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单词 Hydrogen
1. Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water.
2. Hydrogen is a corlorless, odorless gas.
3. Oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen are all gases.
4. Hydrogen is a corlourless, odourless gas.
5. Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.
6. Hydrogen and oxygen are gases.
7. Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water.
7. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
8. Water is made up of atoms of hydrogen and oxygen.
9. Hydrogen is highly explosive.
10. Two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water.
11. Hydrogen and oxygen combine/Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water.
12. Atoms of hydrogen are fused to make helium.
13. The balloon was distended because of filling of hydrogen.
14. Water is composed of the elements hydrogen and oxygen.
15. Hydrogen and oxygen are the constituents of water.
16. The hydrogen molecule binds with the oxygen molecule.
17. Water was dissolved into hydrogen and oxygen.
18. Water may be resolved into hydrogen and oxygen.
19. Oxygen unites with hydrogen to form water.
20. The balloon was kept fully inflated with hydrogen.
21. Water can be dissolved into hydrogen and oxygen.
22. Both hydrogen and oxygen are elements.
23. Hydrogen combines chemically with oxygen to form water.
24. Hydrogen is explosively flammable when mixed with oxygen.
25. Hydrogen is used extensively in industry for the production of ammonia.
26. A hydrogen leak forced NASA to ground the space shuttle.
27. Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen combine chemically to form carbohydrates and fats.
28. A chemist can isolate the oxygen from the hydrogen in water.
29. A molecule of water is made up of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.
30. pH is a measure of the concentration of free hydrogen atoms in a solution.
1. Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water.
2. Hydrogen is a corlorless, odorless gas.
3. Oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen are all gases.
4. Hydrogen is a corlourless, odourless gas.
5. Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.
6. Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water.
7. Water is made up of atoms of hydrogen and oxygen.
7. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
8. Hydrogen is highly explosive.
9. A molecule of water is made up of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.
10. Hydrogen and oxygen are the constituents of water.
11. Water was dissolved into hydrogen and oxygen.
12. Hydrogen combines chemically with oxygen to form water.
13. Qualitative analysis shows that water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen.
14. Water can be reduced to oxygen and hydrogen by electrolysis.
31. Qualitative analysis shows that water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen.
32. In May engineers found a leak in a hydrogen fuel line.
33. Water can be reduced to oxygen and hydrogen by electrolysis.
34. A molecule of water consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.
35. The whole system is rich in hydrogen gas.
36. This allows hydrogen bonds to reform.
37. Abrasions are sprayed with hydrogen peroxide.
38. Truman ordered the development of the hydrogen bomb accelerated.
39. Figure 9.9 shows the measured phase-diagram of molecular hydrogen.
40. The palladium cathode was charged with dissolved hydrogen.
41. Treatment is aimed at decreasing hydrogen ion loss.
42. Hydrogen is a highly flammable gas.
43. The easiest method of producing hydrogen from water is by means of electrolysis.
44. In spite of the situation we find ourselves in, maybe hydrogen bombs aren't the biggest cause for concern.
45. They plan to pump a suspension of catalysts in steam and air or hydrogen, down into a coal seam.
46. The smallest ilmenite grains, which have the highest concentration of hydrogen, are the hardest to liberate from other minerals.
47. The equation of state of molecular hydrogen at high pressures and temperatures is particularly important and yet it is poorly known.
48. Fuel cells, which provide electricity generated by a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, constitute one part of that research.
49. The timing of active hydrogen ion secretion, however, remains unknown.
50. This is a symbol expressing hydrogen ion concentration in a solution; it is a measure of relative acidity or alkalinity.
51. Proton concentrations for each sample were then calculated from the hydrogen ion activity and the combined sodium and potassium concentrations.
52. Thus, this mission is so demanding that we are forced to use liquid hydrogen as the propellant.
53. If after four hours no such a rise in breath hydrogen occurred, the transit time was recorded as 240 minutes.
54. With energy supplied by sunlight, some water vapor in the upper atmosphere may have broken down to hydrogen and oxygen.
55. What had started out as a quest for metallic hydrogen now became a serious hunt for fusion.
56. The vaporized gasoline is processed into hydrogen, water and carbon dioxide.
57. Then it is combined with hydrogen in a catalytic converter to produce methane gas and water.
58. Until recently, such wavelengths have been ignored because neutral hydrogen absorbs it in the same way fog absorbs visible light.
59. Vent water is enriched in reduced chemical compounds, especially hydrogen sulfide.
60. One of the hydrogen atoms in ammonia is replaced by a benzene ring.
61. The first primitive forms of life consumed various materials, including hydrogen sulfide, and released oxygen.
62. The mean breath hydrogen curves after acarbose, miglitol, and placebo are shown in Figure 1.
63. The smell is distinctive, too: chemicals and rotten eggs, the hydrogen sulphides produced by processing coal.
64. Deformation modes involving hydrogen also drop dramatically in frequency on isotopic substitution.
65. The very same process, operating on water instead of carbon dioxide, makes oxygen and hydrogen gas.
66. Life generates methane, ammonia, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and many other gases.
67. More water has been destroyed by ultraviolet sunlight, torn apart into oxygen and hydrogen.
67. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
68. After ingestion of sucrose, breath hydrogen was measured at 20 minute intervals for 160 minutes.
69. The end product contains mainly carbon monoxide and hydrogen from the gasification step plus a little methane from the carbonisation.
70. If during this period breath hydrogen increased by 100% or more the test was considered abnormal.
71. Might it not be the equivalent of a small hydrogen bomb?
72. Glu115 also forms hydrogen bonds to His118 and to Asp84, and Glu238 hydrogen-bonds to Glu204.
73. The heat released in this reaction, which is like a controlled hydrogen bomb explosion, is what makes the star shine.
74. The main source of helium-3 is in fact hydrogen bomb recycling!
75. This method is used for the reactions of metals and acids and the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.
76. We then start to accumulate liquid hydrogen in an empty fuel tank.
77. Yet the real energy gain in fuels does not come from burning the carbon component of hydrocarbons, but the hydrogen portion.
78. After further processing, hydrogen is delivered to a stack of fuel cells energizing electric motors that drive the rear wheels.
79. The large scale release of fusion energy has so far occurred only in stars and in the hydrogen bomb.
80. So the sewage goes septic, giving off hydrogen sulphide which corrodes the pipes and makes a nasty smell.
81. This is about the energy that would be released if a hydrogen atom could be totally converted into energy.
82. Scientists assume that those planets' high-pressure cores contain metal hydrogen.
83. The largest accessible source of helium-3 on Earth is from the decay of tritium in hydrogen bombs.
84. The same device, run backwards, reacts hydrogen and oxygen together to make water and generate electrical power.
85. Distortions due to the formation of hydrogen bonds are usually smaller than those due to co-ordination to metal ions.
86. Acid output was calculated by multiplying the hydrogen ion concentration by the volume of the gastric aspirate.
87. Sulphur bacteria may be present below the anoxic zone, reducing sulphate ions and liberating hydrogen sulphide.
88. Eventually, however, the star will run out of its hydrogen and other nuclear fuels.
89. The hydrogen could accumulate during a launch and spark a serious explosion.
90. If hydrogen sulfide or some other poisonous gas is detected, Donahue dons an airtight breathing device and a hard hat.
91. We have seen how difficult it is to extract hydrogen and water from the Moon profitably.
92. The group, like other environmental activists, would prefer the use of hydrogen alone to generate power for fuel cells.
93. Instantly, one of the hydrogen atoms on the ethanol molecule is ripped off.
94. In order to split water into oxygen and hydrogen, we would have to supply energy.
95. The transient nature of the binding may be because this sequence is recognized on account of its structure without additional hydrogen bonding contacts.
96. It is now believed that the peculiar properties of water are due to what is known as hydrogen bonding.
97. For all they know, metal hydrogen may always be unstable and quickly vaporize.
97. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
98. Typically, the fuels are isotopes of the three lightest elements, hydrogen, helium, and lithium.
99. He seems convinced of the inherent stability of the hydrogen bomb - after all, he does build the damn things.
100. Expressed as the proportion of carbon to hydrogen, fuelwood is roughly 91 percent carbon.
101. The microcosm becomes the macrocosm: the key to the whole universe may well be hidden in one hydrogen atom.
102. In general coals contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur with various other trace elements.
103. It therefore seems that both DNA structure and hydrogen bonding to guanine contribute towards sequence recognition.
104. But other forms eventually arose which were able to extract hydrogen from a very much more widespread source - water.
105. The high abundances of hydrogen and helium are features of the giant planets also.
106. Methane condenses to form a cloud layer above the ammonia clouds, leaving a gas that is almost entirely hydrogen and helium.
107. These studies confidently predict that at any plausible temperatures in Jupiter no solid molecular hydrogen surface is encountered.
108. But low hydrogen yields and poisoned catalysts soon had these systems grinding to a halt.
109. And the recently discovered structure of atoms gave them the idea that they could make helium out of hydrogen.
110. Glutamic acid 170 forms the final main-chain hydrogen bond in the molecule.
111. This incredibly dense, hot soup of protons and electrons is called fluid metallic hydrogen.
112. The principal body electrolytes are sodium, potassium and hydrogen ions.
113. In terms of stopping power per gram, the ideal material for stopping cosmic-ray protons is hydrogen.
114. Bennett and Williams suggest that the cells of opening or closing traps acidify their own walls by releasing hydrogen ions.
115. When hydrogen and oxygen are combined in a fuel cell, an electrochemical reaction generates an electric current.
116. The water vapor can then be cycled by reacting it with carbon monoxide to make carbon dioxide and hydrogen.
117. Fresh hydrogen gas is charged to the inlet of the reactor to balance consumption.
118. These bacteria use molecular hydrogen as well as other electron donors, for the dissimilatory reduction of sulphate to sulphide.
119. Polarised hydrogen, on the other hand. which may be easier to make than polarised xenon, could help fusion research.
120. Protein residues in contact are also shown, with hydrogen bonds as dotted lines.
121. A biochemist colleague has kindly provided me with a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, and enough hydroquinone for 50 bombardier beetles.
122. Invitro, sulphate reducing bacteria compete with methanogenic bacteria for hydrogen when sulphate is present.
123. The gas phase is recycled to the reactor inlet to provide a large excess of hydrogen gas in the catalytic reaction zone.
124. Cyanobacteria still exist today, like the purple sulphur bacteria which glean hydrogen from hydrogen-sulphide to provide sulphur compounds as oxidation products.
125. Subsequent detailed analyses of the motions of the atomic hydrogen gas in the plane supported this proposal.
126. Quantitative measurements show that in methanogenic subjects the majority of gaseous hydrogen produced from fermentation is consumed by methanogenic bacteria.
127. The unique features for elemental analysis are the direct monitoring of surface hydrogen and the extreme sensitivity to the outermost atomic layers.
128. It consists of a chain of carbon atoms, with one hydrogen atom attached to each carbon.
129. Ultraviolet light, hydrogen peroxide and ozone assure crystal-clear, clean water.
130. We found that this chemical process created hydrogen chloride as a by-product.
131. The Soviet Union tested its own hydrogen bomb within a year, and the nuclear arms race escalated further.
132. The remaining neutrons would have decayed into protons, which are the nuclei of ordinary hydrogen atoms.
133. The optimum proportions of hydrogen and oxygen are thus two hydrogen atoms per oxygen atom, exactly the same as in water.
134. There are no main-chain hydrogen bonds to the metal ligand side chains.
135. Hypocapnia causes fewer hydrogen ions to be available for secretion in the renal tubular cell.
136. It is burning hydrogen into helium, like a controlled H-bomb.
137. Driving these cells were the contents of two liquid oxygen tanks and two liquid hydrogen tanks.
138. These micro-refrigerators are commercially available, and avoid the explosion hazard of liquid hydrogen and the expense of liquid helium.
139. The hydrogen gas would be collected within the galls and piped to a central storage system.
140. It is compounded, broadly speaking, of two atoms of hydrogen attached to one of oxygen: H 2 0.
141. In this case the presence of oxygen and hydrogen mixed in the optimum proportions, could well have compounded the effect.
142. Stars are initially formed from gas, mostly hydrogen, and contract under their own gravitational attraction.
143. The newly-developed fuel cell will be powered by hydrogen, extracted from water.
144. The third isotope of hydrogen, hydrogen-3 or tritium, is highly radioactive and has a very short half-life.
145. But hydrogen peroxide and hydroquinone don't react violently together unless a catalyst is added.
146. Since most of the mass of Uranus air is hydrogen, most of the output from the refrigeration system is liquid hydrogen.
147. Polar ice also would provide hydrogen for rocket fuel and for industrial processes.
148. This process generates short chain fatty acids which are absorbed, and hydrogen and carbon dioxide.
149. In the future it may be possible to convert water to hydrogen on a large scale by electrolysis, for example.
150. The extreme ultraviolet power was only a few watts, but it was adequate to detect molecular hydrogen.
151. The energy of this hydrogen bonding is comparable to that of the torsion-angle strain.
152. Anhydrous caustic soda, hydrogen gas and phosgene, all well established product areas, are being developed to produce maximum returns.
153. We have also seen that hydrogen is made as a byproduct of the makeup of oxygen by electrolysis of water.
154. One molecule of ammonia contains one atom of nitrogen and three atoms of hydrogen.
155. On 12 July 1953, when the Soviet Union exploded its first hydrogen bomb, equilibrium was restored.
156. Diuretics should be stopped, if possible, to decrease renal hydrogen ion loss.
157. Like Green's compound, this iridium compound contains two hydrogen atoms that can be eliminated by light.
158. By supplying addition molecules of chlorine it is possible to replace all the hydrogen atoms.
159. At the pole, we fill the tanks with 400 tons of water and 700 tons of hydrogen and oxygen.
160. These unusual chemical shifts for imino and amino protons are indicative of novel hydrogen bonding.
161. I poured the hydrogen peroxide into the hydroquinone, and absolutely nothing happened.
162. Hydrogen sulphide was probably a relatively rare commodity, even in ancient times.
163. Such was the case with the idea that hydrogen fusion might occur at moderate temperatures within solid materials.
164. For clarity, the three hydrogen bonds mentioned in the text are not illustrated.
165. A more attractive long-term possibility is the direct solar production of hydrogen from water by photochemical conversion.
166. The escape rate of hydrogen from Earth is low enough so as to be unimportant by comparison.
167. They include a laboratory for handling tritium, the heavy radioactive isotope of hydrogen which is a fuel for fusion reactors.
168. Finally, we should comment on the relative abundance of ozone and hydrogen peroxide at Cape Grim.
169. Carbohydrates in pure form contain only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
170. It will also be a rare opportunity to witness the silent magic of six hydrogen balloons drifting away.
171. The cells will drive electric motors and use on-board hydrogen gas as fuel.
172. The variability of patterns resulting from the use of different volumes of hydrogen peroxide also argued against further use of this technique.
173. Joseph Black had described carbon dioxide in 1756 while Henry Cavendish described hydrogen in 1766.
174. However, at present, the economics of using solar-produced electricity to produce hydrogen from water by electrolysis are poor.
175. The products of coal gasification include carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane and nitrogen.
176. A methyl group is a carbon with three hydrogen atoms attached.
177. If the small atom bomb went up, so then would the hydrogen bomb.
178. As a practical matter, hydrogen use has some negative effects.
179. Water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen.
180. Hydrogen evolution is always a possibility in water solutions.
181. If the hydrogen is ignited it is likely to explode.
182. These great clouds of cold hydrogen resemble summer afternoon thunderheads.
183. A chemist can analyze water into two colorless gases, hydrogen and oxygen.
184. Water is a compound containing the elements hydrogen and oxygen.
185. We now incorporate this condition into the analysis of the hydrogen atom.




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