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单词 Powerfully
1. He felt himself so powerfully attracted to the scientific ideal.
2. We probably can no longer as before, so powerfully love, until all cried out.
3. The railway station smelt powerfully of cats and drains.
4. She smelled powerfully of bath salts and unguents.
5. It's a play — painful, funny and powerfully acted.
6. Christie is very powerfully built.
7. She argued powerfully for reform.
8. He argued powerfully and persuasively against capital punishment.
9. He is powerfully built .
10. She kicked the ball so powerfully that it flew over the hedge.
11. Never before had he felt himself so powerfully attracted to the idea.
12. Her experiences resonate powerfully with me, living, as I do, in a similar family situation.
13. The blades of the helicopter whirled powerfully overhead.
14. I steered the dinghy powerfully to the right.
14. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
15. Not so tall and powerfully built that she felt as though she might break if he so much as touched her.
16. Nine were more powerfully motivated by a wish to escape from their present job, and expressed relief over leaving it.
17. Crack is a cheaper, smokable form which is powerfully addictive.
18. Then, flexing their powerfully muscled silver bodies, they thrash their tails and leap from the water.
19. Life, she felt vaguely but powerfully, was more than fervent chats about great literature.
20. These examples powerfully affect the relationships between teachers in schools, but the pupils are not immune.
21. Those advocating such innovations were motivated most powerfully by aesthetic considerations, in particular by the deadening effect on design of development control.
22. Harris was a large man, energetic, powerfully built, and a keen boxer and rugby player in his youth.
23. It is still powerfully reinforced by the service it renders to economic security.
24. Now twenty-five winters old, Joseph was a powerfully built, strikingly handsome man.
25. Crack is a much cheaper, smokable form of cocaine which is powerfully addictive.
26. Through nostrils she smelled the fear and the death in this wretched band more powerfully.
27. Part Five of this book will reveal that many contemporary political regimes are powerfully influenced by classical liberalism.
28. Virginia Radcliffe gave an alive, vampish performance as Elena, suggesting powerfully the will to survive and ability to manipulate.
29. Fury filled his canine brain and coursed through his powerfully muscled body.
30. Thus arguments for controlling local authorities' spending would appear to weigh even less powerfully within monetarist theory than in Keynesian arguments.
1. He felt himself so powerfully attracted to the scientific ideal.
2. Never before had he felt himself so powerfully attracted to the idea.
31. And yet for a community powerfully connected by dance, discos are a social medicine.
32. The rage and sense of injustice, for a separatist, is not powerfully enough voiced anywhere else.
33. Procedural gender biases are a source of serious anxiety in a science as powerfully dependent on method as psychology.
34. Maslow was giving voice to some delicate possibility within me, and I was powerfully drawn to it.
35. Underneath there persists, powerfully too, a thick sense of what is normal for human life.
36. But these ideas were equally powerfully present in reformers of more obvious religious sensibility.
37. Like the yellowhammer, the foot and mouth virus is an aspect of wild nature, ungovernable and powerfully indifferent.
38. You need only to look at commercial copy or displays to see how powerfully a type-face complements the message it is conveying.
39. They are also much broader than humans, with big deep chests, massive shoulders and long, powerfully muscled arms.
40. He spoke powerfully about the insecurity of football and the potential dangers behind every challenge.
41. I noticed she reeked powerfully of fat and roast cooking.
42. He was a powerfully built man, over six feet tall with sleek black hair greying at the temples.
43. For a moment his attractiveness shone so powerfully that it almost sabotaged the warning bells sounding strident alarm inside Charity's head.
44. The state can powerfully affect the political economy in six general ways: F1.
44. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
45. They also powerfully helped to shape the subsequent roles and responsibilities of the major providers during the period in the District.
46. Especially in the early thirties, the ideas in the central tradition acted powerfully to breed such doubts.
47. Like a biochemical carrot and stick, these systems generate pleasurable or painful feelings that powerfully guide behavior.
48. Union attitudes have been powerfully conditioned by long and bitter experience.
49. This they got with ten minutes left, David Boxall heading home powerfully from another Eames corner.
50. Once again we are reminded most powerfully of the significance of this Christmas event, the incarnation of the eternal word.
51. These are powerfully developed and, with the caudal fin, achieve a swift forward thrust.
52. But as the study just cited indicates, environmental influences can powerfully affect the way genetic predispositions are expressed in human behavior.
53. The smell is faint and subtle, but it powerfully affects my mood.
54. Some groups able to overcome free-riding by arranging selective incentives for their members will be powerfully organized to achieve their goals.
55. I do not believe it is disputed that this factor has been powerfully in operation recently.
56. Yet it was also wealthy and powerfully organised, a strong weapon given a strong hand.
57. Yet this isn't the whole story; the colours in the earlier works are there for powerfully symbolic reasons.
58. The man police are looking for is in his 20s, of Afro Carribean appearance and powerfully built.
59. Dissent in the county none the less survived powerfully through the eighteenth century in the persons of Phillip Doddridge and his followers.
60. But without a doubt, caffeine affects the rest of the body as powerfully as it affects the brain.
61. None the less, the reversal that was set in motion reverberated powerfully on both sides of the thirty-eighth parallel.
62. But the reserve through which that attractive generosity and warmth powerfully shone was, for him, an impenetrable and necessary protection.
63. It is this which so powerfully arouses sentiment in us.
64. People walked through various caves whistling and mapped where the sounds resonated most powerfully.
65. So ultraviolet radiation from the Sun would have been felt more powerfully then, than now.
66. She was so powerfully aware of him that she could feel the ripples of panic beginning to spread.
67. Hope's original draft was longer, cohesive and more powerfully worded.
68. The outcome of the crisis will powerfully affect the developing parent-child relationship.
69. A bulldozer moves slowly but powerfully across the land.
70. Third, and most powerfully, it is total twaddle.
71. He walked in reeking powerfully of alcohol.
72. Rather, it is in their very raggedness and incompleteness and frustratingness that they become powerfully instructive.
73. Delight filled every bosom, for they saw that he was powerfully sympathetic.
74. Meanwhile, owing to legal flaws, imperfect credit system, asymmetric information and incorrect governmental interference, the debtors of trade liabilities couldn't be powerfully protected in society.
74. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
75. Hallucinogens are psychoactive substances that powerfully alter perception, mood, and a host of cognitive processes.
76. The campus infrastructure management was powerfully supported by GIS technology.
77. IT is powerfully built and big-boned. ITs long, waterproof outer coat, which varies in colour, covers a thick, woolly undercoat.
78. Mobile phones of the latest fashion appeal powerfully to the young.
79. Efficiency: Unique weak acid formula, mild and refreshing; powerfully remove dirt and oil from pores, balance oil secretion, prevent acne and comedones, make skin comfortable after use.
80. As it happens, Reuters published an investigative report this week that powerfully illustrates the vileness of our current system.
81. Extend your legs behind you powerfully, and internally rotate your thighs.
82. Teenagers also experience the sexual urge more powerfully than their parents.
83. Powerfully suck out the blackhead and fat granule. For longtime use, not only help to open up and minify the pores but also make the skin delicate and smooth.
84. Efficiency: Powerfully purify pores, dissolve oil and propionibacterium, remove surplus oil, and quickly recover skin to pure, comfortable and refreshing state.
85. VS - K Ingredients can powerfully adsorb water ion and seal water in skin.
86. Efficiencies: Powerfully permeate skin's deep layer, restrain tyrosinase, resist free radical, smoothen wrinkle, activate dull and tired skin, leave skin crystal, hydrated, delicate and smooth.
87. This question, which one hears almost everywhere, was addressed most powerfully by the Congolese lawyer I met in Lubumbashi.
88. In dream sleep, the animal is powerfully immobilized and remarkably unresponsive to external stimuli.
89. Efficiency: Powerfully adsorb surplus oil and comedones caused by bacterium, and recover skin to clean, clear, tender and lustrous state.
90. When she sharply asked him to dance after showing him its continuity, he immediately set examples to her, asking her, "Should I dance cutely or sexily or powerfully?"
91. Zen Buddhism, with its discipline of meditation and its perplexing koan riddles, seems powerfully enlightening.
92. The high voltage difference between the two pairs of grids powerfully accelerates the extracted ions.
93. The progress in science and technical will powerfully impel the education's development.
94. The Passion of the Christ powerfully moving and fanatically obtuse in equal doses.
95. And colour is acted the role of powerfully article, for example aureate, sap green, purple, blue-black , gules, conduce to the bedroom that reduces Chinese style furniture to cause depressing feeling.
96. Have you ever heard of a lion that could roar as loud as a loudspeaker, run as far as a train, cut as deeply as a power saw, or strike as powerfully as a wrecking ball?
97. This filter could be a simple string operation such as indexOf() or, more powerfully, it could be a regular expression.
98. He is very powerfully built , ie has a large strong physique.
99. It is an unstable, powerfully bleaching, poisonous oxidizing agent with a pungent, irritating odor, used to deodorize air, purify water, treat industrial wastes and as a bleach.
100. Experts are a dime a dozen. Experts who know how to communicate clearly and powerfully carry the day.
101. The conclusion of this part will be powerfully evidential for the relevant global change research such as the rise and fall of MSL and etc.
102. Such people are powerfully invested in the notion of the Fed as a Solomonic body: that pause of five or eight weeks between economic adjustments seems central to the process of deliberation.
103. Following the magically hushed orchestral entrance, the fateful tread of the tutti main theme is powerfully portentous.
104. A world food bank appeals powerfully to our humanitarian impulses.
104. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
105. There was high degree of individual spatial relatedness, sharp intraspecific competition and powerfully occupy space.
106. The mathematical deduction and confirmation of the algorithm are introduced in the paper, which is a powerfully effective one for solving the quaternion matrix differential equation.
107. For men, celery is believed to be ripe with two pheromones (androstenone and androstenol) which are emitted through an odourless secretion that is said to be powerfully attractive to women!
108. Die-hard dissenters still remain — proof in itself that Huckleberry Finn continues to play powerfully on the American conscience.
109. A Cancer's emotions can go back and forth very powerfully.
110. It reverberates through Mala in Cuba as powerfully as the bass.
111. That powerfully suggests these objects, known as hard (because they emit at high energies) low mass X-ray binaries, are responsible for a major amount of antimatter .
112. Punch: The tips of the skis should push powerfully down the backside of each mogul.
113. Our major conclusion is simply a reaffirmation of the general statement that perceptual organization is powerfully determined by expectations built upon past commerce with the environment.
114. Powerfully soften horniness, and keep skin refreshing, soft, smooth, tender and lustrous after use.
115. The construction innovation country's implementation and the national innovation system's establishment, is towing army innovation system's rich and the imperfectness powerfully.
116. In the athletic competition he acted powerfully, and won a lot of applause.
117. For several bars the volume draws back, then erupts into a powerfully sad fortissimo with heavy, dissonant chords in the piano part.
118. Welcome to the Bugey, where the grand Rhone River winds powerfully south.
119. He was built as powerfully as a bull and it was common knowledge that he was so generously endowed by nature that his martyred wife feared the marriage bed as unbelievers once feared the rack.
120. The system of accounting called double-entry bookkeeping, invented in Renaissance Italy, was powerfully connected to the development of trade and commerce.
121. Because Ruby can be powerfully extended, the Rails framework is able to turn it into a sort of special-purpose language for building web applications.
122. Clean skin and regularize fat --- Powerfully purify pores, remove surplus oil and dirt, instantly balance water and oil, prevent acne and comedones.
123. Risking serious injury, the outfielder made an audacious leap against the concrete wall and caught the powerfully hit ball.
124. But in times like these, they resonate a bit more powerfully.
125. A large, powerfully - built guy meets a woman at a bar.
126. Increase of efficiency of regenerator can powerfully decrease energy consumption of tank furnace.
127. Which touch points will help our idea drive change most powerfully?
128. Mr Lif has embraced the concept album powerfully, using it as a tool to address issues effecting many people all over the world.
129. Thirdly, facing the request of leapfrogging reform in university personnel system, the government should bear the responsibility to promote the university reform powerfully and exteriorly.
130. He was built as powerfully as a bull and it was common knowledge that he was generously endowed by nature that his martyred wife feared the marriage bed as unbelievers once feared the rack.
131. Murphy's powerfully spoken Oedipus is an autocrat of iconic grandeur.




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