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单词 Antiquity
1. Their inquiries ascend to the antiquity.
2. Cannabis has been used for medicinal purposes since antiquity.
3. The museum contains the remains of Chinese antiquity.
4. The statue was brought to Rome in antiquity .
5. A number of the monuments are of considerable antiquity.
6. Marihuana has been used for medicinal purposes since antiquity.
7. The common household fork was nearly unknown in antiquity.
8. Athens is a city of great antiquity.
9. Archaeologists found 40 bodies of varying antiquity in the area.
10. Acupuncture has been used as medical means since antiquity in China.
11. After all, suburbs have a very respectable antiquity.
12. It follows the restrained style associated with classical antiquity.
13. The mammalian carnivores are also of some antiquity.
14. Bickerman argued that in antiquity big enterprises of translation were due to public, not private, initiative.
15. Until late antiquity Vulso's triumph remained a byword for luxury.
16. The greatest Pharaonic inscription was defaced in antiquity; the disgraced Roman Third Legion had its name hacked away.
17. All over the world, rocks of this antiquity were carefully searched for organic remains.
18. Second, it shows how in antiquity an absolute imperial monarch used the arts to bolster his rule.
19. These pieces of pop antiquity might sound like cartoon music to contemporary ears.
20. Relatively few have survived from antiquity, since silver became scarce and a much sought after commodity in the late Empire.
21. For the first time in classical antiquity the nuclear family had assumed a central role in the politics of state.
22. The awareness of the world's antiquity which was often with me seemed to intensify, to be a solace.
22. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
23. The origins of this ancient structure are lost in antiquity.
24. Before creating this sculpture, she studied all the masterpieces of classical antiquity.
25. The spread of this belief marks the divide between the mental outlook of Classical antiquity and that of the Middle Ages.
26. Other reactionary politicians vie to appropriate historical symbols of pre-communist antiquity.
27. The affinities between music and poetry have been familiar since antiquity, though they are largely ignored in the current intellectual climate.
28. Radiogenic studies indicate that there have been metasomatic enrichment events of comparable antiquity in the mantle.
29. There was a dank, sour smell to everything, a smell of decay and great antiquity.
30. The superior man acquaints himself with many sayings of antiquity and many deeds of the past, in order to strengthen his character thereby. John Milton 
1. Cannabis has been used for medicinal purposes since antiquity.
2. The statue was brought to Rome in antiquity .
3. The origins of this ancient structure are lost in antiquity.
4. Marihuana has been used for medicinal purposes since antiquity.
5. Acupuncture has been used as medical means since antiquity in China.
31. Only one desert civilization, out of dozens that grew up in antiquity, has survived uninterrupted into modern times.
32. The bust was mutilated in late antiquity, probably by Christians who carved a cross in the forehead.
33. Beyond its antiquity, it is hard to say precisely what makes the Old Course such a pleasure.
34. Bouvet compares the corpus of the Changes to a precious residue left from antiquity.
35. For the Renaissance: a reverential longing to recapture classical antiquity.
36. A similarly close relation ship may be seen between ivory and some of the most important precious stones used in antiquity.
37. The nose is mutilated; the bust was apparently deliberately buried in late antiquity with a companion piece of slightly later date.
38. Prehistoric archaeologists the world over have increasingly focussed attention on the ecological and economic aspects of life in antiquity.
39. In antiquity it was believed the different classes of animals were composed of different kinds of matter.
40. Were they really placed as milestones or could we be on the track of the elusive mark stones of great antiquity?
41. In deep antiquity, vast, sprawling empires rose and fell, usually the result of happenstance rather than deliberation.
42. Most surviving examples are funerary, often commissioned quickly in response to unexpected death from disease, by no means uncommon in antiquity.
43. How cunningly nature hides every wrinkle of her inconceivable antiquity under roses and violets and morning dew. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
44. Nevertheless, it did have important consequences within the scholarly study of antiquity itself.
45. This description owes its quaint sound partly to its antiquity, and partly to ambiguity.
46. Its origins are lost in antiquity but the Rock has probably ben used as a fortress from the Iron Age.
47. Antiquity, aesthetics and prejudice are colliding in a confused debate.
48. St Sophia still survives and is generally accepted as one of the great buildings of antiquity.
49. The Kalahari only partly closes the way to the South; and the Sahara was crossed as early as classical antiquity.
50. For most philosophers of classical antiquity the world was both animate and divine.
51. At the base there is a locally derived ground moraine that may be a remnant glacial deposit of much greater antiquity.
52. Ivory continued to serve many of the same purposes in Christendom as it did in Classical antiquity.
53. From rings she went on to study and catalogue collections of cameos and other jewels from antiquity to the present.
54. A mild example of this from antiquity was the Roman Saturnalia at the time of the winter solstice.
55. Incubation has of course a long and reputable history in antiquity.
56. Duncan reminds us of the antiquity of the propensity to quantify the doings of people in various ways.
57. Roman funerary customs; art and mythology; women in classical antiquity.
58. An array of sculpture is also on view,[http:///antiquity.html] revealing the influence of mythology and foreign culture in classical antiquity.
59. Only the west provided a relatively easy route through which populations might have entered this region in deep antiquity.
60. Even in the sciences it was thought in later antiquity that all wisdom lay in the past.
61. The building fell in an earthquake in late antiquity, but all its features are recoverable.
62. According to our present knowledge, this machine was the nearest the artificers of antiquity came to inventing a truly mechanical clock.
63. The magnificent theatre at Aspendos is the best preserved example of antiquity.
64. This hairstyle proved pervasive, lasting with minor variations into late antiquity.
65. The most astonishing thing about this object is its antiquity.
66. This is not a structural defect - only a sign of antiquity.
67. Animals and plants of remote antiquity turned to fossils.
68. Concern for fracture has surely existed back to antiquity.
69. It indicates the antiquity of the tradition.
70. Books of authority are all of some antiquity.
71. Our inquiries ascend to the remotest antiquity.
72. Homer was a great man of antiquity.
73. Nowadays the imitation amulet looks like the real one except the antiquity.
74. Carthaginian general, one of the great military leaders of antiquity.
75. Siva - Buddha was thus as Indian cloak sheltering a native cult of great antiquity and power.
76. A number of stars have possessed names since antiquity — Aldebaran, for instance, means "the follower" in Arabic, as it seems to follow the Pleiades, or Seven Sisters star cluster, across the sky.
77. The Roman legion was the ultimate military formation of antiquity.
78. So as Rabbinic ideas and as Rabbinic practices developed in late antiquity,they taught that they should reject the Greek bible,not use the Greek bible.
79. Shihchi records, antiquity time, Chu being in vogue witch wind, the people believe in polytheism.
80. Herma's mausoleum was one of the most remarkable discoveries of Roman antiquity.
81. Truffle: Edible, underground fungus in the genus Tuber (class Ascomycetes, division Mycota), prized as a food delicacy since antiquity.
82. The origins of Chinese erotica and pornography can be traced way back into antiquity.
82. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
83. Both Greek Christian and Latin Christian theological paradigms in Late Antiquity are related closely with Plotinus' Neo- Platonism , their theologies are based on Plotinus' philosophy.
84. Cappadocian Fathers review the theological debates between Nicene Fathers and Arianism since 325, and established Greek Christian theological paradigm in Late Antiquity.
85. But antiquity now is a yellow dust, Confusing in the grasses its ruins and white Bones .
86. Walking into the Courtyard 7, you will feel and smell its antiquity and rusticity .
87. Please describe the development of scholasticism in antiquity and the early Middle Ages.
88. Despite their antiquity, their bodies were already starting to presage humanity, the scientists said.
89. Levirate was a prevalent marriage system among antiquity nationalities in China. And it was also a special form in the marriage history of China.
90. The Oracle Bone Inscriptions is a kind of antiquity and beautiful character, an integrated symbol, and an unique graphic symbol.
91. The use of dogs in warfare dates back to the late antiquity the Greco - Roman world.
92. Surgical disease, or the surgical response to disease is of similar antiquity.
93. Capella is in the constellation Auriga the Charioteer, but since antiquity it has carried the name "Goat Star."
94. The town was famous in antiquity for its white bulls.
95. A roofless, oval enclosure surrounded by tiers of seats that was used in antiquity for public spectacles.
96. All of these ideas were first explored in antiquity and can be found in Roman villas, Georgian mansions, French chateaux, and in the prairie houses of Frank Lloyd Wright.
97. ARCHIMEDES of Syracuse is hailed by some as the greatest mathematician of antiquity.
98. In antiquity, the chestnut tree was regarded in Greece the tree of Zeus.
99. Their antiquity is stupendous, dating back some 36,000 years B.C.
100. The use of dogs in warfare dates back to the late antiquity of the Greco-Roman world.
101. My meeting with Sadat was thus sandwiched between the contemplations of antiquity.
102. Greek historian. Considered the greatest historian of antiquity, he wrote a critical history oft he Peloponnesian War that contains the funeral oration of Pericles.
103. His silly jokes, chestnuts of great antiquity, made Bertha sweat coldly.
104. But today west doctor-patient relation stresses connecting antiquity medical ethics with modern ethics rulers organically, and seeks a correspondence of ethics rules and medical ethics character.
105. The Comparison: The Sea God Image Between Greek Myth and Chinese Antiquity Myth.
106. Where the Egyptian method had been constructional, and that of classical antiquity anthropometric, that of the Middle Ages may be described as schematic.
107. The necessary conditions were lacking in antiquity for a development and utilization of machinery.
108. At first once performed to the heathenism temple or the spacious building to rebuild, simultaneously the mold in the style of antiquity Rome rectangle meeting hall form constructed the Christ church.
109. Some of the third - story rooms, though dark and low, were interesting from their air of antiquity.
110. Thereon, some pilgrims and writers, even Chateaubriand, have tried to build arguments as to the antiquity of the olives, but without winning much conviction.
111. A new dam combines history with reality, antiquity with modernity and solidness with softness.
112. In antiquity Greece doctor-patient relation stresses the medical ethics of benefiting patients in the west.
113. The primitiveness in stamen morphology of the Schisandra staminate flowers is also discussed, which might agree with the origin antiquity of the genus.
114. The modern suit's padded shoulder has the whiff of an epaulette while accentuating the V-shaped torso of classical antiquity so sought by Brummel.
115. During the Ch'ing dynasty k'ao-cheng scholars advocated a program to reconstruct missing sources from antiquity.
116. In the background, a bas relief illustrating the sports disciplines from Antiquity. Behind, a Greek temple.
117. Strategically important from antiquity, the Dardanelles was defended by Troy from its position on the Asian side.
118. It has an origin lost in the mists of antiquity.
119. In Greek and Roman antiquity homosexuality was already considered a mental illness.
120. Chinese strategic culture is full of supernatural color, it roots in remote antiquity, and its branch and leaf grow in the modern society, which is in a class by oneself in the world history.
121. No literary work of antiquity, including the fictional, comes close to the accuracy of the extant OT and NT MSS.
122. Christian and Latin Christian theological paradigms in Late Antiquity are related closely with Plotinus' Neo- Platonism, their theologies are based on Plotinus' philosophy.
123. Nowadays, the term 'lesbian' is used in relation to homosexual women and is derived from Lesbos, the name of the Greek island on which the lesbian poet Sappho lived in antiquity.
124. The roots of this doctrine date back into antiquity but have a firm foundation in Aristotelean natural philosophy.
125. Saturn is an important key to understanding the long heritage this conspiracy has back to antiquity. The city of Rome was originally known as Saturnia or City of Saturn.
126. From the customary law in remote antiquity to the written law after the Mongolia dynasty, laws were consisted of or reflected the content of protecting.
127. There is not a human culture in existence now or in antiquity that has not had music as part of religious ritual.
128. Though the peripheral rooms were looted antiquity , the burial itself remained untouched.




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