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单词 Wayland
1. Wayland is typical of the way Britain's natural heritage is scattered throughout a working agricultural environment.
2. As the body count rose, Gainesville Police Chief Wayland Clifton called for help from the FBI, the Florida Highway Patrol and other agencies.
3. Between Sudbury and Wayland the meadows acquire their greatest breadth, and when covered with water, they form a handsome chain of shallow vernal lakes, resorted to by numerous gulls and ducks.
4. On august 9,2005 a figure appeared in Wayland Smithy with Mayan symbolism they clearly gave us a date, May 20, the day when Earth, the Pleiades and the sun align.
5. He returned to Mount Tantiss on Wayland, and killed the Imperial officer in charge of the new cloning operation there.
6. The strange standing stones, remnants of a burial chamber, are said to house an invisible living occupant - Wayland.
7. So do the birds that form the dawn chorus at Wayland.
8. That car there, in the stream of lights flowing along the Parkway - that might be the Waylands.
9. It was at this time that rumors surfaced of a Jedi Master hidden on the remote world of Wayland.
10. While the Empire sought to exert control over distant worlds, C'baoth was content to rule over Wayland.
11. She was presumed killed in the First Battle of Gyndine, but in reality went to Wayland to investigate Yuuzhan Vong activity there, along with her two male companions.
12. He maintained that he had killed the Guardian of the Emperor's vaults, and took his place ruling over the natives of Wayland.
13. A short time later, when Leia needed to get to the planet Wayland, Ghent rigged a fake Imperial transponder code on the Wild Karrde that allowed it to carry her there.
14. Thrawn found the cloned C'baoth protecting the Emperor's secret storehouse on the planet Wayland.




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