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单词 monster
释义  Related topics: Folkloremon·ster1 /ˈmɒnstə $ ˈmɑːnstər/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1  in stories 在故事中RF an imaginary or ancient creature that is large, ugly, and frightening 妖怪;怪兽,怪物 the remains of a prehistoric monster 史前怪兽的遗骸 the search for the Loch Ness Monster 对内斯湖水怪的搜寻2  cruel person 残忍的人BAD PERSON someone who is very cruel and evil 残忍的人;恶人,恶魔 Only a monster could kill all those women. 只有恶魔才会杀害那些妇女。3  child 孩子CHILD a small child, especially one who is behaving badly – used humorously 小恶棍,捣蛋鬼〔幽默用法〕 I’ve got to get home and feed this little monster. 我得回家喂这个小捣蛋了。4  STH large 巨大的东西 informalBIG an object, animal etc that is unusually large 巨大的东西,庞然大物 Did you see the fish Dad caught? It was a monster! 你看到爸爸钓到的鱼了吗?真大! There’s a monster of a spider in the bath! 浴缸里有一只硕大的蜘蛛!5. dangerous problem 危险的问题 a dangerous or threatening problem, especially one that develops gradually and is difficult to manage 〔尤指逐渐恶化、难以处理的〕危险[可怕]的问题Examples from the Corpusmonster• This includes the cost of a monster ridden by a character.• You never were, although the slum people were complaining that a monster was preying on them.• Their pumpkin this year was a monster.• A monster like that should not be allowed to live!• The big monster sat down with me.• But the government, in pursuit of high-minded ideals, has created a bureaucratic monster before which small business-people flee in terror.• Now the Vaccines for Children program has become a new bureaucratic monster with a life of its own.• I hate taking the boys grocery shopping - they turn into monsters.• Fear for my family and hate for my monster were with me day and night.• The Giants, the fourth race of monsters, sprang up from his blood.• These guys are only Caspers; the real monsters are still breathing on this side of the great divide.• a sea monster• He argued that unless these monsters were put in prison immediately, they would continue to terrorize the of a• The early single Like A Daydream, their finest pop moment, was a monster of a song tonight.• Learning a lesson Resistance to vancomycin already has created a smaller monster of a bug that had been virtually harmless, enterococcus.monster2 adjective [only before noun]  informalBIG unusually large 异常大的,庞大的,巨大的 SYN giant a monster cat 巨型猫 The song was a monster hit. 这首歌大受欢迎。Examples from the Corpusmonster• Chichio's boat is a monster dinghy the length of a bus.• Yet sentiments such as this were inevitable, as soon as politicians had agreed to make the monster Dome a public project.• It was a monster game because the week before it was as if the building had fallen down.• All afternoon I walked on the snow of the monster storm.• That's a monster tree!• a monster truck rally• A blink from a monster victory now threatening disaster.Origin monster1 (1200-1300) French monstre, from Latin monstrum “warning, monster”, from monere “to warn”mon·ster1 nounmonster2 adjectiveChineseSyllable  large, ancient is or creature imaginary that Corpus an




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