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单词 Sea creature
(1) Fish evolved from prehistoric sea creatures.
(2) A gray gull carries some sea creature high up over the beach, drops it from its beak.
(3) It was like being the first sea creature to crawl on to the shore and discover his gills had become lungs.
(4) The sense of a deep sea creature, defined only by light[http:///sea creature.html], is very strong.
(5) A monstrous sea creature mentioned in the Old Testament.
(6) A strange and mysterious deep sea creature.
(7) This could be some kind of many-legged sea creature but actually it's a member of the orchid family – Dendrobium spectabile.
(8) I cannot stay. am a sea creature, and must go back where I belong.
(9) This carbon dioxide is first transformed to carbonates, and incorporated in the shells of sea creatures.
(10) As the Rattlesnake beat across the seas, Huxley trawled for specimens of sea creatures using an improvised net.
(11) As so often seemed to be the case, the cavorting sea creatures heralded bad weather.
(12) An easy way to impress novices is by quoting the latin names of various sea creatures.
(13) Also unearthed - perfectly preserved examples of the food they lived off - literally hundreds of ammonites and other small sea creatures.
(14) The sea anemone is a kind of primitive, simple sea creature.
(15) He has compared a prominent opponent of the switch to a local 'avaava' fish -- a sea creature that swims in shallow waters and eats garbage, an insult in Samoan culture.
(16) It might want you to think otherwise, but this rare sea creature is actually an octopus.




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