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单词 high priest
释义  Related topics: Arts, Religionˌhigh ˈpriest noun [countable]  1  AFAMOUS informal someone who is famous for being the best at a type of art, music etc, and whose ideas or work change the way that other people think about and make art, music etc 〔艺术、音乐界等的〕杰出人物high priest of the high priest of modern jazz 现代爵士乐大师2. RRthe most important priest in some religions 大祭司,祭司长Examples from the Corpushigh priest• For millions of Nepali Hindus the brahmins are high priest and local butcher.• In the next scene they could be the high priest.• Incorrigible to the last, the high priest of scandal has even turned his worst moment into a punch-line.• Age hasn't mellowed the high priest of punk, Iggy Pop.• That, to the high priest of the sanctuary of Shiloh, is not the most important item of news.ˌhigh ˈpriest nounChineseSyllable  who famous the for Corpus someone being is




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