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单词 poundage
释义  Related topics: Financepound·age /ˈpaʊndɪdʒ/ noun [uncountable]  1. BFCOST technical an amount charged for every pound in weight, or for every British £1 in value 按每磅重量的收费;按每英镑价值计算的收费2. informalFAT weight 重量Examples from the Corpuspoundage• The rate is then expressed as a poundage on the rateable value.• Men's extra poundage is usually in the stomach area.• Neither is buoyant as a source of revenue, without unpopular increases in poundage or amounts.• Blackwell and Deane received a basic salary plus poundage according to the level of military spending.• First, a variation in rate poundage across the country did not necessarily imply a corresponding variation in rates actually paid.• The amount each business pays is the rateable value multiplied by the rate poundage.• The rate poundage is set by local councils and for Oxford in 1989-90 it is 291.1p in the pound.• His authority is total and in effect the tax rate, the poundage, is a national tax, locally varied.• Never again did he balloon to dangerous proportions, but his battle with unwanted poundage proved to be a lifelong struggle.From Longman Business Dictionarypoundagepound‧age /ˈpaʊndɪdʒ/ noun [uncountable]FINANCETAX a charge or tax made on each pound in money or in weightIf the house was valued at £30,000 and the local poundage was 2p in the pound, the tax would be £30,000 × 0.02 or £600 a year.The measurements indicate the poundage of textile products that different clothing imports contain.pound·age nounChineseSyllable   Corpus an every weight, Business or amount for charged in pound




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