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单词 Mercator
1. State the properties of the Mercator and Zenithal Equal-area map projections.
2. On a Mercator projection, Great Circle routes appear as curves.
3. Along with many of his contemporaries, Mercator held the Baconian belief that knowledge should be exploited for utilitarian ends.
4. The Mercator projection and the Zenithal Equal-area projection are shown in the form of screen dumps in Figure 4.7.
5. The Mercator projection gives a popular, rectilinear picture of the Earth's surface but grossly exaggerates dimensions near the poles.
6. The mercator projection is one of the most used world map projection.
7. Mercator might be used by a geologist mapping current directions in Palaeozoic sediment.
8. For example, the Mercator projection is widely used by boats and ships because it produces a map in which lines of constant bearing are a straight line, which greatly simplifies navigation.
9. We improved arithmetics of Mercator mapping transform and inverse transform.
10. Interior and all internal finishing is done as "Mercator standard" – the standard which is prescribed by shopping company's chain for all their standard malls.
11. Like the overlapping maps in a Mercator projection, where the ranges of different versions overlap, they predict the same phenomena.
12. The bias is even embedded in mapping conventions: Mercator projections tend to place the Western Hemisphere in the middle of the map, splitting the Indian Ocean at its far edges.
13. In a Mercator projection, the north and south poles are spread out, resulting in a map with equally spaced longitudes and latitudes, and a constant compass bearing.
14. The mercator projection is one of the most used world map projection. It preserves direction and shapes but distorts size, in an increasing degree away from the equator.
15. Flemish cartographer who developed the Mercator projection ( 1568 ).
16. Only prejudice, and the trick of the Mercator projection , prevents us from recognizing the enormity of the African continent.
17. Many people have a mental map of the world which corresponds approximately to the Mercator projection.
18. OpenLayers does not have the ability to re-project data itself, so all data included in a map must also be provided in Spherical Mercator projection.
19. Sometimes, you will be able to request data in the Spherical Mercator projection, and the data provider will project it for you — but don't rely on this.
20. The satellite cover are drawn on the ichnography of the earth with the projection of Mercator.
20. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
21. You can almost say that the "opposite" of the Plate Carree is the Mercator projection which stretches areas close to the poles in the opposite direction, making them look very big.
22. These and many other commercial free data sources use the spherical Mercator data projection (identified by European Petroleum Survey Group [EPSG] code 900913).
23. The most common projection after geographic (latitude and longitude) is the transverse Mercator projection.
24. The Burgundy wines on offer are part of the collection of Donald Stott, a wine lover who ran the Wall Street firm Wagner Stott Mercator before it was sold in 2001.
25. The UTM system divides the Earth into 60 zones, each based on the Transverse Mercator projection.
26. You then project (or transform) the coordinate from WGS84 latitude and longitude (EPSG:4326) to the map's current projection (Spherical Mercator) and zoom to it.
27. Data from this service is provided in NAD83 latitude/longitude coordinates (EPSG code 4269), which is incompatible with your requirement of using Spherical Mercator projection.
28. Construction Company budget was extremely limited; the part of their contract with Mercator was a reference project – simple mall, built in village in northern part of Slovenia.
29. For the convenience of the processing pixel map by computer, the rectangular segmentation of color pixel map based on grid projection and Mercator projection is put forward.
30. The track of sub-satellite points are drawn on the ichnography of the earth with the projection of Mercator.




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