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单词 Carriage
1 We'll be sitting in the second carriage.
2 The carriage left a trail of dust.
3 The carriage passed through the palace gates.
4 I dismissed the carriage and walked the last mile.
5 The driver's whip snapped and our carriage ran fast.
6 The carriage can post from London to Bath in only two days.
7 The President-elect followed in an open carriage drawn by six beautiful gray horses.
8 We'll be sitting in the second carriage from the bottom of the train.
9 The Queen arrived in a horse - drawn carriage.
10 Another railway carriage has been hitched on.
11 The carriage overturned and the passengers pitched out.
12 He paid the carriage hire to the driver.
13 That will be £150, carriage included.
14 A carriage was waiting to convey her home.
15 The carriage was spinning along at a good speed.
16 The Queen's carriage headed the procession.
17 The King arrived in a horse-drawn carriage.
18 Your carriage has been hitched,Sir.
19 It costs £10.86 for one litre including carriage.
20 The horses were hitched to a shiny black carriage.
21 He sat in the corner of a second-class carriage.
22 It costs £45.50 including carriage.
23 There's a seat in the next carriage.
24 Her carriage and diction were always faultless.
25 The carriage upset and we were all spilled into the ditch.
26 Smokers and nonsmokers can not be equally free in the same railway carriage
27 They battled strong winds and heavy rains in their carriage.
28 Canals in the area were originally built for the carriage of coal.
29 Because of the large crowd in the street the carriage was unable to pass.
30 Much to his disgust, he found himself sharing a carriage with a noisy young family.
1 We'll be sitting in the second carriage.
2 I dismissed the carriage and walked the last mile.
3 The driver's whip snapped and our carriage ran fast.
4 They battled strong winds and heavy rains in their carriage.
5 The carriage can post from London to Bath in only two days.
6 The President-elect followed in an open carriage drawn by six beautiful gray horses.
7 Canals in the area were originally built for the carriage of coal.
8 We'll be sitting in the second carriage from the bottom of the train.
9 Because of the large crowd in the street the carriage was unable to pass.
10 The Queen arrived in a horse - drawn carriage.
11 He paid the carriage hire to the driver.
12 The carriage was spinning along at a good speed.
13 Her carriage and diction were always faultless.
14 The carriage upset and we were all spilled into the ditch.
31 A printer has a carriage which holds and moves the paper.
32 The railway carriage became so hot that air misted the windows.
33 She showed her pedigree on her face and in her carriage.
34 The coachman cracked his whip and the carriage lurched forward.
35 Her legs were long and fine, her hips slender, her carriage erect.
36 The carriage was put on view for the public to see.
37 He doffed his hat to her as she passed in her carriage.
38 With every jar of the carriage, the children shrieked with excitement.
39 I fought my way into a carriage just before the doors closed.
40 Hitch up my carriage, let me ask him for longer time to pay back the loan.
41 When candidates went stumping around the country, people traveled for miles on foot, by horse, by carriage to hear them speak.
42 The carriage at the end of the train was left stranded when the coupling broke.
43 Orders are despatched within 28 days but allow time for carriage.
44 Part of the gentleman's duty in former times was to hand a lady in when she entered her carriage in great Britain.
45 Slide the lace carriage over to the right.
46 I breathed out hard in the empty carriage.
47 I'd take carriage clocks and videos.
48 The lace carriage, for transfer lace.
49 Carriage driving is the closest thing to riding.
50 Stop with the carriage at the left.
51 The second way is with my wonderful garter carriage.
52 They went into town in a borrowed carriage.
53 If you start with the carriage at the left, the first row of the pattern will only be knitted once.
54 I saw his carriage, a fine two-horse brougham, pull away as I arrived for my visit.
55 By vastly cheapening the carriage of heavy materials over long distances(), the canals also brought about indirect changes in the landscape.
56 The numbers give the number of plain rows to work with the main carriage.
57 There are three points to watch as you use the rib transfer carriage.
58 We leapt into a carriage at the end of the train.
59 When they left she found an antique carriage clock in the hallway missing and also some jewellery.
60 The carriage has no means, at that point, of knowing that you have moved the point cam.
61 I drove home in the carriage with Martha and Lisa.
62 As Ashi dressed swiftly her eyes were drawn back to the carriage clock.
63 We were rescued by Truc who had again been trying to catch up on his sleep farther down the open carriage.
64 Its sponsor, a local arts patron named Clara Bates, befriended the teenager and installed him in her carriage house.
65 He gave a slight sardonic grunt, remembering how excited he had been in that railway carriage on his way to Carewscourt.
66 Alternatively you can feed the elastic through the carriage from the floor.
67 Select the needles and move the lace carriage to the left, as shown by the straight arrow and knit two rows.
68 The main carriage is free again and can knit two more rows.
69 The church bell was tolling mournfully as the carriage entered the cemetery gate.
70 Being Carrie she stared crossly out of the carriage window at the big mountain on the far side of the valley.
71 Before I could alight from the carriage she was hastily walking away.
72 So you can't use a punchcard carriage on an electronic machine.
73 The father then flung the contents of the hat out of the open carriage window.
74 The inquest jury was only able to say John Newton died accidentally by falling through a carriage door.
75 The passenger wagons were not going into town for another half hour,() so I hired a carriage and went in myself.
76 I get into a carriage and take Berlioz out of my briefcase.
77 A charred baby carriage still stood on the altar steps, exactly where it had been found after the massacre.
78 Nahum Morey rarely drove in his carriage up to London now that the railway had come to Chertsey.
79 This could, for example, be your address complete with tab and carriage return settings, or a frequently used sentence.
80 The door of the shuddering carriage burst open, and Fedorov tumbled out, struggling with the woman.
81 At 9.15am Wood made a trial approach with the under carriage down.
82 Every time the carriage passes across the needlebed, it reads the position of the N1 cam and the point cams.
83 Complete the lace message - pull the selected lever and move the lace carriage to the right.
84 Remember to knit a loose row first before using the transfer carriage.
85 The soldiers so blocked spectators' view that the onlookers cheered, thinking the president was in the carriage.
85 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
86 You will then be supplied with a lace carriage tuned to that machine.
87 The format of the bed should be lace carriage at the left and main carriage at the right before selecting needles.
88 In the silence she heard the ticking of the carriage clock.
89 You might imagine that returning the lace carriage to the left will affect the previous transference, but this is not so.
90 One of the problems for garter carriage owners is that this is no longer possible.
91 Because there was neither carriage nor honeymoon Harry was saved the bother of providing sacks of rose-petal confetti.
92 They advise that if you want to knit lace you buy the lace carriage with the machine.
93 The main lace carriage is on the right and the lace carriage is on the left.
94 Knit two rows as shown by the curved arrow then select the needles and move the lace carriage to the right.
95 That is, you have to imitate the main carriage knitting at Main Tension plus 4.
96 At Wolverhampton the carriage had all but emptied, leaving only a sleeping woman cradling a badminton racket.
97 Snoring louder than ever he fumbled again and I saw him insert a small blade into the side of the carriage.
98 Miranda and Angus sat in a velvet-lined, crimson booth that reminded her of an old-fashioned railway carriage.
99 Straight arrows show in which direction to move the lace carriage.
100 If you try to move the carriage too lightly or too quickly you might not transfer the stitches firmly enough.
101 The file will be stored on disk line by line, with a carriage return after each line.
102 It was in the railway carriage as Earle had been coming back from the late night rally in the North West.
103 Harry boarded it and the man followed, selecting a seat several rows distant but facing Harry down the open carriage.
104 Knitting as much as possible with the garter carriage is not always the quickest way to complete a garment.
105 Now, in the reluctant dawn light, he stood eyeing the carriage and rubbing his grizzled chin.
106 She left the carriage and came into Marlott on foot.
107 The rapist got into the same carriage and followed her from Hillingdon station, Middx.
108 And that was the moment Nora chose to open the carriage door.
109 Two women tore the nylons I was wearing - really good ones - another dragged a baby carriage across my ninety-dollar shoes.
110 Diane is also organising an extra one day course on the garter carriage in the autumn - phone for date and details.
111 Now that punchcards exist it is quicker and less troublesome to let your lace carriage transfer the stitch for you.
112 Put Magic cams on to the carriage and place the point cams where you wish the motif to go.
113 It also warned against thieves at stations and advised that possessions should not be left near carriage windows.
114 The manual suggests that you move the carriage as if ironing and this is a very apt description.
115 Leadburn Inn Dine in luxurious splendour in a beautifully converted railway carriage, which affords panoramic views over the Pentlands.
116 If you have been meaning to knit with the garter carriage, why not try something very simple?
117 Ffestiniog's Railway's buffet car No. 114 which incorporates refrigeration equipment and a carriage heating system.
118 Two plastic rounded handles are screwed to each side of the motor carriage, and serve to control the plunge action.
119 I've had my rib transfer carriage about nine years and I've only just discovered that!
120 They pushed and shoved, reaching through the carriage windows to reserve places by laying their scarves along the bench.
121 Mutual anger surmounts mutual embarrassment through the rest of the long dark carriage ride.
122 As before this simply tells you in which direction to move the lace carriage to transfer the selected stitches.
123 For that row, the main carriage has to be set as for stocking stitch, that is with cam lever on 0.
124 An elegant carriage and a vivacious manner must have added to her physical attractions.
125 Now she is walking toward him, half a block away, pushing a baby carriage.
126 Don't forget, those of you with ribbers, these need cleaning and oiling as well, as does the lace carriage.
127 The passenger in the railway carriage would drop his head into his newspaper and avert his eyes from the window.
128 Carriage at right: Knit 1 row to left with background colour. * Carriage at left: Pick up colour 2.
129 Leadburn Inn Dine in splendour in a beautifully converted railway carriage.
130 And the fabulous Brecon Beacons National Park flows past every single carriage window.
131 The rib transfer carriage is lowered on to the needlebed to the right of the knitting.
132 Knit a hem in the usual way in stocking stitch ending with the carriage at the right.
133 That is all it does, once the stitches have been transferred, the main carriage will knit the row.
134 I like them particularly for Chunky machines which of course do not have a garter carriage.
135 He glanced at the carriage clock on the polished rosewood desk.
136 Now set the back carriage to slip, by pressing the O button.
137 She travelled partly by carriage and partly on foot, carrying her basket.
138 He had jumped down to open the carriage door for her and Charlotte and the child made to get in.
139 Carriage of wood, coal and iron also created work for carters and watermen.
140 It can even include invisible codes such as carriage returns, tab stops, indentations, and format changes.
141 The transaction settled, Heather got back into the carriage, feeling triumphant as usual when outsmarting males at their own game.
142 To make the needles knit, the carriage must be set as for stocking stitch.
143 The straight arrow indicates the direction of the lace carriage.
144 Both lights on the other side of the carriage work, so I change seats.
145 The main carriage operates from the right-hand edge and the lace carriage from the left-hand edge.
146 Death raced downstairs and out the front door to look in the baby carriage under the cherry tree.
147 The curved arrows refer to the main carriage and the straight arrows to the lace carriage.
148 It is always a thrilling experience to make the journey with face pressed against the carriage window.
149 He sent for his carriage and jumped in,(http:///carriage.html) and after telling his coachman to drive fast he ordered him to stop.
150 When allocating time for the garter carriage, first decide whether it is possible to leave it knitting all night.
151 And there was being thrown from the railway bridge and landing on top of the moving carriage.
152 Because the front bed is now the main bed, the main tension is set on the front carriage.
153 A baby carriage was overturned, and a heavy rain of black ash descended for a long while afterward.
154 The two Davises were seated in a carriage pulling their cart, which contained photographic equipment.
155 A man in a fur hat, long black leather coat(), white shirt and silver tie got into the carriage.
156 At the front of the rib transfer carriage there are some metal prongs.
157 An eddy of chill air swirled into the carriage, fastening on his knuckles.
158 The hired carriage was dismissed.
159 Davis went to regain his carriage.
160 The conductor shambled to the next carriage.
161 I'll be sitting in the third carriage from the engine.
162 1879 -- George Selden's patent for a " gasoline carriage " granted.
163 A carriage door struck him as a train drew into Basildon station.
164 There are many people who " the moment they alight from the official carriage " make a hullabaloo.




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