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单词 Efficiently
1 I work more efficiently on my own.
2 Local authorities have to learn to allocate resources efficiently.
3 He gets things done efficiently.
4 She organizes her financial affairs very efficiently.
5 The rescue was carried out smoothly and efficiently.
6 She deals with all the correspondence promptly and efficiently.
7 She runs the business very efficiently.
8 Which fuel burns most efficiently?
9 The police dealt with the incident very efficiently.
10 Open ditches drain very efficiently.
11 Computers are used to store and retrieve information efficiently.
12 Services could be operated more efficiently and economically.
13 The whole tax system is now operating more efficiently.
14 They seemed able to work together very efficiently.
15 He could do his work in life efficiently with a background of domestic comforts.
16 remove stains more efficiently.
17 I work very efficiently and am decisive,[] and accurate in my judgement.
18 He's working very efficiently at the moment, but it won't last.
19 It is hard to work efficiently in such a confined space.
20 This oil lubricates efficiently.
21 You feel great if you work faithfully and efficiently. Dr T.P.Chia 
22 Despite suffering from tuberculosis, Wardell worked energetically and efficiently.
23 She performed her share of administrative duties efficiently.
24 The plan is designed to motivate employees to work more efficiently.
25 The worker oils the machine to operate it more efficiently.
26 It was said that washing powders containing enzymes remove stains more efficiently.
27 He seems rather dithery but in fact he works very calmly and efficiently.
28 It's about time employers wised up to the fact that staff who are happy work more efficiently.
29 Consultants can help academic institutions to manage their resources more efficiently.
30 Changes are being introduced to make the department operate more efficiently.
1 I work more efficiently on my own.
2 Local authorities have to learn to allocate resources efficiently.
3 He gets things done efficiently.
4 She organizes her financial affairs very efficiently.
5 The plan is designed to motivate employees to work more efficiently.
6 The police dealt with the incident very efficiently.
7 The worker oils the machine to operate it more efficiently.
8 He could do his work in life efficiently with a background of domestic comforts.
9 It was said that washing powders containing enzymes remove stains more efficiently.
10 It is hard to work efficiently in such a confined space.
31 Potatopot has continued efficiently despite ever increasing geological difficulties.
32 Women - rather unfairly I feel - tend to burn up calories less efficiently than men.
33 Under Ford's influence, Jaguar is placing heavy emphasis on building the car efficiently, speedily and at low cost.
34 I wasn't having a nervous breakdown but I was unable to operate or function efficiently.
35 A well-designed and efficiently controlled system offers the best combination of comfort, convenience and economy, but it's not essential.
36 This is an efficiently laid-out room, with its two sinks and teak draining board.
37 The obvious concern is to facilitate capital formation and to channel it into sectors and areas capable of using it most efficiently.
38 Management control, in its broadest context, is the means by which an organization carries out its objectives effectively and efficiently.
38 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
39 To make sure your heat pump is operating efficiently during the heating season, keep your eye on the outside coil.
40 This grouping worked quite efficiently, and a long stretch of fence was built on Donald's first day.
41 In a meritocracy, talent and ability are efficiently syphoned out of the lower strata.
42 The slope of the line indicates how efficiently an organization implements an idea's growth from origination through commercialization.
43 He understands that the government can not efficiently standardize an industry that literally changes by the minute.
44 To the degree that competition declines, the market system will be weakened as a mechanism for efficiently allocating resources.
45 Women tend to burn up calories less efficiently than men.
46 And they wreak havoc with the goal of raising revenue efficiently.
47 Does it operate efficiently and keep the house warm in winter?
48 Mr. Thurnham Does my hon. Friend agree that voluntary groups and private providers can efficiently deliver services for the disabled?
49 We are determined to ensure that these services are delivered efficiently, in a way which provides the best value for money.
50 In particular, coal stocks had sunk to a level below that at which distribution and use could operate efficiently.
51 Our employees worked hard to produce and distribute those products efficiently.
52 Market failure describes the circumstances in which distortions prevent the Invisible Hand from allocating resources efficiently.
53 Any shrewd business owner, after all, wants to get customers in and out as quickly and efficiently as possible.
54 If some form of quantitative criteria can be established then the evaluation process can be carried out objectively and efficiently.
55 Besides, how could she crew efficiently when she didn't have the faintest idea of what she was supposed to do?
56 One proposal by the commission would reduce the market's chances of working efficiently.
57 Problems have also been experienced with providing cost-centre managers with sufficient incentives to manage resources economically, efficiently and effectively.
58 Not every clinical condition will be managed efficiently in the district general hospitals which are supposed to take over from us.
59 All these chores, if efficiently organized, can tilt the balance in a close-run contest.
60 And if you have central air, ceiling fans can help you use it more efficiently.
61 His sperm ducts empty into this pouch so that the eggs are quickly and efficiently fertilised.
62 Clippings are easily collected, but these mowers only work efficiently on reasonably short grass.
63 In such a free market, goods and services would be efficiently allocated.
64 Because cool water is continuously flushing through the rock, heat is dispersed much more efficiently.
65 It would, however, make the reactor breed plutonium less efficiently.
66 The main advantage of Sidebar though, she says, is its ability to present information efficiently on small screens.
67 The rubble of solid chilled material overlying the hot core naturally tends to insulate it, and it does so very efficiently.
68 He will be responsible for managing the association and ensuring residential[http://], nursing and holiday homes operate efficiently.
69 In the intervening period, the market sector has become dominant and all three sectors concentrate on using resources efficiently and effectively.
70 To work efficiently this sort of room needs discipline, neatness and, above all, imagination.
71 Over many years, we at Sun Alliance have gained a solid reputation for dealing with Policyholders, promptly and efficiently.
72 Britain was probably the most efficiently and successfully mobilized combatant in the Second World War.
73 Similarly farmers are more prepared to be indulgent about their employees' working hours as long as the necessary tasks are carried out efficiently.
74 What needs to happen is for players to learn how to ruck and maul more efficiently.
75 But there's no doubt that using energy efficiently reduces the emission of greenhouse gases.
76 Telecanvassing is now up and running very efficiently in Salisbury and will continue to flourish and we will soon reap the rewards.
77 However[], financial delegation was seen as running efficiently with or without the involvement of the staff.
78 Simply using energy and fuel efficiently could stop us releasing much of the carbon dioxide we currently emit.
79 As extractor fan fitted into the apex of the greenhouse at one end and controlled by a thermostat works efficiently.
80 None of this matters at all provided the ferrets work efficiently.
81 She rehearses the outlines of arguments efficiently and is not frightened of forcing students to grapple with tough material.
82 Another idea: Reward employees, not for working late but for working so efficiently that they can leave early.
83 Learn to use the library efficiently for both study and reference.
84 Mixers can accomplish the primary goal as efficiently as we can by hand.
85 Most projects had been efficiently run, and many had helped disadvantaged groups.
86 I use a two-gang adjustable valve but this never stops stable long enough for the skimmer to work efficiently.
87 Firstly you must select quotations carefully; they must do a job efficiently. Avoid the temptation to select too much.
88 Burton did the job on screen as efficiently, one felt, as he would have done it in real life.
89 It is widely assumed that the more efficiently a stock market functions the better off everyone is.
90 Does it operate efficiently and keep the house warm in winter? How old is it and what condition is it in?
91 The idea here is that people working in groups can cooperate more efficiently if they can use a vocal language to communicate.
92 Perfectly competitive free market equilibrium will then allocate resources efficiently.
93 People who skip breakfast work less efficiently than people who have taken the trouble to provide themselves with fuel for the morning.
94 Some private school administrators said an exodus from public schools would force schools to work more efficiently.
95 Defended flowers can therefore be exploited more efficiently and it can pay a sunbird to defend a territory.
96 Another writer defused my initial fears of motherhood by telling me that she worked more efficiently after her child was born.
97 Bringing headquarters staff together in a single location will enable those services to be delivered more efficiently and in an integrated manner.
98 His mind noted this fact among others, ticking efficiently on like a water-clock.
99 The use of framework legislation and the practice of delegated legislation were thus viewed essentially as methods of efficiently allocating legislative tasks.
100 There is no way to reduce the deficit more efficiently and more painlessly than with a higher rate of economic growth.
101 Most protocols currently use replication defective retroviruses, which can very efficiently achieve stable integration into human somatic cells.
102 You must learn to find your way through the menu maze before you can use the program efficiently.
103 This rejects the philosophy that the market can deliver health or community care efficiently, effectively or fairly.
104 Other less toxic or benign metals such as calcium, magnesium, and strontium are also efficiently dissolved.
105 Britain's 2,000 kilometres of motorway could accomodate 130,000 wind turbines safely and efficiently at a cost of £10,000 for each device.
106 By using the water sparingly and efficiently, l ordinarily make one water trip last a week.
107 Electronic commerce depends on the unspoken assumption that computers cooperate efficiently for seamless information sharing.
108 It's a delicate dividing line but Young Richard can cope efficiently with it.
109 Third was the development of a vast body of knowledge within the industry of how to retail food efficiently at low cost.
110 As noted earlier, oxygen can in principle be recycled efficiently within a lunar base.
111 Determine how these services will be provided efficiently and well.
112 Schools must be accountable for outcomes but those outcomes must be credibly, reliably, efficiently, validly and fairly assessed.
113 The subordinates alternately described the managerial role as providing sales leadership and as maintaining an efficiently run organization.
114 Once the cuticle is ruffled, it no longer reflects light so efficiently.
115 Many businesses are howling that they will not be able to operate efficiently under the new regulations.
116 Secondly, low-grade sources of minerals and waste dumps can be efficiently exploited.
117 We furthermore demonstrate that plexiglass in combination with lead shields 32 P induced Bremsstrahlung more efficiently than plexiglass alone.
118 She said many people feel empowered by the technology because they can take care of business more efficiently.
119 The system efficiently delivered the rapid reaction force it was designed to produce.
120 In return, citizens are entitled to expect high-quality services which are responsive to their needs and provided efficiently at reasonable cost.
121 We believe the key to customer satisfaction is to provide speedy access to those best placed to resolve issues quickly and efficiently.
122 Markets necessarily act as a powerful incentive to producers to operate as efficiently as possible in order to survive. 2.
123 Our experience shows that stud males only mate efficiently if they are used regularly but not more frequently than alternate nights.
124 The third priority is to use it more efficiently by improving irrigation, reducing waste, and so on.
125 Failure of crops and transportation delays must be foreseen and alternative arrangements made quickly and efficiently.
126 Generally it is recommended that there is more fibre in the diet to keep the gut working smoothly and efficiently.
127 It also forms a very reflective sulfate aerosol haze in the stratosphere, which efficiently reflects incident sunlight away from Earth.
128 The city administrator should help make the government work more efficiently.
129 Establish what services are expected to be provided. 3. Determine how these services will be provided efficiently and well.
130 The down then insulates efficiently against loss of body heat, at the same time allowing body moisture to wick through.
131 She had not noticed Amy filling and plugging in an electric kettle, but it was singing efficiently next to the cooker.
132 They argue that this effluent fee would give motorists the proper incentive to ensure that exhaust emission control devices were efficiently maintained.
133 Interestingly, it is apparently not the nicotine in cigarette smoke that induces liver enzymes to work more efficiently.
134 The conclusion would seem to be that the early Anglo-Saxon countryside was not run as efficiently as in the following centuries.
135 Because of the low incidence of the disorder such services can never be comprehensively and efficiently provided at district level.
136 Those huge combustion chambers mean it's a challenge making the fuel burn efficiently.
137 Could resources be combined efficiently or different resources be used so that the same activities could be produced at lower costs?
138 Now it has just been seen that the laws of physics are efficiently ordered so as to produce highly desirable states.
139 The huntsmen believe they're doing a necessary job, culling vermin quickly and efficiently.
140 Because a standard IQ score is usually a good measure of g it efficiently tells us something important.
141 We have the ability to monitor and control our manpower extremely efficiently be it in terms of numbers, pay or potential or whatever.
142 If we use energy efficiently, we help preserve our environment, and save money, too.
143 I want to encourage such customers to complain and I want us to resolve those complaints quickly. courteously and efficiently.
144 Many bureaux are using word processors very efficiently, especially for debt counselling work.
145 It just happens that mutations that construct organisms which reproduce more efficiently are conserved over time.
146 The experiment is now performed and it is found that the bats avoid collisions just as efficiently as before.
147 This was readily agreed, and Mr. Ball the elder held the post efficiently throughout the remainder of the war.
148 The problem with adult learners is that they already have strategies for grammatical analysis and can efficiently use context in communication.
149 Harrison spent much time visiting other clinics up and down the country advising on how they might be run more efficiently.
150 Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else. Theodore Roosevelt 
151 Result: an almost irresistibly seductive inducement to work harder and more efficiently.
152 It works on the principle that the pursuer will not be able to change direction as efficiently as the prey.
153 And the constrained - dominance is applied constrained multi - objective optimization problems efficiently.
154 Simulation results show that, compared with the known methods, the model can remove noise more efficiently, keep edges more clearly, and it also has higher peak signal to noise ratio.
155 In order to enhance the single-phase auto-reclosing success rate, we must inhibit the arc current and the Transient Recovery Voltage efficiently.
156 Strong global resources will be needed of GSM-O bidders, for the ability to respond quickly and efficiently to DISA's ever-growing need to serve warfighters in overseas theatres.
157 By comparing several of protection algorithms, the topic adopts the Fourier algorithm with the first cut linter difference, which can reduce the effect of the damping DC component efficiently.
158 Taking the financial markets and financial intermediaries for the platform, the firm investment,[http:///efficiently.html] financing and management of operating capital can create and maintain firm value more efficiently.
159 "It turns out that, when we're happy, our neurons fire faster and more efficiently, " Achor says.
160 I translate ethnic slurs for Cuban refugees, I write award-winning operas, I manage time efficiently.
161 Yet on the zoo - acre festival site the show is being put together efficiently.
162 This paper introduces a magnet - absorbing wall - climbing robot for efficiently maintaining turbine blades on site. The robot uses creep feed grinding to machine weld lines.
163 It finds that forward exchange rate had more volatility than spot exchange rate, it means that forward market reflect the useful information efficiently.
164 Ensure that the benefits systems and practices are equitably implemented internally and operated efficiently.
165 This text is from"interest", "method" and"leading"3 to elaborate how to set up efficiently, dulcify of mathematics classroom.
166 The use of compatibilizer could improve the toughness of the composite efficiently and its optimum content was 15% by weight.
167 How do you motivate people to work hard and efficiently?
168 High power frequency changing water cooled spindle[], can process hard materials efficiently.
169 The cogging torque can be reduced efficiently by suitable selection of the relative angle between dual stators .
170 This kind of watermark technique can give attention to invisibleness and robustness, and realize blind examination efficiently.
171 In this paper, two methods of energy in part and rational power spectrum are presented for establishing random ocean state model conveniently and efficiently.
172 They also can cache the entire loop code at IBQ to avoid redundant memory access and efficiently implement the local block repeat instruction.
173 The high efficiency steam stripping technology of catalytic cracking unit can efficiently decrease the coke yield, and mitigate the regenerator's load.
174 The zone of aeration may be treated more efficiently as a single moisture continuum.
175 Ideally, the database will choose the most optimal access plan -- that is, the plan that returns the data the most efficiently and quickly.
176 When the ratio not more than 0.2, CFRP tensile strain can reach or exceed the permissible strain at ultimate capacity state, and therefore CFRP can work efficiently.
177 With left and right 170Hz HPF outputs it seamlessly fills the bottom end letting the full range units work more efficiently with increased midrange clarity.
178 This kind of hierarchical directory structure enhances mutual monitoring, segregation of duties can effectively and efficiently contribute ample benefits to the project management.
179 The photomask auto-correction method can enhance the ability of automation in area-forming rapid prototyping system and reduce efficiently negative influence of human error.
180 To utilize multiprocessor systems more efficiently, copying and compression can also be performed in parallel.
181 And being Google, they're figuring out how to do it efficiently.
182 Based on the principle of equivalent weights, robust estimation theory is effectively combined with least square method, and efficiently eliminates the influence of gross errors.
183 It is shown that polarization diversity can increase MIMO channel capacity efficiently.
184 The slotted pipe with narrow slots can be mass worked economically and efficiently by means of open loop system and hand automatic model shifter.
185 To determine the extent to which the community-directed approach used in onchocerciasis control in Africa could effectively and efficiently provide integrated delivery of other health interventions.
186 Based on the graph theory, a graph representation is proposed to represent the kinematic structure of the differential steering efficiently.
187 This model combines the advantages of the cellular and multihop to promote the transmission performance efficiently.
188 Jasmine with passion sunshine, which will balance the lipin, efficiently improve oil-skin, densify the pore, chronic oil control[Sentencedict], even better for hair care.
189 On the contrary, it is easily, efficiently and praiseworthily to find a solution to a system of differential equations through matrices and the operations on them.
190 The COS - 7 cells transfected with pEGFP - N 3 - GAP - 43 expressed GAP - 43 protein efficiently.
191 Conclusion:For patients with coronary heart disease, atorvastatin and probucol all can efficiently lower blood lipids, but only atorvastatin make redox status shift to deoxidizing direction.
192 Which helps it burn more efficiently and less wastefully .
193 In comparison, oncolytic viruses can replicate and spread and theoretically can efficiently reach more tumor cells.
194 Balanced budget theorem can efficiently control the disburse of man-made resource—money.
195 Whether accounting conservatism principle can be carried out efficiently relationship with the consequences of accounting policy.
196 The result shows that the technical stability of Chinese team is low, and they could hardly complete the attack and defense technique efficiently in a whole match.
197 Erlotinib is a small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitor that efficiently blocks EGFR.
198 By means of graphic interactive input,() a model of masonry or concrete masonry structure can be built up efficiently.
199 This article does not cover all of lxml but instead demonstrates techniques to efficiently process very large XML files, optimizing for high speed and low memory usage.
200 NRSP allowed users to submit jobs to be run in the system and to run jobs submitted by other users on any resources available over the Internet, sharing the available processor cycle efficiently.
201 Simulations results show that the method can efficiently save rebroadcast rate of packet to transmit and broadcast latency time in the case of guaranteeing broadcast success rate.
202 In her tiny kitchen at home, Mr. Chen works efficiently, stir-frying several simple dishes, including braised pig's ears and chicken livers with green peppers.
203 The model integrates cost data with the scheduling data by unity coding to efficiently implement cost schedule integration control on line.
204 Practices prove that it is dramatically effective in guaranteeing rotary kiln health operate safely and efficiently, and improving the running rate of rotary kiln by applying this system.
205 The vitamins, by efficiently destroying the reactive oxygen, short-circuit the body's natural response to exercise.
206 To search for a telecommuting job online efficiently and effectively choose the right keywords.
207 Farmers can not fertilize scientifically and efficiently, which not only causes cost inflation, but also contaminates the atmosphere, water and soil.
208 A secretary can file papers as efficiently as a floppy disk can store them.
209 The outlier pattern can be efficiently detected from time series by this algorithm.
210 A working set is defined as the minimal set of results that will be accessed by the application within a particular period of time so that the application can work efficiently.
211 So perfect asset structure efficiently reduces risk of a firm of equilibrium between risk and profit.
212 The application of the substructure method efficiently solves the combination of finite element and infinite element.
213 In their Parieto-Frontal Integration Theory (P-FIT), they suggest that intelligence levels are based on how efficiently these brain areas communicate with one another.
214 Objective:To investigate how to carry out radiofrequency ablation safely and efficiently in curing tachyarrhythmia by primary hospitals so that more patients can benefit from this treatment.
215 Thus the insulating paper is inserted into the slots of an armature preciously and efficiently .
216 Cynthia located the Scotch, then ice and soda, and mixed two drinks efficiently.
217 A system of epoxy resin , anhydride and accelerator was selected which efficiently promoting the curing speed and decreasing curing temperature.
218 For model recognition, data analysis, image processing, market research and so on, the key technique is to handle complexly distributed clusters efficiently.
219 The algorithm can efficiently overcome the shortcomings of the classical FFT and cross- periodogram methods for cross-spectral estimation.
220 The simulation and experiment results show that the adaptive phase corrector can efficiently eliminate the phase delay and quickly trace the input signal.
221 Flood control decision supporting system is a non-project measure that can efficiently lessen the scathe of flood disaster and reduce the damage of flood, it is become more and more important .
222 The fatigue limit of Ti-Ni SMA spring could be efficiently increased by shot-peening.
223 Users can use this boundary - scan master controller to complete boundary scan test more expediently and efficiently.




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