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单词 Visualize
1. I could visualize the scene in the office.
2. I tried to visualize the house while he was describing it.
3. Visualize this thing that you want, see it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blue print, and begin to build.
4. Try to visualize him as an old man.
5. I cannot visualize what he looked like.
6. She couldn't visualize climbing the mountain.
7. I can't visualize myself ever getting married.
8. He could not visualize her as old.
9. It was hard to visualize how it could have been done.
10. It is difficult to visualize how the town must have looked years ago.
11. I can't visualize what this room looked like before it was decorated.
11. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
12. Somehow I can't visualize myself staying with this company for much longer.
13. I remember meeting him but I just can't visualize him.
14. It can help to visualize yourself making your speech clearly and confidently.
15. It's hard to visualize how these tiles will look in our bathroom.
16. I trembled as I tried to visualize it.
17. To write a scene is to visualize.
18. How dare I visualize myself like them?
19. Or you could visualize the farmhouse kitchen towards midday.
20. It is quite entertaining to attempt to visualize what the intermediates may have looked like.
21. I try to visualize the balance of my own mind.
22. Ellen could visualize the puckers of thin lines forming between her wide-spaced eyes.
23. One need not attempt to visualize this in any accurate way.
24. He closed his eyes, trying to visualize where he had put it.
25. In order to visualize the patterns of waste flow, it is most meaningful to aggregate these wastes by county.
26. He tried to visualize its brown wooden bottom - he could not - there must still have been at least one sheet there.
27. While many still visualize cruises as sedentary, today they are far from that.
28. He tried to visualize what he would have done with them.
29. Immunohistochemical staining using antiserum reacting against complement factor C3d was used to visualize neuritic plaques.
30. A world devoid of tomato soup, tomato sauce, tomato ketchup and tomato paste is hard to visualize.
1. I could visualize the scene in the office.
2. I tried to visualize the house while he was describing it.
31. She was also helped to visualize a future successful pregnancy and full-term birth, which she experienced two months later.
32. He closed his eyes, trying to visualize where he had put his watch.
33. These women are taking serious note of all those images and trying to visualize themselves in the fashion picture.
34. When Tom Lehman filters his memory for magic moments of 1995, one in particular might be hard to visualize.
35. David could still visualize Polly, even though he had not seen her for ten years.
36. Visualize what the company should be like, and share that vision.
37. The armchair traveller for whom you are shooting these pictures does not want to visualize paradise under cloud.
38. An architect can look at a drawing and visualize a three-dimensional shape.
39. He was unable to visualize these acts because he knew they led nowhere.
40. I tried to visualize the house as he described it.
41. I could visualize him in one of Mr Wells's romantic fantasies.
42. It taxes the minds of determined embryologists to try and visualize what is going on.
43. Despite the great volume of material that existed on the Mughals,(http:///visualize.html) I had always found them difficult to visualize.
44. The radiologist can visualize the cancerous liver.
45. Inability to clearly visualize or sample the endocervical canal.
46. She couldn't visualize flying through space.
47. Intranuclear inclusions were difficult to visualize.
48. Digital watches. Visualize a clock face on the watch.
49. And this paper offers a method of concrete beam cracks simulation based on L system of fractal theory(), and provides us a new way to visualize and simulate concrete crack.
50. Lowliness and Commonness, this is a visualize body of own imagery, it is a most direct education deal from the universe.
51. I remember meeting the man before but I can't visualize him.
52. Then visualize that your energy is'blending with the etheric layer of your auric field.
53. We use ADW4.0 workstation to produce multi planar reformation (MPR) and maximal intensity projection (MIP) in order to visualize peripancreatic veins.
54. Compatible with the Linguistic symbol, Graphic symbol is able to visualize abstract concepts, induce people's emotions through image and scene.
55. The skin biopsy specimen from patient with lamellar ichthyosis was assessed by electron microscopy, using ruthenium tetroxide post-fixation to visualize the intercellular lipid membrane domains.
56. How will you visualize my writing if you're already like this?
57. Twenty years ago, it was very hard to visualize what was happening in Timbuktu.
58. If you put this image into a stereo viewer, you can pick out the 3D atomic structure; for anything more complex than this, we need a different way to visualize what is going on.
59. Utilizing the variation of autofluorescence and second harmonic generation signal, we can also visualize the interaction between squamous cells and connective tissue in vivo.
60. Shiv :- So let's first visualize the whole order work flow from these three aspects.
61. Data output view -- You can view XML data type columns on the results page, and visualize the content of XML columns as a tree or document text.
62. As you exhale, visualize all the natural energy flowing through you like gold light, cleaning, relaxing and vitalizing your body, mind and emotions.
63. Finally, the server sends the result back to the client and upon receiving the results, can then visualize the update -- all in much less than a 60th of a second.
64. One convenient way to visualize the real numbers is by the way of a number line.
65. Also, to help users easily visualize all the projects and their package dependencies NuGet 1.4 will now come with Package Visualizer.
66. Overdraw visualization mode does not do alpha testing now. Alpha tested pixels still cost on the GPU, so better to visualize the real cost.
67. I will be much better prepared if I meditate every morning and visualize myself dealing with that challenge with authenticity, openness, honesty, and with as much wisdom as I can bring to bear on it.
68. One of the most effective speed reading techniques is to visualize the ideas on the page as pictures in your head.
69. Your landscaper will also help you visualize how various arrangements will fit into the natural topology of your property.
70. Analyzing the virtual user activity in your load test results to isolate performance issues: You can use the Virtual User Activity Chart to visualize what virtual users are doing during a load test.
71. And we can actually better visualize this if we plot how that energy changes as a function of internuclear distance.
72. Pause and visualize the action as if it were already completed.
73. VISUALIZE , STRATEGIZE , ENERGIZE,() REALIZE reprogramming is the subject today.
74. According to the field function, there are five Methods : To visualize the data field.
75. Quartz will provide the job management service, that is not dependent on the database for reliability, where the developers can schedule, visualize, pause, restart, and cancel jobs.
76. The Virtual User Activity Chart lets you visualize the virtual user activity that is associated with your load test.
77. As talking about IBM Stream Computing. "Once you collect the data, you have to analyze and visualize it... to understand what is going on."
78. Aristotle not once discussed the real and feasible system, but also visualize the ideal city-states.
79. In the van, I do a Bad Feelings Acknowledgment re the reburial. I visualize my Useless Guilt as a pack of black dogs.
80. Yet when you expect the worst you also focus on it and visualize it, thereby pushing yourself in a negative direction.
81. The program goal is to provide the software tools and services that allow users to process, analyze and visualize large amounts of intelligence information from multiple, disconnected sources.
82. Visualize the distribution of Credit Losses and the VaR without incurring into model or estimation errors.
83. Try to depersonalize conflicts. Instead of a "me versus you" mentality, visualize an "us versus the problem" scenario.
84. I could visualize the scene at the time and Mitchell's inscrutability.
85. Results MRI can visualize inflammatory, degenerative and traumatic changes in the small tarsal sinus.
86. The logo must be creative and visualize the keywords: regeneration, medicine, gerontology.
87. He couldn't visualize either Martinez or Brown as platoon sergeant.
88. In order to integrate the facts now know concerning the actual development of a dentinal caries, let us visualize some literatures.
89. The firm's technological and aesthetic savvy has helped visualize much more, including taxi traffic, real-estate values, even crime patterns--all depicted in jarringly gorgeous maps.
90. As you visualize and practice opening your heart in your various relationships, you're learning ahimsa, or compassion, which is number one on the list of yamas and niyamas.
91. To visualize ( something ), as by magnetic resonance imaging.
92. Results The patients with cancer need humanities solicitude, expectation sedateness and indolence death, wish vindicate oneself selfhood and body visualize.
93. Then I visualize a clear cord or clear rope coming from my root chakra (tail bone area) and entering Gaia.
94. We begin to see, from this material , how to visualize a waveform from its spectrum.
95. Let the "big you" brush aside the "little you". Visualize the "big you" wielding a big broom and doing just that.
96. Now focus your mind on teleporting the etheric body across the room. visualize the destination point.
97. Visualize a grand dame of Chanel origin with her black hat of feathers trying on a glorified diamante ring and reflecting its unique cut on the ceiling.
98. He described the place and I tried to visualize it.
99. I visualize it as a big red fire alarm inside the head.
100. It is also worth noting that the Visualiser is actually a completely general-purpose component that can be tailored to visualize anything, from Eclipse markers to Google search results.
101. From her paintings, we can visualize a self-driven individual who is neither bound by convention nor interest to please the public.
102. When I injured my knee while training for a marathon, I didn't expect myself to visualize my tendonitis away so that I could run.
103. The Buddha said to Ananda and Vaidehi, "After you have seen Amitayus clearly and distinctly, next visualize the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara."
104. Users visualize the Undo facility in different ways, depending on the situation and their expectations.
105. One can visualize this process with the aid of Fig .1.8.1.
106. The method is fit to the teaching on the nonfigurative subject such as the zoophysiology because it is visualize and lifelikeness and understandability .
107. Operational art requires commanders who can visualize, anticipate, create, and seize opportunities.
108. An after process code, DV, is also developed to visualize flow field and temperature with different colors to facilitate analysis on the results.
109. Avoid overuse of abstract, polysyllabic words. Instead, use concrete language that your audience can visualize.
110. To keep myself focused on the paper in front of me, I'd visualize a set of blinders for my eyes, and an imaginary fort around my desk.
111. This simulation system can visualize the ultrasonic test process, simulate the ultrasonic propagation path and A-Scan.
112. Satellite Tool Kit can only verify and visualize the projects that STK provides itself.
113. When the desired selection is obtained, a VRML fille is created to visualize the results.
114. I could visualize how the place must have looked in the past.




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