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单词 Retired person
1. A retired person should not be made to feel he's on the shelf.
2. Total savings per retired person then rise by.
3. The pension of a single retired person mainly dependent on state benefits is £58.88 and that of a couple is £101.50.
4. We can recommend that any retired person join the local Town Twinning Association.
4. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
5. She too looks like a retired person, retired from the turbulence beyond the perimeter wall.
6. Retired person can sometimes be the real victims of inflation.
7. The role of a retired person is no longer to possess one .
8. A retired person will focus on health and spirituality more than anything else.
9. Retired person, pensioner. Code this only if no other occupation is given, e. g. a retired police officer is coded 4; a retired politician is coded 2.
10. My father is a grade A example of an energetic retired person.
11. Public Health and SS service for all citizens works great for as long as you have a ratio of 3 working people to 1 retired person.
12. It is not always a simple matter for an older, retired person to find a satisfactory outlet for his or her energies and abilities.
13. Besides, we can also take the policy of giving free admission first to children, then to the retired person, and last to the public.
14. "There is a lot of pressure on China's pension system, " he told China Daily. "Every two taxpayers would have to pay the social security expenses of one retired person by 2035.




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