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单词 That depends
1. We may go out next Sunday, but that depends.
2. I think that depends on one's opinion.
3. That depends where you live.
4. That depends how to tackle the problem.
5. That depends what he will do next.
6. That depends ( on ) how to tackle the problem.
7. And one that depends on government policies.
8. That depends on your pain threshold.
9. However, that depends on a future legal decision.
10. That depends on the facts of the particular situation.
11. To some extent that depends on the types of taxes and expenditures that are used to limit income differences.
12. That depends, Sir,' said Disraeli, 'whether I embrace your policies or your mistress.'. Benjamin Disraeli 
13. That depends on the state law. Religious objections have been raised by parents and students to various parts of the curriculum.
14. It is a finely tuned art that depends on the perceptive skills and sound judgment of the consultant.
15. While Cooley bets his intellectual life upon inquiry that depends upon such methods, these strategies for learning may fall away.
16. It is a stylised drama with understated dialogue that depends on recognition of key words and concepts.
17. That depends very much on the approach of some individuals.http://
18. Well, that depends whether you'd rather shield them from such things or prepare them for it.
19. But Murray knows that depends on Pool staying clear of injury problems.
20. PATRICK DONAHOE: "As a self-financing entity that depends on the sale of postage for its revenues, the Postal Service requires the ability to operate more as a business does."
21. Mr. Adams said courteously, " That depends on Kay, I think.
22. K is a constant that depends on the service rate ( see the Safety stock coefficient ).
23. L: A crapshoot is something that depends totally on luck.
24. That depends on how much your application uses version 5.0 of the Java platform's new mechanism for safeguarding code blocks from concurrent access.
25. This approach does not solve the problem of continuity that depends on more than the single preceding node.
26. It happens sometimes that the fictive marriage turns into a real one, but that depends on the couple.
27. Amount of temperature change depends linearly on the molality of B, with a constant that depends on what the mixture is.
28. It automatically removes words that are listed more than once and opens a new dropdown selection menu that depends on the previous selection referencing to our database.
29. Actually the floor joins whether firmly, be absent lock is progressional how many, and the angle pouring wine cup that depends on locking up gusset plate and size of area pouring wine cup.
30. Optimization algorithms are provided for a class of closed queueing networks with a general performance cost that depends on both the state of the network systems and the service rate of each server.
1. We may go out next Sunday, but that depends.
2. I think that depends on one's opinion.
3. That depends ( on ) how to tackle the problem.
31. That depends on your money value, is moneygrubber or treating money sensible?
32. Actually the floor joins whether firmly, be absent lock is progressional how many, and material of the structure that depends on lock, base material pledges and machine precision to wait.
33. In one dimension, any force that depends only on position is conservative.
34. That depends on what the Examiner finds when he studies our specification.
35. I also like variety show, but that depends on the host or hostess.
36. " Will you come back this day week? " " That depends. "
37. Well , that depends on the total value of your property under coverage.
38. The titlebar has a foldout arrow, a help icon, and a settings menu that depends on the type of the object supplied.
39. A new method is provided to measure the gravitational constant G that depends on the density of the body.




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