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单词 Bankrupt
1. He went bankrupt after only a year in business.
2. Hundreds of firms went bankrupt during the recession.
3. The company went bankrupt soon.
4. The court adjudicated the company bankrupt.
5. He seemed to be bankrupt of hope and confidence.
6. The company went bankrupt because of its poor management.
6. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
7. Amalgamation was the only alternative to going bankrupt.
8. The company was declared bankrupt in the High Court.
9. The company went bankrupt, and it burst up completely.
10. As a result, he went bankrupt soon.
11. and may go bankrupt.
12. The firm went bankrupt before the building work was completed.
13. The company went bankrupt and was put into the hands of the receivers.
14. The worst bankrupt is the person who lost his enthusiasm.
15. To put it in a nutshell, we're bankrupt.
16. They thought we would to bankrupt, but we managed.
17. The company went bankrupt last year.
18. A bankrupt firm is not solvent.
19. It was touch and go whether we'd go bankrupt.
20. They went bankrupt in 1993.
21. Our hopes crumbled when the business went bankrupt.
22. Seventeen years of war left the country bankrupt.
23. Firms are going bankrupt all over the place.
24. The opposition attacked the government as morally bankrupt .
25. Put simply, we accept their offer or go bankrupt.
26. Many small businesses have gone bankrupt recently.
27. At this rate, we shall soon be bankrupt.
28. He really thinks that European civilisation is morally bankrupt.
29. The purport of the statement is that the firm is bankrupt.
30. If the firm cannot sell its products, it will go bankrupt.
1. He went bankrupt after only a year in business.
2. Hundreds of firms went bankrupt during the recession.
3. The company went bankrupt soon.
4. The court adjudicated the company bankrupt.
5. He seemed to be bankrupt of hope and confidence.
6. The company went bankrupt because of its poor management.
6. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
7. Amalgamation was the only alternative to going bankrupt.
8. The company was declared bankrupt in the High Court.
9. The company went bankrupt, and it burst up completely.
10. As a result, he went bankrupt soon.
11. The firm went bankrupt before the building work was completed.
12. If the firm cannot sell its products, it will go bankrupt.
13. The company went bankrupt and was put into the hands of the receivers.
14. A bankrupt firm is not solvent.
15. They went bankrupt in 1993.
16. Our hopes crumbled when the business went bankrupt.
17. Before the company went bankrupt , he pulled out.
18. When the travel company went bankrupt, many holidaymakers were left high and dry abroad or waiting at the airport.
19. He has the dubious distinction of being the first railway baron to go bankrupt.
20. If my advice had been acted upon, the firm would not have gone bankrupt.
21. Their backs are to the wall. If they don't find another creditor, they will go bankrupt.
31. Mr Steel has been declared bankrupt .
32. He believes that modern society is morally bankrupt.
33. Things couldn't be worse, financially: in short, we're bankrupt.
34. He bought up a bankrupt company.
35. Before the company went bankrupt , he pulled out.
36. At this rate, we'll soon be bankrupt.
36. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
37. There's an unsubstantiated rumour that Eddie's bankrupt.
38. In 1977 he was declared bankrupt .
39. Our holiday was cancelled when the travel operator went bankrupt.
40. The company made a series of botches before it went bankrupt.
41. The firm is in dire straits and may go bankrupt.
42. Indications show that at least 2,000 more businesses will go bankrupt before the end of the year.
43. I shall go bankrupt if you children keep on asking for more pocket money!
44. There's no point in keeping up appearances when everyone knows we're nearly bankrupt.
45. When the travel company went bankrupt, many holidaymakers were left high and dry abroad or waiting at the airport.
46. A bankrupt must deliver up all his books, papers and records.
47. They must face the likelihood that the newspaper might go bankrupt.
48. Mr Trent lost his house when he was made bankrupt .
49. She knows what it's like to go bankrupt - it happened to her 20 years ago.
50. We must recover our losses immediately,or we shall be bankrupt.
51. The recession has led to many small businesses going bankrupt.
52. I've heard whispers that the firm is likely to go bankrupt.
53. He has the dubious distinction of being the first railway baron to go bankrupt.
54. I was nearly bankrupt, but your loan saved my bacon.
55. She had to pay the mortgage after her husband was declared bankrupt.
56. The way things are going the company will be bankrupt by the end of the year.
57. The stigma of being a bankrupt is likely to haunt him for the rest of his life.
58. He argued forcefully and convincingly that they were likely to bankrupt the budget.
59. It is proving hard to work out the value of bankrupt firms' assets.
60. They piled up such a huge debt that they soon went bankrupt.
61. When the business went bankrupt, twenty years of hard work went up in smoke.
62. If my advice had been acted upon, the firm would not have gone bankrupt.
63. He thinks the company is going to go bankrupt soon, so he's getting out while the going is good.
64. When it was obvious the company was going bankrupt, the government ordered all their assets to be frozen.
65. He was made bankrupt for failing to pay debts totalling over £2 million.
66. As the recession bites harder, many small companies are going bankrupt.sentencedict .com
67. He was declared bankrupt after failing to pay a £114m loan guarantee.
68. The threat of going bankrupt is very unpleasant but it certainly concentrates the mind.
69. Supporters rallied to his assistance when he was declared bankrupt.
70. Many local businesses are having difficulties, and some have even gone bankrupt.
71. The choice facing the company is simple: diversify or go bankrupt.
72. Their backs are to the wall. If they don't find another creditor, they will go bankrupt.
73. When he went bankrupt he lost everything, and ended up living on skid row for a few years.
74. Our business is at the crossroads: if this deal succeeds, our future is assured; if not, we shall be bankrupt.
75. The bankrupt and the men to whom he owed money arranged an accommodation.
76. Soon after, the company itself went bankrupt.
77. For all practical purposes, the country is bankrupt.
78. The bankrupt was sentenced to 12 months' imprisonment.
79. The state is virtually bankrupt.
80. What are they trying to do, bankrupt us?
81. His archaic anti-Western policies were bankrupt, he now realized.
82. Q.. Are there any alternatives to going bankrupt?
83. Within a year he was bankrupt.
84. He was declared bankrupt in the High Court yesterday.
85. The company was adjudged bankrupt.
86. Florida law prohibits punitive damages that bankrupt companies.
87. Mr Zherditsky's bank was declared bankrupt in 1997.
88. Over six thousand northern firms went bankrupt.
89. Clarion Press has been declared bankrupt.
90. Some residents of Villa Aspara are unhappy that their developer went bankrupt and was unable to complete the condominiums, Gregory said.
91. On his release from prison as an undischarged bankrupt, he changed his name from Bowesfield to Sinclair.
92. He lent him several thousand dollars to help rescue his bankrupt textile business.
93. The Citizen's Advice Bureau says more than 150 people have applied to be made bankrupt in three months.
94. But politicians have borrowed decency from these words with such abandon, they are bankrupt.
95. Sections 238 and 239 are matched by comparable provisions, in sections 339 to 342, regarding individuals who are adjudged bankrupt.
96. Although he is now officially bankrupt, the underworld mastermind still has a multi-million-pound property empire.
97. At yesterday's private hearing in the High Court Kevin Maxwell was officially declared bankrupt for a record £406million.
98. For example your own columns continually describe Equitable as if it is bankrupt, in trouble, or in crisis.
99. Charles Keating, once a successful Phoenix property developer, has become the bankrupt symbol of the multi-billion dollar savings-and-loan debacle.
100. According to local folklore the contractor, who went bankrupt, was the first inmate detained for non payment of debts.
101. Many small businesses will go bankrupt unless interest rates fall.
102. The business won't go bankrupt, but that's cold comfort to the 15 people who lost their jobs.
103. The landowners had not been paid, the company went bankrupt and thereafter spent the rest of its corporate life in Chancery.
104. Then Conley got mixed up with Charlie Keating and somehow lost millions of dollars, eventually ending up bankrupt.
105. On 23 May 1983 a receiving order was made, and on 11 November 1983 Mr. Dennis was adjudicated bankrupt.
106. If that fails, the paper will be declared bankrupt and close.
107. Many thousands of decent people of all classes were made bankrupt in that way.
108. A number of the company's debts were written off even before they went bankrupt.
109. Under our law, a subsidiary can go bankrupt and normally the parent company will not be liable for its debts.
110. He realized that it would bankrupt the company if he continued the expansion.
111. Mr Begg gave warning that the consequences of being declared bankrupt would be harsh and severe.
112. When Quaker tea merchant Joseph Fry went bankrupt in 1828 his monthly meeting disowned him.
113. The family took out a 39 percent loan after Mr Harris was made bankrupt.
114. Mr Travers, a plasterer, who had lost his house when he had been made bankrupt, opened the window slowly.
115. The cards can be redeemed at special shops stocked with goods seized from bankrupt and failing enterprises in lieu of taxes.
116. A former grocer from Rector Street, at twenty he had gone bankrupt trying to run a cigar store on Pearl Street.
117. Skase was charged with two counts of corruption in May 1991, and was declared bankrupt on June 13.
118. But the project was all massively exaggerated by O'Rourke, a Walter Mitty conman just declared bankrupt.
119. The number of bankrupt individuals is growing, according to statistics from the Department of Trade and Industry.
120. The position of a trustee for a bankrupt certificate-holder is dealt with in note D below.
121. Given the margins on most computer deals and the time it takes to organise shipment, this will bankrupt most companies.
122. The former brewing, media and property magnate went bankrupt in April owing millions of pounds.
123. The bankrupt cattle barons dismissed thousands of hired hands, who were forced to find new careers.
124. The co-op went bankrupt during the Great Depression, said Gross, and maintenance slowly ground to a halt.
125. Mum has been a lot more cheerful since Quigley was declared bankrupt, insane and guilty of fraud.
126. The conservative critique along such lines argues that liberalism is morally bankrupt.
126. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
127. He claimed that American political leaders were morally bankrupt for not meeting welfare needs.
128. It arose out of an action for professional negligence against a firm of accountants, but the person bringing the action went bankrupt.
129. If you go bankrupt my earnings will be our only fallback.
130. By 1815, a brief postwar upsurge in trade had been and gone and in the same year they went bankrupt.
131. The boll weevil infests cotton fields and millionaires go bankrupt.
132. Many of the industries chosen for government investment have in fact already gone bankrupt.
133. Both Venables and Sugar attended a 90-minute board meeting at the club which agreed to dismiss Ashby, an alleged undischarged bankrupt.
134. As Turbosoft were not a limited liability company, the proprietors are personally liable for the losses and could be made bankrupt.
135. More than 1, 000 companies a month have gone bankrupt for 35 months now.
136. Being declared bankrupt also disqualifies you from holding certain public offices.
137. The UN warned creditors to ease Brazil's debt burden or see the country go bankrupt.
138. Part of the answer is of course that they have little choice if, for example, the firm is made bankrupt.
139. I don't want to be left in the backwash when Gilson realizes the company's going bankrupt.
140. The risk of California's electricity utilities going bankrupt has added to the market's jitters.
141. Five years ago she was a successful actress, but now she is bankrupt.
142. Many were polluted years or decades ago by companies that are now defunct or bankrupt.
143. She married a weakling who turned into a bankrupt, and in helping save her husband she bankrupted her uncle.
144. In a few years you will blow your brains out, a bankrupt.
145. Obviously, the cost of building and installing a sys-tem big enough to support the average family would bankrupt a small nation.
146. Canceling the tour not only would bankrupt the club, Pascoe said, but also ruin its reputation.
147. The bankruptcy order does not act as an automatic stay of all proceedings against the bankrupt.
148. Things became even more difficult when one of his principal backers went bankrupt.
149. Investors lost their savings and some businessmen, more particularly the smaller ones, went bankrupt.
150. Some people work for a firm that goes bankrupt; some people invest early in Rank Xerox.
151. There were 85, 000 businesses bankrupt, 5, 000 bank failures, 275, 000 families evicted from their homes.
152. Many of its councillors would be surcharged, disqualified and probably made bankrupt.
153. The Anglican Church has said it may go bankrupt as a result of payments to former students.
154. It looked for a moment as if Farm Credit might go bankrupt.
155. A successful prosecution would bankrupt it, leading to large-scale redundancies in an area of high unemployment.
156. The extension was refused at head office; the jeweller went bankrupt.
156. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
157. The best remedy for a creditor owed more than £50 was to make his debtor bankrupt.
158. After this drought, by this summer, a lot more farmers will go bankrupt.
159. He was declared bankrupt earlier this year, having lost a libel action against Mr Fayed.
160. Pan Am was delivered to the courts hamstrung, bankrupt and ripe for dispatch as a scapegoat.
161. I have to say, it surprises me that they haven't gone bankrupt before now.
162. There are fears the new law could bankrupt some small businesses.
163. Q.. What happens to my assets if I am made bankrupt?
164. But the annexation of the other planets of the Althosian system had left Nicaea economically and morally bankrupt.
165. All parties who attend such an examination, including the bankrupt, may employ solicitors or counsel to represent them.
166. The firms involved have ended up bankrupt or deep in debt, healthy companies turned into cripples.
167. Kemp went bankrupt, and there were insufficient purchasers to complete the grand design.
168. Unemployment soared, and many small producers of cash crops went bankrupt.
169. There are already 80 casino operations and owners fear the star's Vegas-style resort will bankrupt them by luring away gamblers.
170. Right before the scheduled opening, the company that was to operate the facility became bankrupt.
171. Nevertheless, he set about the seemingly hopeless task of making a bankrupt Command a going concern.
172. The enemy's scheme went bankrupt.
173. The commercial bank is emerged or declares bankrupt before the end of the term of the take-over.
174. China's bankrupt system has formed many obstructions against the conversion of assets security in its "actual sale" and in its exertion of the rights of countervail and differentiation.
175. Unlisted Daewoo was placed under a debt rescheduling programme after its parent group went bankrupt in 1999. Since restructuring under creditors it focuses on TVs, air conditioners and refrigerators.
176. The company went bankrupt and consequently he lost his job.
177. For some, it's that you'll lose your mortgage and become bankrupt.
178. The company is bankrupt.
179. The bankrupt must also assign all of his patents to the receiver.
180. None of those who propose to renounce Bolshevism as an historically bankrupt tendency has indicated any other course.
181. "Bankrupt" includes bankrupt under the Federal Bankruptcy Act or insolvent under any state insolvent act. "Conveyance" includes every assignment, lease, mortgage, or encumbrance.




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