the same thing.
53. In keeping with the general mood of the time, these novels tended to sentimentalize the past.
54. In the 1980s, bull markets tended to be caused by short-term weather markets, and were quickly corrected.
55. He has tended to highlight few issues beyond cutting taxes.
56. The band was fairly drunk, and the tunes tended to overlap now.
57. Social polarization Recent trends have tended to produce greater social divisions between places.
58. However, they did find that personal service workers tended to give different answers to the questions about autonomy at work.
59. But other changes, especially economic ones, have tended to increase their dependence on their families.
60. Beyond that, things tended to be too small and fuzzy to work with for any length of time.
61. Bert, Alice was pleased to see, missed Jasper, tended to be at a loose end.
62. Their works tended to be small-scale, mostly because they worked in cramped living spaces with scarce materials.
63. Also, the monsoon overcast tended to cut down the amount of solar energy available.
64. Moreover, the Left has tended to turn away from applause for insurrection - at least in so far as prospects for change in Britain are concerned.
65. Liability tended to be seen in terms of contractual duties.
66. Therefore rural people have tended to have large surpluses extracted from them through low prices enforced by parastatal marketing boards.
67. Steamships were in a minority until about 1890 and in any case tended to take the shorter voyages.
68. Official explanations of deficiencies in teaching quality have tended to equate such deficiencies with tendencies to adopt transmission patterns of teaching.
69. Her almost flat nose tended to widen at the nostrils, flaring over a tidal wave of a mouth.
70. One Conservative Member complained that ministers tended to dominate on regional programmes, while local Members were squeezed out.
71. They were also more likely to have had more than a high school education and tended to have a higher household income.
72. We also booked hotels in advance, since the guidebooks said that they tended to be busy.
73. Grain- and seed-eaters of grassland and savannah were gregarious and tended to breed in colonies.
74. The government tended to intervene swiftly with police and troops when major plants or the railway system were disrupted.
75. However, we have tended to overlook the fact that they may in some circumstances be met in other ways.
76. Average response speed tended to decrease over a period of twenty minutes in sleep-deprived subjects, unlike in rested controls.
77. My sense from meeting Raoul and Miriam was that they tended to be anxious and think in concrete terms.
78. Being made of metal, often precious metal, coins have tended to survive much better than less durable objects.
79. Fenced lands tended to be unevenly grazed, and fences were obvious hazards to cattle in winter storms.
80. She was an excellent photographer herself, but political activity tended to dominate her life.
81. The courts have instead tended to consider a number of factors which point to the existence of an obligation of confidentiality.
82. These movements and earlier erosion have tended to obscure Mesozoic and Paleozoic structures.
83. Science and technology institutes tended to receive more investment than the liberal arts colleges.
84. Each of these factors has tended to increase the demand for physician servIces.
85. Users tended to be children with low expectations of good exam results and generally low esteem.
86. In their interplay, the two developments tended to reinforce each other on an international scale.
87. Different generations have tended to position themselves at different points on that continuum.
88. Intensive political contact in what is a relatively small country, has tended to soften and shift policy disagreements.
89. While Schweitzer tended to dwell too exclusively on this aspect, he was certainly justified in stressing it.
90. People tended to see television as biased against their own party while they thought their paper was biased towards their own party.
91. Individuals tended to invest more, with an increased demand for certificates of deposit.
92. The stridency of their assertions tended to grow in inverse proportion to the extent of their knowledge on costs.
93. The fact that many another highly gifted player has not found captaincy easy tended to be overlooked.
94. The manifesto was many things to many artists and tended to seek a compromise among the various concepts of the fourth dimension.
95. At one time such excluded or impotent minorities tended to be religious.
96. The Catholic vote has tended to lean to the Democrats.
97. Smaller firms in the past have tended to recruit younger people, especially those not continuing in full-time education.
98. However research efforts in the past have tended to concentrate on one or the other.
99. The international events of 1935 and 1936 tended to confirm the views of both extremes of the Labour Party.
100. In the 1930s the Bauhaus school tended to favour a technological approach to art.
101. On occasions such as this, Dorothea Gilberd tended to gravitate towards Tom Tedder.
102. Reich tended to ignore the interconnection, but it was an important one for Freud's sociology.
103. Many would agree that in the past the latter have tended to dominate policymaking in Phoenix and in Arizona generally.
104. The lighter work to which men tended to shift as they got older was generally worse paid.
105. Unlike his brother, David tended to talk to people, get along with them, hang out with them.
106. Once a particular kind of stone was recognized as precious it tended to remain so.
107. On the other hand, the many other activities of London tended to offset the impact of a manufacturing recession.
108. Most tasks entrusted to governments were also fairly straight forward, so performance tended to take care of itself.
109. Their geographical location tended to coincide with those areas in which the 1936 rising had been successful.
110. Privatisations, because of the large size of funds involved, have tended to include elements of both offer for sale and placings.
111. In doing so it has often tended to neglect crucial distinctions between the nature of language and the nature of images.
112. Women in the labour movement also tended to favour the idea of a family wage.
113. Then it was found that the use of synthetic hormones tended to produce cancer.
114. Harriet had always tended to feel compassion towards the underdog.
115. Unemployment grew rapidly to 1982 and has tended to level off since then.
116. The therapist suggested that possibly she tended to set herself standards that were too high and also underestimated her own ability.
117. The lunch-time conversation tended to be less interesting than that of Rose and Victorine in the kitchen.
118. The banks have tended to choose a lower liquidity ratio over the years, and certainly a lower cash ratio.
119. At home Sean remained a reasonably pleasant child who tended to respond passively to the problems he encountered regarding schoolwork.
120. Such reductions might be marginal and therefore the enhancement tended to have less impact than when it was used for cross-school initiatives.
121. Together these two factors have tended to cloak her personality, leaving an impression of excessive timidity.
122. They also tended to see their social contacts as unplanned.
123. Until now, people working in the transport industry have tended to specialise in one aspect of the distribution business.
124. But my stage tended to turn into a revolving stage and I became the recipient of endless encores.
125. Clinic measurements of children under 2 years of age tended to show length to be shorter than actual. 3.
126. Again, traditional teaching has tended to dissociate grammar from context and to deal in isolated sentences.
127. Peasants under serfdom tended to be forced to fulfil their obligations.
128. Even the lighter stories tended to be along the lines of parrots who played the commodities market.
129. There were many cases of theft, misappropriation,(http:///tended to.html) and favouritism which tended to destroy confidence in officialdom in general.
130. There has tended to be an increase in confidence within IIAs, although this has rarely been matched by increasing private-sector investment.
131. In consequence, Secretaries of State tended to look elsewhere within the Ministry and elsewhere for impartial advice.
132. They tended to exaggerate grossly the role which the intelligentsia could play regardless of socio-economic developments.
133. The first school of thought tended to examine data on outcomes in order to find an explanation.
134. Pure alcohol injection after an epinephrine injection tended to decrease the rebleeding rate in our series.
135. Such inroads as modern culture made into the village tended to fortify this conviction.
136. His thoughts tended to be deflected away, as if from a fast-running flywheel.
137. Similarly(), the investor base of the market has tended to change from private account holders to institutional investors.
138. However, where the two virtues conflicted, loyalty tended to take precedence over filial piety.
139. Inheritable property has still tended to go to the eldest son.
140. People tended to make way for you in bus queues when you were an imam.
141. Those few married women who arrived tended to travel overland.
142. At Cambridge he showed little aptitude for study and tended to be diverted by horse-racing and other forms of gambling.
143. English reviewers tended to take a condescending view of American writers.
144. Constituting 23 percent of the voting electorate, this community tended to deliver a monolithic yea or nay.
145. Grace, however, tended to ignore Luke when he came to stay, doing her duty without love or warmth.
146. Rather than accusing him of anachronism, academic critics tended to concentrate their fire on internal contradictions or flawed assumptions in his policy.
147. This has tended to foster a very negative attitude towards this form of provision and the staff who work in such units.
148. The use of physical force by teachers tended to promote violent behaviour by pupils.
149. The middle-aged tended to become power-happy if they had geriatrics in the family.
150. Personal ambition was doubtless another factor which tended to enmesh ecclesiastics in politics.
151. Social inequality tended to increase rather than lessen in the 1980s.
152. The only problem which cured itself was a horn that tended to cut the engine during the early life of the car.
153. A good look at the bottom end of a drummer tended to lower crowd sympathy.
154. The provision of concentrated data about data tended to information overload, but there were valuable tips to be picked up.
155. The trouble was the improperly designed fuel tank; this tended to fracture, particularly after rear-end collisions.
156. Very quickly the greatest fortune tended to be dissipated among innumerable descendants.
157. Peasants tended to move onwards in short stages, so their progression across Siberia was not sudden.
158. In other words, men tended to seek polygamy, whereas women strove to marry upward with men of high status.
159. In contrast to his predecessors who worked at all hours of the day Macmillan tended to keep office hours.
160. Historically,(http:///tended to.html) we tended to concentrate on high volume products and maximum utilisation of capacity.
161. Each party tended to see its own central ideal and to look at the others concerned as a perverse distraction from it.
162. Unfortunately, the Treatises tended to bore their readers through the sheer number of examples cited.
163. Newspapers tended to get into trouble with governments, something which had happened before independence and since.
164. Until recently, however, native maps and mapping have tended to be treated as curiosities and in very narrow contexts.
165. The study also found that female investors tended to be less optimistic than men.
166. Until relatively recently, Instructors delivering National Certificate modules in prisons tended to be rather isolated.
167. The only other downside I noticed was that the car tended to be a little ponderous in lower gears around town.
168. Later work, including a recent ESRC- supported investigation by Sugden and Starmer, has tended to confirm these predictions.
169. Furthermore, nutritional treatment tended to be recommended for the more symptomatic and already growth impaired children.
170. Research into Anglo-Saxon pottery found in the excavation of settlements has tended to focus on questions relating to domestic pottery production.
171. Based upon an interpretation of the past Britain tended to give high priority to defence and security.
172. Since the invisibility of women is not confined to particular disciplines(), feminism has tended to take on an interdisciplinary approach.
173. Once they had made their inferences they tended to use any manpower they had to follow them up.
174. Industrial firms in the heavy industries tended to grow in size as the integration of manufacturing processes made further economies possible.
175. Stoppages in the early 1960s were numerous but tended to be limited in the numbers of workers involved and in duration.
176. In many different cultures the captives taken in war have tended to be women rather than men.
177. The cloud tended to flatten into a disk; matter began to drift toward the center, accumulating into the proto-Sun.
178. Corruption in the process of translation has tended to obscure more than names.
179. They found there was good agreement between both groups, although social workers tended to be more cautious in their judgements.
180. Scientists for their part have tended to consider the layman's admiration as their right and the real world as irrelevant.
181. A small, detailed survey found that older inheritors tended to put aside much of their cash to benefit their own children.
182. For novices, anxiety tended to mount steadily from the day before a jump to the moment of jumping.
183. The old laws were so irrelevant to post-Soviet life that even the police tended to ignore them.
184. The new big cities tended to accumulate in a comparatively small number of countries.
185. Because so much has been put into making such fine volumes, they have tended to increase in value year by year.
186. Eisenhower had not been aggressive enough, he tended to compromise, he could not stir the nation to great deeds.
187. Academic study has tended to emphasise critical thought as the natural companion to learning a subject.
188. The apartments were professionally operated and tended to have higher occupancy rates and rents than the rental market as a whole.
189. Although the new mayors tended to be younger men, they did not represent a new class of people.
190. They worked diligently and enthusiastically but tended to be aloof from the local inhabitants.
191. Men tended to dominate these movements, both personally and intellectually.
192. Steam hammers, in short, tended to batter themselves to death.
193. Problems that can not be resolved by reasoned debate have tended to be ignored in the hope that they will go away.
194. A lot of the younger officers tended to be very career orientated, and far heavier and aggressive.
195. At staff functions at Burleigh, little groups tended to form.
196. Those with extensive past histories suggesting emotional problems also tended to have longer courses.
197. Survey participants tended to reflect a higher proportion of builders active in the move-up, single-family-housing market.
198. Moreover, manual workers tended to be paid benefits for shorter periods of time and they received smaller amounts than non-manual workers.
199. In patients with active disease, the visual score tended to under estimate disease activity.
200. A new way of consumption was enforced but it tended to sacrifice social economy so as to maintain artificial standards of living.
201. One New York season or performance a year tended to be the rule for modern dance in the 1950s.
202. Successful engineering students tended to be contemptuous of the work habits of lesser mortals.
203. I tended to treat people more as equals than I should have-equal time, equal help....
204. Heads' realization of the headship role tended to fall into four main types.
205. As a result they were far less interested in literary innovation than the Formalists tended to be.
206. Both formal and informal networks tended to divide into sub-networks and problems arose when these were not brought closely together.
207. In general it was almost exclusively extreme right-wing elements who were first involved, but they tended to be of two distinct types.
208. Davis and Moore have tended to assume that the most highly rewarded positions are indeed the most important.
209. Massot was a pleasant but impossibly long-winded Gaul whose briefest reminiscence about his days in the Resistance tended to last an hour.
210. These later attenders tended to be women who were younger, single, working class.
211. Up until the civil rights movement of the 1960s, they tended to marry only those from their own class and milieu.
212. As one would expect from this market structure, firms have tended to avoid price competition.
213. Video did reveal insights into teaching practice although these insights tended to be limited to issues of classroom management.
214. She tended to finish dancing with a flourish.
215. After discussion their views tended to be unanimous.
216. The braiding yarn is tended to move along the direction of the carrier movement.
217. At the same time the State Department bureaucracy tended to tempt fate.
218. They found volatilization of dieldrin tended to decrease as bulk density increased.
219. The causes have tended to be unpaid wages or Dickensian working conditions.
220. The word had harsh force because Aster tended to avoid obscenities.
221. Since then they have tended to steer clear of contentious issues.
222. It is true that Churchill tended to interfere in military matters.
223. The professor's lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them.
224. The teachers tended to be highly accommodative to the activities of " Hopeful Reading Project. "
225. "Even my good reviews have tended to be backhanded compliments,()" he says. "They'll say I was good and almost unbearably grotesque.".
226. The jockey said he tended to flick horses with the whip.
227. Entomologists have tended to underestimate the importance of colonization through dispersal.
228. The film director had tended to drag out the plot with too many violencescenes.




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