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单词 Reformation
1, The revolution caused a radical reformation of the society.
2, He devoted his energies to the reformation of science.
3, He's undergone something of a reformation - he's a changed man.
4, When Boehme wrote, the Reformation was still fresh.
5, After the Reformation, many Catholics recanted to avoid punishment.
6, During and after the Reformation, attitudes changed more quickly.
7, It was not until the Reformation in 1660 that the spiced loaves were replaced by hot cross buns.
8, The huge sell-out reformation shows earlier this year were something they never achieved in their chart heyday.
9, Whatever the cause, the reformation of our family, with Dad at the head, never again came to be.
10, Even during the Reformation it was biblical scenes likely to promote superstition and idolatry that came down.
11, The Reformation accelerated this process, even though the Bible had become the primary if not the sole authority of the churches.
12, After the Reformation the monasteries were largely destroyed or fell into ruin.
13, In the Reformation this had been North-South between Protestants and Catholics.
14, In so far as he contended for a reformation of poetic diction, he undertook a useful task.
15, Not that the leaders of the Reformation were blind to this.
16, The Synod's declarations prevailed de jure but not de facto in the Roman Catholic Church down to the Reformation era.
17, The second part of Duffy's book is a detailed chronology of the Reformation.
18, Advanced classes study the classical works of the most influential writers of the Patristic, Medieval,[http:///reformation.html] Reformation and Modern periods.
19, The scene of many public ceremonies and processions prior to the Reformation, the church underwent many alterations.
20, Miracles were performed at his tomb and until the Reformation there was a cult of St Richard the Hermit there.
21, Protestant humanism was the source from which the great flood of the Reformation flowed between the fifteenth and the sixteenth centuries.
22, In the sixteenth century, opposition to the religious implications of Copernican cosmology came initially from the Reformation.
23, The contemplatives, however, with whom Scale 2 is chiefly concerned, go further into reformation in feeling.
24, Sandys set out the ways and means of his reformation in the form of a five-year rolling programme.
25, Paragraph 3 of Article 10 states that the essential aim of the penal system is reformation and social rehabilitation.
26, There is of course nothing new in finding new uses: Malmesbury Abbey after the Reformation became Britain's first clothing factory.
27, It was the corruption of the Roman Catholic clergy in medieval times that paved the way for the Reformation.
28, This is the distance travelled to the greater security of reformation in feeling.
29, His writings and public orations constantly attack Protestantism and blame the Reformation for many ills.
30, Haigh's denial of the existence of anti-clericalism on the eve of the Reformation is a case in point.
1, The revolution caused a radical reformation of the society.
31, Morality and pacifist emotion were the driving forces behind much of the uninformed criticism of the Sandys Reformation.
32, After the Reformation several were ordained in the Anglican Church while others became active Nonconformists.
33, The reformation in faith is of fundamental importance to all who wish to lay hold on their inheritance of health.
34, Almost losing his life in his effort at reformation, Andrew joined the Theatines.
35, His general purpose was to humanize prison conditions and to provide prisoners with opportunities for personal reformation.
36, After the Reformation, Protestants broke away from Catholicism.
37, Undoubtedly this will bring the reformation of marketing system.
38, The Protestant Reformation, and especially the rising energies of Puritanism in the early seventeenth century, are beginning to do a lot to change this state of affairs.
39, It came out just prior to the protestant reformation and it was one of the most popular books amongst the reformers who were wanting to smash "evil" out of their countries.
40, Part 1: Introduction. In this part, three issues are discussed. The first one: Why the reformation of performance budget in China is essential?
41, The new geography curriculum level puts in a claim to the reformation of the pedagogic method.
42, It has been proved in facts that reformation and opening to the world is the key road to develop China's characteristic socialism and to carry out Chinese people's great reviviscence.
43, Multimedia teaching is the important current of didactical instrument reformation.
44, With the reformation and opening in China, people's living level is becoming more and more high, and the desire for the green and the space is more and more strong.
45, To adapt to the reformation of retirement pension system, the enterprise should regenerate the pension accounting.
46, Synaptic vesicles are recycled with remarkable speed and precision in nerve terminals. Clathrin mediated endocytosis plays a key role in synaptic vesicle reformation.
47, After the Great Geographical Discovery and Religious Reformation in Europe, A lot of the Society of Jesus missionary came to China in Ming and Qing dynasty.
48, Its mineralization can be divided into three phases , deposition phase , metamorphism phase and reformation phase.
49, The reformation of examination method is the substantial of the teaching reformatory.
50, But the cause of individual freedom was enhanced by the Protestant Reformation.
51, We use ADW4.0 workstation to produce multi planar reformation (MPR) and maximal intensity projection (MIP) in order to visualize peripancreatic veins.
52, Beginning with the revolution started by Martin Luther, leader of the Protestant Reformation in Germany in the 16th century, Europe was wracked by religious wars for several hundred years.
53, The economic system reform promotes the step of the administration reformation.
54, After reformation, ore - crushing size reduces obviously and Remarkable economic results have been achieved.
55, JUDGE having sentenced a Malefactor to the penitentiary was proceeding to point out to him the disadvantages of crime and the profit of reformation.
56, At model is erected. ordos basin developed from Mid - late Triassic to Early Cretaceous, then, underwent reformation.
57, After Margaret Hilda Thatcher came into power, she promulgated a comprehensive reformation of market under the influence of the New Liberalism.
58, It was found that most teachers and students had realized the importance of the extemporary accompaniment, and more reformation in this area had been carried out.
59, In the course of the catholic reform, in 1517, the protestant reformation launched by a friar of Augustine monastery in the Holy RomanEmpire happened.
60, It is introduced that after the reformation of fixed exchange rate system, zero-average reserve requirement system is practiced based on zero-average settlement balance in Mexico.
61, Under the salt reformation by Liu Yan in the Tang Dynasty, the cooperation be tween the government and the businessmen was actually to redivide property rights and to reallocate wealth.
62, Part 5 is about auxiliary work of the indirect tax reformation.
63, This paper expounds the necessity of steam coal bunker reformation in Duerping Mine, and gives the technical scheme and construction scheme of reformation of unloading chamber in steam coal bunker.
64, Then, this thesis points out the existing problems and reformation measures of German dual-system vocational education.
65, It was just around the corner from the St. Thomas Church where Johann Sebastian Bach was once cantor, and where Martin Luther introduced the Protestant Reformation to Leipzig in 1539.
66, Scheme design of mine filling system reformation project is introduced, induding instrument, electricity, control system and industrial video integration.
67, The crux to resolve the social unjustness is to deepen every reformation, especially the polity system innovation.
68, A popular misconception among Reformation students is that Luther affirmed and promoted "consubstantiation, " but neither Luther nor the Lutheran church ever accepted that term.
69, Since the housing reformation took place in 1998, the scale of estate mortgage become bigger and bigger. At the same time, securitized mortgage instruments will enter finance markets.
70, The introduction of collateral obligation is a reformation of traditional contract law.
71, Identifying design patterns from source code is one of the most promising methods for improving software maintainability, reusing experience and facilitating software reformation.
72, Objective : To evaluate the value of multi - planar reformation ( MPR ) in the patients with dissecting aneurysm of aorta ( DAA ).
73, In fact, the reformation is the redistribution between the float shareholders and the non - float shareholders.
74, He never begins his cherished project for the reformation of criminals.
75, This paper introduces the state before reformation of Xinghua Coal Washing Plant, analyzes why to carry on the reformation of the raw coal system.
76, Administrative Pattern is the end condition of administrative system reformation.
77, With the development of rural economy and the thorough reformation of market system, the rural traditional security pattern has lost its economic base and lapsed into a state of congealment.
78, The heterogeneity of the rurality and urbanity is clear-cutly presented in the great fission of knowledge status between the rural and the urban due to the reformation of educational system.
79, College Logistics in China is an important part of university reformation. The socialization of College Logistics solves the bottleneck problem of university development.
80, The reformation of the Basic Old Age Insurance of our country is started in 1997, the target of which is to fund a system pattern integration of social pool planning with personal account.
81, Second semester: Renaissance and Reformation, the Enlightenment, and the rise of the nation-state and modern warfare.
82, The invention of printing by Johann Gutenberg provided a powerful instrument for the spread of learning and Reformation ideas.
83, National treasury centralized payment system is a main content of financial system reformation.
84, Political diathetic education is the key problem of deepening educational reformation and advancing complete diathetic education. I.
85, It is our present center job to take the talent's training mode reformation and the open education pilot project as the turning point, and realize the reform of tea...
86, Appropritiate measures are presented for the technical reformation and technical management.
87, The procedure for reformation and the new spiral-tube type of air preheater used may be well observed by other thermal power plants where boilers are fired with low quality coals .
88, The Protestant Reformation of the 16th century rejected the prevailing concept of marriage along with many other Catholic doctrines.
89, Today's animation industry is confronting a tough reformation, while it is increasingly important to explore, systemize, and apply the local culture.
90, Forex margin deal is cosmopolitan investment means, which is not opened in china at present , but it will be first or late under the boosting of our finance market reformation step.
91, The normal Kriging is a reformation and innovation to the traditional calculation of reserves.
92, The course development in solid state physics is important section of teaching reformation.
93, Portfolio assessment is one of important mode of qualitative evaluation, it was paid more and more attention under the background of educational evaluation reformation by people.
94, The professionalization of teacher is a principal subject of the teacher's reformation nowadays in our county.
95, Maniac wrote the lyrics from the reformation of the band until his departure in 2004.
96, The Council of Trent (Italian: Trento) was an ecumenical council of the Catholic Church held in discontinuous sessions between 1545 and 1563 in response to the Protestant Reformation.
97, In order to prevent the reformation of subdural effusion, it is recommended that evacuation of the effusion should be followed by tearing the arachnoid membrane of ci...
98, The hygienical reformation is the topic for discussion of many govements.
99, The measure and benefit of inverter PID closed-loop control reformation were introduced.
100, Fiscal system is the important part of the whole economy system, and it's reformation makes the most significance in the whole economy system reformation.
101, Reorganization and reformation of petroleum industry is a arm twisting behavior of system revolution.
102, Part I: The reformation of the commission system follows the tide.
103, The configuration plan, digital control system reformation and its control performance of roll grinder in Hot-rolled Strip Plant of Liugang were introduced.
104, The circuit can be used as reference for technical reformation in middle or small steel bar mill.
105, It is urgent for us to follow the reformation principles of gradual advance, classification and elasticity to carry out "many centers education system" and to govern coordinately.
106, They share and are generated from the social background of the great geographical discovery, the Reformation, the monasterial life style and the urbanization process.
107, Active innovative undertaking activities bring forward a large number of medium and small enterprises, accelerate technology innovation and reformation, and solve a lot of employment problem.
108, Print fueled the Protestant Reformation,[http:///reformation.html] which did indeed destroy the Church's pan-European hold on intellectual life.
109, The checking, reward and punishment system is a basic system of punishment execution. It mainly serves in the demand of criminal reformation. Generally to say, it is reasonable.
110, There is a growing tendency of conglomeration along with the in - depth reformation and opening in China.
111, As the opening behavior in the justification behavior system, appropriate reformation of this issue is changing it to opening statement and providing clear outline for the justification.
112, The reformation and opening policy in China will be pushed forward, and a sound and improved market of China will be promoted due to the multilateral trade system of WTO.
113, This paper emphatically introduced the reformation scheme of cone angle setting mechanism on warper.
114, Finished the technical reformation of asphalt felt product line again last year.
115, The reformation of the church had begun in Europe a century ago.
116, The Swiss defeat in the Battle of Marignano in 1515 and the Zwingli"s Reformation in some cantons led to inter-cantonal wars in 1529 and 1531.
117, Establishing the perfect system of witness' testification in court is beneficial to promote the execution of litigation mode of accusation and defense, to push the reformation of court judgment.
118, The significance, feature, guaranty, implementation and evaluation of synthetic test are discussed to train medical talents and promote the reformation of synthetic test of morphology.
119, The reformation of mother liquor concentration process in producing glyphosate was introduced in this paper.
120, It is our present center job to take the talent's training mode reformation and the open education pilot project as the turning point, and realize the reform of teaching mode.
121, Its purpose is to provide a reference to our reformation of governmental accounting report.
122, Under the guidance of Constructionist, mathematical education software are facing great reformation.
123, The reformation of the flowsheet of producing potassium chloride from salt lake brine in Chaerhan area was introduced briefly and systematically.
124, An important reformation to the phase de modulation system for specific environment was introduced.
125, Due to the dramatic increase of meter reading task after the reformation of rural power network, automatic meter reading is hence necessary.
126, With the development of economy and the promotion of reformation in our country, lots of main mineral productions and consumptions have come out top in the world.
127, Aiming at presently nonstandard government income pattern, that is "fee bigger than tax" , the "fee to tax" is a reformation assignment and a policy opinion.
128, Combined with practical reformation project the application of jacked culvert technology is introduced for the cable tunnel passing through the foundation of existed buildings.
129, To meet the reformation of urban power distribution networks and to improve the environment protection, we launched our low loss, low noise coiled core transformer as green electric apparatus.
130, As the building of socialist market economy macroeconomy management system, production management system reformation in prison has become an important and necessitous assignment.
131, In the end, it summarizes the impact, and point out its role inthe success of Germany Protestant Reformation.
132, Most of us know about the Protestant Reformation in early 16th century, but efforts to spread "the Word" actually began many centuries earlier.
133, Originally an ancient Celtic settlement, it was a focal point of the Reformation after the arrival of John Calvin in 53'.
134, In the situation of zollverein, the basic principles of impost reformation are the same.
135, The government of Edward VI was not against the Reformation.
136, Econometrics manifests that the pricing reformation of water supplying in China is wholly feasible.
137, With this system, good effect has been gained in technical reformation of a big tire retrofitting and carving machine.
138, Objective: To probe into the value of spiral CT multiplane reformation (MPR) in clinical diagnosis.
139, In September, not only became the first Pope to visit Westminster Abbey since the Protestant Reformation[sentencedict .com], but also shook hands with a clergywoman (another first).
140, Sixthly is whether the police's reformation should do according to our country's higher education's main trend.
141, F or comparing to the newly-built houses, the original houses hold a larger ratio , so the energy-saving reformation will effect directly the fulfillment of thew h ole energy-saving work.
142, The external force, or the pulling force, is an example and orientation of Chinese reformation while the internal force, or the propulsive force, is the motive and power.
143, Vacuum continuous soakage on sweetmeat is grand reformation of sweetmeat processing.
144, Originally an ancient Celtic settlement, it was a focal point of the Reformation after the arrival of John Calvin in 1536.
145, We do think reformation necessary, but our goal is renascence.
146, This paper holds that the idea of " Subjectiveness " is part of the reformation that the Left Wing made in the ever increasing national crisis and nationalism.
147, In Ireland and Scotland "Halloween was largely untouched by the Protestant Reformation " writes Rogers.
148, Reformation and opening to the outside world should Be accompanied with invigoration of the economy.
149, The changes of Chinese corporation income tax system are very significant in the reformation of economic system.
150, The Reformation in Geneva led by John Calvin obviously had its social functions while it reconstructed the theological system and religious life.
151, The Mennonite Church in North America is not large, but its history goes back to the Reformation period.
152, What gave rise in the Western world to what is called "hermeneutics" was in fact the Protestant Reformation.
153, Combining with the midsection haulage system reformation, the "V" type working face overall mining method, which draws ore from the bottom of footwall circle haulage laneway, is proposed.
154, As the philosophical echo of the times and the leading flag of the reformation and open-door policy, DENG's Theory advances with our times.
155, So transplant of plea bargain into China's legal system asks for reformation and perfection of the coupling procedural schemes and legal conceptions, so as to make the best of this doubt-edged sword.
156, The Christian governance of marriage fractured during the Protestant Reformation.
157, The reformation of system of college grad employment brings developmental opportunity for the work of our country's college grad employment and infinitude stress as well.
158, Thereafter, this paper point out the deep crack was the result of epigenetic reformation by unloading effect of river valley and release of high geostatic stress.
158, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
159, In the new period of reformation, a traditional sports of minority has accomplished the approaching to economic and emerged mainstream culture ulteriorly.
160, Application of electronic data processing accounting is inevitable outcome of accounting mechanism reformation and higher education development.
161, The method named "four block, three layer and one line" was employed to practice teaching reformation.
162, With the Reformation, the new branch of Christianity (Protestantism or Lutheranism), was separated from the international Catholic community and the papa in Rome.
163, With the democratization of government, there comes the education reformation.




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