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单词 Presumptive
1. Bob Dole, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.
2. But their presumptive reasoning has not led to encouraging conclusions.
3. Bob Dole, the Republican presidential nominee presumptive, quickly signed on as a sponsor.
4. But this presumptive privilege must be considered in light of our historic commitment to the rule of law.
5. These are the considerations justifying a presumptive privilege for Presidential communications.
6. Bob Dole, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, last month voiced support for the same amendment, sponsored by Sen.
7. A presumptive diagnosis of gout can often be made on the basis of hyperuricemia and the clinical presentation.
8. Normally, they punish the presumptive nominee in the late primaries.
9. But it also showed the presumptive Republican presidential nominee trailing Clinton among women voters 34 percent to 41 percent.
10. A strong presumptive case is made out.
11. Clinical examination can give only a presumptive diagnosis.
12. Recently, concerns have been raised about the presumptive increased risk of serious undesirable side effects in children born after IVF and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
13. Presumptive Enterobacteriaceae colonies are further subcultured on non - selective medium, and confirmed using appropriate biochemical tests.
14. The Law Of The Republic Of Armenia On Presumptive Payments For Tobacco Products ...
15. Japan commenced in the presumptive rightfulness of administrative act theory is not the traditional administrative law fictitious myth, but a basic concept with rich meaning.
16. Barack Obama has long been his party's presumptive nominee. Now he's becoming its presumptuous nominee.
17. Obama's speech a quick response from the presumptive Republican candidate, Senator John McCain.
18. Dole himself did not expect to lay claim to the title of presumptive nominee until after the March 26 primary in California.
19. An erect abdominal x ray showed no free gas but a presumptive diagnosis of perforation was made.
20. A new poll makes drought-stricken Texas look like an oasis for the support-thirsty presidential campaign of presumptive Republican nominee Bob Dole.
21. Traditionally forensic scientists have relied on dental records and presumptive identifications by relatives.
22. Bob Dole, whose string of 18 primary victories has made him the presumptive party nominee.
23. His youngest son John was to be betrothed to the Count's daughter and heiress presumptive.
24. Any free radicals in Martian soil could be taken as presumptive evidence of life there.
25. The scrotal abscess developed progressively following appendectomy. Scrotal exploration was carried out under the presumptive diagnosis of abscessed epididymo-orchitis.
26. Most of these systems provide simpler and more rapid presumptive identification of Salmonella in foods.
27. The second part mainly discusses the basis of justifiability of the presumptive consent.
28. An implied trust is also referred to as a presumptive trust.
29. Another study should be done to confirm these results on soldiers going on holidays from ... providing a continuous record of timing of presumptive doses.
30. Many tales exist of failed changelings who are uncovered by their presumptive families.
31. The 46-year-old first-term senator is the first African American to become the presumptive presidential nominee of a major American party.
32. Presumptive zygotes were cultured in mSOFaa medium supplemented with OCS(oestrus cow serum) or FBS had higher blastocyte yield(26.4%, 29.9%) than that in culture medium with free serum(10.3%).
33. With the recovery of hyphal growth, Calmodulin accumulates at the presumptive site of tip formation before new growing tip emergence.
34. List and discuss the presumptive, probable, and reliable signs of pregnancy.
35. Except where expressly specified in the Test Report, no use must be made of the safety margin left between the extreme Test Report values and the presumptive zone of actual damage.
36. African Americans are reacting with pride to Senator Barack Obama's becoming the first person of color to be the presumptive presidential nominee of a major U.S. political party.
37. Clinton and the presumptive Republican nominee, John McCain, want to suspend federal taxes on gasoline summer.
38. Sen . John McCain presumptive Republican nominee for president, has released an outline of his higher - education policy.
39. New internet technologies, however promising, must respect a presumptive claim of privacy online.
40. Obama's speech brought a quick response from the presumptive Republican candidate, Senator John McCain.
41. What better time , therefore , for the two presumptive nominees to battle over their economic plans?
42. While the Democrats pummel each other John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, swans around the country burnishing his reputation.
43. The key for us is to approach things proactively and from a presumptive standpoint.
44. A presumptive diagnosis of pancreatitis can be made based on a history and physical examination.
45. As such, Cu, Fe, Au, Ag have been more returned ,[/presumptive.html] presumptive effect was reached.
46. Cell junctions of the presumptive ectoderm cells of early gastrula of Cynops orientalis were studied with freeze-etching method and ultrathin sectioning.
47. The presumptive legality of administrative act is a part of administrative effectiveness.
48. One of the preconditions of presumption is to find precisely the point of junction between the basic fact, the presumptive fact and the rule of thumb.




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