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单词 Inclined
1. He inclined towards the speaker to hear more clearly.
2. She was inclined to trust him.
3. Nobody felt inclined to argue with Smith.
4. I only write when I feel inclined to.
5. The accident inclined him to reconsider his career.
6. He inclined forward so as to hear more clearly.
7. He writes only when he feels inclined to.
8. Luke inclined his head slightly in acknowledgement.
9. The news makes me inclined to change my mind.
10. He's a good teacher, but inclined to be a bit impatient with slow learners.
11. I'm inclined to agree there's nothing we can do.
12. The old are inclined to cold.
13. He inclined his head in acknowledgement.
14. He is by nature inclined to be rather lazy.
15. I am inclined to be ill after eating fish.
16. The leaves are inclined to scorch in hot sunshine.
17. She's rather inclined to become impatient.
18. Neither side in the dispute inclined to compromise.
19. The company is inclined to boast of its success.
20. He's inclined to spit when he talks quickly.
21. His obvious sincerity inclined me to trust him.
22. I'm inclined to trust him.
23. The land inclined gently towards the shore.
24. He's inclined to be lazy.
25. Jack inclined his head very slightly.
26. I'm half inclined to agree.
27. The more a man knows(),(Sentencedict) the more he is inclined to be modest. 
28. As the twig is bent so the tree is inclined
29. Arthur has some strange ideas, but on this occasion I'm inclined to agree with him.
30. There'll be time for a swim if you feel so inclined.
1. He inclined towards the speaker to hear more clearly.
2. She was inclined to trust him.
3. Nobody felt inclined to argue with Smith.
4. I only write when I feel inclined to.
5. The accident inclined him to reconsider his career.
6. He inclined forward so as to hear more clearly.
7. He writes only when he feels inclined to.
8. Luke inclined his head slightly in acknowledgement.
9. The news makes me inclined to change my mind.
10. Arthur has some strange ideas, but on this occasion I'm inclined to agree with him.
11. There'll be time for a swim if you feel so inclined.
12. He's a good teacher, but inclined to be a bit impatient with slow learners.
13. The young herdsman briskly mounted a horse that was inclined to act up with an unaccustomed rider.
14. He's inclined to put two and two together and make five ( = make an incorrect guess from what he sees , hears, etc. ).
31. No one seemed inclined to help.
32. Tom is inclined to be lazy.
33. If you are so inclined, you can watch TV.
34. I'm inclined to get tired easily.
35. I'm inclined to believe you.
36. The swamp country is inclined to poach in winter.
37. Some people are very mathematically inclined .
38. I'm half inclined to believe you.
39. I am inclined to agree with Alan.
40. She is inclined to magnify her troubles.
41. Generally speaking, I'm inclined to agree with you.
42. I'm inclined to agree with you.
43. She's very bright, but she's not academically inclined.
44. He inclined his head and said nothing.
45. She has always been inclined to excitability.
46. I don't think he's heterosexually inclined.
47. I'm inclined to believe he's innocent.
48. They felt inclined to throw the whole thing over.
49. She inclined her head in prayer.
50. People are more inclined to put their hands in their pockets to help children.
51. Commandos are inclined to shoot first and ask questions later.
52. The young herdsman briskly mounted a horse that was inclined to act up with an unaccustomed rider.
53. The telescope is inclined at an angle of 43 degrees.
53. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
54. There's time for a swim if you feel so inclined.
55. He's inclined to put two and two together and make five ( = make an incorrect guess from what he sees , hears(), etc. ).
56. In the first instance I was inclined to refuse, but then I reconsidered.
57. A conscientious teacher may feel inclined to take work home.
58. Years of conditioning had left their mark on her, and she never felt inclined to talk to strange men.
59. More and more people are inclined towards the Liberal Party as they become disenchanted with the two main parties that have governed the country for half a century.
60. Advertising aims to make people aware of a product and favourably inclined towards it.
61. They'll be more inclined to listen if you don't shout.
62. I'm rather inclined to wait a few days before deciding.
63. The club was a notorious hang-out for the criminally inclined.
64. The partly deaf man inclined forward to hear the conversation more clearly.
65. For the artistically inclined, the street markets are full of interest.
66. The ground inclined steeply towards the ridge in the distance.
67. It may be that a child is bright, but not academically inclined.
68. The people around here are more liberally inclined than back home.
69. He's inclined to put two and two together and make five .
70. You can visit our chatrooms, if you feel so inclined .
71. I'm half inclined to take the job just because it's in London.
72. Her love of languages inclined her towards a career as a translator.
73. I'm inclined to think we've been a little harsh on her.
74. We can go for a walk, if you feel so inclined.
75. What's that? The 'Model Railway Journal'? I didn't know you were that way inclined .
76. The car is inclined to stall when it's cold outside.
77. His love of languages inclined him towards a career as a translator.
78. It was Sunday morning, and she was not inclined to get up yet.
79. Given the nature of this matter, I am inclined to think it should be managed by you personally.
80. She was inclined to play down the importance of her own role in the affair.
81. He's inclined to telephone at all hours of the day or night.
82. I am inclined to believe the police.
83. I am inclined to daydream.
84. I was not inclined to like her.
85. Some conservative politicians were inclined to agree.
86. He was inclined to self-pity.
87. He inclined his head regally.
88. I was inclined to echo Mary's disgust.
89. You are inclined to agree with their judgement.
90. Louise is very musically inclined.
91. They were, however, more inclined to be cinemagoers.
92. Harrison felt little inclined to confide in Berthoud.
93. Vic inclined his head in a mock bow.
94. He was inclined to corpulence.
95. They may be less inclined henceforth to do so.
96. Also we can be talking crack, smack and Carling Black Label if we are so inclined.
97. Downbuckling is marked by an offshore trench. Great earthquakes occur adjacent to the inclined contact between the two plates.
98. After reading this book, you might be inclined to think so.
99. Wishful thinking made political partisans more optimistic about their own party's prospects and more inclined to forecast their opponents' defeat.
100. Incumbents busy raising money for the next election are not inclined to waste energy rehashing the rules of the last campaign.
101. A semi-circular wedge is moved up and down an inclined groove in an aluminium nut, with a trigger.
102. Though they had no special knowledge of forest ecology, I was inclined to take them seriously.
103. Mallachy, indeed, was inclined to push his luck with Rory.
104. It is not easy in a country as hierarchically inclined as ours to continually question authority in a constructive way.
105. Independent and inclined to want to do things on his own without help from anyone.
106. Change your name to Pandora while you're at it, people might be less inclined to be dismissive!
107. Ray was seldom inclined to be succinct, and he gave his interrogators the full benefit of his thinking.
108. Moreover, funding organizations may be less inclined to support projects that envision long periods of field research.
109. Steep, inclined tracks helped get it over the mountain ridges.
110. I must admit the Hockin style was inclined to be more racy than that I used for the Gazette.
111. They are also quite keen on marijuana, feel most masculine during sport and are least inclined to admire Nigel Mansell.
112. Shearer, a tough nut not inclined to whinge, said his ankle was like a pudding.
113. They are inclined to forget that holists, when served individualist explanations, are assailed by a like hunger.
114. The Fed chief implied the central bank might be inclined to wait until its March 20 meeting before taking such a step.
115. Anything easy and pleasant aroused deep suspicion and people enjoying themselves were usually less inclined to pay attention to others.
116. Every move required the mover to take the time to register to vote, if so inclined.
117. Do we feel at all inclined to lend them money?
118. Moreover, they are inclined to deal with geographical areas in turn.
119. It is significant that neither Kermode nor Lodge have inclined towards the more radical deconstructionist road.
120. As you probably know, Herr Sanders is a gentleman of advanced years, inclined to be a little vague.
121. As a result, she is further inclined to suppress her originality and to deny true awareness by finding less demoralizing substitutes.
122. Toby, next morning, was inclined to regard it as a great victory.
123. He'd always been inclined to thinness but now he looked scrawny, and much older.
124. The trouble is that various worldly pressures will make you more, not less, inclined to play it safe.
125. Still, when he makes a statement such as you refer to, I would be inclined to believe him.
126. Those who strongly doubt whether the cost-benefit exercise can be adequately performed are more inclined to a rules based or structural approach.
127. Some heads were temperamentally and intellectually less inclined than others to perceive education in terms of grand statements and ringing slogans.
128. The Montagu case left homosexuals in Britain nervous and more inclined to circumspect behaviour.
129. Rain was thinking that Barbara Coleman was not only a chatterbox but inclined to be dramatic, too.
130. This drop was overcome by means of an inclined plane, up and down which the loaded barges were carried on trolleys.
131. Anyone inclined to mock this suggestion should note that the armed services are perhaps the most respected institution in Britain today.
132. Looking this way at myself[], I am less inclined to brood over whatever blessings may have been withheld.
133. The news media are increasingly inclined to engage in, or report on, the verbal brawl.
134. Lewis was inclined to ground his grudging acceptance of democracy on the doctrine of original sin.
135. Yet I'd be inclined to play the extra batsman, going for the experience of Hashan Tillekaratne.
136. The new ecologists were particularly inclined to stress the interactions between the different species making up the population of each area.
137. Indeed, we are inclined firmly to the view that this is generally the case.
138. So, the government was not inclined to insist on equal treatment.
139. People will be more inclined to hold speculative balances of money in anticipation of a rise in interest rates.
140. Workers would probably have been less inclined to support them if their protests had met with reasoned discussion rather than tear gas.
141. Born in 1818, he had been educated under the supervision of the liberally inclined Romantic poet Vasilii Zhukovskii.
142. We should, however, be inclined to suspect condensation on the outside wall.
143. If you feel inclined to try them both, be prepared for some wrestling in your system settings.
143. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
144. Regretfully I see in him a nature inclined to harshness and rigour, with little tenderness and forthrightness.
145. Most people are not inclined to do what they do believe is right and just. Dr T.P.Chia 
146. She has a more middlebrow talent than his, and therefore seems less inclined toward introspection and reiteration.
147. In the prognathous head the long axis is horizontal, or slightly inclined ventrally, while the mouthparts are anterior in position.
148. I am inclined to doubt it, but let us not linger, and consider instead the second premiss of the argument.
149. Or did he, as some are inclined to think, actually invent it?
150. The public and the Congress are inclined toward less federal involvement in the lives of people and the conduct of business.
151. Members of a self-defeating organiza-tion are, as a result of prior negative experiences, inclined to believe the worst.
152. But at present they seem inclined to prefer a bit of a bully.
153. If not a few sessions a week on an inclined treadmill should help firm up those wobbly thighs.
154. On this sunny afternoon in May, I was inclined to agree.
155. I would be inclined to remove the odd fish, though.
156. But for many, stories about one night-stands are more inclined to raise eyebrows than get them giggling.
157. It is a free agent once released into a burrow and is free to go wherever it feels inclined.
158. And if you're so inclined, there's potential for ticking off a few classic rock climbs along the way.
159. After its closure in 1910, the Inclined Plane became heavily overgrown.
160. Men are inclined to exaggerate their strengths and to rationalize their weaknesses, and are not willing to accept the truth about their negative behaviors and harmful habits. Dr T.P.Chia 
161. By contrast, some Marxists are more inclined to emphasize capitalism's economic success in generating proletarian support.
162. In the event it was decided against all precedent to bypass the flights by the construction of inclined plane lifts.
163. They are inclined to be retiring, anxious and solitary and are far more likely to be victims of crime than perpetrators.
164. Marie extended her hand graciously, inclined her head, thanked me.
165. When ripe, it is almost inclined to run, with a creamy flavour sharpened by the blue mould.
166. Composites, which have attracted takeover speculation, were inclined to ease on disappointment that Pearl had been targeted.
167. He was less inclined to be so, it seemed, about private matters.
168. Inclined to be an unpredictable live outing, the Veggies do the business with an energising blur of Neds-ish guitar fodder.
169. As soon as their eyes met he inclined his head in acknowledgement.
170. Just as ominously, the Senate leadership seems inclined to attach conditions to the money.
171. We are inclined to think of connections between earlier and later events rather than connections between simultaneous events.
172. Such disturbed asteroids typically have orbits that are only moderately eccentric and inclined.
173. They will be less inclined to be loyal to Delhi.
174. The definite article was inclined to appear in strange places, and to disappear from other places where it should have been.
175. More orthodox scholars are inclined to scoff at such theories.
176. One recent study concluded: These days, some truckers are more inclined to sport white collars than tank tops.
177. A brief summary is in order for those of you not inclined to keep track of shenanigans and other assorted tomfoolery.
178. One is inclined to assume that Woosnam had laid a false trail.
179. She wouldn't put it past him but in the brilliant afternoon heat she wasn't inclined to pursue the matter.
180. We naturally feel inclined to reject these theories for that reason.
181. Yeltsin, as he is inclined to do when backed into a corner, has taken a high-risk gamble.
182. She also remarks, rather acidly, that women these days are inclined to be arrogant when they're in charge.
183. All great fun for the flyer but not for those inclined to complain about noise pollution.
184. Sometimes he punished himself when others were inclined to exonerate him.
185. Before then, we are inclined to believe only hip jazz musicians and self-destructive beat poets did dope.
186. At times like this the back row inclined to craven panic.
187. Great earthquakes occur adjacent to the inclined contact between the two plates.
188. For the artistically inclined the flea markets of Paris are full of interest and are, of course, totally free.
189. He inclined his head slightly and tried to see up the stairs.
190. When the telephone rang yet again, she was inclined not to answer it.
191. Even were I so inclined, she can make her own decisions now, and she has decided to stay.
192. Grijalva, unlike Bronson and Eckstrom, is chummy with Boyd and far less inclined to critique him or Huckelberry.
193. This is the message which aims to make people aware of the product and favourably inclined towards it.
194. Some people are very mathematically inclined, others excel in verbal skills.
195. We might be inclined to reject the arrangement because it seems unattractive and not what we want.
196. How much effort either the president or the Congress is inclined to put behind the rhetoric is an open question.
197. Only one of the inclined planes was built, that at Foxton.
198. Training starts with a pole inclined against a wall for assistance.
199. He is competent, but, like Tom, inclined to be easygoing.
200. Morris found that girls were more inclined than boys to feel shame in admitting delinquent acts.
201. If you are musically inclined, you might hear sounds or tones.
202. The consequence is likely to be a House less inclined to ideological combat and more given to cranking out compromises with Clinton.
203. If members see their power over Labour reduced, they may be less inclined to vote Yes.
203. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
204. He was aware that the commander-in-chief of his armed forces was more inclined to take orders from his mum than his king.
205. Congress now seems inclined to settle temporarily for a catch-all budget measure that would freeze federal spending at current levels.
206. The faster the heart beats the more rapidly we may be inclined to breathe and the more oxygen we take in.
207. The head of the Crucified inclined toward the right arm.
208. Somewhere they must have an affinity for it; hearts inclined to flower arrangements, minds intrigued by cleaning products.
209. Although it does not in fact provide a justification, we are much less inclined to say that it does not.
210. Certainly, she was not inclined to trust herself to a system based on gifts and favours.
211. The attention of both reactionary and liberally inclined noblemen focused upon the need to establish a new basis for local government.
212. The Essenes were not only greatly inclined to apocalyptic views and legalism, but they were frantically anti-Hellenistic.
213. I would be inclined to add an external canister filter to your set-up, such as an Eheim 2215.
214. Filbert brushes are less inclined to have a build up of colour at the edges and can be versatile.
215. I myself was inclined toward that point-of-view until I called Bonnie Henry.
216. It seems that the staff were inclined to regard the women as light relief from the sombre business of teaching science.
217. Urquhart inclined his head and seemed to listen to the wind.
218. Men think and act for self-interest, and are inclined to lie, cheat and swindle when doing so brings them benefits. Dr T.P.Chia 
219. It manipulates the environment, and it is able to enforce moral duties on those who are inclined to disregard them.
220. Other excitements took their place but I was more inclined to stare at them in amazement than paint them.
221. Since plaintiffs naturally inclined to value their lost property exorbitantly, defendants did have reason to think seriously about restoring it.
222. However, after two days at Reberty's Altea Hotel, we were less inclined to take this view.
223. Women brought a different sensibility to their enterprises: they were more inclined to global, long-range vision.
224. Fear of public criticism may well be intimidating some doctors, making them less inclined to consider the diagnosis.
225. When she makes love she screams like a banshee, and things are inclined to get knocked over.
226. George himself supervised his washing procedure, which was inclined to be haphazard.
227. The defendant made a similar lintel but with a rear face inclined at 6 degrees from the vertical.
228. Writers of standard handbooks are also inclined to dismiss the early evidence.
229. He argues that servants were inclined to be discontented as they observed others climb in society.
230. Henry was inclined to seek solace in drink.
231. I'm inclined to think independently.
232. At the moment, inflation means that depositors are earning negative interest – losing money – and are less inclined to save.
233. Researchers inclined to regard that the visitor was a "Saint King" or "Manchu dominator", but in the context of the "Yangming school", the one he was waiting for would be "us" in the common sense.
234. Having a slanting or sloping direction , course, or position; inclined.
235. Asymmetric dual - angle milling cutter used to point chutes, and inclined spiral groove, level surface.
236. The drive may be inclined at any angle with tight side either top or bottom.
237. More muscular tonicity in together instigates your metabolism, you will be so more inclined to mobilize you in sustained efforts.
238. I would not, if I were you, be inclined to discuss private business with the landlady.
239. Martin is inclined to rush in where angels fear to tread.
240. Given your lack of criminal record I am inclined towards probation.
241. One of the photographs revealed a minute aircraft close to an inclined ramp.
242. I'm always inclined to bring with me a flask with a little good whisky in it.
243. Reformists are inclined to disapprove of the fundamentalist suicide bombers, and to support Yasser Arafat.
244. Construct a set of rectangular axes and resolve any inclined forces into rectangular components.
245. Born into a shepherd family, he is inclined to live a modest life.
246. It is important for random vibration analysis of the inclined isolator system.
247. My leather shoes left sharp prints on the moss - covered flagstones of the inclined path.
248. In the case of a rack, the teeth have straight sides inclined at angle corresponding to the pressure angle.




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