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单词 Homo
1. What distinguishes homo sapiens from every other living creature is the mind.
2. Ursus and Homo were fast friends.
3. We gradually evolved from homo erectus.
4. Language sets homo sapiens apart from all other animals.
5. Homo sapiens appeared millions of years ago.
6. Homo sapiens and bull mastiff—are they 'highly comparable'?
7. Homo sapiens sapiens first appeared about 120,000 years ago.
8. And our own species, Homo sapiens.
9. You're like me, a Homo sapiens. A wise human.
10. Ursus was a man, Homo a wolf.
11. Homo erectus hunt with wooden tools?
12. Some Australopithecus lineage split, with one branch becoming Homo.
13. The appearance of anatomically modern Homo sapiens is a hotly debated issue in paleoanthropology.
14. Neanderthal features began to emerge from Homo heidelbergensis just before 500, 000 years ago.
15. In addition, fossil Homo sapiens from the sediment provides a new data of palaeoanthropology for studying Lower Middle Yangtze River.
16. This was clearly the work of Homo Habilis, our tool-making ancestor.
17. Early Homo femora have larger heads and broader necks compared to early hominins.
18. Homo hair - follicle transplantation of hairs, eyebrows and pubes for 14 patients was performed successfully.
19. We are Homo sapiens, a gaggle of bird-watchers, scientists, and photographers; they are Grus japonensis, the rare and celebrated red-crowned crane.
20. Her son calls and tells her he's a homo, and what does she do?
21. Were these the bones of ancestors of modern Homo sapiens?
22. Homo habilis appeared about 2.5 million years ago, and is thought to be the first human.
23. The study says the 800, 000-year-old Homo antecessor bones could indicate the most "ancient cultural cannibalism ... known until now."
24. Electrochemical analysis of these compounds was carried out, and by using cyclic voltammetry, we calculated the HOMO orbital energy levels, and further obtained the LUMO energy levels.
25. While the electron intercalates and deintercalates easily due to the smaller energy that orbit leaps from the HOMO orbit to the LUMO orbit.
26. The fossil skull is the only wholly preserved skull of a homo erectus in China.
27. Your own history books will tell you about many of the other cycles, the smaller cycles from the apes into Homo erectus, Homo sapiens and cro-magnon man, but it is so much more than that.
28. Many researchers suspect that a key change was the invasion of the savanna by tool-wielding, striding early Homo.
29. In this particular case, there are many uncertainties regarding the fossil record from that time, including when the human lineage first emerged and how Homo habilis fits in the picture.
30. Good Asian fossils come only from China (Peking Man, a type of Homo erectus) and Indonesia (Java Man, another erectus, and Homo floresiensis, the much-maligned "hobbit" of the island of Flores).
31. The energy difference Δ E _ (( LUMO - HOMO )) of the molecular systems was employed to analyze the stability of isomers.
32. During the long-term evolution an integrated regulation system, which is highly conserved in eukaryotes from yeast to homo sapient, has developed to regulate copper transportation and homeostasis.
33. Homo sapiens is always, and in the same measure, homo socius.
34. Wheat , be it ever so wholemeal and stoneground, is not a natural food for Homo sapiens.
35. It contains the facsimile production of Ecce Homo, Nietzsche's autobiography, including a transcription and commentary.
36. Do you mean People magazine or members of the genus Homo?
37. They created HuMans, Homo Sapiens, through genetic manipulation with themselves and ape man Homo Erectus.
38. Issue regarding the Homo sapiens speciation and evolution has been intensively and extensively focused on.
39. Chinese Homo erectus fossil, which is usually called a Peking ape-man or Chinese ape-man .
40. The calculated results indicate that Compound C has a lower energy difference between HOMO and LUMO.
41. Wisely or not ,(Sentencedict) Homo sapiens has become Homo urbanus.
42. Already the fossils suggest that Australopithecus didn’t morph suddenly into Homo, but adapted in gradual, piecemeal fashion.
43. Prehistoric humans, along with Neanderthals and Homo antecessor, made meals of each other, suggests new research on probable human teeth marks found on prehistoric human bones.
44. Harris, a New Zealander by birth, says they are evidence of the evolutionary trajectory that led to Homo sapiens , the human species , who would eventually journey to the moon.
45. "I support the concept of a widespread ancestral species, Homo heidelbergensis, " Stringer, a paleontologist at the Natural History Museum of London, told Discovery News.
46. The period is an especially muddled one for palaeontology, being full of fragmentary fossils that are difficult to assign either to Homo or to Australopithecus.
47. The so-called 'hobbit' found in Indonesia might also have been a member of the genus Homo, and it apparently survived until as recently as 12, 000 years ago.
48. Archeological finds in the Olduvai Gorge include stone tools, and skeletal remains of Homo Habilis and Homo Erectus, as well as bones of, now extinct, wild animals.
49. The same dispute exists with Homo erectus , Homo sapiens archaic and homo sapiens sapiens .
50. Homo sapiens did not evolve with cookies and soda at the fingertips.
51. Humans are classified into the domain Eukary, kingdom Animalia, phylum Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata, class-s Mammalia, order Primates, family Hominidae, genus Homo, and species sapiens.
52. We must emphasize that straight and homo are only two terminologies for fictitious and ambiguous categorisation.
53. See the opening picture of an early Homo habilis for an example.
54. Then the computer came along and changed our lives; Homo sapiens appeared millions of years ago.
55. Is the Protruding Nasal Saddle of the Nanjing Homo erectus Caused by Adaptation to Cold Climate?
56. The oldest late Homo sapiens was discovered at Huanglong Cave in Yunxi in 2004. Among the fossils of coexisting animals unearthed, those of Chiroptera were discovered for the first time in China.
57. Homo urbanus did not just live in a town: he was urbane.
58. To put this in perspective, Homo sapiens sapiens (modern humans) evolved about 200, 000 years ago.
59. Those definitions of bitches who are also homo sapiens are rarely as objective.
60. The human species: Homo Sapiens, was created by genetic mutation using the available primates and supplementing this base stock with their own genetic material.
61. A series of ice ages ate away the forest habitats where Neanderthals and their predecessors, Homo heidelbergensis, made a living sneaking up on big game.
62. THE extraordinary success of Homo sapiens is a result of four things: intelligence, language, an ability to manipulate objects dexterously in order to make tools, and co-operation.
63. The parallels between Homo sapiens and Pan troglodytes are deep and numerous, we now know – thanks to Goodall.
64. The LUMO of cations interact with the HOMO of anions to form ionic liquid molecules.
65. Later Homo sapiens evolved four main races ( white, yellow, brown and black ).
66. With a small, advanced brain, long arms, long legs and an advanced pelvis, Australopithecus sediba is described as probably a transitional species between Australopithecus Africanus and Homo habilis.
67. Your own history books will tell you about many of the other cycles, the smaller cycles from the apes into Homo erectus, Homo sapiens and Cro- Magnon man, but it is so much more than that.
68. In purely genetic terms, the investment that a Homo sapiens male makes in the sex act is a courtship and a few minutes of his favorite thing in the whole world.
69. A primate of the family Hominidae, of which Homo sapiens is the only extant species.
70. Also notice in this regards how Ecce Homo develops the indispensability of the small and the sick in Nietzsche himself. He loves even this about himself.
71. In front of my babies you got porno and homo shows up in here?
72. Homo sapiens had probably already traveled from its African homeland through most of Europe and Asia.
73. Under the influence of applied voltage, the HOMO and LUMO tended to move to low and high potential sides of the molecule(), respectively.
74. They were thus contemporary with modern Homo sapiens, who originated in Africa about 200,000 years ago.
75. The Peking Man Site also provides the more precise scientific data for the study of the evolution, behavior, and paleo-environment of Homo erectus than contemporary African and European sites.
76. The calculated results indicated that the compound (3) had a lower energy difference between HOMO and LUMO, larger dipole and higher formation energy than the compound (1) and (2).
77. Competing theories place them either as an archaic variant of our own species, Homo sapiens, with whom we interbred, or as a separate species altogether.
78. Viewing from the global scale, the occurrence of settlements seemed to have started from the ground cave dwelling since the late period of homo erectus.
79. When Homo sapiens evolved onthe African Savannah, the ones a penchant for trying new horizonsprospered.
80. Its small teeth and narrow nose, the overall shape of the braincase and the thickness of the cranial bones all evoked Homo.
81. In Henneberg's view, these findings indicate that LB1 is more likely a microcephalic H. sapiens than a new branch of Homo.
82. Until now, fossils dated to 1.9million years ago - and mostly attributed to Homo habilis and Homo rudolfensis - have been undisputed considered ancestral to Homo erectus.
83. This larger head with powerful jaws is a feature of all species prior to Homo sapiens sapiens .
84. The identity of MIP-3 gene in Homo sapiens, Pan troglodytes and Mcacaca mulatta was high, but low in Canis and lowest in Bos taurus.
85. For decades scientists—including Curnoe—have assigned the fossils now marked H. gautengensis to Homo habilis ("handy man").
86. And here's where the frog really leaves Homo sapiens like us in the dust - or in this case, the mud - the frog is creating a kind of burial chamber for itself.
87. A futuristic zoo within one large cage where everything runs wild, including the observing Homo sapiens.
88. The Cro-Magnons who left cave paintings of large animals in the monumental Lascaux cave over 17, 000 years ago were the Homo sapiens with the biggest brain.
89. Furthermore , it's same to the Homo sapiens apolipoprotein J ( CLU ) gene sequence in GenBank ( DQ 012938 ).
90. The bonding models of large π bond, hydrogen bond, HOMO and LUMO are discussed.
91. Homo habilis was called the handy man because tools were found with his fossil remains.
92. Palestinians under the Israeli occupation, are a good example of the homo Sacer, they are controlled by the state, yet, there are no laws to protect them, or even consider them citizens.
93. Grove says such conditions would have favoured the evolution of adaptability that is a hallmark of the genus Homo (Journal of Archaeological Science(/homo.html), DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2011.07.002).
94. But as long as there are beings of the species Homo sapiens there will be human action of the categorial kind praxeology deals with.
95. Not like Ecce Homo , crown of thorns and cross.
96. Too many assume that people behave like the mythical homo economics, who is hyperrational and omniscient.
97. The Nanjing 2 calvarium is believed to represent Homo sapiens erectus since its discovery in 1993. This calvarium preserves incomplete frontal, parietal, and occipital bones.
98. Objective : To analyze a novel antigenic determinant of Homo sapiens CMTM 1 - v 17 protein and prepare polyclonal antibody.
99. Is the Protruding Nasal Saddle of the Nanjing Homo erectus by Adaptation to Cold Climate?
100. This paper includes enzyme crosslinking, site - directed mutagenesis, small molecular compounds, homo - functionality polymerization, cofactor introduction.
101. The hipsters, no matter what their gender history, long for the days of pre-HIV/AIDS homo culture, dressing like extras from Al Pacino's laughably bad "Cruising."
102. Each of those discoveries further narrowed the perceived gap of intelligence and culture between Homo sapiens and Pan troglodytes.
103. Two crania, Nanjing 1 and Nanjing 2, were found in a cave near Nanjing in 1993, and referred to as Homo erectus.
104. "Indications of Homo habilis eating hedgehog and using tools to eat them" has already been identified, Fernandez-Jalvo said.
105. The fossil hominids were diagnosed as early Homo sapiens, with a cultural age of Middle Paleolithic, and geologic age of early Late Pleistocen.
106. By most accounts, the origin of anatomically modern Homo sapiens was a singularly African affair.
107. The Spanish team has provisionally assigned the newfound fossil to Homo antecessor ('pioneer man'), a species that they suggest could be the last common ancestor of Neanderthals and Homo sapiens .
108. The well-preserved fossils resemble Homo erectus, a species from the genus Homo that first appeared in Africa some two million years ago and quickly spread throughout Europe and much of Asia.
109. The discovery suggests meat was on the menu far back in our evolutionary history, and long before the arrival of the first human species, Homo habilis, 2.3m years ago.
110. "We feel that A. sediba might be a Rosetta Stone for defining for the first time what the genus Homo is, " said paleontologist Lee Berger of the University of Witwatersrand.
111. Let's consult the proofs of Ecce Homo, one of the last documents Nietzsche read in Turin.
112. The first great constribution of the study of Chinese human fossils to paleoanthropology has been fulfilled by the Homo erectus fossils from Zhoukoudian(then Sinanthropus pekinaensis).
113. There is also dispute concerning many overlapping species, for example, the overlap between Homo habilis and Homo erectus .
114. The electronic clouds focus on the main chain fluorene units but none on side ones on both HOMO and LUMO.
115. It also possesses a HOMO level of - 5.21 eV, which will be benefitial to hole - injection.
116. The electrochemical property was studied, and the HOMO and LUMO energy levels were obtained by cyclic voltammetry(CV) methods.
117. Those early humans were probably Homo habilis, which means "handy man."
118. Chinese Homo erectus fossil, which is usually call a Lantian ape-man , discovered in Gongwang Mountain, Shanxi province in 1964.




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