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单词 Cultural revolution
(1) The tumultuous Cultural Revolution was chiefly responsible for the searing desire for change in China.
(2) Most of them were promoted during the " cultural revolution " and they have their own vested interests.
(3) So what happens to me in the great cultural revolution?
(4) This was part of the cultural revolution which has gone on ever since.
(5) Another image from the Cultural Revolution flashed before his eyes: his aging mother being vilified on her hands and knees.
(6) Reengineering, it seems, like the Cultural Revolution before it, has suddenly fallen out of favor with those in power.
(7) During the Cultural Revolution, he was sent to the countryside to plant rice for two years.
(8) For years after the Cultural Revolution, one survivor told Southern Weekend, no one visited the cemetery where 400 lie buried.
(9) Primary schoolchildren from Cultural Revolution days seemed regimented - yet were encouraged to criticize their teachers.
(10) It says a cultural revolution is necessary if students are to be adequately equipped for the twenty-first century.
(11) Several Tibetan temples were destroyed during the Cultural Revolution.
(12) The Cultural Revolution is a catastrophe to Chinese people.
(13) The industrial revolution was also a cultural revolution.
(14) Cultural Revolution, beginning(), silk production reduced scale.
(15) Agriculture was attacked again during the Great Cultural Revolution.
(16) The Cultural Revolution was a period of unprecedented cultural stagnation.
(17) The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution bursted in her youth. But her nature seemed to have found the way quite elegantly .
(18) The Cultural Revolution is indeed a major topic of public debate. even though the Chinese Communist Party would prefer for it to fall into oblivion.
(19) A mere fraction of the population shared in the cultural revolution.
(20) Old Wang first learned the habit of reading newspapers closely during the Cultural Revolution and has several cuttings pinned on the wall.
(21) The rising generation of students were more optimistic about the future and did not carry the emotional burdens of the Cultural Revolution.
(22) The crimes which everyone committed, he concludes, were caused by the Cultural Revolution.
(23) On the other hand they were allowed to criticize their teachers, something unthinkable before the Cultural Revolution.
(24) Many Tory party cheer-leaders boast that there has been a cultural revolution.
(25) Educated people had become a despised group, just as during the Cultural Revolution, when they suffered verbal and physical abuse.
(26) Basically middle - school and college students during the Cultural Revolution Chairmanact as revolutionaries.
(27) The saddest period I went through is, of course, the '' cultural revolution ''.
(28) He even compared this tothe destruction wrought by Mao's Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution.
(29) Pagoda was originally white, but was painted red during the cultural revolution.
(30) Many men of letters were criticized in public during the cultural revolution.
(1) The tumultuous Cultural Revolution was chiefly responsible for the searing desire for change in China.
(2) Most of them were promoted during the " cultural revolution " and they have their own vested interests.
(31) In a country where respect for hierarchy is embedded in the cultural DNA, the Cultural Revolution was almost unthinkably subversive.
(32) At this time, the Cultural Revolution began, in a militant fight in two, Master Yang killed.
(33) China's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution is a genuine proletarian revolution on an immense scale.
(34) He suffered during the anti-intellectual purges of the Cultural Revolution in the 1970s, but lived long enough to enjoy the fruits of China's rise as a global economic power.
(35) And, the Cultural Revolution, which is always a focus of Chinese literature, is brought into the eyeshot of writer"s esthetical taste again and impels the naissance of a block of excellent works."
(36) With the end of the Cultural Revolution, a large number of the "Cultural Revolution" word also quit the stage of history.
(37) "Long live the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution!" says the slogan on the flag that features the profile of the late Chinese leader Mao Zedong.
(38) When the Cultural Revolution reached another xenophobic height in the mid-1970s, English again became politically incorrect.
(39) Academia was dealt another blow by the Cultural Revolution of 1966-76, when the Red Guards shut down all institutions of higher education and persecuted thousands of teachers and administrators.
(40) Chapter one analyzes and narrates overseas female writers' personal memory about "the Great Cultural Revolution" take Chen Ruoxi, Yan Geling, Li Bihua writing as representative.
(41) Thirty years ago, China was just emerging from the nightmare of the Cultural Revolution and 30 years of fratricidal misrule.
(42) For those who can yet recall the backyard blast furnaces of Mao's China in the 1950s and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution to re-instill peasant values in the 1970s, the news was jarring.
(43) On 16 May 1966, Chairman Mao launched the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
(44) However, he was denounced as a reactionary academic during the Cultural Revolution in the late Sixties, and exiled to the countryside.
(45) Today, 40 years after Cultural Revolution, we bring up this disappearing history and anthologize all the reminiscences into a book.
(46) Put aside the Long March, Maoism, the Cultural Revolution; put aside the invasions, conquests, disasters, and other major setbacks inflicted upon the Chinese people over their history.
(47) As a teen-age Red Guard in the Cultural Revolution, he belonged to a rebel faction in his home town of Tianjin.
(48) During the Cultural Revolution, internationalism replaces all other principles and became the supreme principle.
(49) The special background of Cultural Revolution builds up so much highlighted waves in his artistic creation.
(50) During the Cultural Revolution of the '60s and '70s, the Red Guard attacked the Shaolin Temple, along with other religious orders.
(51) Mao unleashed his Cultural Revolution after Nikita Khrushchev denounced Soviet dictator Stalin in 1956.
(52) At once a coming-of-age tale and a heart-rending love story, Wild Ginger explores the devastating experience of the Cultural Revolution, which defined Anchee Min"s youth."
(53) In China, we had been to many concerts and other "cultural" events that still showed considerable stultification from the Cultural Revolution.
(54) Asked to reflect on how the story relates to the prospect of Taiwanese independence, Ms. Gao, who endured a decade of suffering during the chaos of the Cultural Revolution, gave a throaty laugh.
(55) The thorough exposure and smashing of this counter- revolutionary clique in the great proletarian cultural revolution is an immense new victory for Mao Tse - tung's thought.
(56) During the Cultural Revolution, China established many May 7 th cadre schools.
(57) By the way, PCR is the whole name of Cultural Revolution.
(58) Wang Qingsong was born in Heilongjiang in 1966, the year China began to convulse to the tune of Mao's disastrous Cultural Revolution.
(59) When I was a kid, it was the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
(60) The program, designed to give intellectuals the labor experience of common workers, began in the late 1960's during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
(61) The only solution is to attack the very essence of modernization, the supermarket, the airplane, the ideal of capitalism itself, a cultural revolution of sorts, a new iconoclasm .
(62) Young people pose for a photograph during China, s Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in 1967.
(63) The "loyalty dance" was a fixture of China's Cultural Revolution, and Kang Wenjie's performance at a giant Maoist teach-in was boffo.
(64) It is therefore only natural that the Mad Marxism of South Africa's anglophone intelligentsia should derive inspiration from the Chinese Cultural Revolution.
(65) I would say that since 1957 our major mistakes have been " Left" ones. The "cultural revolution" was an ultra-left mistake.
(66) The decade-long trauma known as the "Great Cultural Revolution" had just come to an end, and Chinese literature was being delivered from the influence of "ultra-leftist" ideologies.
(67) There will be no celebration tomorrow of the Great Leap Forward, the Anti-Rightist Movement or the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
(68) That was in 1967 - 68 , when Albania was aping China's Cultural Revolution.
(69) We won't even mention the '' cultural revolution '' .
(70) Mao Tsetung, the initiator and leader of the Cultural Revolution, strived to practically prove the rightness of the Revolution.
(71) Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution took shape, especially on university campuses, where students were recruited for a new "shock force", the Red Guards.
(72) China, Socialism, Mao Zedong, Korea, the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, masses, de-lingking, re-lingking.
(73) During the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in china, the study and research on basic theory of natural science suffered severe destruction.
(73) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(74) It was rumoured that Rewi Alley came under political investigation during the so-called "cultural revolution". In fact, it was caused by the irresponsible behavior of an odd-job man in his compound.
(75) Rectifying in cultural field in 1975 Directed by Deng Xiaoping was a very sharp and com plicated struggle at the later stage of " The cultural revolution".
(76) The love poems of SHU Ting broke through the forbidden zone of literature during the Great Cultural Revolution, sticking out warm and daring seeking for perfect love.
(77) Before Wu, the most recent government figure was the uber contemporary dragon-lady, Jiang Qing aka Madame Mao, who played an instrumental role in steering the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976).
(78) In the midst of their toils they also underwent the "Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution" and received large groups of sent-down youth from Shanghai, Chongqing and Kunming.
(79) The Cultural Revolution made the personality cult reach its peak.
(80) In another report from February Mr Wu is described as "an arrogant, Marx-spouting former Red Guard", referring to the youngsters who spearheaded Mao Zedong's chaotic Cultural Revolution in the 1960s.
(81) However, in called Cultural Revolution a social movement, the indiscriminate, all landowners have been down.
(82) However, Mao Tsetung didn't realize the Cultural Revolution was completely erroneous. He thought this movement did conform to Marxism and this was where the tragedy happened.
(83) It takes you through the Cultural Revolution with the final display containing Chairman Mao's uniform and microphone stand from his speech in Tianjin.
(84) Meanwhile, his writing on the Great Cultural Revolution further strengthens the Orientalist consciousness of the Western readers.
(85) In the history of Chinese piano art, the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution is a special period.
(86) In the Cultural Revolution, painting was seriously influenced by ideological factors, art became the vassal of politics, and decorative style and romantic emotions were thought to be heterodoxy.
(87) The anti-feudal cultural revolution waged by the bourgeoisie ended as soon as it had seized power.
(88) Ma Desheng(1952- ) Born in Beijing, Ma worked as a draughtsman during the Cultural Revolution.
(89) He describes how it was to live through the Great Leap Forward as a child as well as living through the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
(90) In the period when Mao Tsetung reflected on the Cultural Revolution, he demanded the whole party to study Marxism, especially Marxist philosophy and he had factually identified the ideological reason.
(91) Would the Old Summer Palace have survived the cultural revolution?
(92) It reflected the vision of Deng Xiaoping, who was opening China up after the autarkic blind alley of Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution.




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