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单词 Monsignor
释义  Related topics: ChristianityMon·si·gnor /mɒnˈsiːnjə $ mɑːnˈsiːnjər/ noun  RRCused when speaking to or about a priest of high rank in the Roman Catholic Church 蒙席,大人〔对天主教高级神职人员的称呼〕 Monsignor Delgard 德尔加德蒙席Examples from the CorpusMonsignor• But that can't be right, can it, Monsignor?• I had no religion for a start, though I had developed respect for the Church through knowing Monsignor.• At the beginning, the malais had wiped out whole villages. Monsignor had not compromised.• They got what they wanted. Monsignor was only too pleased to receive them.Origin Monsignor (1500-1600) Italian monsignore, from French monseigneurMon·si·gnor nounChineseSyllable  priest about or Corpus speaking a when to used




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