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单词 Sexed
1. All he thinks about is sex.
2. A taboo against sex before marriage.
3. He took a vow to abstain from alcohol/smoking/sex.
4. Abstain from sex or use condoms.
5. Sex is considered taboo as a topic for discussion.
6. Please indicate your sex and date of birth below.
7. She is exempt from sex discrimination laws.
8. Is there a taboo against sex before marriage in your society?
9. He cared for her as a whole person rather than just a sex object.
10. She still has the energy and sex appeal of a woman less than half her age.
11. The students we spoke to were surprisingly uninhibited in talking about sex.
12. In a position of authority, a weakness for the opposite sex leaves you open to blackmail.
13. How well off you are in old age is largely determined by race, sex, and marital status.
14. The law requires equal treatment for all, regardless of race, religion, or sex.
15. Food, like sex, is a subject of almost universal interest.
16. Microscopic examination of a cell's chromo-somes can reveal the sex of the fetus.
17. Naomi admits that it was peer pressure to be "cool" that drove her into having sex early.
18. We've decided to sex up the movie with some battles scenes.
19. The authorities often know that sex offenders will attack again when they are released.
20. The affair was the most sensational political sex scandal of the century.
21. They can not be sexed when small, but it would be better to obtain an unrelated female to avoid inbreeding.
22. The birds must be weighed, sexed and tagged.
23. In the animal world,() the highly sexed Bonobo chimpanzees are known to kiss each other passionately. And orangutans in Borneo have learnt to kiss each other by observing humans.
24. Naked and sexed she rolls among the clouds in the violet light of the stars.
25. The government denied that they had SEXED UP the report to make the front page.
26. Frontosa can only be sexed reliably by venting, and even this method cannot always be trusted.
27. They also have a greater tendency to rate themselves as ambitious, highly sexed, strong-willed and well endowed.
28. Miss Moneypenny: You know, this category of activity could remember as sexed harassment.
29. Though many writings have the sense of something like political demurrer , they also express a kind of sexed ideology of slave and appendage.
30. In short, be cautious of any one ready to sell you sexed frontosa; make sure they're experienced and reputable.




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