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单词 Price theory
1. Still central to much of contemporary price theory is the model of perfect competition.
2. The details of capital asset pricing theory are well beyond the scope of this book.
3. The study of price theory in westward can be traced back to several centuries ago.
4. To improve on the traditional price theory it is necessary to do the following.
5. In the tax price theory, tax is the price that taxpayers pay for consuming public goods, so the exchange relationship of the two sides of tax administration is equal in essence.
6. Using tax price theory for reference, we should endow the taxpayers with the essential right based on the individual and from the angle of benefit exchange relationship.
7. The thesis involves two theories: utility price theory and architectural programming theory.
8. Confidence in price theory, are based on market opinion to analyze the mentality of the stock.
9. The fluctuations of price could make a balance between supply and demand, according to traditional price theory, which helps to achieve price stability and economy development.
10. Then, review the general law of price running and the price theory of Marxian, which base on production price.
11. Main concentration uses a system to research two fields in resource price theory and resource.
12. This paper analyses economic problem of sandstorm based on population, game theory and product price theory.
12. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
13. The paper tries to analyze the cause of which the traditional price theory loses the power of explanation.
14. Based on this paper's objective and meaning, the water price system simulation model that is based on the system engineering, water price theory, input-output analysis is presented.
15. Targeted the actions of single economic unit, with the sensible distribution of resources as the major issue needed to be solved, this course considers price theory as central theory.




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