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单词 Stomata
1 Mr Reynolds' main preoccupation before his operation is with the stoma which will be formed during the procedure.
2 The patient was weaned off parenteral nutrition by the end of the second month and the stoma was closed after 5 months.
3 Stoma care and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis are examples of this.
4 Formation of a stoma requires the patient to change his usual bowel habit.
5 He bathed again and the stoma care nurse then marked the proposed site for the stoma on his skin.
6 Epidermal cells on areas with stomata are polygonous.
7 Therefore stomata are not required in water plant.
8 Once again, the morphology, stomata, guard cell, chloroplasts, chromosomes number and the nuclear DNA content of doubling and control Eustoma grandiflorum were compared.
9 The numbers of stomata on the adaxial surfaces are more than or sometimes the same as those on the abaxial surfaces in subulate leaves of Taxodiaceae.
10 Characteristics of leaf epidermis cells and stomata apparatus of 2 species in genus Acorus and 5 species belonging to 5 genera in Araceae were observed under the light microscope.
11 The opening of stomata seems to be an energy - consuming process.
12 The results showed that stomata distributed in upper and lower epidermis of petal(), bract and calyx.
13 But some of it also enters the stomata, or tiny pores, on the leaves and is drawn down through the branches to the roots.
14 The distribution of trichome and stomata in the leaf was not even.
15 The results showed that the peritoneal stomata, which were only found between the cuboidal cells, were formed by the cytoplasmic processes of nearby cells.
16 Morphology and development of adaxial stomata on tooth tips of grape leaves were observed with light microscope and scanning electron microscope.
17 Gaseous excretion takes place by diffusion through the stomata and lenticels.
18 Photosynthesis of flower organs was also measured. Stomata were on the surface of sepal, vexilla, keel, anther, gynophore, ovary, and style but not wing or filaments.
19 Like most other plant surfaces the surface of a pepper or capsicum has stomata.
20 But there were several obvious characteristic differences among them, such as trichome on style and torus, cuticle and stomata on nectary, shape and surface of pollen.
21 Antitranspirants may work by depositing a waterproof film over the stomata or by inducing stomatal closure.
22 Despite less sensitive to mild drought stress in jack pine than in black spruce, stomata was more sensitive to moderate and severe stress in jack pine than in black spruce.
23 We have built an efficient method to observe the stomata of monocotyledon by improving the traditional one.
24 Objective To explain the routes of absorbing particulates in the pleural cavity by observing the morphosis structure of the mesothelial stomata.
25 Plants breath in air and breath out moisture through tiny pores called stomata.
26 The origin and utilizing value of weedy rices were discussed according to their hybridism, stomata distribution disordered i. e. middle stomata on leaves, etc.
27 Calamus type: Subtype A: epidermal cells hexagonal, net like arranged; stomata tetracytic or paracytic, found in C. henryanus Becc.
28 Under conditions of water stress, leaf turgor decreases and stomata close.
29 In Acorus both upper and lower epidermis cells are rectangle or rhombus, and the stomata apparatus are paracytic and arrange in rows along the veins.




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