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单词 Courant
1. Constant revision keeps the book au courant.
2. Se tenir au courant de l'actualit é , des grandes questions d'actualit é en France et dans le monde.
3. The Americans want to be au courant , to know what fiction has critical prestige in Europe.
4. By reading reviews, you can keep au courant with new developments in literature, films, television, and the theater.
5. Every few years a new public policy issue becomes au courant for authors.
6. It was the second that appeared in America, called the New England Courant.
7. As for books Google has removed for editorial reasons, Courant said, "we're going to have to live in a somewhat mixed environment... We also hold a lot of digitized product not in Google.
8. Fermez la fen ê tre , de crainte que le courant d'air ne vienne à briser le carreau.
9. Translate the following sentence into Chinese, 'With designer T-shirts and jeans in the hefty three figures, there are men for whom staying au courant is worth the investment.




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