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单词 Normal form
1 Fig. 3.24 First normal form First normal form: The first stage of normalisation includes the filling in of details.
2 In its normal form the gene, called p53, appears to act as a sentinel against excessive cell growth.
3 Fig. 3.27 Third normal form Relations are normalised because unnormalised relations prove difficult to use.
4 Some may require the full power of a normal form, while some can be derived directly.
5 In these species, head-butting is the normal form of fighting.
6 This transitive dependency should not exist in third normal form.
7 It is quite easy to restrict normal form programs to finite sets of values.
8 It is a Non First Normal Form database.
9 Modernity has its normal form and alienated form.
10 For the network storing static memory patterns, the normal form equations are of the pitch- fork bifurcation type.
11 In the case of a normal form submit that occurs when the user clicks a button, the JSF framework would also invoke the action method associated with the command button.
12 As a normal form the horizontal co - marketing, generic advertising at present is not comprehensively researched.
13 Then the above learned information in the conjunctive normal form clauses is used to restrict and focus the overall search space of SAT-based test pattern generation.
14 With respect to the principal disjunctive normal form and the principal conjunctive normal form, we also approach the properties of the subscript sets derived from the minimum term and maximum term.
15 This paper defines Non-redundant third normal form and presents an algorithm which eliminates redundant attributes of 3NF, The number of relational schemes produced by our algorithm is very small.
16 The satisfiability problem of conjunction normal form ( abbreviate SAT problem ) is an NP _ complete problem.
17 Its diesel competitor in the executive class is the Carlton, with a 2.3-litre engine in either turbocharged or normal form.
18 The third section identifies a number of situations where such equivalences can arise, and develops a normal form for finite programs.
19 This paper presents a fast and efficient algorithm for discovering exceptional rules from data sets. This algorithm permits that the consequent of a rule is a conjunctive normal form.
20 First, the constraints are processed in the software system, namely, the constraints are converted to conjunctive normal form, and then converted to Boolean expression.
21 The language of ancient poem has its unique combining form which has the aesthetic feature of against the normal form, the character of non-practical, non-scientific and non-definite.
22 Firstly, a classification-tree is constructed based on specification of the test object, and then test cases obtained from the classification-tree are refined by generating a disjunctive normal form.
23 Adopting the component that the sei - tech ethics of scientific normal form becomes scientific and technical cybernetics.
24 Existing multimedia data models such as the of multimedia data model based on the of Non First Normal Form (NF2), object oriented data models and hyper media data models do not meet the needs of MGIS.
25 If you've studied logic theory, you might recognize the normal-form representation (with no nested alternatives) as equivalent to the disjunctive normal form of a logic expression.
26 Finally, the MAPLE symbolic program for calculating the third order normal form is given. The concrete normal form of six dimensional nonlinear systems is obtained.
27 Aiming at the problem of equivalent conversion from conjunctive normal form to disjunctive normal form, an effective algorithm was proposed to construct reduction tree based on discernibility matrix.
28 This model is in a special form called disjunctive normal form ( DNF ).
29 Finally, the MAPLE symbolic program for calculating the third order normal form is given. The concrete normal form of six dim...
30 Very general systems of differential equations can be reduced to the normal form.
31 An new concept of saturated conjunctive normal form is introduced and the nature of SAT problem is studied for utilizing the characteristic of saturated conjunctive normal form.
32 Most experts would suggest that designers strive to follow the first three rules, so that the data is said to be in third normal form.
33 We construct the normal form for a class of weakly pseudoconvex real analytic hypersurfaces in 2.
34 The dominant allele usually controls the normal form of the gene, while mutations are generally RECESSIVE.
35 Stochastic Chomsky normal form (SCNF) is introduced to parse sentences with probabilistic CYK algorithm . The optimal parsing trees of sentences are gained to eliminate ambiguous meanings.




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