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单词 Ann
1. George Eliot was the pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans.
2. Ann didn't seem very sure.
3. I'd like you to meet Ann Gregory,(/Ann.html) my deputy.
4. Ann hit the sandbag with her fist.
5. Ann stopped in front of the house.
6. Ann and I never seem to agree.
7. Ann makes delicious pastry - you should try her apple pie.
8. When Ann arrived home that night, she found Brian in the house watching TV.
9. Ann Bradley dispels the old wives' tales and gives the medical facts.
10. Mary Ann had made an effort at jazzing up the chilly modern interiors.
11. Ann and Joe aren't talking to each other right now .
12. I'm going as a favour to Ann, not because I want to.
13. Molly had cringed when Ann started picking up the guitar.
14. Ann rides the bus to work.
15. Ann did her dissertation on Baudelaire.
16. Mary Ann wished he would just drop it.
17. Mary Ann was flooded with relief .
18. Ann was awarded £6 000 damages.
19. Mary Ann turned and rapped on Simon's door.
20. Ann moved with easy grace.
21. Ann serves on various local committees.
22. Ann stretched across the couch and grabbed the phone.
23. Ann had an honest face.
24. Ann was born and brought up in Ealing.
25. Brian gazed lovingly at Mary Ann.
26. Ann had heard enough of this.
27. Ann was dressed in a sloppy brown sweater.
28. Mary Ann tore the edge off her napkin.
29. Ann made a quick recovery from her operation.
30. The question came out of left field, but Mary Ann wasn't really surprised.
1. Ann didn't seem very sure.
2. I'd like you to meet Ann Gregory, my deputy.
3. Ann hit the sandbag with her fist.
4. Ann stopped in front of the house.
5. Ann and I never seem to agree.
6. Ann makes delicious pastry - you should try her apple pie.
7. When Ann arrived home that night, she found Brian in the house watching TV.
8. Ann Bradley dispels the old wives' tales and gives the medical facts.
9. Mary Ann had made an effort at jazzing up the chilly modern interiors.
10. Ann and Joe aren't talking to each other right now .
11. I'm going as a favour to Ann, not because I want to.
12. The question came out of left field, but Mary Ann wasn't really surprised.
13. Molly had cringed when Ann started picking up the guitar.
14. George Eliot was a pen - name; her real name was Mary Ann Evans.
15. Ann really fancies her chances of promotion to the vacant job of chief supervisor.
31. Mary Ann shot him a rueful look.
32. Ann Hamilton was a Caucasian from New England.
33. Ann and Robert seem made for each other.
34. There was a call from Ann for you.
35. Ann wanted the conservatory to integrate with the kitchen.
36. Jack is engaged to Ann.
37. Ann rationed out the cake between the children.
38. Ann struck a pose and smiled for the camera.
39. Ann was completely lost in her book.
40. Do you mean Ann Smith or Mary Smith?
41. Ann blew a few notes on the trumpet.
42. Ann twisted some daisies through Katherine's thick brown hair.
43. Ann wiped a tear from her eye.
44. Ann faithfully promised never to tell my secret.
45. Ann was at the party with her brood.
46. Ann turned over in her bed once more.
47. Ann slipped the book into her bag.
48. Poor Ann has the mother-in-law from hell.
49. Did you get that joke,(http:///Ann.html) Ann? I'll explain later.
50. 'Is Ann there?' 'You've just missed her .'
51. Ann gave him a filthy look.
52. Ann stared fixedly at the screen.
53. Ann froze with terror as the door opened silently.
54. Ann has always believed passionately in women's rights.
55. Ann forked some fish into her mouth.
56. Paddy spotted Mary Ann and gave her a cheery wave.
57. It seems foolish not to give Ann her freedom, if that's what she really wants.
58. Ann gave up driving when she backed the car into the garage door.
59. Auntie Ann put a huge wedge of fruit cake on my plate.
60. Roger and Ann have gone up in the world - these days they only ever travel first-class.
61. The barman tells me you saw Ann on Tuesday morning. Is that right?
62. They had gone through some rocky times together when Ann was first married.
63. Ann wanted to pursue her own career in parallel with her husband's.
63. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
64. Ann threw back the covers and scrambled out of bed.
65. She knew from past experience that Ann would not give up easily.
66. George Eliot was a pen - name; her real name was Mary Ann Evans.
67. I sent the money inside an envelope addressed to Ann.
68. Ann wanted to make her peace with her father before he died.
69. Ann came to see me when I was in hospital. She was a real Job's comforter! She told me about somebody who had the same operation as me, and then died a month later.
70. Ann could remember sitting in the back seat of their car.
71. Ann will be a very useful addition to our team.
72. Ann had been cohabiting with Jim for years before getting married.
73. Ann suffered from depression and a number of other emotional problems .
74. It's an exact copy of the one which was found in Ann Alice's room.
75. Ann, made of sterner stuff than I, refused all offers of help.
76. Ann suggested that they dispense with speeches altogether at the wedding.
77. He nodded greetings to Mary Ann and Michael and shook hands with Burke.
78. She bought Ann two bras and six pairs of knickers.
79. "Nice to meet you," said Michael. "Same here," said Mary Ann.
80. "I'll take the grilled tuna," Mary Ann told the waiter.
81. Ann, put on your sweater; you're so cold you have gooseflesh on your arms.
82. When we got back to the hotel, Ann had already left.
83. Can you wait a minute? I haven't finished with Ann yet.
84. Lots of couples have problems in the first year of marriage. Take Ann and Paul.
85. Bob spent fifteen months alone on his yacht. Ann, meanwhile, took care of the children on her own.
86. To kill the hours while she waited, Ann worked in the garden.
87. She loved all her grandchildren but Ann was her favourite.
88. Ann won't do a lick of work around the house.
89. Mary Ann asked him how dinner had been. "The pits," he replied.
90. Ann then sailed in with a furious attack on the chairman.
91. Mr and Mrs Wall invite you to the marriage of their daughter Ann to Mr Thomas Lea.
92. He saw Ann look away from him and leave his field of vision.
93. I feel bad for Ann - she studied so hard for that test and she still didn't pass.
94. We hadn't planned to be in France at the same time as Ann and Charles - it was just a happy coincidence.
95. At exactly five minutes to nine,(http:///Ann.html) Ann left her car and entered the building.
96. Ann is guilty, inasmuch as she knew what the others were planning.
97. "He was a lawyer before that," Mary Ann put in.
98. Ann says the only way to heal after rape is to talk about it.
99. Ann was strolling along aimlessly when I brought her up short by calling her name from the other side of the street.
100. I don't know how Ann stands for her husband's behaviour; he comes home dead drunk nearly every night.
101. Criminologist Dr Ann Jones has linked the crime to social circumstances.
102. When the boys graduated from high school, Ann moved to a small town in Vermont.
103. I'm afraid I've been unloading my worries on poor Ann here.
104. Ann really fancies her chances of promotion to the vacant job of chief supervisor.
105. There will be an overlap of a week while John teaches Ann the job.
106. Mary Ann doesn't want to have children. Not right now, anyway.
107. Ann thought it unseemly to kiss her husband in public.
108. We auditioned more than 200 dancers before deciding on Carole Ann.
109. I had first known Ann as a little girl.
110. Examiner correspondent Sandra Ann Harris contributed to this report.
111. Ann closed her book and stood up.
112. Ann has two children by her ex-husband.
113. We wish Ann every happiness in her new home.
114. Ann quickly saw through his lies and deceptions.
115. Traci called Lee Ann a tramp and a cradle-robber.
116. During the assessment Ann was interviewed.
117. Grab that waiter, Mary Ann.
118. Ann felt a combined relief and sadness.
119. Ann Chinket and husband Ian, both 34, deny assault.
120. Ann suffered from a number of emotional disturbances.
121. Barbara Ann wore blue jeans and an embroidered blue shirt.
122. When they got back, having discovered only two, Mary Ann had the cards out for a game of canasta.
123. In this session Ann talked of her deprived early life and her first marriage,(http:///Ann.html) which ended when her husband walked out.
124. Ann Watterson is in charge of the business section of the paper.
125. There, side by side, Amelia and Mary Ann would live out their lives.
126. The night that Johnson announced he was pulling out, there were joyous parades in Ann Arbor and around the country.
127. While serving as state treasurer, Ann Richards was the keynote speaker at the Democrats' 1988 convention in Atlanta.
128. Injury center spokeswoman Mary Ann Fenley said the center is not trying to eliminate guns but to make them safer.
129. In order to achieve this acceleration he must apply a force much greater than the weight of his ann.
130. It is also developing ann information service, meals-on-wheels, and support groups.
131. Mary Ann, married, the mother of two children, moved first.
132. Peter and Ann MacPherson were devastated by the news of their son's involvement in the killings.
133. Arthur would be gone on the stroke of nine, and Ann too, if it was possible.
134. Ann became a Catholic as an adult and entered the book trade working at a Catholic bookshop in Exeter.
135. In 1765 he married Ann Sherwin, daughter of the land agent at Kedleston Hall.
136. Surely some one somewhere knows who killed Ann Heron and that person could ease the pain for her heartbroken family.
137. Mr Cottle looked up, his eyes beseeching Mary Ann to find another object for her well-meaning pity.
138. The house had then to be fumigated, and Ann and 1 were in quarantine for six weeks.
139. Ann, made of sterner stuff than the rest of her tribe, leapt from the car, determined to fish.
140. In 1883 she and Ann won the consolation doubles at the Northern Championships in Manchester.
141. We were deeply touched to receive your love-gift sent with Ann Grant.
142. The job is going to Ann McDaniel, an assistant managing editor who has been commuting to New York for four years.
143. I wasn't sure whether David and Ann would like each other, but they got on like a house on fire.
144. The money has been donated to Mason's sponger Ann Dyche who has been diagnosed as having cancer.
145. If forced to examine the movie from that sociological mountaintop, veteran costume designer Ann Roth is right.
146. Bill says on the last visit to her Outer Banks cottage, he and Ann played miniature golf and discussed biotechnology.
147. Ann and I attended a dinner at the City Chamber of Commerce.
148. My daughter Ann took to ballet dancing like a swan to the lake.
149. Mary Ann Grabavoy and Cynthia Potter, a 1976 bronze medalist, will run the show.
150. If you call Ann now, she should still be home.
151. Lee Ann took all her clothes off and lay down to sun herself on the flying bridge.
152. Kevin convinced Lee Ann to go to the country club dance with him.
153. He sprang into action when wife Ann, 26(http://), suddenly went into labour in the middle of the night.
154. I mention this to Ann Ladam, the librarian, commenting on the hands on nature of the setting.
155. I heard an interesting piece of gossip about Beth Ann.
156. Mum Ann, east Belfast born and bred, is hoping her boy helps the Glens to victory.
157. Ann was disgusted when she saw the dirty hotel room.
158. Ann Chait remembers telling her sons Jon and David to stop playing computer games and get their homework done.
159. Shortly before his execution, John Hutt admitted the murder of Ann Pearman.
160. In 1783 their baby daughter, Ann, died of a fever and William himself became critically ill.
161. Ann Lewis, spokesperson for the Clinton reelection campaign echoes that sentiment for the Democratic side.
162. He was real sensitive during the dinner, and so was Ann.
163. Ann Black, the central figure in State and Main, is, however, classic Mamet.
164. The Richards had an only daughter, Ann, who inherited the house.
165. Ann felt him brush against me and turned to face him.
166. Ann Tabachnikov often asked students to read in class the essays they had written at home.
167. The effect Jennifer had on him was so obvious that Ann was amazed he made no attempt to disguise it.
168. The women also include the former world champion Ann Hughes, who is attempting to recapture the lightweight crown.
169. Ann Faraday also reports these two types of flying dream, both from personal experience and from reports from her subjects.
170. Nigel and Shirley handed over the cheque to matron Ann Teaney.
171. And by the time Steve dashed back to Ann in the car, the baby was well on the way.
172. Our hypothetical Ann could eat her packet of peanuts, for example, if she added three half-hour swims to her weekly routine.
173. Look, Ann, I know all about the economic reasons for deindustrialization.
174. Colleagues rally round to help Ann KIND-HEARTED fundraisers pulled out all the stops to donate more than £1,500 to a very ill colleague.
175. Ann Pinhey News from Alresford Does the town want a new cemetery?
176. Ann if over her heroin addiction and working on her compulsion to go shoplifting.
177. In 1967, my wife Ann made a drawing of Stenness, including a stone bench across two stubby, central columns.
178. Ann had met an old boyfriend, and she and Charles had been able to discuss their feelings about this without animosity.
179. Kelly is the sweetest thing I have ever seen, with a face like Raggedy Ann and ginger dreadlocks.
180. The field station consists of a modern Ann Exe built on to the old coast guard station.
181. Ann was less demanding and feeling less suspicious of Charles.
182. A great cheer when up as Ann broke away from the crowd and went after Harry, but she hardly heard it.
183. Still, the day after the announcement in Ann Arbor, communities started inoculating children.
184. Lee Ann, 23 says the secret is her banter, coy looks and flicking her hair about.
185. He met Rose Ann in 1988 at an historical demonstration at a Boy Scout camp-out.
186. You look terrific, Ann. You really do.
187. "I'm not a journalist," said Mary Ann crisply.
187. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
188. Mary Ann felt painfully inadequate in the crisis.
189. What advice does Karen give Ann?
190. Artificial Neural Network ANN has been employed to classify the common solvent.
191. "Is Mary Ann O.K?" — "She's fine," she said evenly.




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