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单词 Sanitised
1. Manufacturers, it is argued, sought refuge in West Ham from East London vestries determined to sanitise their parishes.
2. Granted some of the images are a little sanitised, but the good intentions can be clearly read through the window dressing.
3. But, oh, how the garbage is sanitised and transmuted by the alchemy of the machine!
4. Industrial labour was at last being regulated, water supplies purified, hospitals sanitised and prisons reformed.
4. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
5. Wujiang Lu, the city's famous snack street – where octopus could be had on a stick alongside Shanghai's beloved soup dumplings – is to be sanitised and redeveloped.
6. But Sinatra's daughter, Tina, has her own view of how her father should be portrayed, which critics feel would be a sanitised life story.
7. The history of the reform programme itself has been sanitised and simplified in order to minimise public questioning of leaders' motives and actions.
8. This kind of social pressure was also key to another tactic used by the Chinese government to make sure its citizens only use sanitised portions of the web.
9. Personally, I think that's a bit harsh, although it does feel a little too sanitised.
10. Some of their tackling would have landed their players in the Tower in today's sanitised game when you cannot breathe on opponents without getting booked.
11. Atrocities committed - and often photographed - by US military forces have also been thoroughly sanitised from the public narrative.




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