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单词 Bliss
1 The first six months of marriage were sheer bliss.
2 Swimming on a hot day is sheer bliss.
3 What bliss to be going on holiday.
4 It was a scene of such domestic bliss.
5 Lying back in the hot bath was utter bliss.
6 They're celebrating 25 years of wedded bliss.
7 My idea of bliss is a month in the Bahamas.
8 My idea of bliss is a hot day and an ice-cold beer.
9 What bliss! I don't have to go to work today.
10 Some doctors believe ignorance is bliss and don't give their patients all the facts.
11 Elaine and Ian have been living in wedded bliss for almost half a year now.
12 It's sheer bliss to be able to spend the day in bed.
13 If you like fish,[] this menu is bliss.
14 Only for such beings is ignorance not bliss.
15 There, heavenly bliss can be anticipated without sinful distraction!
16 The following 12 sun-filled days were bliss.
17 The way home is warm bliss, drying off naturally.
18 These recipes are intended to be unadulterated bliss.
19 Bliss is totally pleasuring with no frills or snobbery.
20 The thermal shock is, by comparison, bliss.
21 Defile, and then flee to the bliss of oblivion.
22 Truth, therefore, is socially fractious, while ignorance is bliss.
23 There was no bliss in his inflection.
24 Joy and bliss can come from the little and most unexpected thing if only we program our mind to enjoy these little things. RVM 
25 I like to go off on my own - to sit back and bliss out in a darkened move theater.
26 Lying on a sunny beach is my idea of sheer bliss.
27 Mr Lowe has just celebrated six months of wedded bliss to his sweetheart Ellen.
28 I didn't have to get up till 11 - it was sheer bliss.
29 We had the perfect holiday - two weeks of unalloyed bliss.
30 Even one day lost in misery is a great loss, for the day will never come back again. You lose 24 hours of happiness, joy & bliss. Live each day in happiness. RVM 
1 The first six months of marriage were sheer bliss.
2 I like to go off on my own - to sit back and bliss out in a darkened move theater.
3 Lying on a sunny beach is my idea of sheer bliss.
4 Mr Lowe has just celebrated six months of wedded bliss to his sweetheart Ellen.
31 It wasn't what you would call marital bliss, but it was a good, solid marriage.
32 But then it's probably a case of ignorance is bliss.
33 I left him, sunk in bliss, and busied myself in the kitchen.
34 Sometimes, but only very rarely do I touch a piece of bliss when I grope in the dark.
35 I have my own theory: ignorance is bliss. The less you know, the more confident you can be in tackling things. Stephen Richards 
36 What bliss not to have to eat a huge fried breakfast to please a bacon-happy landlady!
37 Death was not necessarily a portal to the blank bliss of absolute nothingness. It was a deep dive into the unknown. Amy Tan 
38 In the credits, this was a nice comic moment, underpinning a scene of domestic bliss.
38 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
39 My God, a moment of bliss. Why, isn't that enough for a whole lifetime? Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
40 Except, even before disaster struck, Sally-Anne had begun to awaken from her dream of bliss.
41 Certainly they now boasted insistently of the marital bliss of their daughter and the solid Civil Service progress of their son.
42 It was a celebration not just of 25 years' wedded bliss, but also the modern Labour Party.
43 His universalism seemed to offer unending real misery punctuated by periods of illusory bliss.
44 And hey presto-it's time to consider how to celebrate 25 years of conjugal bliss.
45 This migration into bliss was offered in return for the living of a life according to the relevant teachings.
46 I didn't even have to bother with understanding that incomprehension is bliss.
47 That might yield a perverse bliss compared with his present adversity.
48 Bliss believed that the most important aspect of a classification scheme was the order of its main classes.
49 Understanding these latter effects requires a brief look at the brain circuits of bliss.
50 The place had been a quiet country house in his books. Domestic bliss and all the rest.
51 However, June looks like being a month of domestic bliss with some happy twists of fate in store.
52 But in some cases ignorance was bliss. Poor darling would have enough to cope with soon enough.
53 Those few brief months after their marriage had been a truly wonderful period of emotional bliss and happiness.
54 Alas, such bliss costs several thousand dollars a month, out of range for most of us.
55 Walt and Marge lived in connubial bliss for over 50 years.
56 I am therefore bliss for poor old Gooseneck, who this week has already suffered five losses.
57 To experience fully the intensity of each moment must mean to experience its anguish as well as its bliss.
58 I am not suggesting that shared parenting ensures marital bliss.
59 A feeling of bliss came over him as he fell asleep.
60 Bliss, his reptilian face suggested, was what he expected to find with this succubus at the top of the stairs.
61 She looked into his dark eyes and submerged herself in the bliss of being flattered.
62 Live with integrity, respect the rights of other people, and follow your own bliss. Nathaniel Branden 
63 After what appeared to be nine years of wedded bliss, the couple has separated.
64 Thus, for animals in the absence of suffering, ignorance is bliss.
65 However, Bliss was hostile to complete analysis, preferring to opt for a more detailed enumeration of subjects.
66 She had the sail up and stood on the sun deck, her black eyes bright with bliss.
67 Lying in the warm sun, listening to the sea was sheer bliss.
68 Hello! has won a reputation as heralding disaster by featuring families apparently in bliss just before they hit the rocks.
69 Enjoy the bliss of just being...without being dependent on anything! RVM 
70 The greatest joy on earth is to truly love. Discover love today. Experience the bliss & fulfillment that comes from loving and caring. Love is magical. RVM 
71 Tensions soon simmered beneath the impression of domestic harmony and marital bliss.
72 Those fairy forms of bliss Elysian.
73 She clings to a romantic fantasy of wedded bliss.
74 To the Yogi everything is bliss.
75 Afterward, lie around with both women in post-coital bliss.
76 White-headed conjugal bliss, to tie the knot!
77 Our life was unadulterated bliss.
78 The air is clean, stars are visible in their spangled glory at night, and in the fall and winter a roaring fire in a potbellied stove is complete bliss.
79 Thanks of the luckiness, bliss , and joy, of happiness.
80 The seductive savoriness and sweetness of chocolate will enchant you with an experience of style and bliss.
81 You will realize your identity with Brahman, Existence - Knowledge - Bliss Absolute.
82 Auspicious dragon bliss jade CARDS, modelling concise, carver delicate, pelosi is natural and graceful of natural, is the good, or add the relatives and friends of exquisite jade baldric.
83 I had scarcely seen him when I was filled with unutterable joy and inconceivable bliss.
84 It meant an annihilation of the Will, a release from individuated existence from the prison of being oneself and dissolution into the all-embracing bliss of nothingness.
85 It'sticks its little proboscis in and just stays right there, bathed in bliss.
86 This is the first bonanza of merit, bonanza of skillfulness , nourishment of bliss.
87 They were in a state of bliss during the honeymoon.
88 It is a long time now since I knew that acute moment of bliss that comes from putting parched lips to a cup of cold water.
89 Hogan told me he had tasted the joys of connubial bliss.
90 And research published yesterday found that a woman's inability to fall asleep can be bad for marriage. Insomniac husbands, however, do not have the same detrimental effect on wedded bliss.
91 That's the only reason Katia Garrett and Don Salzman married after 21 years of unwedded bliss, during which time they'd bought a house together and had two kids.
92 Using their research, Women's Health identified five simple ways to reallocate your budget so that you feel more bliss.
93 First, there's Croll's postulation that Microsoft needs to bring its various devices into a single melding pot of synchronic software-mating bliss.
94 Dharma is for the true enlightenment and practice with the heart; "Suchness can be enlightened, Thusness needs practices; "it is to create a land of bliss inside a person's mind.
95 CARMAN, BLISS ( 1801 -- 1929 ) Canadian - born poet, after 1888 made his home in New York and Connecticut.
96 Will lucky sevens result in wedded bliss for the lucky in love?
97 METHOD Bliss method ( QUANTAL procedure ) was used to calculate LD 50 and 95 % confident limit.
98 At that time his life will overflow with meaning and bliss.
99 AMERICA is the country, said Alexis de Tocqueville, where the bonds of marriage are most respected and the concept of connubial bliss "has its highest and truest expression.
100 Thorntown's bucolic bliss was to a corporate sponsor , Campbell Soup. But such efforts are not enough.
101 In Savikalpa Samadhi we get the taste of Bliss and Beingness but are still attached fast to our erroneous identification with the body as well as to our numerous worldly attractions.
102 I'm always there for you, and for my boundless bliss , untapped and unstudied.
103 The answer then isn't looking for yourself, but having the courage to live unabashedly, to do what truly brings you bliss.
104 To sleep on my own and not hear the boys snore or grunt was pure bliss.
105 When it comes to following your bliss, kids have the art down pat.
106 I am Pure Knowledge and Bliss : I am ? iva ! I am? iva!
107 Method: Bliss law was introduced to determine LD 50 of walnut oil.
108 For some time together I remained in this self-forgetful state of bliss.
109 The chief architect of post war Republican organizational strength into Ohio was Ray C . Bliss.
110 Kingship over human beings is a meager thing when compared with heavenly bliss.
111 There is a love called the white-headed conjugal bliss an...
112 Happiness in sharks hasn't yet been studied or proven, but my bet would be that shark bliss occurs at these seamount stations.
113 This is the third bonanza of merit, bonanza of skillfulness, nourishment of bliss.
114 LD 50 was 205.05 mg · kg - 1 by Bliss methods.
115 The soul of the true philosopher, which has, in life, been liberated from thraldom to the flesh, will, after death, depart to the invisible world, to live in bliss in the company of the gods.
116 Most self-help books on the subject offer tips on how to maximize one's bliss, but a new study suggests that moderate happiness may be preferable to full-fledged elation.
117 I pethidine and then the epidural , which was bliss.
118 I thought only of the bliss given me to drink in so abundant a flow.
119 Get real, wake up and smell post coital bliss those who embrace women with high libidos are luxuriating in!
120 This is the second bonanza of merit, bonanza of skillfulness, nourishment of bliss.
121 And our vivacious, playful Cassis Rose fragrance just radiates bliss.
122 I'm always there for you, and for our boundless bliss, untapped and unstudied.
123 My friend Harry Bliss (New Yorker cartoonist and fellow Vermonter) was kind enough to put me in touch with Mankoff's assistant, who told me to show up on July 12 so Mankoff could look at my work.
124 Yogis seeking transcontinental bliss head these days to Mysore, the City of Palaces, in southern India.
125 Everlastingly , with all the divine bliss within me, I eternally suffer for one and all – thus I am crucified eternally and continually for all.
126 In the "Revolution Backpack", Jack Kerouac wandered a spiritual journey from ego to anatta, and perceived a bliss of anatta in Zen meditation.
127 It is widely believed that listening to Hanuman Chalisa will bring peace and bliss.
128 Now Joseph Campbell said something else about following you bliss that may sound contradictory.
129 The Caravanserai Resort, the popular Sunset Beach Bar and other restaurants/night clubs such as Bamboo Bernies and Bliss are located nearby.
130 I do not need your birthday greetings. The Divine is perennially in bliss.
131 An English professor at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, Mr Wilson has crafted a tirade against the country's "wanton" embrace of "manic bliss".




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