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单词 Net capital
1. By 1993 net capital flows into the developing world more than doubled to over $ 110 billion a year.
2. In addition, they had a net capital inflow of $ 114 bn.
3. The world's second - largest net capital importer, in other words, is about to stop importing capital.
4. Article 19- 1 The adjusted net capital amount of futures commission merchants shall not be less than 6 percent of the total amount of customer margin account.
5. In real terms, the drop in net capital flows was even large.
6. Margin of the industry average account size of the pilot-scale net capital ratio may be around 20%.
7. It will go into operation in the first half year of 2005. Our company sincerely hope to co-operate with foreign capital with our net capital and medicine manufacturing approved licences.
7. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
8. These huge official interventions prevent the emergence of large net capital inflows into emerging countries.
9. Two is the core index of the capital adequacy - net capital and method.
10. The generalized correlation ratio is the proportion between the generalized related credits and the net capital, and shall not be higher than 50%.
11. These countries are unlikely soon to see a resurgence of net capital inflows.
12. The long depression in agriculture that began in 1920 impoverished American farmers and caused them to operate at a net capital loss during most of the decade.




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