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单词 Time work
1 The drop in salary for part time work is perfectly logical and acceptable, though not widely appreciated by colleagues.
2 Finally, time work took off and she decided to become self-employed.
3 On a student visa, time work is not permitted.
4 Over time work up to exercising on most days of the week for 30 - 60 minutes .
5 Official part - time work to do direct sales, there is a rational choice?
6 Do you have any part - time work experience in promotion?
7 What experience have you gained from your part time work?
8 Shortness of sleep may affect day - time work very much.
9 He also has regular part - time work as a lab technician.
10 Other part - time work done restaurant attendants, security officers and other promotional activities.
11 ERIC: It may be part - time work as a waitress or something.
12 Do you take on any part - time work in your leisure time?
13 She is a clinical lecturer, University of Oxford and back at full time work as Consultant Dermatologist after maternity leave.
14 What is incomprehensible, however, is the loss of status that goes with part time work.
15 Plus, it's harder for art majors to find full - time work.
16 What is the speakers attitude towards students having part - time work?
17 Wang Ch'u - hou said, " There's no point in your doing part - time work in the Foreign Languages Department.
18 I have found very many programmers eager to contribute part - time work for GNU.
19 The new law will benefit people in full - time work.




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