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单词 Chernobyl
1. Anti-nuclear protesters regarded the Chernobyl accident as a clear vindication of their campaign.
2. Yevdoxia put it down to Chernobyl.
3. Chernobyl had further tipped the balance.
4. With Chernobyl the foreign market collapsed overnight.
5. The 1986 nuclear disaster in Chernobyl spread radiation worldwide.
6. When the accident happened at Chernobyl he was at a party meeting in Moscow.
7. Chernobyl was undoubtedly a setback for nuclear power, but it grows increasingly hard to see it as its death knell.
8. But the country's economy is contracting, and Chernobyl is no longer seen as vital to its energy needs.
9. The reactors are similar in design to the Chernobyl plant but have undergone a number of modifications since 1986.
10. Ten years on, the area around Chernobyl remains radioactive and split into four zones.
11. Its two reactors are of the Chernobyl type and became operational in 1983 and 1986 respectively.
12. Nuclear nervousness predates Chernobyl; but what happened there greatly strengthened it.
13. Chernobyl spelled out the dangers in letters ten feet high.
14. It's not just industrial pollution and radiation from Chernobyl, 50 miles upstream.
14. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
15. Chernobyl is to close completely by the end of the year by order of parliament.
16. The nuclear accident at Chernobyl affected this country even though we are hundreds of miles from the reactor.
17. Or, following Chernobyl, for physics students not to develop a sensitivity to the biological and environmental dimensions of their studies.
18. Spurred by a sense of the growing opposition, especially after Chernobyl, it began to agitate at the grass roots.
19. On April 26, 1986, a nuclear accident occurred at Chernobyl in the Soviet Union.
20. The fact is, Wal-Mart provides about as much financial help to a community as Chernobyl.
21. Even three years after the accident, the shadow of Chernobyl still hung heavily over the proceedings.
22. Chernobyl restart One of the three power plants at the Chernobyl nuclear reactor was restarted on Oct. 16.
23. Perversely, however, wildlife in the area immediately surrounding the Chernobyl reactor appears to be flourishing 14 years after the accident.
24. The Agency organized two international agreements, prepared since 1982 but signed in September 1986 as a result of the Chernobyl accident.
25. They stressed, however, that there had been no radiation leak at the plant, which is of the Chernobyl type.
26. The study linked the increase directly to the radioactive fallout from Chernobyl.
27. Now scientists at the Harwell Laboratory in Oxfordshire are sending three tonnes of protective clothing to Chernobyl to help the clean-up operation.
28. Later studies have concentrated on comparisons with attitudes to oil development in Dorset and on reactions to Chernobyl.
29. Their genetic code cells were showing similar deformities to those of Chernobyl residents.
30. Cambridge University is to coordinate an international effort to find out how the Chernobyl disaster caused a huge increase in child cancer.
31. Of the four reactors at Chernobyl, one-unit three-is still operational.
32. A year after Chernobyl the scare about radioactive food had died down.
33. Consider Three Mile Island and the accident at Chernobyl.
34. People in Chernobyl were subjected to radiation.
35. Both Three Mile Island and Chernobyl were flukes.
36. But the Chernobyl Forum had another purpose as well.
37. In an interview with TIME, the engineer in charge of dealing with the fallout from Chernobyl, Andrei Savin, warns that history could indeed be repeating itself in Japan.
38. Also, the fallout from Chernobyl spread erratically, differing significantly from computer - generated models used by emergency planners.
39. After reactor No. 4 exploded at Chernobyl in 1986 due to errors in both design and operation it sent plumes of radioactive dust as far away as Japan and the U.S.
40. She became involved with political causes after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
41. He is most famous for his work as the chief of the investigation committee of the Chernobyl disaster on April 26th 1986.
42. The Chernobyl accident raised serious doubts about emergency planning in the United States.
43. On the outskirts of Chernobyl , in a town called Chernigov, stands a children's cancer hospital.
44. Among plant employees and firefighters at Chernobyl, many volunteered to try to tame, and then entomb, the burning reactor — although it is not clear that all were told the truth about the risks.
45. The all of samples were collected after Chernobyl nuclear accident for reference.
46. Like You'd Understand, Anyway reaches from Chernobyl to Bridgeport, with a host of narrators only Shepard could bring to pitch-perfect life.
47. Tennis star donates US $ 100,000 to eight Chernobyl recovery projects in Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine.
48. That the nuclear reactor burnt in Chernobyl brought Russian a crop of misfortunes.
49. In Chernobyl the explosion was caused by excessive pressure buildup hydrogen explosion and rupture of all containments propelling molten core material into the environment (a "dirty bomb").
50. At Chernobyl in 1986, there was a large escape of nuclear fallout into the atmosphere.
51. Next month is the twenty-fifth anniversary of the explosion and fire that destroyed a reactor at Chernobyl in Ukraine.
52. The threat of meltdown at the Japanese plant comes as Ukraine is still dealing with the impact of the Chernobyl as it approaches the 25th anniversary.
53. The Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident in the Soviet Union sent radioactive dust particles hundreds and even thousands of kilometers away, with health effects occurring close in.
54. But the legacy of Chernobyl and other accidents has changed that.
55. Following the Chernobyl accident, the radiation was prolonged and mainly isotopic. Exposure was therefore via ingestion and inhalation of radiostopes, mainly iodine-131 and caesium-137.
56. UN figure of around 4, 000 eventual deaths as a result of the Chernobyl accident is lower than the official annual death-rate in Chinese coal mines. Yet there are good reasons for public concern.
57. Scores gleaned from the HUB had kept Caldwell in Chernobyl Chicken and pizza for eighteen months.




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