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单词 Inadequacy
1. She rightly points to the inadequacy of the argument.
2. Unemployment can cause feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.
3. The failure is due to the inadequacy of preparations.
4. I now see the inadequacy of the explanation.
5. He made several mocking asides about the inadequacy of women.
6. The new policy only serves to accentuate the inadequacy of provision for the homeless.
7. I always suffer from feelings of inadequacy when I'm with him.
8. It's a marvellous catch-all alibi for failure and inadequacy.
9. Its inadequacy is manifested in at least two ways.
10. An overwhelming feeling of inadequacy flushed through me again.
11. He projected significant feelings of inadequacy.
12. Seeing Dan revived all my old feelings of inadequacy.
13. Their inadequacy is often disguised by the tax incentives that many governments give to institutional saving.
14. The feeling of inadequacy, but of having to cope, is an example of a tension.
15. The inadequacy and treachery of the old leaderships of the working class have made the need all the more imperative.
16. The search for personal inadequacy and behavioural defects has been the key focus of such research and policy.
17. They are budgetary procedure, the inadequacy of resources, and the redistributive aspect of the budget.sentence dictionary
18. Is this perhaps a comment on the inadequacy of the law and the difficulty of policing and getting convictions?
19. Discussion Inadequacy of services for young physically disabled adults has been emphasised in several reports.
20. Recognising his own inadequacy as a general, he appointed a succession of brilliant field commanders to lead the High Elf armies.
21. Bourdieu's third challenge to structuralism concerns its empirical inadequacy in the investigation of traditional societies.
22. This situation is exacerbated by the inadequacy of current social security provision, for both disabled people and informal carers.
23. The answer lies in the inadequacy of current training provision to resource these imminent training requirements.
24. The inadequacy of communications cut Nice off from its hinterland, and condemned the entire county to poverty.
25. His advice was to be defensive and never admit to any inadequacy.
26. The overwhelming impression of Soul is of a science in retreat, forced to admit the inadequacy of its materialism.
27. Whenever these arguments showed signs of running out of steam, we turned to complain about the inadequacy of the supporting papers.
28. Perhaps not, but plenty of people have sought power as compensation for their own feelings of inadequacy.
29. To them, it was a game, and those two had very large feelings of inadequacy.
30. The issue is further complicated by the lack of agreement on what constitutes illness and by the inadequacy of data.
1. She rightly points to the inadequacy of the argument.
2. Unemployment can cause feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.
3. The failure is due to the inadequacy of preparations.
31. And there, some plunging sense of his own inadequacy assured him, he would find the bitter end of his search.
32. A failure to solve a puzzle is seen as a failure of the scientist rather than as an inadequacy of the paradigm.
33. The highly sophisticated broadcasting industry offers an object lesson in the inadequacy of current standards of measuring public behavior.
34. It was not easy for him to come to grips with the pain of his own feelings of inadequacy.
35. In other cases, however, inadequacy merely means that we have not go as much as we would have liked.
36. But merely to recite examples of improvised education was to reveal their inadequacy.
37. She's sent a letter to her sister Bernadine talking of her feelings of inadequacy.
38. In an impressive dream sequence, Westland traces the source of this business inadequacy to his helicopter childhood and wakes up screaming.
39. The medical problem is directly related to the inadequacy of available resources.
40. However, allowing credit to turn into debt is still viewed as a result of inadequacy or recklessness on the part of the individual.
41. My first problem was to overcome my sense of inadequacy at my own mathematical understanding.
42. The Government followed that early-day motion, except in the principal respect of the claim about the inadequacy of a payment.
43. The Tomlinson report's description of the inadequacy of primary and community health services in London commands widespread agreement.
44. This anticipates the inadequacy in the feedback control, and provides a supplementary signal.
45. Even children suffer because of the inadequacy of the food they eat.
46. Your feelings of inadequacy are always triggered by some external event or happening.
47. Unproductive feelings of inadequacy hinder your behaviour in a variety of ways.
48. My father teased me mercilessly to compensate for his own feelings of inadequacy.
49. Essentially, all these blocks to communication and self-expression are to do with feelings of inadequacy, and poor self-image.
50. An exasperated Galileo was able to show up the inadequacy of his rival's position in a characteristically witty way.
51. The inadequacy of funding for child care and health coverage will manifest itself before long.
52. This apparent contradiction of the model by Proust's text is not a sign of the model's inadequacy but the reverse.
53. Another source of informational inadequacy concerns uncertainty about the future.
54. Did he also draw attention to the total inadequacy of control over pension fund investments and procedures?
55. My grades reflect the shocking inadequacy of school system.
56. What symptom can Morpheus inadequacy cause?
57. Does cerebrum have method cure for hematic inadequacy?
58. An inadequacy often calls forth compensating forces.
59. Morpheus inadequacy is answered cause endocrinopathy mind depressed!
60. Can Morpheus inadequacy appear what kind of symptom?
61. The feeling of inadequacy was overpowering.
62. the inadequacy of our resources.
63. Why does spot have face of gas blood inadequacy?
64. Juvenile offenses often reflect an inadequacy in the parents.
65. Clare'sassertiveness stirred up his deep-seated sense of inadequacy.
66. Tax agency has disdayed its powerful life-force, at the same time, some inadequacy has been exposed.
67. First one annual produce just 6000 yuan, eliminate cost, of place remnant return inadequacy to pay sericiculture rent.
68. Current, the main feature of culture of country consumption is consumptive inadequacy.
69. Analysis and calculation of parameters of core plane porosity make up the calculation inadequacy of porosity parameter in hetero...
70. Distributive shock: Distributive shock results from a relative inadequacy of intravascular volume caused by arterial or venous vasodilation ; circulating blood volume is normal.
71. Secondly, the author probes China's inadequacy of credit risk management by a comparative approach.
72. In the conclusion, the inadequacy of poetic dramatization is pointed out.
73. However, the life instinct is doomed to lose the war against the death instinct because of the ego's internal inadequacy and the harsh external reality.
74. Aiming at the inadequacy of ontology and transfer network in existing NEQAS applications, a method of chaptered ontology and transfer network is proposed.
75. But demand inadequacy, structure system is unreasonable, unreasonable the outstanding issue that still exists.
76. Besides the difference that popularizes degree, definitive inadequacy also is to restrict pay treasure copyist people one big handicap.
77. The inadequacy of the interior angle win rate and the low rate in one win. 2. Tennis players in China to directly serve scoring rate and the rate of loss of direct superior opponents.
78. Manpower capital accumulates inadequacy is region economy progress to restrict an element.
79. Credit inadequacy and bad terms of credit are two common problems facing small and medium enterprises finance .
80. "Buyers market ", "excess economy", "inadequacy of effective demand ", and "currency deflation"are insufficient to generalize Chinese macroeconomic situation.
81. Meanwhile it is necessary to establish network radio stations and make up for its inadequacy as a mass medium.
82. The third part is the inadequacy in the way of moral education and its cause in the course of practical politics teaching in senior high school.
83. Abiotrophy resulted from soil fertility inadequacy was a main limiting factor for the growth and development of apple trees in this region.
84. It point out that the main reason resulted in the problem on key project inspectorate is the key projects Inspection management system inadequacy.
85. Their inadequacy brings us back to the general inadequacy of the literary world of Concord.
86. Second, in response to cost-plus pricing method's inadequacy on calculating the risk and expected earnings, in this paper a improved risk costs and the expected revenue calculation is provided .
87. Analysis and calculation of parameters of core plane porosity make up the calculation inadequacy of porosity parameter in heterogeneous reservoirs.
88. The problem of positivism in pedagogy study lies in its technicalization and the anti- positivism of academy, and methodological inadequacy of its denial of value relationship.
89. One is justifying behavior caused by perfectionism, inadequacy, and fear of discomfort.
90. Fictitious economy grows inadequacy, it is our country's current outstanding problem.
91. How does ability make up for the inadequacy of human protein, let live in tellurian has people had, satiate?
92. We're 90 miles from big-shouldered Chicago, so we sometimes have bouts of inadequacy.
93. The mechanism of body and mind of some criterion and person is concerned, morpheus inadequacy causes exhaustion Mondayish, affect work efficiency to fly even thereby safety is example.
94. What symptom can cerebella have for hematic inadequacy ? How should do?
95. For most companies, acquisitions still carry some stigma of inadequacy.
96. Well aware of its inadequacy an irrepressible desire to catch up with the world.
97. Examine in farther demonstration in, these consumptive function theory expose its blemish and inadequacy gradually.
98. Marasmus is the condition resulting from caloric inadequacy of the diet.
99. This paper points out that there are live projecting issues in normal college students' language competence: unclearness , unfluency, inadequacy; inexactness,() inaccuracy.
100. From the observation of vitality the physician may infer the abundance or inadequacy of the vital essence, analyze mildness or the severeness of the disease and predict the prognosis of disease.
101. But, existing work management information system is existing however a lot of inadequacy.
102. Persons who are greedy and selfish an overwhelming sense of inadequacy.
103. Moral conformity results from many factors, such as multiplex social values, inadequacy of subjectiveness of individuals, psychological ascription and external mechanisms for rewards and punishments.
104. Cyberphobia is a term used to describe the feelings of anxiety, frustration, and inadequacy many people have when attempting to use the Internet.
105. There are recognizant divergences on the Mesozoic tectonic evolution of south China, which is to a certain extent related to inadequacy of integrated study on multiple geological elements.
106. Two years ago, when the project was launched, institutional inadequacy was the overarching challenge of transportation.
107. Pointed out the inadequacy of existing benchmarks and, based on the actual application needs to improve it put forward its evaluation program.
107. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
108. As it develops basic skills it gets to judge the apparent lack of skills or abilities it sees in others by projecting its own sense of inadequacy and unacceptability onto them.
109. Because the arisen time of ceramic tile is shorter, the market perfects degree of inadequacy, false and inferior product still has certain vivosphere.
110. Ferri emphasized the crucial importance of one-on-one supervision to help residents cope with feelings of inadequacy in their early efforts at psychotherapy.
111. High school student everyday can Morpheus inadequacy bring about eye myopia?
112. It's not surprising that it took me so long to discover the extent of my miseducation, because the last thing an elite education will teach you is its own inadequacy.
113. Since reforming and opening, fujian economy success is brilliant, but development aftereffect highlights inadequacy.
114. Many Japanese regard inadequacy of housing as the country's most urgent social problem.
115. However, it also faces challenges, such as the tradition of neglecting the education of those under 3 years, inadequacy of center management and the stagnation in economy etc.
116. "Going back to Hellenism" is essentially a way of compensating the inadequacy of modern cultures by a rediscovery of original Greek wisdoms that have been concealed by traditions.
117. While extra-budgetary funds effectively suffice the inadequacy of budgetary funds, it contains various problems.
118. Being in the the absence of anaesthetist, there usually are some phenomena about inadequacy of the local anaesthesia in the out-patient clinic operation .
119. Depression may result in malnutrition, noncompliance and dialysis inadequacy, etc.
120. They indicate the inadequacy of the classical shell theory in the case of fixed-end condition even for shells of moderate thickness.
121. Pathological change is chronic and continual advancement, patients can emerge renal inadequacy, uraemia. excitatory autacoid and cytotoxic drug have bad curative effect and major adverse reaction.
122. The forces of nature, cantankerous mothers-in-law , crashing hard - drives, and the hero's own feelings of inadequacy can make for good obstacles, too.
123. To overcome this inadequacy it is most important to use additional information from family values.
124. The method of the symptom of the inadequacy that enrage blood and improvement?




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