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单词 Approaching
1) At 60, he was now approaching retirement.
2) The approaching car's headlights were on full beam .
3) The golden week of National Day is approaching.
4) In the far distance I saw a ride approaching.
5) They narrowly evaded a police car which was approaching.
6) A typhoon is now approaching Hong Kong.
7) We are approaching the hall entrance.
8) The time is approaching when we must think about buying a new house.
9) The time is fast approaching when we shall have to make a decision.
10) Something approaching a lynch mob has been gathering against the Chancellor for even daring to consider higher interest rates.
11) A storm is approaching.
12) You are not approaching the problem in the correct manner.
13) There is no other player even remotely approaching her calibre.
14) We could just see the train approaching in the distance.
15) Community unrest is rapidly approaching the flashpoint.
16) The approaching tornado struck awe in our hearts.
17) Clark's eyes narrowed as he saw the man approaching.
18) Get in lane early when approaching a junction.
19) People approaching the gate were challenged by the sentry.
20) Dad's approaching retirement age .
21) I saw a shadowy figure approaching.
22) She was then approaching the end of her career.
23) He's never had anything approaching a normal life.
24) They easied on approaching the dock.
25) A cold/warm front is approaching from the west.
26) We're approaching the issue from many different angles .
27) first day of school, I know your new teacher. When I see you feel so warm, warm. In three years you will let us grow into a more sturdy trees. No matter whether I will be tall and straight trees, or low shrubs. Teacher, I will pay tribute to your life green. I hope our youth will always be with you the joy, Teacher's Day approaching, my dear teacher,(http:///approaching.html) I wish you good health and good luck!
28) Making someone happy is perhaps the humblest way of approaching happiness.
29) As he came to a bridge, he heard a truck approaching.
30) The cars had stopped at the sound of the approaching siren.
1) At 60, he was now approaching retirement.
2) The approaching car's headlights were on full beam .
3) In the far distance I saw a ride approaching.
4) They narrowly evaded a police car which was approaching.
5) A typhoon is now approaching Hong Kong.
6) We are approaching the hall entrance.
7) The time is fast approaching when we shall have to make a decision.
8) Something approaching a lynch mob has been gathering against the Chancellor for even daring to consider higher interest rates.
9) A storm is approaching.
10) You are not approaching the problem in the correct manner.
11) There is no other player even remotely approaching her calibre.
12) As he came to a bridge, he heard a truck approaching.
13) The cars had stopped at the sound of the approaching siren.
14) We could just see the train approaching in the distance.
15) The approaching tornado struck awe in our hearts.
16) The male menopause is said to affect men who are approaching middle age.
17) Her finger tightened on the trigger as she heard footsteps approaching.
18) There is no other player even remotely approaching her caliber.
31) There are several ways of approaching this problem.
32) Approaching cars will be routed into two lanes.
33) The train was approaching at high speed .
34) What's the best way of approaching this problem?
35) With winter approaching(http://), many animals are storing food.
36) We turned to see the approaching car slow down.
37) I saw a figure approaching in the darkness.
38) Hurricane Betty is now approaching the coast of Florida.
39) By now the army was approaching from the south.
40) He didn't see the car approaching on his nearside.
41) Unemployment is rapidly approaching the one million mark.
42) The car was approaching the crossroads.
43) She turned to wave to the approaching soldiers.
44) You acted perfectly properly in approaching me first.
45) Enemy ship approaching! Man the guns!
46) 'Stop,' she said, 'I can hear something.' Sure enough(), in the distance we could hear the sound of a car approaching.WHICH WORD?
47) She heard footsteps approaching.
48) Suddenly I saw a tall figure approaching toward the policeman.
49) Three riders were approaching.
50) The male menopause is said to affect men who are approaching middle age.
51) With an election approaching, both political parties are encouraging voter registration.
52) 'Stop,' she said, 'I can hear something.' Sure enough, in the distance we could hear the sound of a car approaching.
53) He shrank back against the wall as he heard them approaching.
54) She was pointing to a small boat that was approaching the shore.
55) Her finger tightened on the trigger as she heard footsteps approaching.
56) I was approaching a fairly sharp bend that swept downhill to the left.
57) They made a quick exit when they saw the police approaching.
58) The time is approaching when we must be on board.
59) With exams approaching, it's a good idea to review your class notes.
60) Her confinement was approaching.
61) An airliner came close to disaster while approaching Heathrow Airport.
62) Women are advised to wait where they are not immediately visible to approaching traffic.
63) She had to force herself to stand her ground when she heard someone approaching.
64) There is no other player even remotely approaching her caliber.
65) The guard at the gate challenged anyone approaching the building.
65) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
66) I see it's approaching lunchtime, so let's take a break.
67) One of them would keep a look-out on the road behind to warn us of approaching vehicles.
68) The business in hand was approaching some kind of climax.
69) Night was fast approaching.
70) There is a need for academic rigor in approaching this problem.
71) There is a need for academic rigour in approaching this problem.
72) The publication of his collected poems was approaching the status of an event.
73) The time is fast approaching when we will have to replace these old machines.
74) We might be experiencing some turbulence on this flight due to an approaching electrical storm.
75) The time is fast approaching when we will have to make a decision.
76) He is approaching his 40th birthday, and thinking of retiring from sport.
77) The sailors took in sail when the tempest was approaching.
78) Now that the deadline is approaching we all feel under pressure.
79) If you look out of the window on the left of the bus, you'll see that we're now approaching the Tower of London.
80) I saw the storm clouds approaching.
81) But civilization was approaching in fits and starts.
82) We could hear footsteps approaching down the corridor.
83) The rear of a truck was approaching rapidly.
84) When and, the approaching waves contain an impulsive component.
85) Warren was in his late fifties and approaching retirement.
86) Will you be approaching the bank for a loan?
87) An on-board computer would constantly monitor approaching obstacles.
88) We listen for footsteps approaching.
89) That said, the 1995 World Cup is fast approaching.
90) I was hesitant about approaching the boss directly.
91) It was then he saw the approaching gendarme.
92) He sent two men to reconnoitre the approaching dark.
93) Chops' girlfriend continues watching the approaching doom of the churning waves in front of the leviathan.
94) Kate Finlayson explains that, with winter approaching, you may well be better off without your own horse!
95) Liz replaced the receiver and tried to keep calm, but she could feel panic, fever,(Sentencedict) tears approaching.
96) O'Donnell is hopelessly miscast, while Campbell appears to have forgotten how to generate anything approaching the energy or excitement of GoldenEye.
97) Will, now approaching his seventies, wanted to retire but their savings were insufficient to allow him to do so.
98) A £60,000 tufting machine was installed in January, again increasing the production which is approaching 60% up on last year.
99) If they had, chances are they would have hesitated before approaching her.
100) Analysts are looking for full-year profits approaching £160m, after the important second half.
101) In the distance, Ybreska saw a vehicle approaching, throwing up huge dust-clouds as it bumped along the rutted track.
102) Laser beams swept like searchlights, leaving smoking trails across the rock, as blasters were turned towards the approaching Dalek Killer.
103) To this day the strategic importance of Stirling is obvious to anyone approaching from the south.
104) We were approaching a big road junction where there was a controlled Pedestrian crossing.
105) Richmann tensed as the approaching engine noise reached a peak.
106) Alcohol and drug misusers may fear approaching statutory agencies for help, especially if they are parents.
107) This advice is being ignored by Republicans who sense a political earthquake approaching in November.
108) Approaching the signal box he mounted the steps, the hand-rail creaking as he used it for support.
109) By now the sky has begun to darken overhead, and night is fast approaching.
110) More than a dozen boats bobbed against the docks, their hulls restless in the approaching dusk.
111) The approaching footsteps ran lightly to the top of the stairs and came towards them.
112) Scores approaching 200 therefore represent a high proportion of very non-standard realizations.
113) It's hard to believe, but we're fast approaching the dessert hour.
114) Thus the numerical solutions themselves may be considered to be approaching an equilibrium or periodic solution.
115) Exams were approaching; and, with them, trouble on all fronts.
116) She woke to find the room dim with approaching dusk, and without lights except for the glow of the fire.
117) During the approaching round the time would come, inevitably, when he would have to play a shot under immense pressure.
118) We then set out for Muscat, but with nightfall approaching, we landed in Abu Dhabi.
119) The hedge was fast approaching, looking too big, far too big for Buttons to jump on his own.
120) That deadline is fast approaching, and from the end of December Jubilee 2000 will be no more.
121) Furthermore, private investors can not trade shares on terms even approaching those available to fund managers.
122) Robert Walker, the prosperous-looking president of Turf Paradise, can see his doom approaching from 20 miles east.
123) In approaching any historical document there should be a progression from lower order to higher order thinking.
124) The base level for anything approaching quality reproduction would be 64 levels and this needs over 6.5 megabytes.
125) In the years that followed, Fred Eaton would become messianic about the water shortage he saw approaching.http://
126) The equinox had surely passed already, and perhaps the solstice was approaching.
127) Pike Tackle With Autumn and Winter rapidly approaching, anglers will soon he turning to pike.
128) In terms of colliding plane waves, these solutions all involve approaching waves with initial impulsive components.
129) A disheartened army continued towards Taunton where, hearing of the superior army approaching from London, Warbeck slipped away.
130) Approaching the lodging house it looks as if the old harridan has got a gang together to repel unwelcome boarders.
131) During it all, nothing has made me cringe more than the sound of an approaching bike.
132) It was dusk by the time she checked out of the Shelbourne; night was approaching rapidly.
133) He says approaching bends he's worried because he has flashbacks of some one losing control and crashing into him.
134) An approaching Ilyushin passenger-jet was told to overshoot as the tower lined Duncan up on the runway.
135) The main obstacles in this area lay in analysing and approaching suitable targets.
136) Approaching the car I was driving, he reproved me, saying that a padre ought to know better.
137) Despite a decent map it had become obvious that we were approaching the high ridge of the mountains.
138) The hand gunners hopefully rally to rejoin the fray or continue to shoot at approaching enemy.
139) Anger that she wasn't answering now combined with concern and something approaching desperation in his mind.
140) The trees shook(), all their young leaves shivering as if with ague or fear of the approaching storm.
141) It has become conscious of its history, and is approaching the moment of truth.
142) He was approaching the awkward age in a professional golfer's career.
143) Frankie never made the mistake of approaching him without invitation.
144) I stood at the edge of the drive, out of sight of the approaching runner.
145) The time may well be approaching when meat eating is generally regarded as a sign of barbarity, rather than of civilisation.
146) He did say that he is not currently employed and that he is approaching bankruptcy.
147) The cabby was approaching fast; his hatred seemed to have intensified on his scowling face.
148) Approaching 1,000 homeless men have been temporarily housed there since it opened.
149) They can even recognize depth and may respond with a defensive reaction to approaching objects.
150) The tide had turned; she could see the white caps approaching.
151) Almost every person who plays follows professional golf with something approaching befuddlement.
152) The number of unsolicited companies approaching the office with offers of help in the past twelve months has been impressive.
153) And with winter approaching there's a desperate need for more clothing and shoes.
154) To the surprise of many, and regardless of the approaching Easter weekend, a string of real-life cash-in-hand buyers appeared.
155) Helpers approaching have sometimes been bitten or attacked wildly in the delirium that follows and which may last as long as twelve tormented hours.
156) The differences between these two ways of approaching ethnic disadvantage show most clearly in the case of education.
157) She was, of course, keenly interested in cinema(), and her White House film festival was fast approaching.
158) This reflector shows each car, which other cars are approaching, from any one of a half-dozen directions.
159) He paused by one of the radiators to warm his hands before approaching the doors that led into the infirmary.
160) They suggest approaching the average and below-average children through mime, dance and personal composition.
161) The time is rapidly approaching when somebody has to do a spacewalk around this station.
162) Nothing prevents us from approaching religions which are not ours in an open-hearted manner.
163) Approaching the northern end of the street from the west, one reaches Galerie Sonne.
164) If you plan to have cavity wall insulation installed, start by approaching your local authority Building control Officer for approval.
165) He was approaching a state of exhilaration, a state which can be achieved only by human beings blinded to context.
166) Approaching when Sammler was so preoccupied, Bruch, his idiosyncrasy, got a very special reception.
167) On the 10-rouble bus ride home, approaching the industrial glare of the night city, we retreat into contemplation.
168) Shore stations around the world, using signal lamps, still flash Morse signals to approaching foreign ships to learn their intentions.
169) Approaching a third of his 450 front-line emergency ambulances are now diesel.
170) It was like approaching a floating island in the sky.
171) Kathleen felt a prickle between her shoulderblades and knew the camera was approaching.
172) Bill Archer is very worried, deeply troubled that a constitutional crisis may be approaching.
173) By now Christmas was fast approaching, and further travel would soon be inadvisable.
174) The spokesman said the mini veered off the road after it was in collision with another car approaching the bridge.
175) Alan Aldridge's chestnut quickened well approaching the penultimate and was in no danger from then on.
176) She had just about finished, when she began to make out footsteps approaching from deeper in the maze of drums.
177) The solemnly ticking grandfather clock by the door said two minutes to the half hour when Charles heard the Bishop approaching.
178) The woman, classy, well-presented, thirty-five, is approaching fast-he can't finish the sentence.
179) Some 1800 million years ago atmospheric oxygen was fast approaching the present level of about 21 percent of the total.
180) She heard the sound of Albert's footsteps approaching, heaved her bulk from the chair, and opened the oven door.
181) Lookouts on outlying islands warned fishing villages of approaching whales, whereupon great numbers of men in small boats gave chase.
182) The payment will be reduced under statutory provisions if the employee is approaching retirement age.
183) This detects any approaching heat source such as people or cars and automatically turns on, welcoming friends and deterring intruders.
184) But now as I watched him perform, I regarded his political commitment with something approaching awe.
185) I turned and saw a long blue column approaching with a corporal in charge.
186) For approaching the jury, she recommends walking slowly in a curving path to create intimacy.
187) Off course and approaching the mountain, they crashed into oblivion, and their families never knew for sure what happened.
188) Dazed, we wandered along flat ground towards the lake, when we heard the roar of an approaching speedboat.
189) Yet this interventionism has not led to the creation of anything approaching an Executive Office.
190) He resolved the problem by adopting the role of lookout, warning the men when strangers, particularly police, were approaching.
191) Kylesku was notorious, and approaching cars raced to be in the front of the queue to avoid a frustrating wait.
192) The mind no longer needs to invent its reality-the reality is in its face, rapidly approaching dead-on.
193) At about dusk last Saturday, it was approaching a civilian airstrip in Marana, about 25 miles northwest of Tucson.
194) She watched the bright spark of the spear approaching, and felt nothing but a dull kind of relief.
195) Another five years on, it is approaching £10m,() and grew by 65 per cent over the last year.
196) The shop assistant, staring idly through his shop-window, saw the school bus approaching its stop, through almost blinding rain.
197) They made love as though tomorrow was fast approaching, and with it imminent departure.
198) Noctuid moths are eaten by bats, and have evolved a special pair of ears to warn them of approaching danger.
199) This time he seems to be picking up the signals of some approaching hostility towards him.
200) They have drawn out the magical circle simply to trap the adventurers, when they saw them approaching the area.
201) Ragged children run up to approaching cars with delight because motorized vehicles are a rare sight.
202) The noise of approaching footsteps on the stair was therefore welcome; but it turned out to be only the telegraph boy.
203) As it was, marchers approaching John Street had to dodge a fusillade of missiles thrown by the loyalists.
204) A wall of dark water, approaching our port side at an incredible speed.
205) You should really think twice before approaching this woman or before telling your boyfriend.
206) To film arctic foxes facing up to the rigours of approaching winter.
207) If we allow that logic then, the time must be approaching that the guy taking credit must now accept the blame.
208) The night had passed without any alarm, and the early light revealed no signs of an approaching storm.
209) The largest column, which was at Phaistos, had a diameter approaching 1 metre.
210) But if he seems to be in something approaching hypnotic trance, be very careful of your language.
211) Posi gave the warning - spacecraft approaching - and the screens flashed up the images.
212) On approaching the high ground before the Alps themselves we all encountered thick cloud, despite the season, and icing.
213) Imagine you are approaching a busy complex roundabout with six converging roads.
214) After a sharp turn in the path, they are suddenly approaching a faint square of light.
215) As she lay there, barely conscious,(http:///approaching.html) she heard the sound of a car engine approaching.
216) She felt a momentary triumph and something approaching relief, as if Amy had at last consented to communicate with the world.
217) On the afternoon of 23 November 1939, as it was growing dark, two warships were reported approaching from astern.
218) Males, in particular, are quickly inhibited from approaching a female if she is already interacting with a male partner.
219) I crossed the grass quickly, placed my person behind the bush, and before long heard Mr Cardinal's footsteps approaching.
220) Every time I heard some one approaching it, I went rigid with expectation.
221) As we dozed off, we heard the sound of approaching footsteps and voices, which jerked us quickly back to life.
222) She documents the considerable difficulties involved for researchers in approaching bereaved families and countering the disapproval of many outside agencies.
223) In one leap, that acquisition made Northern Britain's biggest milkman, with approaching a quarter of the market.
224) Organisations may also not wish to pay relocation allowances to staff approaching retirement.
225) With planting season approaching, all sides agree that farmers need to know what government programs will be.
226) Generals Johnston and Beauregard were seen approaching at a gallop.
227) Sciorra plays a Colorado astronomer who discovers that an approaching comet has dislodged several asteroids, propelling them toward Earth.
228) Equally important, the need for rigour in approaching a problem of this sort came across nicely.
229) And we are fast approaching many of the Earth's limits.
230) Current video printers can produce a paper image approaching the quality of a photographic print and are improving all the time.
231) Whether these differences would remain if primary teachers emphasised different aspects of mathematics and different ways of approaching mathematics is unknown.
232) As with syntax there are two ways of approaching semantic processing.
233) The fragrance of new millet drifted up on a southwestern breeze, reminding him that harvest was approaching.
234) We hope this will be of value to both feminists and philosophers approaching these questions for the first time.
235) Remember to wear something approaching the colour of your wedding dress so that you can judge the likely effect on the big day.
236) Only when they saw the hooded men with blood-covered knives approaching their cars did they realise what lay in store for them.
237) She herself would use the back staircase as the entrance to her flat, approaching it from the courtyard.
238) And approaching that very machine, his last pound coin clutched in his fist, was Felix Henderson McMurdo.
239) With expressions such as these, we are obviously approaching another transitional area bordering on idiom.
240) The minutes dragged while they listened for the first hum of the approaching helicopter.
241) Looking around I could see the duty Officer approaching from the direction of the farm.
242) Hardly had this disappeared, when a lowering mass of white foam was seen rapidly approaching the vessel.
243) But when she was approaching thirty, love - or something very like it - had struck.
244) I always think the best way of approaching an interview is to take it as it comes.
245) Ratagan was like a great bear,(/approaching.html) and he rode something approaching a cart horse.
246) Whilst not yet approaching the sophistication of biological assemblies, synthetic systems of increasing subtlety and considerable aesthetic appeal have been created.
247) The Conservative agriculture spokesman, Tim Yeo, said the situation was approaching a national emergency.
248) This traditional classification nevertheless remains a convenient way of approaching the task of describing the United Kingdom constitution.
249) This can sometimes be sensed in elderly persons who are approaching the end.
250) It calls for turning around and approaching the problem from a completely different angle.
251) Two cars went down the street on the opposite side; on Quinn's side a motor-cyclist was approaching.
252) Such a crisis, in my judgment, is now approaching those parts of the financial services industry that market credit.
253) Bagshaw thought - will my bosses blame me for letting this man go at what is approaching a crucial time?
254) The ex-hunter, aviator and war hero, Tom Fairfax, who was her lover, is approaching in his biplane.
255) This brief letter should provide you with some guidance concerning the United States job market and your best way of approaching it.
256) We could hear the groan of their engines for so long that we thought more vehicles were approaching.
257) It was a problem of youth, not of approaching middle age.
258) Approaching the desk, she was struck by the painting hanging above it.
259) Harriet went out into the vestibule, which was already darkening with the approaching night.
260) Their importance is expected to increase as higher percentages of those approaching retirement age are members of occupational pension schemes.
261) He beat a hasty retreat when he spotted me approaching, but it was not hasty enough.
262) For a decade, Jerusalem continued approaching Washington with a measure of humility, careful not to wear out its welcome.
263) The air is later renewed by approaching the surface, the snail now carrying its weight unassisted.
264) An then, miraculously, she heard footsteps and, looking round, saw a woman approaching.
265) The Heat led by 1 and the shot clock was approaching zero.
266) Another way of approaching the attack on the ball is to put a small obstacle in the way of the downswing.
267) He advocates forming private foundations and approaching agricultural and manufacturing businesses to help bridge the gap in state financing.
268) Jim saw me approaching and quickly retreated down a side street.
269) The time was fast approaching when Earth, like all mothers, must say farewell to her children.
270) When he rode into the yard of Cherry Tree Farm, Elizabeth was approaching the house with a pail of milk.
271) This detects signals from radars on the ground that may be aiming missiles or guns at the approaching aircraft.
272) The date for my wife's confinement was approaching closer and closer.
273) An image of an approaching predator becomes information about the future now.
274) Political knowledge is a necessary complement to science in approaching solutions to these problems.
275) Dogleg left, request good approaching shot, water and bunker at the right.
276) Panic swept through the swimmers as they saw the shark approaching.
277) He turned and saw a shadow approaching from across the churchyard.




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