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单词 Squirrel
1. The squirrel has laid in a store of nuts for the winter.
2. The grey squirrel is now naturalized in Britain.
3. The squirrel scampered across the lawn.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. The red squirrel is a native of Britain.
5. The grey squirrel was introduced into Britain from North America.
6. As soon as I get paid, I squirrel some money away so I won't be tempted to spend it.
7. The red squirrel is in danger of becoming extinct in England.
8. The red squirrel has become virtually extinct in most of the country.
9. The squirrel disappeared into a hollow at the base of the tree.
10. Could it have been planted by a red squirrel?
11. A red squirrel was another early riser.
12. Mrs Squirrel will wear an apron, naturally.
13. We had rabbit and squirrel, too, anything but opossum.
14. Kari shuddered at the sight of the dead squirrel.
15. Topping the dinner menu were roadkill rabbit and squirrel, and of course also deer.
16. She now felt herself to be like the squirrel, staring with bright inimical eyes at a sad domestic beast.
17. I see fresh red squirrel and hare tracks, but curiously none at all of weasel.
18. Doubtless a single-engined Squirrel wouldn't have been powerful enough to get his chins off the ground.
19. Theresa tipped the can over; the squirrel, looking ragged, scooted toward liberation.
20. A visitor was attempting to lure a squirrel close for a picture by dangling and rattling his car keys.
21. And then he blagged a twin-engined Squirrel helicopter to take him home from a rugby match.
22. For a few seconds the squirrel was behind a few pine twigs that were blocking its view towards me.
23. Both the red squirrel and the polecat can be found here.
24. Have you a stuffed bird or squirrel or stoat in a glass case?
25. Wearing a duffel coat over yesterday's military outfit, he was feeding hazelnuts to a squirrel.
26. They say a pest control campaign is needed to stop a squirrel population explosion.
27. It is the speed and the extra space that make the Squirrel commercially attractive.
28. Last year I had seen, just like yesterday, a red squirrel behaving very curiously.
29. Other species covered by the programme include the dormouse, natterjack toad, red squirrel and stinking hawk's-beard.
30. All was safely gathered in and Mr and Mrs Squirrel Nutkin's hoard was laid up for winter's sustenance.
1. The squirrel has laid in a store of nuts for the winter.
31. A grey squirrel, spry after its winter sleep, startled Ben by scampering across his path.
32. Like the squirrel, he should marry only some one of precisely the same blood lines as himself.
33. The ground squirrel is another mammal that has adopted the practice of throwing things - primarily at its main predators, snakes.
33. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
34. The squirrel that you kill in jest, dies in earnest. Henry David Thoreau 
35. A striking example of a creature isolated by geological change is the white-tailed, tassel-eared Kaibab squirrel.
36. The children hid little caches of five stones in the most unlikely places, like reserves of nuts a squirrel would hide.
37. She stood, laughing at him, her arms brown against her childish white vest, the squirrel peering round her neck.
38. There was a grey squirrel nipping up and down a hazel tree near the stream.
39. Here and there a red squirrel jumped down noisily, then hopped back on to a horizontal log cushioned with soft green moss.
40. On the way down I see a red squirrel sitting hunched up and immobile, on a maple tree.
41. Two are in the front and no bulkhead intrudes into the Squirrel cabin so the rear seat passengers have excellent all-round vision.
42. As a result, the otter, barn owl and red squirrel are now virtually extinct in many parts of the country.
43. He looked at Angelina and overate, the right side of his. face ballooned like a heavyweight squirrel.
44. It will be fun to come back in a month or two, to see which apples the squirrel has retrieved.
45. I examined closely where the squirrel had bitten the branches, and found the bite marks in the thin bark.
46. But that old squirrel never got far from the next pounce.
47. The quest for more space inside the cabin and greater speed was answered by the Squirrel.
48. And Sophia said she had a grey squirrel fur coat too.
49. I wonder: does the squirrel remember where it has cached all of these apples?
50. The squirrel did not chew bark to get at sap or something else.
51. Eee-Eee told the squirrel to get out of my spacesuit.
52. Further building development would threaten valuable badger and red squirrel habitats.
53. Motor control standard Squirrel Cage 4 - pole motor.
54. A squirrel barked at him from a beech tree.
55. Maybe they would wanly hand a baseball to Squirrel.
56. A grey squirrel is scampering from limb to limb.
57. Hammy the Squirrel: I know! Lets name it Steve.
58. Goring a rabbit or a squirrel?
59. Pygmy flying squirrel western cowboy adventure in mind.
60. The squirrel kept his hoard in a tree.
61. Proud answer says the flying squirrel.
62. A flying squirrel munches a meal on terra firma.
63. The squirrel stashes away nuts for winter.
63. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
64. Red squirrel in the snow.
65. A squirrel runs along on a transmission line.
66. Hammy the Squirrel: Its a pretty name.
67. A squirrel hoards nuts for the winter.
68. How does a flying squirrel fly without wings?
69. They stretch out their legs like flying squirrel.
70. I don't hanker after squirrel meat.
71. Take the UK's red squirrel.
72. Hammy the Squirrel: I know! Let's name It'steve.
73. It's a large, clumsy, burrowing squirrel.
74. Flying Squirrel Flying squirrels (Pteromyini) include 43 different species.
75. What does a flying squirrel look like? It just looks like other squirrels.
76. The rotor winding may be either of two types, the squirrel - cage type or the wound - rotor type.
77. Before the Hallowmas, on this family door stair some pumpkins are good food for the little squirrel.
78. It plays tag with the wind. September is a changeling busy as a squirrel in a hickory tree, idle as a languid brook.
79. It is estimated people squirrel away more than 40% of their disposable earnings, some of which will be savings in case of a health emergency.
80. Squirrel monkeys, capybara, Gambian pouch rats, scorpions, Butterfly Peacock fish, a menagerie of parakeets, the list goes on, and on and on.
81. Squirrel - Sylvan retirement being the delight of its bearer.
82. The word-for-word quote, from David Kirkpatrick's book "The Facebook Effect": "A squirrel dying in front of your house may be more relevant to your interests right now than people dying in Africa."
83. Evan found someone to fund his research on the mating habits of the squirrel monkey.
84. A practical die structure and the process for die casting squirrel cage rotor are presented.
85. There's behavioral and sat on them, and one four - winged, feathered dinoevidently glided like a flying squirrel.
86. A hunter may get tularemia , or rabbit fever, when he handles an infected rabbit or squirrel.
87. So the scientists got to wondering: what would happen if they gave a boy squirrel monkey the same opsin that girls have.
88. Red squirrel is important economic animals of the northeast forest zone in China, has important role for maintaining the biodiversity and the stability of this area forest ecosystem.
89. The flying squirrel doesn't actually fly, but glides from tree to tree.
90. The main types of motor are squirrel - cage, winding and differential types.
91. We want to buy Tuna, Mahi Mahi, Squirrel Fish, Marlin, Oilfish, Swordfish, Wahoo, Sailfish Seafood.
92. A method to detect squirrel cage induction motors with broken rotor bars and eccentricity is presented.
93. When Squirrel returned, the other four were with her: gaunt grey-haired Myrtle, Willow Witch-Eye with her long black braid, Frenya of the thick waist and enormous breasts, Holly with her knife.
94. The other day I saw a squirrel in my garden.
95. Because the squirrel cage rotor real structure is considered, the model can be used to simulate the motors normal state, external faults and broken bars and rings faults exactly.
96. The game introduce: The lovely red panda withdraws previous remark flavor, he even likes to eat the fruit of various each kind now, lo, he takes off to have a fruit under the help of the squirrel.
97. Even found someone to fund his research on the mating habits of the squirrel monkey.
98. Among them most abundant are Talai hare, yellow weasel and rock squirrel.
99. The smallest anteater is the dwarf anteater, also called the silky or two-toed anteater. It is about the size of a large squirrel.
100. One day, she went to the park to play on the swing and saw a cute black squirrel.
101. But inflation should also drive up your salary, allowing you to squirrel away more money.
102. According to a report published online in the journal Nature, researchers have used gene therapy to allow color-blind squirrel monkeys to look at their fruit in a whole new light.
103. Profits have been more than enough to cover corporate spending in many parts of the rich world, leaving an excess of funds for firms to squirrel away.
104. How soldiers could not find the cat has a small ground squirrel.
105. September is a changeling, busy as a squirrel in a hickory tree, idle as a languid brook.
106. The squirrel makes a store of nuts for the winter.
107. A ground squirrel emerges into a field of wildflowers in the Canadian Rockies.
108. Sleep would come easily and in the morning the red squirrel would be on the roof, tapping out his gay routine.
109. The red squirrel, coursing down the nearest bough, was particularly familiar and inquisitive.
110. On Google - Squirrel is the common name for rodents of the family Sciuridae, and can sometimes be used to describe someone who is a 'goof' or 'clown'.
111. I suspect the rot set in when Tufty the Squirrel cornered the Road Safety Market.
112. He sat in the back of the Great Hall, not far from the horses, watching Abel, Rowan, and a mousy brown-haired washerwoman called Squirrel attack slabs of stale brown bread fried in bacon grease.
113. Most of the females, on the other hand, see in full color. So the scientists got to wondering: what would happen if they gave a boy squirrel monkey the same opsin that girls have.
114. The wolf might have strayed away after a squirrel or partridge.
115. The most common squirrels in the United States are the red squirrel and the gray squirrel.
116. First, several living species, including certain lemurs, several rodents and a type of flying squirrel, still have an appendix attached to a large cecum which is used in digestion.
117. The squirrel Comes to cheer them, too. Come on, come on!
118. Tambun, 60, said he was crouching to shoot a squirrel with his blowpipe when he spied the big cat eyeing him for dinner.
119. We're talking about a recording artiste who has won so many local music awards, she has announced she no longer wants to squirrel away any more.
120. Squirrel, squirrel, eat a nut. With his teeth cut cut cut.
121. Operation of an inverter fed asynchronous squirrel cage motor must be affected by supplementary loss from saturation and higher harmonics, then the efficiency of the motor is decreased.
122. Britain's 5 million grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) have become all but friendless in the UK for endangering the red squirrel, and they are becoming a delicacy, too.
123. He saved like a lunatic squirrel for a new ice age.
124. To him, the birds sang, the squirrel chattered and the flowers bloomed.
125. The squirrel can steer somewhat by moving its wrists and adjusting the tautness of its patagium.
126. Series Y 2 three - phase induction motor is defined as totally closed, squirrel cage motors with aluminum frame.
127. The driving motor is of watertight, triple phases, pole - changing, squirrel - cage type .
128. September is a challenging busy as a squirrel in a hickory tree, idle as a languid brook.
129. Mr Phelps, 51, has seen the fox squirrel, a native of North America, become so overweight that a low-calorie diet would seem to be required.
130. Add frogs, turtles, deer and the endangered Delmarva fox squirrel, and you have a great Chesapeake Bay experience awaiting you.
131. Scientists also fear native species of crab could be overwhelmed like the red squirrel, on the verge of extinction after being pushed out by greys from the US.
132. Finally we take a look at the red squirrel, one of Britain's best loved wild creatures. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
133. And remember, NiCad batteries contain toxic cadmium stuff, so save a squirrel and recycle/dispose of it properly.
134. Miss squirrel didn't pull the grass. Instead, she went away.
135. A squirrel monkey, his body swathed in protective silicon rubber padding, is strapped into a capsule as part of a training exercise for spaceflight.
136. This paper develops a set of real time motor control prototype based on a squirrel - cage motor.
137. The utility model can be used in all squirrel cage type asynchronous motors, particularly suitable for vehicle squirrel cage type asynchronous motor.
138. Last month a squirrel hunter was almost mauled to death by a tiger in Malaysia, but his soup ladle-wielding wife saved him.
139. Squirrel monkey vocalization can be considered as a suitable model for the study in humans of the neurobiological basis of nonverbal emotional vocal utterances, such as laughing, crying, and groaning.
140. How awful to be caught up in the terrible squirrel cage of self.
141. Other monsters include Gamera, a giant turtle, and the absurd Varan the Unbelievable, a large reptile resembling a flying squirrel.
142. So let's say you're a common ground squirrel. Just for a moment, pretend you're minding your own business, searching for seeds, doing whatever it is that squirrels like to do.
143. The little squirrel held a pinecone to its chest and jumped into the tree.
144. An approach of on - line condition - monitoring and mixed fault diagnosis for squirrel cage induction motors is introduced.
145. The red squirrel seemed to have nothing to say too.
146. September a changeling, busy a squirrel a hickory tree, idle a languid brook.
147. What do you do with the detritus of a former relationship? Torch everything? Sell the diamonds? Squirrel away the love letters and photos in the attic?
148. The little squirrel came to the garden and saw some grass.
149. Cats are more and more thirsty to drink water, when a small ground squirrel took the opportunity away.
150. North Dakota gets its nickname, the Flickertail State not from some bird, but from a little squirrel.
151. Some animals, as the fox and the squirrel, have bushy tails.
152. Any of various mammals of the order Rodentia, such as a mouse, rat, squirrel, or beaver, characterized by large incisors adapted for gnawing or nibbling.
153. The installation program will also allow you to add a shortcut to SQuirreL to your Windows Start menu.
154. The driver of the car sheered to avoid hitting the squirrel.
155. Three - phase list asynchronous motor of squirrel cage starting characteristic the parameter resolution through the electrical machinery.
156. The "saber-toothed squirrel" study was published today in the journal Nature.
157. She told Squizzy that she had never seen a black squirrel before and that he was special.
158. II animals: monkey, pangolin, giant squirrel, otters, large Viverra, sambar, birds of prey, silver pheasant, peacock pythonsteindachneri, python s, etc. 12.
159. September is a changeling busy as squirrel in a hickory tree(), idle as a languid brook.
160. Monitor photographer stumbles upon a squirrel who is bolding lounging on a bench, ready for his closeup.
161. The controller provides an adaptive estimate of the turbine shaft torque as a torque reference for a field oriented squirrel cage induction machine.
162. The Pine Tree project has completed extensive environmental impact studies to monitor and protect threatened and endangered species including the desert tortoise and the Mojave ground squirrel.
163. In one type of squirrel monkey, the males lack a visual pigment called L-opsin.
164. More than 60 mammal species—like the famous flying squirrel—have adapted the ability to sail from tree to tree. Thrilling, yes. But what's the evolutionary advantage?
165. The Chinese public's response is to squirrel away cash to pay for health care and education.
166. Squirrel slipped away, soft-footed as she always was. Rowan walked Theon from the hall.
167. California ground squirrel is released after being checked by scientists in a conservation programme designed to aid burrowing owls in San Diego County.
168. Sick or infant deer are considered a far safer match for most inebriated humans; kicking a raccoon or squirrel already dying by the side of the road is also recommended.
169. This wild squirrel has learned that nuts tend to be hidden under a particular egg cup, so he goes straight to it.
170. Miraculously preserved though she is, she may look to the untrained eye like a roadkill squirrel, and she belongs to a time – 47m years ago – too remote to contemplate.
171. This invention provides a kind of high starting torque squirrel cage type asynchronous elecric machine. It is composed of the stator 14, rotor, ends coverings, shaft bearings, etc.
172. Even though they seldom if ever catch a squirrel they derive pleasure from the chase.
173. Zokors, Mongolian ground squirrel, Squirrel, Cricetilus hamster, and Brown hare etc. are the mutual species in the every community.
174. When they leap from a tall tree, a flying squirrel will spread its skin flaps until it resembles a kite or parachute.
175. Like the other "Ice Age" films, it involves a dangerous journey and time is found to torture the poor little saber-toothed squirrel, Scrat.
176. Two squirrel monkeys that were colour-blind from birth have had their vision restored after receiving gene therapy.
177. Cat said soldiers were thirsty, and a small ground squirrel pointed wells.
178. Considering the two species Daurian ground squirrel plagues, early warning index be density of S. dauricus and its body flea index, or burrow track flea one.
179. The beating wheel and the carding roller adopt a squirrel cage structure.
180. September a challenging busy as a squirrel a hickory tree, idle as a languid brook.
181. "Please, Master Gruntle, " answered Diggery, "it is only Bushy Tail Squirrel, asking for something to eat.
182. Raccoon removal squirrel control Fredericksburg, Stafford, Virginia, and wildlife snake Skunk Valley pest control services experts bats, squirrels, mice, and remove the raccoons.
183. The meadow mouse has slept in his 5)snug gallery in the sod, the owl has sat in a hollow tree in the depth of the swamp, the rabbit, the squirrel, and the fox have all been housed.
184. State and federal agriculture and wildlife officials boarded the plane, set traps and captured the eastern gray squirrel.
185. Cats have to drink from a small ground squirrel put pepper well water.
186. Squirrel away the love letters and photos in the attic?
187. Yes, if we get rid of pine monoculture (usually thought "good") we also get rid of the last habitat the red squirrel survives in ("bad").
188. It's based on profits, not compassion. And the more Americans it can keep in a state of chronic disease, without curing them, the more profits it can squirrel away.




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