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单词 Kinship
1. Different ethnic groups have different systems of kinship.
2. The ties of kinship may have helped the young man find his way in life.
3. The sense of kinship between the two men is surprising.
4. He felt a real sense of kinship with his fellow soldiers.
5. He felt a kinship with only other American on the base.
6. We tend to feel kinship with those who share the same values.
7. She evidently felt a sense of kinship with the woman.
8. Their kinship with peas became evident to them.
8. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. I had felt this kinship, too.
10. He felt a secret kinship with the ocean.
11. Once again Sarn Fong felt a kinship with Fakhru.
12. He argues that each form of kinship has its distinctive form of arrangements.
13. He argues, in short, that actual forms of kinship are socially constructed.
14. The central concerns of the kinship school hardly need restating.
15. Control of kinship linkages lies at the heart of privileged class reproduction.
16. Kinship can pay an individual to reduce its own chances if it improves the prospects of other members of its family.
17. Family and kinship relations in an Essex village are laid open to us through the diary.
18. Gibson illustrates with humour the kinship between capitalism and perversion.
19. The pastime has many excuses, and kinship can be one.
20. With us privacy and kinship are felt to be roughly coterminous.
21. Even after meeting only once , they felt a kinship.
22. In nature, the obvious way is through genetic relatedness - kinship.
23. It is tribesmen who tell themselves that tribes are natural groups based on primary bonds of kinship and descent.
24. Whales and hippos may not much resemble each other nowadays, but retain some hints of kinship.
25. At first, social organization is limited to the family, it is therefore dominated by kinship, and property is communal.
26. Typically, the anthropologist finds that individuals hold titular offices by virtue of their position in the kinship system.
27. That is why the social anthropologists are justified in devoting such an inordinate amount of attention to the field of kinship.
28. They tend to have a consciousness of kind, a feeling of kinship with other group members.
29. I have never been in a country where I have felt such a kinship with what the Government was trying to do.
30. These networks, which included certain kinds of neighbouring, included those for whom ties of kinship were of primary significance.
1. Different ethnic groups have different systems of kinship.
2. The ties of kinship may have helped the young man find his way in life.
3. The sense of kinship between the two men is surprising.
31. The flavor of these birds tends to vary, owing mostly to differences in locale and diet rather than kinship.
32. Chapter 3 described the web of relationships of pre-colonial societies in which kinship was the prime determinant of obligation and responsibility.
33. It all has to do with kinship, and a shortage of places to live.
34. When you read anything that any anthropologist has written on the topic of kinship terminology be on your guard.
35. But, unlike fashion or kinship systems, literature is not only organized like language; it is actually made of language.
36. Kinship, they believed, would contrast with the relations of production found in capitalist systems.
37. It was not a kinship group in any biological sense.
38. A number of questions are opened up concerning rights, obligations and other kinship issues.
38. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
39. He recognizes his kinship and identity with all men and with all forms of animal life.
40. Those who stayed at Black Mountain and went through the fire together developed a heightened sense of kinship.
41. There are differences in family size and family structure, in numbers of children and extended kinship systems.
42. Nevertheless it is correct to call it an experience in as much as this concept of understanding has some kinship with other concepts of experience.
43. Amongst other things, it records a kinship system which struck Morgan as distinctly odd.
44. First, and as before, there was evidence of this stage from kinship terminologies.
45. As groupings became larger, tribes or bands were formed on the basis of more extensive kinship ties.
46. I know, of course, that distinguished individuals, even groups, in the homosexual community have claimed kinship with him.
47. This is a political system based on descent groups and the kinship and marriage ties that link them.
48. Kinship is binding and permanent but permits no choice of personnel, the individual must accept the relatives he has.
49. Once confined with one's relatives, kinship and wealth loom large.
50. No one embodies better than Coltrane that strange kinship between pentecostal incantation and the spiritual lineage of jazz.
51. The comparative study of kinship terminologies is one of the longest established traditions in academic anthropology.
52. But is kinship really an important driving force behind cooperation in male lions?
53. All parenting is shared between the family and the wider kinship and friendship network, and between this system and state provision.
54. They had a strong sense of shared identity, had been trained together, and were strongly linked by kinship ties.
55. The problem of sterility is solved when seen through the eyes of kinship.
56. It is for this reason that in this book I ordinarily use kinship in its wider sense.
57. The project will use the results of such analysis to re-examine conventional theories of kinship terminologies.
58. It is a relationship supported by an idea that kinship matters profoundly.
59. The scope of their kinship networks is smaller, but just as significant because they provide help in times of hardship.
60. Offices are deemed to be permanently related to one another in a structure of kinship.
61. The gens for Morgan is the source from which both later kinship systems and later political systems evolved.
62. Her kinship with the respected Goldie apparently quells any nagging doubts.
63. I feel a strong kinship with him.
64. Kinship is healing; we are physicians to each other.
65. I feel a certain kinship with him.
66. People tend to make sense of relationship by kinship.
67. Therefore, our life and kinship are inseparable.
68. Kinship groups were very important.
69. I felt a certain kinship to them.
70. There a kinship between novels and Chinese tradition literature.
71. And within these, the feeling of close kinship would simplify the constitution of the polyandrous arrangement.
72. We may imagine an ironic culmination of this development when the word" cousin" no longer applies to a kinship role but to the holder of degree in the hierarchy of" cousinhood" specialists.
73. In the several centuries of migration, first to the east and then to the west, the expression came to be transferred to the kinship group itself.
74. Using the methods of natural classifying and multi-dimensional scale, this paper probed into the conceptual structure of kinship words of Naxi nationality.
75. She writes, Exacting and unrelenting obedience to kinship demands made the Dakotas a most kind, unselfish people, always acutely aware of those about them and innately courteous.
76. The moment had come to transform the military leadership into kinship: the transformation was made.
77. Gutman's examination of other facets of kinship also produces important findings.
78. Helmreich, Stefan. "Trees and Seas of Information: Alien Kinship and the Biopolitics of Gene Transfer in Marine Biology and Biotechnology. " American Ethnologist 30, no. 3 (2003): 341-359.
79. This new institution of monarchy required the invention of a new legitimation of authority beyond the tribal justification of chieftainship based on concepts of kinship and responsibility.
80. Kinship study is considered one of the core areas in social anthropology research.
81. Kidney transplantation with living donar from kinship ( Report of 3 case ).
82. Perhaps the Beatific Vision itself has some remote kinship with this lowly experience.
83. Fang-fang, who has certain vanward consciousness and wrote the books realistically, portrayed the inhumane kinship of the family members and broke the moral law of traditional ethic.
84. But, owing to the nature of ancient kinship, as we have seen it, exogamy afforded no proper security against the intermixture of persons near of kin.
85. Kinship consisted of blood kin and affinal kin and it established and extended chiefly through marriage.
86. Therefore we must hold it to be beyond dispute that among exogamous races the first system of kinship was that which recognized blood-ties through mothers only.
87. Walder Frey's fourth wife was a Blackwood, but kinship counts for no more than guest right at the Twins.
88. This paper is based on the kinship term and the address in social intercourse.
89. This study was focused on the kinship among intragroup individuals and between groups in the hibernating greater tube-nosed bat (Murina leucogaster) populations with random amplified polymorphic DNA.
90. Wicca is a joyous religion springing from our kinship with nature.
91. Concerned about is a kinship, a ray of Acacia, a blessing.
92. "Darwin's starting point, " they write, "was the abolitionist belief in blood kinship, a 'common descent' " of all human beings.
93. I didn't have the nerve to ask a direct question about his kinship with those heads.
94. Jiro Wang: How important are my kinship and good-fellowship since I became an actor!
95. the ties of kinship.
96. From this perspective the interests of the individual are bound up with the interests of the kinship group as it extends forward and backward across the generations.
97. As a man-made expanded form of kinship(sentence dictionary), the fictive kinship is widespread in Zhuang society with "making Laotong" being its typical relation.
98. Heritability of kinship pheromone in the beaver: how is information about relatedness coded?
99. This marriage further strengthened the kinship ties family to the other important nobilities of Bhutan.
100. Such women carry in their heads kinship knowledge of six generations depth and extending laterally among consanguineal kin as far as the grandchildren of second cousin.
101. If the top card of your library is already revealed (due to Magus of the Future, for example), you still have the option to reveal it or not as part of a kinship ability's effect.
102. Based on blood kinship social structure is based on the challenges and shaken.
103. Using the methods of natural classifying and matched-words semantic decision, the pa- per further probed into the conceptual structure of Chinese kinship words.
104. This view of kinship helps explain why Mormons are so interested in genealogy.
105. You can think of many of the poems, for example, of Langston Hughes in this regard ; and of a great deal else that goes on in the Harlem Renaissance; so that's the third phase, kinship.
106. The leaf epidermis of Pseudocystopteris is investigated under light microscopes and compared with Cytopteris and Athyrium which have close kinship to it.
107. So we had lot of fun about my sad tumble from a long kinship with the common soldier down to the depths of associating with general.
108. It mainly discovers the social-culture function of complicated network of fictive kinship in the community of Zhuang People in the fifth chapter.
109. There is no kinship between them, but they two are very close.
110. It is a brief introduction in the second chapter, to fundamental state of the object community, for understanding of the social-culture background which various forms of fictive kinship exists.
111. There is the recognition that friendships are formed , in contrast with kinship, through freedom of choice.




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