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单词 Nietzsche
(1) The survivors were Nietzsche himself and a younger sister.
(2) Nietzsche, it seems, was at a transitional stage.
(3) But, like Nietzsche said, no herdsman and one herd.
(4) In undermining the notion of essential truth, however, Nietzsche also undermines the notion of an essential self.
(5) If Nietzsche was to come to terms with a specialized academic career, his need of a compensatory allegiance was extreme.
(6) One important corollary of this new integration Nietzsche had not mentioned in his letter to Rohde.
(7) Thus, Nietzsche underlines our creative power in playing with masks, in taking up selves only to put them down again.
(8) Nietzsche is hardly read now as a serious philosopher and his influence on writers and artists was always greater than on philosophers.
(9) The older philosopher offers the young Nietzsche a lifeline between his scholarly avocation and the world outside.
(10) Nietzsche was soon to substitute a new opposition whose polar extremes were occupied by visual art and music.
(11) Like Nietzsche, Feuerbach frequently shows more sympathy for orthodox believers than for rationalizing modernist theologians.
(12) As against the classical, the serenely beautiful, Nietzsche was opting for the archaic.
(13) Everything converges - and Nietzsche himself does everything possible to ensure that it should.
(14) Why does Nietzsche call this work a genealogy?
(15) At Columbia University he was a student of Nietzsche.
(16) He ate up Nietzsche and degenerated into a fascist.
(17) Nietzsche called this " the will to power. "
(18) Influenced by Darwin ? s Evolutionism, Nietzsche formed his cultural evolutionism on the basis of life philosophy.
(19) In this sense, the words of Friedrich Nietzsche still hold true today.
(20) The central place that Nietzsche courts to the idea of functional organization suggests that his contemptions could be characterized as a version of functionalism.
(21) Of Slavonic ancestry Nietzsche was born in 1844 in the village of Rocken, on the historic battlefield of Lutzen.
(22) Malcolm started reading Kant and Nietzsche, H. G. Wells and Herodotus; he even tried to memorize the dictionary.
(23) Nietzsche almost suffered mental disorder at the last phase of his life.
(24) Nietzsche rejected God's law and wrote some overtly blasphemous things.
(25) Hence good and bad stand in an A- Symmetric relation Nietzsche says.
(26) Furthermore the reader will also be able to search word present in only one writing level, for example the cases where Nietzsche wrote a word or a name and then deleted or modified it.
(27) Wang Yuyang's new work 'Tonight I Will Consider That Which I Am' transforms what Henry Miller had commented on Nietzsche: "Be yourself!"
(28) Talking much about oneself may be a way of hiding oneself—Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.
(29) This implication of humanistic concern comes from O'Neill's acceptance and reform of Freud's theory of Unconsciousness and Voluntarism of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche.
(30) Nevertheless although harder to accept is seems to me that Nietzsche does hold this stronger view at least in these sorts of transcendent moments which he is a universal yes sayer.
(31) At one point in The Birth of Tragedy, Nietzsche speaks of something that he calls one's "civic identity", which he thinks of as threatened by the Dionysian experience.
(32) This concept originated in Heraclitus, who was much admired by Nietzsche.
(33) Nietzsche advocates an aesthetic attitude to life and puts forward ideas of "will to power" and "the Dionysian spirit", but he thinks highly of "aesthetic metaphysics" and neglects life.
(34) "Man does not strive after happiness; only the Englishman does that, " wrote Nietzsche in The Twilight of the Idols.
(35) And Nietzsche concludes that God does not exist, and therefore, the humans search to be God, which a devout religious person would call blasphemous.
(36) Third, Mr. ZHOU adhered to freedom and toleration firmly, for he was a liberalist , at the same time, sublating the theory of Nietzsche.
(37) Nietzsche knows nothing of meditation , which is another half of the coin.
(38) Later political theorists, like Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Nietzsche would even develop a word for Hobbesian man.
(39) Nietzsche is saying to the realists then that it's impossible to extract from our current awareness the sedimentations accumulated over millennia of previous animal as well as cultural experience.
(40) It's philosophy department, it's a must to talk about Wittgenstein. But where's my fav Nietzsche?
(41) Through the criticism on traditional history notion and the establishment of new history method - genealogy by Nietzsche and Foucault, we find a fire-new view to understand history.
(42) If you feel deep emptiness even completely meaningless emptiness, it's because Nietzsche.
(43) In 1870, the young Nietzsche served as a medical orderly in the Franco-Prussian War, where he contracted dysentery, diphtheria, and perhaps syphilis.
(44) In addition to Plato and Foucault, the list includes Aristotle, Hume, Kant, Bentham, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Russell, and Marcuse.
(45) The third part discusses the later period of Nietzsche artistical value.
(46) CHASE: Nietzsche wouldn't have been so glib if he'd been prescribed melarsoprol.
(47) After all you are perhaps more of a Nietzschean than I thought, and it may after all be right to lecture on Nietzsche — because it is so cruel.
(48) Nietzsche surely wants to improve the ways that he judges yes and no within life by virtue of that monist insight.
(49) Nietzsche overthrows the two worlds of Platonism and substitutes the new two worlds for them.
(50) There might be a little more of Nietzsche suggested in that, than Machiavelli, but I think the Machiavellian overtones are very evident.
(51) Thus, without reference to anything authentically Gnostic, Voegelin claims that Nietzsche represents a "gnosis shut off" from transcendence.
(52) Even Nietzsche, this advocate of 'hardness' and self-sufficiency, needed his Ariadne, with her love and the thread of her wisdom to anchor him in reality.
(53) Jack London's ideology is complicated. However(), the ideas guiding his literary creation are deeply influenced by Social Darwinism of Herbert Spencer and Superman of Friedrieh Nietzsche.
(54) Mr. Kloppenberg compiled a long list of people who he said helped shape Mr. Obama's thinking and writing, including Weber and Nietzsche, Thoreau and Emerson, Langston Hughes and Ralph Ellison.
(55) It should be admitted at the outset that Action for Happiness offers latter-day sceptics (whether following Nietzsche or not) plenty of targets to have a pop at.
(56) Also notice in this regards how Ecce Homo develops the indispensability of the small and the sick in Nietzsche himself. He loves even this about himself.
(57) Nietzsche associates this monism and many of the related view we'll examine with Heraclitus, so from philosophy of the tragic age of the Greeks.
(58) In the future, philosophers will continue the work of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche.
(59) I resonate greatly with the views of Schopenhauer, Voltaire, Nietzsche, Freud.
(60) Dionysian consciousness is essentially bisexual, and for Nietzsche it was precisely the lunar aspect of this consciousness, the abysmal depths of the feminine, that was both appealing and frightful.
(61) And his philosophical musings influenced a much later, left-handed thinker: German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche.
(62) For Nietzsche, the underpinnings of consciousness which make the operations of consciousness inauthentic are the nature of language itself.
(63) Schopenhauer and Nietzsche are absent, confirming the suspicion that Hitler knew them only at second hand.
(64) Processional organization is according to Nietzsche the fundamental operation of everything that is real and alive.
(65) In the whole western philosophy, Nietzsche is the builder of negative living.
(66) Nietzsche criticizes Platonism and Christianity by changing Schopenhauer swill to live into will to power.
(67) Sometime in 1882, Friedrich Nietzsche bought a typewriter a Malling - Hansen Writing Ball, to be precise.
(68) I think, Nietzsche did not reject science and not negate rationality completely.
(69) What does Nietzsche see as the contribution of the Jews to morality?
(70) From Kant and Schiller to Nietzsche, Rilke until Heidegger, Herbert Marcuse, these thinkers always remember the poetry of life, the freedom to pursue life.
(71) This dualist tendency is most active where Nietzsche offers his values most shrilling which is in the Antichrist.
(72) The Birth of Tragedy, Nietzsche asserts that the protagonists in Greek tragedyare all masks of Dionysus.
(73) Nietzsche offers a naturalistic account of higher things, which presents them as sublimations of despised things.
(74) But really I think Nietzsche rejects both sides of the duality. There's no merely material body any more than there's an incorporeal mind.
(75) Nietzsche stated that Greek tragedy generated by the contradiction between Appollo and Dionysus.
(76) For the clear-sighted, at a political level Nietzsche was a prophet, foretelling the crude German fate.
(77) Political philosophy is the oldest of the social sciences and it can boast a wealth of heavy hitters from Plato and Aristotle to Machiavelli Hobbes Hegel Tocqueville Nietzsche and so on.
(78) Actually it's also perhaps insufficiently well known that Dakar agreed with Nietzsche as I understand him, that all is one at least insofar as the material universe is concerned.
(79) Hitler admired the work of dour philosophers like Arthur Schopenhauer and Friedrich Nietzsche.
(80) Deleuze's interpretation of the Will to Power is the core of his interpretation of Nietzsche.
(81) And for Nietzsche too the view is associated with the deification of all life, it's not just good but holy.
(82) I've been particularly drawn to the presocratics, the stoics, Lucretius, Schopenhauer, Sartre, Camus, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Corlis Lamont, and Santayana.
(83) To understand the contradictoriness of Nietzsche the philosopher, as well as of Nietzsche the man, one must understand the concept of coincidentia oppositorum – the coincidence of opposites.
(84) Let's consult the proofs of Ecce Homo, one of the last documents Nietzsche read in Turin.
(85) He suggests that Nietzsche was trying each style on for size.
(86) Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, the philosopher, died here today of apoplexy.




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