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单词 Prolonged
1. They prolonged their visit by a few days.
2. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer.
3. They were impoverished by a prolonged spell of unemployment.
4. Government sources said there would be no prolonged pause in the war.
5. Prolonged negotiation was not desirable.
6. Goodyear could be vulnerable in a prolonged economic slump.
7. After prolonged questioning she finally confessed.
8. Firms are struggling against a prolonged recession.
9. The surgery must not be unduly prolonged.
10. They prolonged their visit by two days.
11. Prolonged strike action debilitated the industry.
12. He left the stage to prolonged applause.
13. There will be prolonged delays for rail travellers.
14. Many countries have gained national independence after prolonged struggles.
15. The prolonged war rusted his technique.
16. The wood had become swollen from prolonged immersion.
17. A prolonged drought had necessitated the introduction of water rationing.
18. Prolonged use of the drug is known to have harmful side-effects.
19. The report recommends people to avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight.
20. The prolonged hot weather had shrivelled the grapes in every vineyard.
21. We know that prolonged exposure to vibration can weaken aircraft components.
22. Heavy and prolonged rain can spell disaster for many plants.
23. Two countries prolonged signing an agreement until details could be agreed on.
24. Prolonged separations of this kind are damaging to very young children.
25. Prolonged temper tantrums were not part of his personality.
26. With spinal cord injuries,[/prolonged.html] recovery can be prolonged.
27. The corruption does not seem to have muted the country's prolonged economic boom.
28. The fall in inflation is the silver lining of the prolonged recession.
29. Every father should insure himself against premature death or prolonged illness for the sake of his wife and children.
30. In many parts of the country, frosts were severe and prolonged.
1. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer.
2. They were impoverished by a prolonged spell of unemployment.
3. Government sources said there would be no prolonged pause in the war.
4. After prolonged questioning she finally confessed.
5. Many countries have gained national independence after prolonged struggles.
6. Every father should insure himself against premature death or prolonged illness for the sake of his wife and children.
7. Two countries prolonged signing an agreement until details could be agreed on.
31. Interesting acts are prolonged or repeated.
32. The prolonged competition could serve to enliven the debate.
33. How are you going to explain your prolonged absence?
34. Prolonged usage may result in hypothyroidism or kidney damage.
35. A prolonged stay of several weeks was advised.
36. The debate was prolonged and earnest.
37. Loss of viral replication by interferon can lead to a substantial regression of liver disease and probably prolonged survival.
38. Ropes broke under strain, or were worn through by prolonged use.
39. This restriction is often imposed to avoid prolonged arguments between seller and buyer.
40. But a piece of bread lying in almost liquid mud will demand a more prolonged cleaning process.
41. Prolonged repetitive activity can set up inflammation in almost any tendon or sheath.
42. Corticosteroids, if used for a prolonged period, can cause a type of dependency.
43. Prolonged use of the liquid, which keeps children alive in the beginning, often causes liver failure later.
44. Keep fuchsia well watered during prolonged dry spells in summer and feed regularly with a potash-rich liquid fertiliser.
45. He is believed to have perished fairly early in the prolonged series of guerrilla activities he inaugurated against Rome.
46. The other was a still life, part of a series painted during a prolonged stay in Paris.
46. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
47. We would pray for fine weather as a prolonged wet spell meant ruin for our efforts.
48. It may reflect some prolonged period of stress at any level of being; physical, mental or emotional.
49. This was of course in the days prior to National Health Insurance when prolonged illness meant real hardship.
50. It also brought prolonged exposure to the values and beliefs of the world's most powerful and prosperous capitalist nation.
51. I've made it clear to Craig-Dunlop that the family doesn't want her life prolonged, for religious reasons.
52. Song not unlike Meadow Pipit, but more prolonged and musical and often delivered at greater height.
53. This was different: these were the sounds of distress - short staccato yelps broken by prolonged baleful howling.
54. The government's prolonged sixteen-month silence over the Griffiths Report naturally led to much speculation, rumour and gossip.
55. Some people are very sound but can formulate opinions only after prolonged consideration.
56. He was not about to see the Shah's prolonged stay upset that.
57. The prolonged recession wrecked Government finances, as income from taxation fell and spending on social security rose.
58. This is particularly true when the period of hot weather is prolonged.
59. Care must be exercised in the interpretation of these results since the effect was observed only after prolonged exposure at high concentrations.
60. During the Middle Ages society suffered, as much as anything else, from an acute and prolonged crisis of confidence.
61. This says that a member can defend itself, but in no sense does it endorse a prolonged campaign of counter-attack.
62. But prolonged recession and high unemployment knocked his popularity down to rock-bottom.
63. Don't leave your tent pitched all day for a prolonged period - this will degrade the flysheet.
64. Since the seed for this year's crops has been eaten[], the risk of a prolonged famine is increasing.
65. Yet it only took a prolonged stare from Donald to render them meek and mild.
66. And how do you propose to explain your prolonged absence?
67. Everyone suffered from that daily and prolonged exposure to a Baldersdale winter - swollen faces and aching joints were commonplace.
68. With prolonged heavy drinking, the effects of alcohol on health can be drastic.
69. Contrary to expectations, immersion in water results in very high prolonged uptake, without equilibrium after many years.
70. Another factor inimical to corals is prolonged emersion, but resistance to this varies with the species.
71. Prolonged fixation often lead to irreversible damage as muscles atrophied.
72. These findings indicate that prolonged supplementation with vitamin C may reduce the recurrence of adenomatous polyps.
73. Children who suffer from prolonged ill-health inevitably benefit less from education than healthy children.
74. Rather than ending divisions in the Labour Party, the controversies of 1935 mark the beginning of a new period of prolonged disunity.
75. Third, since supplementary benefit can be paid indefinitely, long strikes are prolonged into longer strikes.
76. Roxburgh Castle was proof against all but prolonged siege and heavy artillery.
76. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
77. These provide a sustained steam of energy during the prolonged physical exertion required for professional cycling or tennis.
78. These differences may be significant given the potency of large and relatively prolonged aggregations for producing epidemics in experiments.
79. A descriptive sociology requires a familiarity with the observed events that is achieved through intimate and often prolonged exposure.
80. Further work must be performed to document the incidence and aetiology of deep venous thrombosis and effective prophylaxis during prolonged therapeutic laparoscopy.
81. This submerged everything, until in recent times it was in turn submerged in the bitter and prolonged conflicts of decolonization.
82. Significant cyclosporin toxicity during prolonged treatment is minimal and does not appear to be a limiting factor at this dose of cyclosporin.
83. By separating the sodium bicarbonate from the other components, the shelf-life of the packets was prolonged.
84. The most conspicuous battleground in this prolonged conflict over the locus of control was the procedure for placing contracts.
85. However, laboratory tests show that Gore-Text can be penetrated by prolonged exposure to rain.
86. Birds have been seen in every month except June and August, and commonly make prolonged stays.
87. Heavy and prolonged frosts could reduce the normally steep and swift-flowing river to a mere trickle.
88. Prolonged cold spells on reasonably full lakes are not a bad thing.
89. Sheep, hardy creatures in many ways, proved curiously vulnerable to prolonged wet weather.
90. One further aspect needs to be mentioned for churches which have experienced prolonged decline.
91. She did not want a prolonged discussion, she wanted only that he should go away.
92. This deficiency proved fatal when the dollar faced a prolonged confidence crisis in the early 1970s.
93. It was costly and prolonged, with the lines swaying back and forth, and with the issue unsettled at sundown.
94. It is a proven fact, however, that prolonged high altitude reduces intelligence. I rest my case.
95. Prolonged sitting also makes you restless, tired, and distracted,() which weakens your writing style.
96. The true effect on wild dolphin populations of prolonged exposure to chemical pollutants is hard to measure.
97. Even after prolonged secondary hyperaldosteronism, human sweat still contains significant amounts of sodium.
98. However, prolonged drought, and in Matebeleland armed conflict, have limited its effectiveness.
99. Large firms have the expectation that prolonged recession will provoke assistance from at least some parts of the bureaucracy.
100. But the prolonged depression of the inter-war period upset this relationship, causing the quantity theory to fall into disrepute.
101. Prolonged correspondence with the Department of the Environment revealed that there were no plans for restoration.
102. Symmetric peripheral neuropathy may occur after prolonged use of the drug.
103. Like the political career of the man who envisioned it, the satellite may face a prolonged period in cold storage.
104. This is followed by a midday feed and another rest, which is in turn followed by a prolonged evening feed.
105. The main approach will be through fairly frequent and prolonged human contact.
106. A student undergoes a prolonged period of performing stamina exercises aimed at raising the heart rate and improving overall fitness.
107. It is clearly inappropriate to involve Julie in a prolonged conversation as soon as she arrives on the ward.
108. The prolonged federal government shutdown could not have come at a worse time for businessman Herb Stein.
109. The noonday sun beat down fiercely; dusty air carried the stink of rotting garlic after a prolonged dry spell.
110. The most common abnormality in our patients was isolated impairment of prolonged squeezing.
111. I remember the close of each of those weekend nights as a prolonged farewell.
112. This prolonged tension travels up to your shoulders,[http://] neck and face and increases muscle tension in these areas.
113. Her prolonged absence had affected his concentration, and he'd made a hash of the signature of Percy Bysshe Shelley.
114. I was recently at the funeral of a friend, who had died after a prolonged illness from cancer.
115. Could her refusal be part of a prolonged grief reaction to her sister's death and to her miserable marriage?
116. In another study, prolonged oesophageal transit in a group of patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease persisted after a surgical antireflux procedure.
117. There may be a gradual or prolonged build-up of the episode rather than the abrupt onset typical of an epileptic seizure.
118. There is a tendency for illnesses to become more prolonged, less intense and for the recovery to be slower.
119. The high gas prices and long lines were prolonged by government interference in the private sector.
120. However, after a prolonged legal battle, Fleiss said she is ready to end her standoff with state authorities.
121. Licorice Phytosome enhances better absorption of the active ingredients and increases their effectiveness for a prolonged period of time.
122. A prolonged breather, during which he took a bar of chocolate out of his pocket and unwrapped it in a leisurely way.
123. If a local anaesthetic is rubbed into the skin before the injury, the flexion reflex does not develop its prolonged exaggeration.
124. Over-consumption causes temporary brain damage, impaired vision and often results in prolonged vomiting.
125. Increasing amounts of egg lecithin progressively prolonged the nucleation time.
126. Sometimes foundations are shaken to the core by the premature death or prolonged absence of the main attachment figure.
127. Sigsworth was given a drug which would normally induce prolonged unconsciousness but it had no effect on him.
128. Antibiotics must generally be used for a prolonged period or in repeated courses.
129. In fact, I think that we all get affected by it through prolonged exposure.
130. If this treatment changes the fundamental disease process, a prolonged period of remission might be expected in these patients.
131. Is he worried that it has taken such a deep and prolonged recession to reduce inflation to its current level?
132. These animals possess the remarkable ability to withstand intense heat and drought for prolonged periods of time.
133. But the miners' sense of anger at the prolonged destruction of their industry is also worthy of note.
134. Firms with large debts may not have the financial strength to survive a prolonged sales decline or a recession.
135. In the second half, the Oregon defense takes a prolonged siesta, allowing the opponents to score forty-two points.
136. Long stays on the lunar surface demand prolonged exposure to an environment differing substantially from that at the surface of Earth.
137. Four tries went to flanker Mike Budd, making an impressive return to action after prolonged injury problems.
138. Economists worry that even higher rates would make a prolonged recession much more likely than at present.
139. When there is a long delay in starting treatment, the depression may be prolonged.
140. The effects are more severe than oxygen depletion and may result in prolonged poor health in your fish.
141. The move provoked a prolonged debate about the pricing of audits.
142. Medical students in prolonged contact with junior doctors learn attitudes by example, for better or for worse.
143. We are able to resume ourselves after sleep, after an alcoholic stupor, after an epileptic fit, after prolonged coma.
144. Alanson reported that, of forty-six traditional amputations that he had witnessed, ten patients died and the survivors suffered prolonged complications.
145. Some minerals seem to survive more or less unaltered even after being subject to prolonged weathering, whereas others decompose very rapidly.
146. The Southern part of the peninsula stretches a long way seawards and is prolonged by a series of islands.
147. Measurement of sodium concentrations is simple to perform and offers the possibility of prolonged continuous monitoring.
148. Prolonged exposure, even to small amounts of genetically-engineered microbes in the air, could cause allergies in workers.
149. A prolonged period of family life permits the growing offspring to add individual learning experiences to their inborn behaviour programming.
150. To what extent is this different from self-reflexivity as the prolonged and systematic reflection on the sociological habitus outlined just above?
151. Muscle cramps, kidney and even heart failure are the physical results of prolonged bulimia.
152. The practical consequence has previously been that prolonged autoradiographic techniques were required.
153. Crohn's disease causes chronic gastrointestinal symptoms which may require prolonged medication and surgical intervention.
154. The ticket home, how-ever, was normally reserved for people who received serious injuries that required prolonged care.
155. It does make sense that the lateral line would be adversely affected by prolonged exposure to unusually high voltage.
156. In the meantime more prolonged screening beyond 30 years will be required in a number of at risk individuals.
157. For any kind of prolonged activity, warm-bloodedness would have been a distinct advantage.
158. Prolonged high levels of cholesterol, blood pressure, and heart rate tax the cardiovascular system.
159. It tends to be uneventful, its often prolonged sequence of steps suggesting enforcement by attrition.
160. This summer, the situation has been exacerbated by prolonged drought.
161. But its prolonged torpor only adds to the suspense now.
162. The Furus, after the recent prolonged disruption of their marioc supply, have lost their craving for the drug.
163. It would be surprising if prolonged periods of psychological morbidity are not reflected in declining physical health.
164. It prolonged the life of mice with leukaemia, and it produced dramatic remissions in some leukaemia patients.
165. This is commonly blamed on a prolonged drought during the amelioration of climate following the last glaciation.
166. The city was in ruins after a prolonged onslaught by enemy warplanes.
167. It was concluded from these studies that elimination diets induce a prolonged remission similar to that achieved by other methods of treatment.
168. Cold, as a rule, doesn't bother them but they will not tolerate prolonged wetness,[ ] particularly during the winter.
169. Prolonged contact with some one who has scabies is the most likely method of transmission.
170. Visits will be made to a small number of contrasting forces for a fairly prolonged period.
171. In either case United Kingdom-linked companies are best avoided, as prolonged recession would result in more company failures and dividend cuts.
172. Prolonged staring with wide-open eyes has a special significance for the cat.
173. Thirdly, more prolonged treatment might have shown a late effect.
174. For Chelsea, then, a prolonged period of silence from their coach would be most welcome.
175. Truculently she pushed her hands through the glossy waves and then froze, suddenly aware of Lucenzo's prolonged intake of breath.
176. The study shows that disasters affected local communities and peak several months after prolonged social instability.
177. Thus we are in for a prolonged battle to win over public opinion.
178. Studies show that prolonged exposure to maternal depression can result in childhood mood disorders.
179. Their ascent, by an intricate route on the south-east flank, came only after prolonged and persistent effort.
180. It also, vitally, causes the moment of sensation to be prolonged.
181. This problem is most prevalent during prolonged periods of hot, dry weather.
182. As he had expected, Grigoriev's skin was tinted faintly golden, the result of prolonged use of Longivex.
183. The men undress slowly throughout the film, which is in itself a sort of prolonged striptease.
184. prolonged exposure to harmful radiation.
185. How should patients with prolonged weaning failure be managed?
186. Concentration of ore would simply require prolonged interstratal migration.
187. Hypocalcemia results in prolonged QT intervals.
188. Latencies of searching safety island prolonged.
189. The operations in Thessaly were prolonged.
190. The cold war prolonged the fight in Palestine.
191. The treaty has been prolonged for another ten years.
192. North Vietnamese stonewalling doomed Cambodia, however, to prolonged agony.
193. Conclusion:The reason for the obstruction at the anastomosis after definitive right hemicolectomy for enterocutaneous fistula of the terminal ileum was prolonged diversion preoperatively.
194. R48/25 Toxic : danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure if swallowed.
195. However, the effects of fludrocortisone acetate, particularly on electrolyte balance, but also on carbohydrate metabolism, are considerably heightened and prolonged.
196. Libyans found themselves in an Orwellian nightmare where even small utterances of protest could lead to disappearances, prolonged incarceration without any form of legal redress and torture.
197. Assuming this recession may be prolonged, infrastructure spending also scores well.
198. The result of chronic toxicity experiment showed that the generation time obviously prolonged when the generation number increased in the cultivating liquids containing the two ions.
199. Cystitis and urethritis are complications of prolonged use of indwelling catheters.
200. With prolonged mice sleep time test which induced by pentyl barbital sodium, we studied the prolonged effect of the capsules on pentyl barbital sodium sleep time.
201. The clinical feature is mainly prolonged fever and clinical manifestations included candidiasis, herpes simplex, pneumocystis pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis and so on.
202. The same changes were also observed in the decidua from the induction with water-cyst, which produces a prolonged mechanical pressure and causes necrosis of cells.
203. Von Willebrand's Disease is a condition which leads to heavy or prolonged menstrual flow.
204. Moreover, new structures of the riser reactor ends can also suppress the coke deposit on the FCC unit so that the on-stream period of the unit can be prolonged.
205. The prolonged time of postconcussional syndrome at each time period of posttraumatic amnesia is longer, and the symptoms are not ameliorated within half a year.
206. Gangrene : Localized soft - tissue death ( necrosis ) from prolonged blood-supply Blockage.
207. If the CIRC authorizes or entrusts its local offices to implement administrative licensing, the legal time limit of administrative licensing shall not be prolonged.
208. It also prolonged the coagulation time and bleeding time in mice and had no hemolysis effect.
209. Since the SiC brick was applied , the life of taphole and lining on the furnace was prolonged .
210. Compartment syndrome is a clinical state of myoneural anoxia caused by prolonged elevation of tissue pressure and lead to decreased nerve and muscle capillary perfusion and necrosis.
211. He read of animals with prolonged pregnancies whose fetuses lacked a pituitary gland.
212. The results showed that the steel after combined treatment had higher surface hardness and wear resistance, and prolonged the service life of cutting tool.
213. With AHST, beta cell function was increased in all but 1 patient and induced prolonged insulin independence in the majority of the patients"."
214. If you seek for pleasure in the course of the journey, the course will become a destination, and what's more, it will be a prolonged, boundlessly beneficial destination for all your life.
215. Prolonged mechanical ventilation alters the physiology and chemistry of the lungs.
216. It may help some people who have arm tension and aches from prolonged keyboarding, writing, or any other repetitive movement.
217. Results: Series of autolytic changes were found in the epithelial cells of the renal tubes as the time was prolonged.
218. Always maintain your khukuri in a timely manner so that its life can be prolonged.
219. Potential complications from an inguinal incision for varicocele repair include scrotal numbness and prolonged pain.
220. Priapism is a prolonged penile erection that is unrelated to sexual stimulation .
221. Reptiles, amphibians, diving birds, and diving and burrowing mammals may have a prolonged time to loss of consciousness with inhalant gases.
222. Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation.
223. Adjustable time of the system is prolonged with the increase of leakage coefficient of hydraulic components.
224. Working hard makes you feel better about yourself and, after a prolonged period of hard slog, you feel sufficiently virtuous to enjoy a bout of self-indulgence with the gayest abandon.
225. Police's burnout is an extremely reaction to prolonged work stress, which includes a psychological syndrome of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization , and reduced personal accomplishment.
226. Most cases of dementia,[/prolonged.html] or prolonged mental confusion are usually caused by Alzheimer's disease.
227. Bubbles seem to require prolonged periods of prosperity, damped inflation and low long-term interest rates.
228. Vitamin C is an essential dietary component that plays an important health-giving role, and prolonged lack of the vitamin results in scurvy and eventually death.
229. Hospitals with prolonged insufficient volume of service will be subject to restructuring, including transformation, scale reduction , closedown and merger with other institutions.
230. Conclusions P-wave maximum duration and dispersion are prolonged in patients with long-time atrial fibrillation compared to short-time atrial fibrillation.
231. "Never Stopped Dance step which Jumped" Li Yue and the disabled person art group's deaf-mute dancers splendid performance has received audience's prolonged applause.
232. Potential threats associated with climate include storm surges that can inundate coastal areas and prolonged hot weather that can heat heavily paved cities more than surrounding areas.
233. The T1 and T2 of metastasis, pituitary adenoma and chondroma were prolonged moderately.
234. Methods 60 patients with heroin prolonged withdrawal symptom were divided into randomly tow groups, one was 50 patients to take U'finer 6 month, another was 10 patients to take Naltrexone 6 month too.
235. That Caribbean republic defaulted on its foreign debt of $ 32,000,000 after prolonged civil war.
236. Compared with that of volunteers, height and velocity of larynx elevation decreased, opening width of cricopharyngeal muscle reduced and swallowing latency prolonged in dysphagia patients.
237. By correcting the axes of operating kilns, the service life of refractory lining is positively prolonged and the running rate of kiln increased.
238. During the flood season , this mythical "bird" raises columns of waves with its prolonged beak . The spray flying metres high glistens under the sunshine like so many flowing multi-coloured ribbons .
239. One interesing aspect was the prolonged period of post - operative hypotension effect.
240. Lightfast ink: Ink that will fade LESS than normal ink on prolonged exposure to strong light.
241. But Alfred had deduced that the Danes were no longer fit for prolonged battle.
242. But the MST was not prolonged after administration of Daclizumab.
243. Stiffness and soreness after prolonged heavy exercise are due to accumulated lactic acid in the muscles.
244. With prolonged heating time the accumulation of deterioration products leads to organoleptic failures and a decrease of the nutritive value .
245. Feraci said that if prolonged , the economic downturn will lead a retraction in U.S. biofuel production.
246. He did not want his life to be prolonged by artificial means.
247. The weather outlook for coffee growers over the next millennium is poor: it will be hotter everywhere, with prolonged dry spells in many places, interspersed with very heavy rain.
248. Results: LTPI has significantly prolonged the clotting time and decreased the platelet aggregation function in vitro.
249. Brush Electro-Plating technology is widely used to make and renovate and thus the life of the part is greatly prolonged, and the effect is remarkable.
250. While wealthy schools tin fee better in a downswing, they are too penetrated as undefendable apt prolonged market slumps because they run to money a greater part of their allowance from their talent.
251. If the lubrication is guaranteed, the equipment life will be significantly prolonged and raise the benefits.
252. Prolonged interbreeding in any species can eventually lead to serious birth defects.
253. After a prolonged battle, they managed to drive out the invaders.
254. However, recent studies in animals have shown that prolonged exposure to an elevated level of oxygen, or hyperoxia, can cause long-term lung injury that resembles ARDS.
255. Conclusion U'finer was effect to treat patients with heroin prolonged withdrawal symptom, its effect target was DAT in presynaptic membrane of DA neurons.
256. The best cutting stroke are available and the using time of the cutting model and the cutting board can be prolonged when adjusted slightly.
257. It appears that an increasing of the compartment pressure may induce reperfusion injury of the ischemic muscle by prolonged compression of the gluteal and flank muscles against the operation table.
258. Measurable effects on body chemical processes occur only after prolonged malnutrition.
259. These include prolonged sedation and delayed awakening, an increase in anxiety as well as restlessness,[] and extrapyramidal symptoms.
260. Low wages and repeated or prolonged unemployment frequently interact to undermine the capacity for self-support.
261. Paul prolonged his education with six years of advanced study in English.
262. You can anticipate a decrease in Open Interest when a market retraces after a prolonged rally .
263. TB requires prolonged treatment that is unlikely to be completed in an emergency displaced person situation.
264. The results indicated that the parasitization could significantly inhibit the activation of the proPO in the host larval hemolymph followed by the prolonged melanization procedure.
265. Following the Chernobyl accident, the radiation was prolonged and mainly isotopic. Exposure was therefore via ingestion and inhalation of radiostopes, mainly iodine-131 and caesium-137.
266. But those prolonged unhealed, has become old anal fissure, and even the formation of subcutaneous fistula patients have to be OK surgery.
267. Prolonged or recurrent, uncontrolled, excessive exposure can result in a slow, progressive cerebral incompetence.
268. The main complaints were irregular bleeding , amenorrhoea and prolonged bleeding.
269. Mainly overcoming the shortcoming that the present bodywork advertisement cost highly the driving time, prolonged the issue periodic time of, production cost is high.
270. Differentiation between migrainous infarction and prolonged migraine aura is difficult and associated with delayed admission of patients.
271. He summarized that prolonged warm ischemia, increased intra-operative blood loss and solitary kidney status increase the likelihood of postoperative complications after LPN.
272. "These results are proocatie and suggest that exposure to trauma and prolonged stress not only may increase the risk for serious mental health problems but are also cardiotoxic, " they conclude.




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