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单词 Verse
1. His book was in parts written in verse.
2. The last verse will be sung in unison.
3. Let's sing the last verse again.
4. Shakespeare wrote mostly in verse.
5. The poet's anger finds expression in the last verse of the poem.
6. She recited a verse from the Bible/the Koran.
7. The writer took a verse from the Bible.
8. Many Elizabethan plays are written in blank verse.
9. This is a verse photographing the human ruins.
10. Here Wordsworth's verse movement closely approaches that of Gray.
11. Latin verse remained completely incomprehensible to me.
12. Sing the second verse allegro.
13. Please turn this piece of prose into verse.
14. He used to declaim French verse to us.
15. Most of Shakespeare's plays are written in blank verse.
16. a potpourri of short stories and humorous verse.
17. This verse describes three signs of spring.
18. He recited a verse of the twenty-third psalm.
19. Shall I sing the descant in the last verse?
20. Written in verse, the play was set in the Middle Ages.
21. His verse has the sing - song rhythm of a poetaster.
22. He wanted to write a verse drama in which the verse would seem a natural expression of modern life.
23. At the end of this verse, we'd like everyone to join in with the chorus.
24. I know the first verse of the song, but I don't know what comes next.
25. I can't quote you chapter and verse but I think it's a line from 'Macbeth'.
26. I can give you chapter and verse for my statement concerning the date of the incident.
27. I have been moved to write a few lines of verse.
28. In rehearsing Shakespeare, I puzzle over the complexities of his verse and prose.
29. 'Brillig' is a made-up word used in a piece of nonsense verse by Lewis Carroll.
30. There was a taste in court circles for romantic verse.
1. His book was in parts written in verse.
2. Let's sing the last verse again.
3. Shakespeare wrote mostly in verse.
4. I have been moved to write a few lines of verse.
5. The poet's anger finds expression in the last verse of the poem.
6. Latin verse remained completely incomprehensible to me.
7. His verse has the sing - song rhythm of a poetaster.
8. I can give you chapter and verse for my statement concerning the date of the incident.
31. She sang the first three verses with a piano and the last verse unaccompanied.
32. The poet fell in love with her and immortalized her in his verse.
33. The poem employs as its first lines a verse plagiarized from a billboard.
34. Each verse was sung as a solo and then everyone joined in on the chorus.
35. Most of the scene is written in verse, but some is in prose.
36. I can't give chapter and verse, but that's the rough outline of our legal position.
37. I can't quote chapter and verse but I can give you the main points the author was making.
38. I will teach you the modes, the verse form.
39. He enjoyed sketching, writing verse and playing music.
40. At seventy-four, he published humorous verse in Latin.
41. The entire play is written in verse.
42. I only know the words to the first verse.
43. Eddie wrote light verse and became editor of Punch.
44. They recite the verse earnestly and proudly.
44. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
45. Together they sing the first verse.
46. These words echo the fist verse of Isaiah 42 1, the Song of the Servant and also Psalm 2 verse7.
47. The singer hit a real clinker in the last verse.
48. Solve the riddle of this verse, Or suffer Ariaca's curse!
49. The first verse concludes: We live at our pleasure, and take our delight.
50. Norbrook also recognises that the love lyric was not the only type of verse to enjoy popularity in the Renaissance.
51. Under orders from her editor, Examiner reporter Rachel Gordon was inspired to verse.
52. Verse 13: although near enough to acquire wealth from maritime trade, Zebulun's territory did not stretch to the sea.
53. It is a build-up song and each person sings a verse with everybody joining in the relevant parts.
54. His eyes narrowed slightly but he started the second verse in the minor key she was using, following her lead.
55. The numbers in her text refer to footnotes in which she spears the novelist with chapter and verse.
56. He suggests at the start of verse 3 that it is a sort of divine reassurance from his dead friend.
57. Benjamin borrowed a quill and a piece of parchment and copied the verse down, word for word.
58. This camp-follower, rogue turned soldier about to become beggar, has no right to speak in verse.
59. Dear Mr Reid Thank you for your clever verse About your favourite side.
60. He brings a book of verse with a few gloomy pictures.
61. His knowledge was real, and he documented it chapter and verse.
62. The play is written in verse, and several sections were intended to be sung.
63. A more expensive model recites a different Koranic verse at each hour.
64. And the verse is accordingly irregular and gnarled and yet sappy, far more like growing timber than like steel rails.
65. Coleridge had developed an apparently relaxed, but in fact extremely clever style of blank verse.
66. Verse is here the morally superior medium, but at least Boult redeems prose from its worst associations.
67. A more violent end meets an earlier pretender to verse, suitably violent as befits the rebel Jack Cade.
68. The verse sounds like a madrigal, the chorus like a party.
69. Their craftsmanship makes it clear that he took the business of composing verse and music very seriously indeed.
70. Whitley, a willowy former City banker, peppered his talk with literary bon mots and some distinctly fast verse.
71. And I could turn out imitative verse which expressed similar sentiments.
72. Intricate issues were summarized in a few phrases or reduced to a line of wretched verse....
73. A number of poets like boxing but, on the other side, only Muhammed Ali has ever liked verse.
74. This letter was prefixed to the second volume of Leapor's verse published in 1751.
75. More literary verse usually has fewer levels of metrical organisation, thus allowing the poet a more flexible use of language.
76. To draw attention to the hospitality provided at his inn Freeth issued printed invitation cards, written in verse.
77. Yet somehow we must do it ... What an exquisite verse from Shelley you quoted.
78. I mean, during the verse of Symphony the kick drum pattern and bass line are totally locked.
79. Elizabeth Barrett Browning explained her own self-starvation in her verse novel Aurora Leigh.
80. Chris Caldwell explained the verse from Proverbs that was posted in Earnhardt's car during the fatal wreck.
81. No wonder that in that same verse Paul bids us be filled with all joy and peace in believing.
82. If I started to sing that verse Janir would sit up in bed and press his hand across my mouth.
83. Verse after verse had sprung from silence to run in fiery lines across the page. Never had he known such rapture.
84. Ermold wrote his verse biography of Louis to win back imperial favour.
85. In Much Ado the shift to verse expresses the bitterness and sense of betrayal felt by Claudio at Hero's supposed infidelity.
86. One day Modi had made a collage by pasting a verse from a popular song around a painting(), in Cubist fashion.
87. I could find no pattern for the use of verse and prose in Los amantes de Teruel.
88. What an evolutionist believes is totally and completely opposite to what is stated in this verse.
89. This would not matter so much if Pound had not been a great technical innovator in verse writing.
90. Athough the text is sometimes represented in stanzas, it does not appear as verse in all the manuscripts.
91. Verse 24: the pit, here mercifully dry, was intended for water storage.
92. The move up to verse can be ineffective, deservedly so.
93. His younger brother would say a verse and then they'd put it together.
94. In 1900 he published, with R. Silyn Roberts, a book of lyrical verse entitled Telynegion.
95. Both have the rhythms that one may associate with free verse poetry, yet few would call these poems.
96. Their lyrics stand up as poems, good light verse in their own right.
97. Heroic couplets, the typical verse form of the Augustan age, were brought to perfection by Alexander Pope.
98. After verse 2 even the city itself remains nameless until verse 25, by which time it is all over.
99. F fable A short story in prose or verse which is written so that a moral may be learnt from it.
100. Honest prose defeats dissembling verse, and the braggart goes off to be a thief.
101. And a couple of performers have trouble with the verse, galloping through the rhymes rather than letting them flow naturally.
102. She was showing him the verse where it says, Husbands love your wives, or words to that effect.
103. These stories are often written in verse, because they are poetry.
104. Nobody knows that this extraordinary verse has been composed by somebody who can not read it.
105. In all but five plays verse is the statistically dominant form and prose has the role of the essential but inferior complement.
106. It is Gunn's memories of his friends lying dying in hospital beds which inspires this verse.
107. It printed prose and verse in broadside and chapbook form till its activities were cut short by the War.
108. Instead they need to find out the rhythms of speech which make the music of the verse work in dramatic form.
109. Because he spoke riddles in verse, or because he didn't believe the story of Flodden?
110. Every morning we were read a verse from the Bible and had to remember it by heart.
111. Writing free verse is like playing tennis with the net down. Robert Frost 
112. A woman who reads her Bible, can quote chapter and Verse in any given situation.
113. He welcomed changes in the life of the University and of the Department in adroitly phrased verse and limericks.
114. Dimly, Patrick Lundy heard the governess' shrill voice repeat - yet again - a line of verse.
115. Three days' journey on into the desert are hurried over in a verse, and then the people run out of water.
116. These poems along with many others in a similar vein, show that working people were articulating aspects of their experience in verse.
117. And I think that Paul has a smile on his face as he writes that verse.
118. She can give him chapter and verse on Finance Acts and other current legislation, and is rigorous in keeping up to date.
119. He is a man who has edited a book of satirical verse.
120. Anna Adams provides written commentary in prose and verse, and Norman contributes nine watercolours.
121. I started to meditate on that verse in relation to my argument with my colleague.
122. Alongside it was a card with a handwritten reminder of the verse.
123. Stirred by a painted beauty to his verse.
124. It also combines the strengths of free verse poetry.
125. He works in blank verse occasionally.
126. Free verse was encouraged along with other new rhythms.
127. She wrote most of her poetry in blank verse.
128. And, by the incantation of the verse.
129. It was in blank verse that she sang.
130. I found myself clutching for a verse from Deuteronomy.
131. And, by the incantation of this verse.
132. Gambling is forbidden in Islam, and the fatwa quotes a verse from the Koran that calls on all Muslims to avoid gambling as an abomination and Satan's handiwork.
133. That's why nonsense verse has such appeal to young children.
134. Objective:To observe the prolactin level, amenorrhea and galactorrhea by Ziprasidone verse Risperidone in treatment of female schizophrenias providing reference for clinical use.sentencedict .com
135. Now this allusion here in this verse epistle to his father is to a passage from the book of Revelation.
136. Both the gender associations of the form and the connoisseurship of its stylistic refinements led to much theorizing on the distinctiveness of tz'u relative to its competing verse form, shih .
137. Writing unrhymed blank verse is like playing tennis without a net.
138. In the Life of Saint Guthlac, written around 740, Guthlac is beset by demons, whereupon he "sang the first verse of the sixty-seventh psalm as if prophetically, 'Let God arise,' etc.
139. The verse form of Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind" has five strophes, and each strophe is exactly the same in form.
140. You can actually see the mechanics of end-stopped verse quite clearly in the rhymed version of Paradise Lost that, admittedly, the great poet John Dryden wrote.
141. Nonsense verse takes an very important position in the history of western literature.
142. A verse from Psalms knifed into Pug's mind: " put not your trust in princes. "
143. You may find that your normal evening workout isn't as easy to do as a morning time workout(), or vice verse.
144. (Verse 24.) Why did they have indignation against the two brothers?
145. Shakespeare's plays, all of them written largely in iambic pentameter verse, are marked by extraordinary poetry, vivid, subtle, and complex characterizations, and a highly inventive use of English.
146. Adorned with a festive collection of colorful pressed flowers and a heartwarming verse, this is a sweetly sentimental way to express your affection! Paraffin wax. 60 hour burning time.
147. Ding Lu holds that Chinese new poetry, which has experienced a lopsided development of free verse, is caught between two horns of dilemma.
148. From 1587 he wrote plays for the London theaters, starting with Tamburlaine the Great (published 1590), in which he established dramatic blank verse.
149. Free verse is like free love; it is contradiction in term.
150. It's a freeing feeling when all of a sudden one day, you're able to verbalize exactly how you feel in a verse, chorus, verse, bridge, chorus pattern.
151. Lines composed primarily of anapestic feet, often with an additional unstressed syllable the end of the first line, are much rarer in English verse.
152. If you don't have an ear for a meter, carry on writing free verse or prose.
153. Before he gets to the point, however, Paul prays for Philemon ; that prayer is the key verse.
154. Look at verse 24,"They will fall by the edge of the sword," so the Jews will be defeated,he says.
155. The heroic couplet is a verse form in epic poetry, with lines of ten syllables and five stresses, in rhyming pairs.
156. From Cui Hao and free verse flowed from eternal charm, let Yellow Crane Tower stand as firm as a rock in a Chinese scholar.
157. Write free verse like playing tennis with the net down.
158. He goes on to explain that this kind of conduct at the Lord's table has brought about the sickness of some and the death of others (verse 30).
159. The British and American imagist poetry and Free Verse Revolution have exerted great influences on the early style of Chinese new poetry.
160. As a great practitioner of nonsense verse, Edward Lear initiated the creation of nonsense in bulk. Many of his aesthetic devices were later widely borrowed.
161. Another verse talks about seeing hungry people standing in line for public aid at the relief office.
162. Measure the reverse breakdown voltage by sourcing a specified re verse current bias, then measuring the voltage drop across the diode.
163. Chinese metrical verse sound pattern contents rhythm and the rules of rhyming.
164. These nouns are compared as they denote the regular patterned ebb and rise of accented and unaccented sounds, especially in music, speech, or verse.
164. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
165. There were three temptations and each time Christ used a part of a verse from the book of Deuteronomy.
166. With nonsense verse, he demonstrated his unique world view, recorded the social situation of his time and displayed his objection to the Victorian seriousness and portentousness.
167. This book brings language to life for children of all ages. It is a delightfully whimsical verse reminiscent of Lewis Carroll's "Jabberwocky" and the works of Dr Seuss.
168. The restriction of verse form is much similar to old Turkic poem and the traditional folk song of Kirghiz .
169. Unfortunately, people usually stop way too soon when interpreting this verse.
170. Buyers' market's formation, the meager profit time's arrival, played a Lang Tao Sha verse role to our country Private enterprise.
171. The Book of Songs is the first anthology of verse in China.
172. It is to be noted that the age of periphrase in verse was the age of crudities in prose.
173. Having a metrically complete pattern, especially having the full number of syllables in the final foot. Used of verse.
174. Not just another way of stating that divine sovereignty and human doing cohere or belong together but more specifically this verse expresses a soteriological truth.
175. It was a verse about the Flower, beginning with "snowdrop" and ending with "snowdrop".
176. Look at verse 12, ] "These are blemishes on your love feast whilst they feast without fear,feeding themselves," and he goes on and condemns the people.
177. If you look back to verse 10, you will see that Peter has just been talking about the day of the Lord and the time when this world is going to come to an end.
178. The site also includes a select bibliography and a metrical introduction to quantitative verse.
179. Up to this point in literary history, only verse written for the theater had been written in unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter, in blank verse.
180. Ending in a syntactic and rhythmic pause . Used of a line of verse or a couplet.
181. There is first the understandable aesthetic power, the power of the beauty of Milton's verse, an aesthetic power that's often thought or felt to inhere somewhere in the poetry itself.
182. The language and meter used by Aeschylus in his plays was the forerunner of blank verse, or unrhymed iambic pentameter.
183. A pause in a line of verse dictated by sense or natural speech rhythm rather than by metrics.
184. But remember our Bible verse?I Thessalonians 5:24 Faithful is he who calleth you who also will do it.
185. On image, CCP emphasizes abstractness while English verse tries to depict the real world.
186. On the exciting kite site, the excited reciter cited my verse.
187. This is one of the reasons that I think that that word that my translation translates,"Hellenist," they spoke to Hellenists in verse 20; I think that's not correct.
188. She failed to give chapter and verse for her charge that he had taken brides.
189. During your upkeep, you may put a verse counter on Recantation.
190. This morning I gave class on a verse from the Third Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam about the glories of the brahminical, or priestly, order.
191. To chime the notes of his emotion, a verse mysteriously entered the correspondent's head.
192. Feet, of course, has a lot of meanings, and Milton's poetic feet, the material of the verse written in six and eight and ten syllables in this poem, are also in 1634 printless -- they're unpublished.
192. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
193. This verse seems follow on the excommunication of the blind man Christ had just healed.
194. There were five literary forms in Liu Yu-xi's allegoric prose, such as, argumentation, memoir, preface, Fu (descriptive prose interspersed with verse) and poetry.
195. This fact about English has long been exploited by poets in creating the English language's most common verse form, iambic pentameter.
196. Notice the Philippians verse also says, "By prayer and petition, with thanksgiving."
197. He sometimes spoke blank verse under his breath to imaginary dark women.
198. As a poetic form in Chinese poetry, the trisyllabic verse has been ignored in the academic circle over a long period.
199. A verse form Psalms knifed into her mind;"put not your trust in princes."
200. Soviet poet whose collections of verse include Parabola ( 1960 ) and The Triangular Pear ( 1962 ).
201. Darwin and Wedgwood shared a hatred of the slave trade, contributing money and propaganda — in the form of anti-slavery verse and ceramic curios — to the "sacred cause" of abolition.
202. Writers such as William Shakespeare, John Milton and Christopher Marlowe almost exclusively used blank verse in their famous works.
203. With their dreamy music scapes , intense vocal style and one of the best guitar players in China, Muma has written chapter and verse of what great indie rock in China is all about.
204. None of these people had ever seen any poet but an old white-haired man who had written volumes of easy, too-honied verse, and run through his money and gone clean out of his mind.
205. The accented or long part of a metrical foot , especially in accentual verse.
206. Give Chapter and Verse and Author for Transshipment , copy or other using.




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