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单词 Smelled
1. The room smelled musty and stale.
2. The pub smelled of stale beer.
3. The hall smelled of her mother's perfume.
4. The air smelled sweet and clean.
5. The tiger smelled the meat and went away.
6. The room smelled of lemons.
7. The air smelled sweetly of fruit.
8. The room smelled clean and fresh.
9. Her breath smelled of garlic.
10. The room smelled damp.
11. She smelled strongly of carbolic soap.
12. I smelled the odor of money.
13. The place smelled of paint and oil.
14. The place smelled of decay and neglect.
15. His clothes smelled strongly of fish.
16. The dirty socks smelled up the whole room.
17. The stew smelled delicious .
18. Her hair smelled fresh and newly washed.
19. He smelled faintly of sweat.
20. The room smelled of rotten vegetables.
21. The kitchen smelled sweetly of herbs and fruit.http://
22. She smelled powerfully of bath salts and unguents.
23. The room smelled of stale sweat and coffee.
24. My mouth started watering when I smelled the food.
25. His clothes smelled pretty unpleasant.
26. The muddy tide flat smelled to high heaven.
27. The room smelled of stale sweat.
28. Neighbours raised the alarm when they smelled smoke.
29. Ma threw that out. She said it smelled.
30. As soon as I opened the front door I smelled the distinctive aroma of fresh coffee.
1. The room smelled musty and stale.
2. The pub smelled of stale beer.
3. The hall smelled of her mother's perfume.
4. The air smelled sweet and clean.
5. The tiger smelled the meat and went away.
6. The room smelled of lemons.
7. The air smelled sweetly of fruit.
8. The room smelled clean and fresh.
9. Her breath smelled of garlic.
10. The room smelled damp.
11. As soon as I opened the front door I smelled the distinctive aroma of fresh coffee.
12. The muddy tide flat smelled to high heaven.
13. The poor boy smelled the delicious odour of cooked meat.
31. Then he smelled food cooking.
32. The kitchen smelled warm and inviting and blessedly familiar.
33. The kitchen smelled strongly of fish.
34. The room smelled to high heaven .
35. Carrie smelled coffee and her eyes opened reluctantly.
36. The air smelled of petrol.
37. I took a fresh rose out of the vase on our table, and smelled it.
38. The room smelled damp and there was mould on one wall.
39. The milk smelled sour.
40. The book which I bought this morning smelled printing ink.
41. Miller had smelled trouble the moment she said who she was.
42. The Secret Service smelled out a plot to kill the President.
43. He was already asleep in the bed, which smelled faintly of mildew.
44. The Secret Service smelled out a plot to assassinate the President.
45. The poor boy smelled the delicious odour of cooked meat.
46. The morning after the party, their apartment smelled of stale cigarette smoke.
47. The ground still smelled of rain and they muddied their shoes.
48. Even skid row smelled of eucalyptus.
49. The restaurant smelled of bloody meat and salad dressing.
50. The very air smelled of oil.
51. The air smelled fresh and cold.
52. How much better a living baby smelled!
53. His thick hair smelled of incense.
54. Alone, she smelled other people's coffee, other people's cakes.
55. His hot bed smelled like a mushroom cellar.
56. He smelled of aftershave and talcum powder.
57. I smelled the coffee and followed my nose.
58. She smelled of leather and shoe polish.
59. It had smelled blood, fresh blood.
60. It smelled occasionally sulphurous, when the photocopiers short-circuited.
61. I smelled the light oil on it.
62. The narrow windows faced north, it smelled of mold.
63. The locker was whitewashed and smelled of carbolic acid.
64. It smelled of damp mold and rat excrement.
65. The air smelled poisonous and dank.
66. Anton smelled the booze on Parker.
67. The place smelled of fresh paint and new carpets.
68. It smelled of hot cake rising in the oven.
69. Jaq smelled the whiff of genetic pollution.
70. His skin smelled of Ivory soap.
71. He smelled the bitter fragrance of ablated chromium steel.
72. Find out what he saw, heard, smelled and tasted.
73. The place smelled of fried food and damp.
74. The cage smelled of excrement.
75. Jess smelled gin as he grinned at her.
76. The furniture smelled musty and old.
77. The group of children smelled my fear and anxiety.
78. We smelled like a couple of cats.
79. His beard smelled of cigar, and prickled.
80. The room smelled of mildew.
81. The coffee smelled like burning oil.
82. Her hair smelled of tortillas and smoke.
83. The hospital smelled of ammonia and feces.
84. I smelled tarry melted asphalt.
85. The room smelled of old woman.
86. Did I care that he smelled like a groom?
87. The people smelled of lye soap.
88. I had a llama that smelled of chicken korma.
89. Harold's suit smelled strongly of mothballs.
90. The snow smelled clean,(Sentence dictionary) but like a hospital.
91. He smelled of stale faeces and tomato sauce.
92. She smelled his closeness, rank and foxy.
93. But it smelled awful. Good grief!
94. The money smelled stale, and humid.
95. I smelled sweat and the drink on his breath.
96. In another cupboard my fingers touched a bottle of something that smelled like vinegar, or vinegar concentrate.
97. Death was there, in the kitchen. the whole house smelled delicious.
98. The apartment door was already standing open and the hallway smelled of stale smoke.
99. Through nostrils she smelled the fear and the death in this wretched band more powerfully.
100. It smelled of perfume and breath and there were horrible little bells.
101. The floor of the barn was cold stone and slimy and smelled of engine oil and damp cereals.
102. Gnoya Street still smelled of oil, of horse droppings, soap and axle grease.
103. Tallis smelled blood and the more offensive stink of ordure.
104. The floors gleamed, and the house smelled sweetly of soap and fresh air.
105. When I woke, I smelled coffee and heard footsteps in the kitchen and the hallway.
106. Jane smelled of coriander and clay soaked by hard rain.
107. The car had a bench seat in the front and smelled of warm leather and old cigarette smoke.
108. The Wards' house was always shining and smelled fresh, of lemon oil and soap.
109. It smelled of wood and a sort of quite pleasant mustiness.
110. The butcher's counter was covered in huge slabs of red meat and the air smelled of blood.
111. After a while my hands smelled like an old-time Catholic school lunch room on a hot Friday.
111. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
112. Without the aromas of food, McAllister smelled sour and old.
113. As soon as she reached the open door, she smelled blood.
114. The boy handed him a limp paper bag that smelled of tuna fish.
115. It seemed to me that I smelled groats and mushrooms cooking.
116. The air smelled of spices and there were hissing sounds from the bushes.
117. And I smelled the pungent stickiness of the glue when I pasted the labels on the matchboxes, table, and chairs.
118. Some of the canals we crossed smelled like open sewers, and the odor would just about knock you out.
119. I was already being patient with the way he smelled, not exactly like the perfume department.
120. I smelled camphor and looked up into the bright, sun-reflecting glasses of my uncle.
121. The moment I smelled the cigar, I knew it was the real McCoy.
122. He was shaved and smelled of aftershave, his hair combed back.
123. He smelled vaguely of joss sticks, and his long, straggly hair was flecked with dandruff.
124. As she stooped lower her breath, caught in all the black veils, smelled terrible.
125. She heard the rustle of him pulling down his pyjama trousers and then she smelled the warm male scent of him.
126. They baked bread and the whole house smelled of new bread.
127. Officers said they smelled alcohol on his breath but they could not compel him to submit to a Breathalyzer test or urinalysis.
128. He smelled offensively unwashed.
129. Even before the Court of Investigation confirmed the workers' stand, the trade unions had smelled the scent of victory.
130. As he smelled the smouldering frankincense, he would imagine his own body inflamed and his soul soaring from it like smoke.
131. The little room smelled of his pipe tobacco, eau de Cologne,() shit.
132. The second prisoner was a fat-faced beefy fellow who smelled of sweat.
133. Our nostrils smelled wet grass, human sweat, kerosene, incense, charred flesh.
134. He had told the truth; he was honest and he had bathed with sweet soap and smelled clean.
135. She smelled of cheap perfume and wore gaudy clothing and fake costume jewellery.
136. It began to seem that the room smelled like cigarette smoke.
137. The slaughterhouse is on the outskirts of the town, and can be smelled before it comes into view.
138. Toni smelled her perfume like roses on a fresh morning.
139. Jaq heard the crackling hum of the sword, smelled ozone.
140. He smelled sage and eucalyptus and felt prompted to write about the despoliation of California land.
141. I lived in a nursery which smelled of boredom and liniment.
142. The bag had been sitting in this dank tent for the last three days and smelled like an old laundry hamper.
143. The square of light was dim and small now,(http:///smelled.html) the air was warm and damp and smelled of creosote.
144. He needed to kiss her, even just gentle kisses dropped on her wind-blown hair that smelled of sunshine and flowers.
145. Even after the long night he smelled nutty and clean.
146. He held a casserole of refried beans that smelled of garlic.
147. The bag had been sitting in a dank tent for three days and smelled like an old laundry hamper.
148. Suddenly, behind the disapproving odor, way way back behind it, she smelled another thing.
149. It had smelled like this soap today, a light, entirely distinctive smell, a little like - what flower?
150. They wore long light blue robes and smelled of strange spices.
151. She jetted to foreign places, touched things and smelled her fingers.
152. School, their old home, smelled of powerful floor wax and disinfectant, the smell of patriotism.
153. Last summer they made another potion; it looked as gloppy and smelled as awful as their earlier potions.
154. She saw water gleam from the roadside ditch, smelled wet grass.
155. Jim put his arms around me and I staggered out into the night, which smelled so good.
156. Her hair smelled exactly the same as it had always done.
157. Diane smelled his breath to see if he'd been drinking.
158. His father always reminding him as he left for the bank that it smelled like money.
159. We followed them through the marsh, which smelled of dying plants.
160. When the ward door opened I smelled that singed smell and heard that gnash of teeth.
161. Rules was decorated like a Victorian library; it smelled of superior malt whiskies and very old leather.
162. Madge grabbed it and looked at it, smelled it and poured Kiki a drink.
163. It was air that seemed to have been trapped in here for decades, and which smelled of mildew.
164. She smelled of horse sweat and the greasy shit smell of canned butter heating on a kerosene stove.
165. I took the five dollars and bought small bottles of Swank lotion for the others, which smelled as wonderful as his.
166. As he turned on the attic lights and climbed the creaking steps, he smelled it more distinctly than before.
167. The meat smelled horrible, and I refused to eat it.
168. The rooms smelled musty and airless, and wallpaper was peeling in great patches.
169. It was not only stiff and cracked and stained, but it smelled so bad that he had to hold his breath.
170. Meredith stooped and kissed a faded cheek and smelled the sweet perfume of rose pot-pourri.
171. The only thing I ever smelled that was like that was a Big Mac.
172. She smelled of alcohol and was unsteady on her feet.
173. At the barbecue you get to taste some of the smoke you have smelled all day.
174. But all at once, then, there on that apparently empty street, I smelled an impossible aroma.
175. It either smelled like human waste or gar-bage or both mixed together, which it probably was.
176. Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon. Doug Larson 
177. The air smelled of the black soil brought down from the mountains to make Tia Mimi s giant ferns grow tall.
178. He drew back his hands and smelled the gassy foulness.
179. Yes, cooking, no matter that what I smelled cooking was scarcer by far than bread.
180. Mr Singh was eating his supper, which looked very peculiar, all brown, and smelled delicious.
181. Four single bulbs under tin covers lit the entire station, and the air smelled of coal and damp earth.
182. It reeked of wet straw and stale horse manure, and the old nag the lad fetched smelled sweaty.
183. We heard a suppressed murmuring and smelled rotting rags and old urine as we passed the gate.
184. He bathed a lot and never smelled even alive, to tell the truth.
185. It smelled of fish oil and something that made Wyatt think of a mattress that had been doused with beer.
186. But Arnold Thomas smelled a bigger profit from the up-and-coming developers who were looking to build back-to-backs for the mill-workers.
187. She had repressed the urge to reach over and touch her-this woman who smelled deliciously of perfume and powder.
188. The food smelled good to her, reflecting the festive holiday preparation.
189. When she returned after midnight she smelled of beer and cigarette smoke.
190. The Adkinsons' neighbors smelled wrong in the air, but pinched their noses closed and kept to themselves.
191. She smelled the salt, and imagined the dock rocking gently to and fro.
192. The air, fresh and cold, smelled to her as sweet as a sea breeze.
193. The bar was gloomy and smelled of stale cigar smoke.
194. As Pegasus fought clear, I smelled smoke and felt a glancing blow which whirled me backwards and away.
195. But my traveling companion, more wary and savvy than I, smelled scam.
196. It smelled toxic, looked like pus from the creature from the black lagoon and burned like hot coals on the skin.
197. Niki smelled the rat and said unless his driving contract were honoured, he would move to McLaren.
198. He smelled the dust and oil of three thousand miles on Mitch's jacket.
199. She smelled the tang of fear in her nostrils and the taste of it in her mouth.
200. The whole house smelled of it, of lost youth shrivelled up into a kind of dust.
201. Pots and tin trays were clanging over the whirr of dishwashers; the tables smelled sweet and oily.
202. The crypt was damp and smelled of the occupation of the past six nights.
203. He smelled light sweat(/smelled.html), felt spittle reaching to his chin.
204. The air smelled of woodsmoke and a mix of things that had been trapped for a while under the snow.
205. Kunta warily smelled the stew before tasting it.
206. He stank [ smelled ] of garlic.
207. The interior was dark and smelled of mildew.
208. The kitchen smelled really funky.
209. Factory waste has smelled up the creek.
210. His breath smelled of beer and pickled onions.
211. The hospital smelled of formaldehyde and ether.
212. The air smelled like smoke and roared with noise.
213. He smelled the tar and oakum of the deck as he slept and he smelled the smell o Africa that the land breeze brought at morning.
214. Everything felt real about it, the fence felt like wood and even the air smelled different, it had a farm like, swampish smell about it.
215. Yet others such as the floral scents of jasmine, tuberose or red ginger will remind one of how one's own ancient ancestors once smelled.
216. Men who smelled tears produced by women who cried from watching a sad film had lower testosterone levels and less physiological arousal than men who smelled a saline solution.
217. Like any other, the hospital smelled of formaldehyde and ether.
218. Her honey-blond hair smelled wonderful, and the strange, slightly sloe eyes that were fixed on him were exotically beautiful, as mysterious as any XT's.
219. The participants were asked to sniff a jar containing either one of the three odours or the scentless oil, and then press a button to indicate whether they thought the jar smelled of anything.
220. To him all this strongly smelled of the Battle of Balaclava.
221. The waiting-room was gloomy, of course, and it smelled badly.
222. "My wife smelled something burning," he says. "I found the mini-flashlight my kids had brought home as a party favor on a table, actually melting."
223. She was hunchbacked and hideous, had only one tooth, smelled like sewage, made obscene noises, etc.
224. She was hunchbacked and hideous, had only one tooth, smelled like sewage, made obscene noises, etc. He had never encountered such a repugnant creature.
225. Children observation recordation is the process of recording what the children saw, smelled, thought and received during their studying activities.
226. I smelled it again in December 2005, in the snow-clad streets in Montreal.
227. It had been raining-the first real spring rain of the year had fallen-a bright spangle hung on everything, and the air smelled of buds and moist earth.
228. On Aug. 24, 1996, Danielle Smalley and her high school friend and neighbor Jason Stone, both 17, smelled gas outside Smalley's mobile home in rural Lively, Texas, 50 miles southeast of Dallas.
229. A horrible black substance that looked and smelled about as appetizing as a burnt tennis shoe.
230. A hunting dog rushed, smelled a while on his body and went away.
231. I was fascinated by their pinkness, how they smelled, and I wanted to mother them, too./smelled.html
232. Mosquito rushes to the child, smelled suddenly the flavour that midge does not bite, good risk!
233. Sometimes, we'd all swear that we'd smelled the peppermint, candy cane, gingerbread house and poinsettia fragrances of Christmas wafting out of that hole.
234. Sniffed alone, the underarm odours smelled equally strong to men and women.
235. Young Arthur was horrified. She was hunchbacked and hideous, had only one tooth, smelled like sewage, made obscene noises, etc. He had never encountered such a repugnant creature.
236. The narrow, sunless hall smelled unpleasant: the cream - painted walls had gone pale brown.
237. He spoke a very persuasively but I smelled a rat and refused his offer.
238. If it smelled another dog, it would sidle up next to the object, lift its back leg and mark its territory.
239. His breath smelled of brandy And peppermint candy That He always kept close at hand.
240. Home-made bread smells of something more than bread, and home-baked potato smelled the solely taste of potato: earthy and baked.
241. In fact without day dreaming, I have already seen blue mountains, erect clouds, and bold birds. I have smelled the perfume of the brook, the freshness of the air.
242. It smelled of grain and of harness dressing and of axle grease and of rubber boots and of new rope.
243. I couldn't make out the next couple of lines, owing to an oily splotch of what smelled like suntan lotion.
244. The hospitals were filled with dirty, bewhiskered, verminous men who smelled terribly and bore on their bodies wounds hideous enough to turn a Christian's stomach.
245. Young Arthur was horrified, she was hunchbacked and awfully hideous, had only one tooth, smelled like a sewer and often made obscene noises.
246. From the safety of the woods, she had seemed more or less the same as all adult humans, but in person, she assumed a singu-lar tenderness, though she smelled faintly sour, a perfume of milk and yeast.
247. “He smelled the air and is making a move,” says one demographer.
247. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
248. Piotr laid his finger against his lips—and smelled the rankness of Agnieszka's genitals.
249. Young Arthur was horrified: she was hunchbacked and awfully hideous, had only one tooth, smelled like sewage water, often made obscene noises...
250. Memories of bawling and burping stained my mind; I smelled vomit on my collar.
251. Associative learning occurred when the parasitoids fed on the host or honey and smelled the odors from branches of pine or fir at the same time.
252. As soon as the sick person smelled the apple, he became well and sat up.
253. He smelled the tar and oakum of the deck as he slept and he smelled the smell of Africa that the land breeze brought at morning.




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