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单词 Ley
1) These follow the courses of three major ley lines.
2) Water is a key element in the ley system.
3) While disagreeing with his explanation, Priest ley was quick to describe suitably scaled up apparatus for filling balloons.
4) Watkins found them sited at intervals along a ley and often at the crossing of two leys.
5) Ley hunters today answer as Watkins himself did, by suggesting the evolution of sacred sites.
6) Ley lines - channels of energy or guide routes for prehistoric travellers - are said to converge at the Tor.
7) He asked me if I knew anything about ley lines and I confessed my ignorance.
8) And Ley and EconoMax supermarkets are seeing profits rise thanks to maquila food coupons.
9) The node points channel the ley earth-forces through the system, terminating at the Flying Swan.
10) Not only have UFOs nothing to do with ley lines, they have nothing to do with ancient monuments or geology.
11) But this euphoric rediscovery of the ley theory gave way to quieter and more sober research.
12) If Miss Ley saw him, it would be fatal.
13) Miss Ley waved her arms with comic desperation.
14) Miss Ley caught her mood at a glance.
15) Miss Ley smilled almost imperceptibly.
16) Miss Ley concealed a smile.
17) Miss Ley looked at him with uplifted eyebrows.
18) Miss Ley lifted her eyebrows.
19) Bertha found Miss Ley tried hard to suppress her amusement.
20) Miss Ley could not help asking herself if he really loved her niece.
21) She felt that between herself and Miss Ley alone the necessary explanations would be awkward.
22) Miss Ley now remembered a dozen occurrences that had escaped her notice.
23) Miss Ley, indeed,[http:///ley.html] was convinced that some catastrophe had occurred.
24) Bertha was devoutly grateful to Miss Ley for her opportune return on Gerald's last night.
25) Miss Ley was surprised at the girl's expansiveness, contrasting with her old reserve.
26) From Stamford Bridge to emb(er)ley, e'll eep the blue flag flying high.
27) I believe the Druid sacred groves to have been functionally identical with, and a direct continuity of, ley mark-clumps.
28) In fieldwork, you are really looking for anything that might confirm the existence of a ley.
29) Within the arable area the greatest changes have been the increase of cereals and the decline of the one-year clover ley.
30) The essence of the problem is to define a ley, which is harder than it appears.
31) This time, Ms. Ley provided the couplewith a detailed budget of how she was spending her money, down to catfood and haircuts, proving her frugality.
32) Miss Ley trembled lest he should knock her china over as he went round the room.
33) Miss Ley laughed , for she was getting into her own particular element.
34) Bar - ley corn contains rough protein, 11.22 - 12.45 % , starch 59.1 % and amino acids 0.827 %.
35) Potassium manuring may be less critical in continuous grass farming than in ley farming.
36) Party fools and plug - uglies like Ley permeated the state and military structures.
37) In the discus throwing event, Ley scored 67.52 m the final throw.
38) With a straight face Speer appointed Ley on the spot " Commissioner of Death Ray ".




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